Wednesday, March 17, 2010 is the origins of this article. As a favor to a friend I am mirroring it here in the interests of Free speech. 

This is their mission: “This blog is dedicated to all…who have suffered due to the ruthless financial pursuits of…George Soros. Your stories are many and varied, but the theme is the same: the destructive power of greed without conscience. The website pledges to tirelessly watch Soros wherever he goes and to print the truth in the hope that he will one day stop preying upon the world’s poor…that justice will be served.”

George Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for some years now. People have been warning us. Two years ago Bill O’Reilly said on “The O’Reilly Factor” that “Soros [is] an extremist who wants open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and on and on. This is off-the-chart dangerous….” (Source)

In 1997 Rachel Ehrenfeld wrote, “Soros uses his philanthropy to change—or more accurately deconstruct—the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people. His “open society” is not about freedom; it is about license. His vision rejects the notion of ordered liberty, in favor of an ideology of rights and entitlements.”

Perhaps the most important of these “whistle blowers” are David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Their book “The Shadow Party” outlines in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party, and now owns it lock, stock, and barrel.

Soros has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, and ousting moderate Democrats for years. I don’t have time to do the subject justice in this article, but FrontPage’s Jamie Glazov has an excellent interview with Richard Poe, which will fill you in on many of the facts.

The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which became the Obama Administration. (another good source) writes, “By his [Soros’] own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia. When Soros targets a country for “regime change,” he begins by creating a shadow government—a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises. The Shadow Party he has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup.”

  “Der Spiegel,” gave an interview before Omama's election, in which Soros gives his opinion on what the next Chief Executive  should do after taking office. “I think we need a large stimulus package….” Soros thought that around 600 billion would be about right.

Soros also said that “I think this is a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence. The U.S. needs a cap and trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights.”

Any of this sound familiar?

Although Soros doesn’t (yet) own the Republican Party, like he does the Democrats, make no mistake, his tentacles are spread throughout the Republican Party as well.

Soros is a partner in the Carlyle Group where he has invested more than 100 million dollars. According to an article by “The Baltimore Chronicle’s” Alice Cherbonnier, the Carlye Group is run by “a veritable who’s who of former Republican leaders,” from CIA man Frank Carlucci, to CIA head [and ex-President] George Bush, Sr.

In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton—Dick Cheney’s old stomping grounds.

When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time. Republican Senator John McCain was the keynote speaker at the “Soros Convention” (so labelled by the late Robert Novak) in Philadelphia.

Soros has dirtied both sides of the aisle, trust me. And if that weren’t bad enough, he has long held connections with the CIA.

And I musn’t forget to mention Soros’ involvement with the MSM (Main Stream Media), the entertainment industry (e.g. he owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner), and the various political advertising organizations he funnels millions to.

As Matthew Vadum writes, “The liberal billionaire-turned-philanthropist has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his EVIL message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives.”

Richard Poe writes, “Soros’ private philanthropy, totaling nearly $5 billion, continues undermining America’s traditional Western values. His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments
in social engineering.”

Some of the many NGOs (None Government Organizations) that Soros funds with his billions are:, the Apollo Alliance, Media Matters for America, the Tides Foundation, the ACLU, ACORN, PDIA (Project on Death In America), La Raza, and many more. For a more complete list, with brief descriptions of the NGOs, go to

Poe continues, “Through his global web of Open Society Institutes and Open Society Foundations, Soros has spent 25 years recruiting, training, indoctrinating and installing a network of loyal operatives in 50 countries, placing them in positions of influence and power in media, government, finance and academia.”

 America currently faces the greatest challenge to its existence as a free republic since the Civil War. Not by another Nation State, not by another Military, but by the Bankers and their nefarious ilk...

There are more Articles on George Soros on this website.  


Elray said...

When you begin to study this truly evil individual you see the similarities between he and Barack Obama. They both are sociopaths in their lack of concern over the actions that they are taking and who gets hurt along the way.

Very ironic that Soros has benefited so greatly from not only the free-market capitalistic society he claims to detest but that he moved to this country which he also hates and became so successful.

What end does it serve to force the world to be mediocre and oppressed and miserable?

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't someone take this sadistic, ruthless, greedy, treasonous BASTARD OUT !????????????????

Anonymous said...

I've heard several times that Soros is either 100% or the primary owner of PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE. Is there any evidence that this is true?

Anonymous said...

Explain why comes up as forbidden and I cannot open this website on my computer?

KyudoNV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KyudoNV said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

why is the site down? and is anybody in contact with the operator of the site?
this seems to be an important site for the people to have access to.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

agreed, he must die

Anonymous said...

he has his financial appendages many, many us corps...

Anonymous said...

Can I have an e-mail to send your column out. It will go to well known people and diverse. I want him exposed until he runs out of this country with his puppets and illegal a long side of him. He should be in prison doing a 5,000 year term a long with his puppets, but we already paid enough for him with our country.

Keep on exposing him until you kick him out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WHY DON'T THEY PUT HIM UNDER FBI Watch..I am sure they can put him in jail from all that is posted about him...

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to get Log in here and the truth I don't like log ins. I like my comments free and open even with Nazi gate keepers putting me on or not, which I know how to get around them.

But Soros and Gregorian have not only destroyed the US completely from taking the US from a great nation to a third world country. They have hurt l0 other countries at the same time. Just like a child should not be by a pedophile, a dog should not be by Vick, a country should not be by Soros and Gregorian. Yes they are US citizens, but they did not just rob a bank or any other felony they destroyed the Americans and America. Soros has done harm to l0 other countries. So I don't want the US citizens to have to pay for their country club jails after they sucked the blood out of the American people for the last l8 years while the media, US Senators and US Reps just just sat there and watched the Americans suffer. I just want them exposed and kicked out so we can get our country back, before their next step which is North American Union and NWO and we no longer have a country.

You wondered what happened to your country, the Democratic Party and even the Republican Party, because even though Soros controls and owns the so called Democratic Party, but goes on both sides of the aisle. I remember Ronnie Reagan in 2004 saying "this is not my father's Republican Party." I am sure just like clintons and obama are Soros' and Gregorian's puppets, bush was someone's puppet too and his puppet. You wondered how the ACLU and La Rasa etc have so much power. But now you know SOROS. Just don't sit there call the WH comment line tell you know about Soros and Gregorian just one or two people won't do it. Plus the volunteers have heard about Soros. I called and said a year ago to the WH comment line and said Soros and Gregorian. The WH volunteer said to me Gregorian is a new one for me, but I hear about Soros all the time. Durbin's DC male staffer told me he heard about Soros a couple other times. Call them and keep on calling them like Numbers USA activist do against amnesty. There are more of us than them and at least they will know that we know about Soros and Gregorian and that we want them out NOW.

I know he is 80 old and Gregorian from Iran and Lebanon about 76. But they could live to be 95 and be senile and have Alzheimer with half the people of 85 having Alzheimer which is not always noticeable at first, esp. with the way crazy Soros thinks. We went from King Crazy George lll to King Crazy George Soros. We have a madman running this country yell to everyone and to the sky to kick out and expose Soros and Gregorian to save America and Americans which he has destroyed.

On the radio l7 years ago it said that the FBI warns the dons of a hit, in the l970's the Italian mafia said they were going into legitimate business and politics, someone who would know says the Italian mafia owns the sidewalks we walk on. The politics part of it and the way Soros owns and funds so many thing scares me. Get them out of this country to some island with their multi billions NOW. Call the WH comment line, call your Senators and US Reps that you want Soros and Gregorian kicked out for hijacking your country and making it a third world dictatorship so we can get our country back. It is the only thing we can do. Unless you want to take it to the streets.

Anonymous said...

yes, I couldn't get into easily either. What's up? Forbidden?

Sheila aka Helga said...

FYI: is just some jewelry site.
Has the real been hijacked by someone? Why can't we get onto it?
This seems to be an incredibly important site for Americans to have access to.

Anonymous said...

Try this:

Anonymous said...

Funny thing, It was my intention to educate myself on Soros, as to maintain objectivity in my opinion. So I'm reading through and I read "Soros has dirtied both sides of the isle, trust me" Really? Trust you?! I don't even know who you are! Early in this "article" you use Bill O'Reilly as a talking point, again, "Really!?" That man works for a shadowy "news" (I use the term very loosly here) station that will spin and edit stories to fit his own agenda.(if you want proof of this, just go to and search "Fox lies") Finally, you quote Soros as saying "I think this is a great opportunity to deal with global warming and energy independence." What is so wrong about that!?!? Preventing the poles from melting and preventing future wars over fossil fuels!! I really don't understand where you're comming from, you dont make a very good point. Oh, and another thing I noticed, in the comments, some of you actually called for an assassination!? And those comments were left up! I can only imagine what kind of comments were removed by the moderator, and assume that this comment will end up with those.

Anonymous said...

You Tube!!!!!! Now there is a reputable news source. Before you discredit why don't you take the time to get BOTH sides before you go into your , poles are melting,tress are dying routine.
Your great leader, Al Gore, tells everybody the seas are rising, the poles are melting, and then buys a multi million dollar home on the coast. I would suggest you need to wake up and smell the coffee!

Anonymous said...

who posted the next to last comment. George Soro's ...I'm sure he is reading all of this.

Anonymous said...

We know he is evil. Why don't we all start praying for him, that he will find Christ, repent for what he has done and emerge a new and better man. His life would finally be filled with peace and love and his soul saved. What could be better than that. Christ said we should pray for our enemies. Let's do it worldwide, starting with Soros.

Unknown said...

Pray for him? Pray for the common folk who's lives (and generations after them) are ripped appart by evil people such as him... Pray for him my ass, my creator wouldn't let someone like him into heaven just because he lies and finds god on his death bed! All crimanals do that... those who want to go to heaven should live their lives like they mean it, not believe only to save their sorry soals! The creator isn't ignorant and kindness isn't weekness... What we can do: DO YOUR RESEARCH THEN GET OUT AND VOTE! Not sure who's the best choice (have 15 months to decide), but, almost anything is better than this administration.

Anonymous said...


L. Edward Carroll said...

If you rob a bank you go to prison for a minimum of 10 years. If you rob an entire country, you get a light fine and a slap on the wrist. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the Soros site keeps moving. None of the URL's posted in here are up and running. Someone's blocking it intentionally, any guess as to WHO it is? Hmmm...

As to the comment about not wanting to pray for Soros salvation, sorry buddy but that is plain prideful. Many prayers can help "save" this man. What happens to him is none of our concern, we cannot judge him. The point is getting him saved so he can stop doing the horrific things he does and would be able to right some of his wrongs - to STOP demolishing people and countries.
Prayer can and will stop the NWO!

Anonymous said...

I will do whatever I can to spread this information to as many people as I can...I first heard of him from a relative, and it still gives me chills...I share, share, share everything I find on him and use my Facebook shamelessly as a tool to make his name a known one to as many I can..since I first googled him I have seen how the information regarding the truth is becoming harder to find now and only pops up if you are looking for it specifically...

Anonymous said...

Sites like this one and articles elsewhere are precious because I've got this nagging feeling voice telling me that they are not going to be here for us to access in the future...I save as many as I can...

Anonymous said...

God help us all.

Anonymous said...

I just shared his story with yet another friend who is himself now immersed in reading all the articles I've saved..I encouraged him as I've done others that the most important thing he can do is to share it as I've done to keep it going. Soroz. Likes to hide...I'm exposing him, one american at a time..

Anonymous said...

This is for the person who doesent "trust" what he/she has read regarding George Soroz earlier in the comments...I've done my research, and he really is that evil...the facts sound like opinion and exaggerated tales because they are so mind blowing, and they aren't opinion. That us what makes it so terrifying. This man is Satan himself.

Anonymous said...

Was it Mr. Soroz himself who made that comment? It sounded as though this blog hit a personal note with that commentator, in my opinion..we know what your doing, George. And in the end, I'll see you in hell, of that I am quite certain.

Anonymous said...

This man owns One West Bank and Fannie May. He has continued the same days of his youth now kicking Americans out of their homes. This is a power trip for him. This son of Satan needs to have his money taken away from him and left he left the homeowners. However, the poor basssdtrd is 85 and will likely find himself in nursing care, wetting and drooling on himself waiting to die, hoping to die. There he will find there is a God and a hell.

Anonymous said...

Witness names George Soros (along with Belgian/Dutch Royals, former judges, high ranking military officers) as participant in human hunting party where naked children/teens are drugged, hunted in the woods, shot, and victim males' penises cut off as hunting trophies. Visit and watch Just OUTRAGEOUS. Let's take this to the streets. Anyone with me?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous, praying for George Soros would be like praying for Hitler to let the Jews live. Better to pray for someone to put a round behind his ear or just above his left eye. Jus sayin.