Friday, February 28, 2014

Obama Acting Weak and Appearing Weak

Today, February 28th 2014  President Obama made a weak, watery statement bemoaning the  developing situation in Ukraine. During the short, pointless press conference, Obama expressed “deep” concern over reports of Russian military movements in Crimea.

“We are now deeply concerned by reports of military movements taken by the Russian federation inside the Ukraine,” the president stated. “Any violation of sovereignty in Ukraine would be deeply destabilizing to the region.” The President also expressed U.S. support for Ukraine’s new prime minister, which means in political speak..."Your on your own."

“It’s Not in the interest of Russia, Ukraine, or Europe,” claimed the President. “It would be a clear violation of international law.” The President also stated that there will be “costs” if any Russian military intervention is taken. At the end of his speech, President Obama pledged to continue communicating with European allies and the Russian government to resolve the situation, but many believe Putin isn’t listening.

Putin is not listening because obama has no balls, no spine, and never in a thousand years would he DARE to take on the Russian Juggernaut.   Obama will however, talk, stammer, make weak proclamations about unity, hope, and various other nonsensical talking points. That's IF his teleprompter is working.

Meanwhile, Putin is putting ships to sea, boots on the ground and sending Russian tanks into the disputed Crimean Peninsula. All under the guies of protecting Russian citizens in the Peninsula. Putin and the Russian Federation KNOW with certainty that obama is a spineless paper tiger who is fast becoming a lame duck president.  Not only do the Russian know this but so does the rest of the world.  

America is weak, leaderless, and no longer has the finances or the will power for sustained warfare.  The great cluster Fu*k in Iraq coupled with the decade long debacle in Afghanistan has effectively gutted the American coffers and left the US military exhausted and battle weary.  Now, obama and the clueless Democrats in their infinite wisdow think that shrinking and already stretched too thin military is a great idea.  Not only shrink the military but eviscerate it so badly that the US would be unable to effectively respond to any thing larger then a regional conflict.  

To be honest most Americans are fed up with this administrations incompetence and are more concerned with the fact that the economy is in the toilet and jobs are more scarce then an honest politician in Washington.  

 Make no mistake Putin knows that America is weak, he can smell the yellow on obama like cheap cologne.  Putin and the Russian Federation are doing what any chess grandmaster would do in a time like this....Take advantage of your opponents weakness and  grab everything that is not nailed down. 

Right now, with the Americans out of the way, why shouldn't Putin re-take the Crimean Peninsula. Its only been in the hands of the Ukrainian people for 59 years.  Ukraine’s province of Crimea is about 50% Russian.    Many citizens in the region identify with Russia. They do not want obama to intervene in their economic affairs. Kiev’s finance minister said it needs $35 billion in aid by the end of 2015 if the country is to avoid bankruptcy and collapse. Yanukovich had fears concerning an IMF bailout because they have already destroyed several governments in southern Europe.  Look at Greece, it is worse off now than it was before getting bailed out, because, in exchange for loans, the country had to introduce extreme austerity measures. These measures usually amount to a looting of the treasury and a lowered quality of life for the citizenry, which ultimately leads to more civil unrest and economic turmoil.

The European Union (IMF) has said it will provide funds if the Ukrainian government will sign an EU association agreement. Former Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovich refused to sign the EU association agreement in November and opted to instead sign a $15 billion aid package with Moscow because he knew the American had no backbone and lets be frank, the Russians play hard ball.

  Lets not kid ourselves the mostly Russian people of the Crimean Peninsula are more then happy to return to a strong Russian Federation rather then be a weak NATO puppet for a cowardly American President.  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Sandy Hook Lies and Deception Campaign to Overturn the 2nd Amendment

Wolfgang W. Halbig doesn’t believe anyone was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, and he’s looking for some answers. So many answers, in fact, that he was paid a visit by some police investigators telling him to back off.

Mr. Halbig isn’t your average Investigator.    He’s worked in public education as a teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal of an alternative school and as the Director for School Safety and Security for the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.

A former Florida State Trooper and United States Customs Inspector, Mr. Halbig was invited by the U.S. Department of Justice to train over 3,500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals. He travels the country providing presentations and keynotes to a variety of school board associations and conferences and is a nationally-recognized school safety and security expert and consultant, who has provided safety training and school assessments for more than 4,000 school districts nationwide.

After I watched this video multiple times, I deem THIS video to be EXTREMELY CREDIBLE, and I would bet my life on the TRUTH this man wants and feels necessary   to share with America. He wants to to know the TRUTH, and is  "challenging' what REALLY happened at the Sandy School shooting ,  based on his expertise and credibility.  Because he challenged the 'official "facts"  on what the media was trying to say happened., detectives CAME TO HIS house to "warn" him that he'd better STOP asking questions about  what REALLY happened at the Sandy School Elementary shooting.

Make no mistake Hitler convinced the Germans that the 'children' would be safer if all Germans gave up their guns. It was all a lie!  The real truth is that Hitler, like every other TYRANT in history, would NEVER been able to slaughter the JEWS if they had been armed.  Same thing with Stalin he took the guns, which left the Russian people defenseless. The result was 80-100 million dead Russian citizens.  History teaches us again and again that the first thing TYRANTS do is trick the people into thinking that GUNS in the hands of law abiding citizens is an evil to great to bear.  Then, after the once free citizens are unable to stand up against murderous government oppression, then the wholesale slaughter begins.

The Elites hidden in the back rooms, away from the light of public scrutiny, planned Sandy hook and were sure Americans would be lined up to surrender their firearms in mass.  They failed in their attempt to ROB BY DECEPTION  the American public of their GOD GIVEN 2nd Amendment RIGHT to keep and bear arms.  The Elite should read the Constitution some time because it reads...

Amendment II 
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. The right to bear arms predates the Bill of Rights; the Second Amendment was based partially on the right to bear arms in English common law, and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. This right was described by Sir William Blackstone as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.  Academic inquiry into the purpose, scope, and effect of the amendment has been controversial and subject to numerous interpretations.
 The Sandy Hook assault rifle was found in the car trunk unused.  There was NO 2nd Rifle. 

In United States v. Cruikshank (1875), the Supreme Court ruled that "[t]he right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second Amendment means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress, and has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the National Government." In United States v. Miller (1939), the Court ruled that the amendment "[protects arms that had a] reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia".

In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment "codified a pre-existing right and that it "protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home."  In McDonald v. Chicago (2010), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment limits state and local governments to the same extent that it limits the federal government.

Make no mistake. The TYRANNY of Elites will not stop here with fake school shootings, Fake Marathon Bombings, etc. The Offal in power will continue their campaign of terror.  They don't care how many have to lie, how many have to die, as long as they can get to their end game, which is the disarmament of law abiding citizens here in the United States of America.  Once that dark day is forced down the dying throat of America, this once free country will no longer exist.  What will be left afterwards is a Orwellian Police state the Nazi's could only dream of....    

Sandy Hook was a Lies and Deception Campaign to Overturn the 2nd Amendment 

Monday, February 17, 2014

George Soros Openly Braggs about the coming of HIS New World Order

George Soros talks about "the creation of a New World Order", he discusses his desire for a "managed decline" of the U.S. dollar and he talks at length of the global need for a true world currency. 

Who is the parasite known as George Soros?   He is a billionaire theif who has openly destroyed the economies of entire countries.  He is known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" when he raked in a staggering one billion dollars during the 1992 "Black Wednesday" currency crisis. 
Currently, George Soros is most famous for being the Machiavellian billionaire who has his filthy fingers in more than 60 countries and it spends approximately $600 million a year promoting the agendas that Soros that will benefit George Soros.    Soros and his political organizations have played a key role in many bloody "revolutions" all around the globe.  The main goal of of this human virus known as George Soros is presently to bring about the down fall of the United States. 

George Soros is one of the central reason for so much of humanities suffering.  His endless greed and malevolent influence peddling brings about so much corruption in government.  Soros creates nothing, he benefits no one but himself...What Soros can't buy, he steals, what he can't steal he destroys.  Now he has his cancerous gaze has turned to America. The terrible fact is those in power will gleefully serve Soros, for their 30 pieces of silver, by dismantling this country and selling us all into slavery. 

Make no mistake...George Soros is a clear and present danger to the National Sovereignty of the United States of America.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Father Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Soldier Speaks Out

Seal Team 6 Funeral Ceremony where Obama Hired Muslim Priest to Damn FALLEN US SOLDIERS To ETERNAL HELL. The military brass sat on their asses and ALLOWED this to happen! We, American Patriots are deeply saddened by the betrayal of the Military Brass! MOLON LABE! 

MUST SEE! Father Of Seal Team Six Member Speaks - SEAL TEAM 6 SET UP


For two and a half years, the families of the members of SEAL Team Six - The SEAL Team that killed Osama Bin Laden - have been searching for answers. They want to know why their sons were put aboard a decrepit CH-47 helicopter and flown into a hot LZ with no support whatsoever, they want to know why the government lied about the circumstances of the deaths of the SEALS, and they want to know who is responsible for the deaths of their sons.

In three weeks they may get a few answers when Congress opens an investigation into the facts surrounding the downing of Extortion 17 in Afghanistan's Tangi Valley on August 6th 2011..

Charles Strange, father of Michael Strange, one of the 22 Navy SEALS aboard the ill-fated flight, tells viewers of the evidence he has obtained from government sources that lay open the lies surrounding his son's death that have been told by the military.

Charles' wife Mary also recounts how the government has bugged their home, their computers, and telephones. She says that they have been receiving strange text messages, and that cameras have been installed in their home; real-time photographs being sent to her computer screen as she worked.

That is absolutely terrifying. It was also the basis of a lawsuit that the Stranges, through their attorney Larry Klayman, recently won against the NSA. Mary Strange talks about that as well.


Sunday, February 09, 2014

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee wants all Americans to Cower in FEAR

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Filing Bill To Cut Funding To Any State That Doesn’t Change “Stand Your Ground” Laws To “Duty To Retreat”…


She said her bill would also use the threat of less federal money to entice states to change their 'STAND YOUR GROUND' laws. Jackson Lee said her bill would only allow states to avoid a cut if their laws are amended to force Americans to 'DUTY TO RETREAT.'

“For states that do not require a duty to retreat, we will question their federal funding and assess their Justice Department funding and reduce it by 20 percent,” she said.

 What the Looney Left Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is trying to do is FORCE by Legislation all Americans to run away in fear rather then stand and defend their lives.   If it is up to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee all Americans will no longer have the right to STAND YOUR GROUND and defend yourself and your loved ones.  

In Fact the Communist CZAR Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee will make any American who dares to protect themselves and their loved ones FEDERAL CRIMINALS.  If someone want to rape your wife, your 4 year old daughter, beat your grandmother to death, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee will demand by FEDERAL Legislation that it is your duty to run away.  Maybe the police get there in time, maybe they don't.  Your job as a American citizen will be to flee like a coward in the face of mortal danger.  

No longer will America be known as the Home of the Brave and Land of the Free.  If the looney Left gas bag Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has her way America will be known as a Nation of Cowards. Because, after all, that's what those in power want...a nation of groveling slaves who cower in fear.  

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Chemtrails AND Geoengineering are the Same Thing

The Power That Be are doing experiments on the ONLY planet that we have.  What happens when things go wrong, dangerously wrong?  TPTB try and misdirect the American public by saying that CHEMTRAILS are a conspiracy theory.  CHEMTRAILS are actually Geoengineering, don't believe me? 

Look up...

This is called a (PSYOP) Psychological operations or, officially since 2010, Military MIS-Information Support Operations (MISO)[are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individualsThe purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior favorable to US objectives.

By calling people who look up into the sky  conspiracy nuts the US goverment and it's secret agencies are able to silence those who are seeking the truth. make no mistake CHEMTRAILS are Geoengineering .

Chemtrails are actually Geoengineering, which the US goverment admits is happening RIGHT NOW!

Make no mistake Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault by out of control rouge government agencies such as...the CIA's EVERGREEN AIR Force. 
In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness.

The debate over whether CHEMTRAILS which is actually Geoengineering programs are going on is now a moot point. We have more than enough data to confirm it. We have actual footage showing tankers spraying. The materials showing up on the ground are exactly the same materials mentioned in the numerous geoengineering patents and documents. Visit our website for a list of these government patents and documents.

Our skies today are simply not normal. Upon examination this cannot be denied. They are filled with nanoparticulates of heavy metals. But the skies have been filled with grid patterns for so long now that we are used to them and do not see them anymore. Sadly, the fact is that people do not look up.

To be clear, what we are seeing is not cloud seeding to increase rainfall. These particulates are designed to block the sun and move the jet stream. Dane explains how this is causing the drought and deluge being experienced around the globe.

Our atmosphere is nothing but a massive physics lab to Geoengineering--CHEMTRAILS scientists who have no concern whatsoever about the consequences to humanity or any living thing, including themselves. The experiments are literally tearing the planet apart and destroying life on earth.

Dane reports, among other things, on:

• Geoengineering--CHEMTRAILS related climate disruptions, extreme drought and deluge
• Ozone depletion
• Methane release
• Drastic reduction in arctic sea ice
• Global oxygen content reductions
• Oceans on the brink of collapse
• Massive fish die offs
• 200 species becoming extinct every single day
• A drastic rise in Autism, Alzheimer's, and Dementia
• Crisis level forest reductions
• The sterilization of soils making it impossible for plants to grow without Monsanto's aluminum resistant seeds

Dane Wigington presents hard data which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue. Please take the time to watch this video, follow up with some investigation of your own on our site --, and share this information far and wide.

Geoengineering is actually CHEMTRAILS

CHEMTRAILS means Geoengineering 

Geoengineering is actually CHEMTRAILS

CHEMTRAILS means Geoengineering 

Monday, February 03, 2014

Obamacare is tantamount to Slavery for the Educated Class

  A Texas ophthalmologist and co-founder of AmericanDoctors4Truth tore down the curtain on Obamacare last week, describing Obama’s “signature” legislative achievement for the con game of forced labor that it really is.

When she wrote to the Aetna insurance company canceling her participation in its offerings, Dr. Kristin Held of San Antonio was informed she is contractually bound to care for the company’s patients for another year — as though Obamacare not only re-configured the American health care system, it repealed the 13th Amendment at the same time.

Dr. Kristin Held states that the “law of the land” Obamacare is made up of “politically-expedient mandates, rewards, penalties, rules and regulations with which I cannot rationally or morally treat my patients and run a practice, much less interpret, implement or comply.” In the letter, Held describes a strange form of care in which a doctor’s services are sold without the doctor’s knowledge or consent.

 Obamacare is tantamount to Slavery for the Educated Class. Either the Doctors and Nurses comply with the FORCED labor or they will thrown off their land(intellectual services) and no longer be able to work in America as physicians and nurses.

Notification of Termination to Aetna

kristinheld0202January 30, 2014

Dear Mr. Bertolini,
With a deep sense of sadness, I must inform you that I will no longer serve as a physician for Aetna patients under the terms of our contractual agreement, which you most recently unilaterally changed.
I have been privileged and honored to care for thousands of patients covered by Aetna policies since the 1990’s. I have devoted my life to providing the very best, state-of-the-art care to these individuals. We have formed a patient-doctor relationship, which I hope many will chose to continue in spite of my severing ties with Aetna. You see, health insurance has evolved such that insurers and government have inserted themselves smack-dab in the middle of the once sacred patient-doctor relationship. I am called a provider- not a doctor. My patient is now yours- not mine. What I can do as a physician now has strangulating strings and nonsensical numbers attached- to you and government and money-not the best interests of the patients.
Obamacare, the “law of the land”, contains ever-changing-at-the-whim-of-HHS, politically-expedient mandates, rewards, penalties, rules and regulations with which I cannot rationally or morally treat my patients and run a practice, much-less interpret, implement, or comply.

Millions of Americans have lost coverage because of the healthcare law and must now shop on a defective, insecure government website and sign up for more expensive policies through Federal and State exchanges. Only by logging in as a prospective patient did my office manager and I discover that Aetna was selling plans for which I am a provider-effectively selling my services without even asking, much less informing  me that my services would be sold on such a site, under the auspices of new terms with which I will not comply.
Then, after the fact, I received a form letter informing me of Aetna’s “new allowables”. I will not sell my services under such terms. While treated as such, patients and doctors are not commodities worthy of such impersonal, inconsiderate, and cavalier treatment. We choose dignity and personal service over disrespect and form letters.

So here we are, you are getting new business offering health insurance plans featuring my services without my consent under terms which are unacceptable to me. Accept this as my official written notice that the changes that you have unilaterally made to our contract are unacceptable to me and make our contract null and void.  You must explain this to your patients. You must tell them that they have purchased a product that was misrepresented to them and that you cannot deliver. It saddens me to think of the decreased access to care from actual physicians and the shockingly increased costs Aetna patients will now experience because of your choice to collude with big government rather than collaborate with patients and physicians.

Kristin S. Held, MD
 American Doctors 4 Truth dot org