'Obamacare' is an unconstitutional law that has ZERO legislative authority. The Affordable Car Act ACA was ruled to be a tax by the Supreme Court. The ACA bill was introduced in the Senate. Only the House can introduce a bill that is a tax. Null and void. Its all true, don't believe me look it up. Sissel v. United States Department of Health & Human Services.
The president came out in the press yesterday and stated that He would change the law so that voters could keep their insurance. The Executive Branch has ZERO legal authority to change ANYTHING in a law passed by Congress. The president can not under the United States Constitution change a law to suit his political needs. The President doesn't even have line item veto power.
What you saw with his deceleration that HE would change the law was the out right contempt that the Executive Branch has for the American public.
The worst part is the educated press, who KNOW BETTER, jumped on board by shouting how brilliant a decision, how wonderful that the president has it all under control. The liberal press just clapped their hands and wrote, said, and printed how the president was taking charge and fixing the 'little hiccups in the ACA.
For the uneducated there are checks and balances set forth in the United States Constitution. There is a REASON that there are 3 branch government of the United States. It's so that one branch cannot seize power and become a DICTATOR.
Supposedly, the president went to law school. IF he actually attended law school and he doesn't know how the 3 branches of the United States government functions, then I suggest he go back to Kenya and re-read a few US Law books.
Starting with the...
Article One: of the United States Constitution describes the powers of Congress, and the legislative branch of the federal government. The Article establishes the powers of and LIMITATIONS on the Congress, consisting of a House of Representatives composed of Representatives, with each state gaining or losing representation in proportion to its population, and a Senate, composed of two Senators from each state.