Wednesday, February 08, 2017

The Refugee Insanity

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muslim refugees imported into America in 2017, enjoy unending welfare payed in full by the by American taxpayers.
We’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars spent to fly them over here, feeding them, housing them, educating them, giving them transportation, giving them medical care, paying for their utilities and more; all with no end in sight. All paid for by your tax dollars.

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These free loading, anti-western, muslim refugees are placing an undue burden upon hard working Americans. The enormous cost to taxpayers in the decades to come will become staggering to the tune of tens of billions.

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American citizens are NOW taking a back seat to immigrants’ needs.

Forget, the liberal lies that NON-American refugees have it so much worse the ANY American families.  LIES, liberal lies...American children, families are suffering much worseand to a greater degree.

 Take these sad numbers into consideration:
America has 1.5 million homeless citizens languishing in this country 24/7. They inhabit cardboard boxes, T-shirt tents, park benches, sometimes sleeping on cold hard concrete, in every major city in America. 

They, homeless, impoverished, sick, disabled, mentally unwell Americans stand on street corners begging for money and eating scraps of food from garbage cans. They face alcohol and drug addiction and violence on the streets. They face psychological displacement and live in fear from police brutality.  In Denver, Colorado alone 10,000 homeless sleep on steam grates nightly trying desperately to stay warm. Some are found, each morning, frozen to death, because unfortunately they were only AMERICANS whose lives are meaningless when compared to muslim refugees. 

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It’s sickening to see Americans shiver and suffering on winter nights when the temperatures drop to -10 degrees F.
  • 13.1 million AMERICAN children lived in food-insecure households in 2016.
  • Twenty percent or more of AMERICAN child population in 30 states and D.C. lived in food-insecure households in 2016, according to the most recent data available. Mississippi (27%) and New Mexico (27%) had the highest rates of AMERICAN children in households without consistent access to food.
  • In 2016, the top five states with the highest rate of food-insecure AMERICAN children under 18 were Mississippi, New Mexico, Arizona, Alabama, and Arkansas.
A sickening 48 million AMERICANS subsist on food stamps and other welfare because they cannot obtain jobs. Every refugee that arrives displaces an American from a job. Every refugee that arrives costs tax paying Americans money that could be better spent on...AMERICAN FAMILIES!!!

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A mind numbing 60,000 to 100,000 military veterans lack jobs, lack homes and lack medical care in the United States. What about the needs of our country, our AMERICAN vets and our citizens?

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One out of four African-Americans lacks a job at a living wage. Along with that, three out of four African-American children arrive out of wedlock and live with single mothers on welfare and entrenched in poverty. Why not “save” our African-American citizens rather than anti-western muslim refugees?

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How about the fact that the United States is over $20 trillion of debt? Yet, the liberal nut jobs in Congress want to pile on the debt for people who are not even Americans.   If islam is so great then why aren't the muslim countries helping the refugees? Saudi Arabia REFUSES to take even 1 single muslim refugee.

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Do you realize that 13,000,000 MILLION American children live below the poverty level with no hope of escaping the inner city projects? Why in the world is the United States spending money on refugees when our own AMERICAN children are going hungry?

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Understand this fact: the citizens of the third world reproduce at nearly a billion children ever 5 years. More muslim babies are birthed into the world annually, then the whole population of the United States combinesYet, they refuse to be responsible for their OWN birth rates, their own countries, their own problems. No, instead the flee to America and expect the American tax payer to fund their murderous, blood thirsty, anti-western religion of violence and death.  Tell me, where do Americans flee too once this great nation has collapsed from all the undocumented, untaxed, non-working, refuge hoards

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Today, Chicago is a killing zone for African-Americans with murders every day of the year and into the hundreds annually. Perhaps, just maybe we should try and solve our OWN problems before letting in a flood of hateful murderous muslims intent on overthrowing Western civilization Just maybe, we here in America should take care of our OWN citizens by providing jobs, housing, education and hope to all Americans.

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Why must AMERICA save the rest of the world while our own citizens suffer as much or greater than refugees?

While, our cities face horrific infrastructure breakdown and our nation faces sociological breakdown and cultural divisions, America needs to STOP immigration  and focus on Americans first!

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The liberal left in Congress and big business want to import 100,000,000 MILLION more refugee immigrants by 2050? 

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Not a chance! Why are we taking in all those immigrants when we can’t take care of our own citizen's needs? Give me one reason that could stand the test of common sense for accepting and paying BILLIONS for refugees. Our taxpayer dollars already pay out $10,000,000,000.00 BILLION annually for immigrants. 

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At some point soon, we must stop all immigration. We can’t afford it and we’re deeply in debt. It’s fracturing and fragmenting our country into ethnic group chaos, cultural suicide and environmental degradation. America is being overthrown from within by unchecked muslim immigration. It is not a mistake, it is being done with forethought and malicious intent. The globalists who want a one-world-government must destroy America. 

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They already have flooded the Europe Union with a veritable army of raping, robbing, thieving muslims. The globalist have crippled any and all resistance by European voters. Soon, Europe will be a muslim caliph and the Europeans will be second class slaves or converts to islam. The globalists have now set their sights on doing the same thing to America.  We must stand now and unite or we will become slaves in our own country in our own lifetimes. 

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