Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Slow Painful Death of Citizen's Trust

The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 was originally created for the protection of American citizens from the use of military troops by the Federal government  to enforce and execute the laws of the land unless expressly authorized by the Constitution or  Congress.

The US Constitution has stood fast in it's protection of all Americans for over a century.  The enforcement of civil and State laws has fallen upon local and federal law enforcement.  However, with the FAKE, PHONY, MADE UP, War on Terror taking center stage in the United States Rouge elements within the Federal government have been working secretly to expand the reach of both the Federal government and the US military.

After 9/11 the Globalists within the Federal government have passed the Patriot Act, which gave the Federal government broad sweeping new powers to categorize any individual as a terrorist.   Whether, they are operating on foreign lands or here at home. In 2011, as America brought in the New Year, they signed into law the (NDAA)National Defense Authorization Act, which made it possible for American citizens who were categorized as domestic terrorists under the Patriot Act to be detained and imprisoned indefinitely without charge or trial.
Now, just as George Orwell predicted...

the Department of Defense has published an update to a US code that outlines military power during civil unrest.
The code, ““Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies,” was slightly altered during a May 13th update which now allows the military to unilaterally declare martial law without presidential approval.
Multiple sections of the code outline plans and policies for a martial law scenario and should be considered a must read for any American worried about their freedoms in what has become a hostile American police state.
 The  goes on to state empirically...
Domestic emergencies. Emergencies affecting the public welfare and occurring within the 50 states, District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, U.S. possessions and territories, or any political subdivision thereof, as a result of enemy attack, insurrection, civil disturbance, earthquake, fire, flood, or other public disasters or equivalent emergencies that endanger life and property or disrupt the usual process of government. Domestic emergencies include civil defense emergencies, civil disturbances, major disasters, and natural disasters.
[[Page 21829]]
Emergency authority. A Federal military commander’s authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances
(1) Such activities are necessary to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and public order; or
(2) Duly constituted Federal, State, or local authorities are unable or decline to provide adequate protection for Federal property or Federal governmental functions.

What should be troubling to all AMERICAN'S is the possible mindset which leaves the phrase... “emergency authority,” so broad and open to interpretation that it essentially gives the US Military the power to declare martial law whenever they choose.

So, for any reason 'THEY' the US Military deems necessary to circumvent the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and every FREEDOM fought and died for over the last 200 years, it all goes out the window and BRUTE Force becomes the watch word of the day.  After all the US Military was designed and built for one reason to kill and destroy anything in it's path.  The US Military is a 2 handed broadsword made for crushing and severing the enemy's skull from his shoulders. 

When did the American public become the enemy of the US Military?   Why must the American public be savagely brutalized by the very military it funds through it's taxes and populates by surrendering it's sons and daughters to serve in said military. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sandyhoaxed 2nd Edition - The Sandy Hook Gun Control False Flag

The Sandy Hook LIE

1. Where is the Surveillance camera footage? The school installed security cameras at the front door, which should have shown the gunman entering the school- These have never been shown to the public, and have never been addressed by "law enforcement" once. This is similar to the 9/11, Tucson, and Aurora events.

2. Why is it no evidence at all has been shown to the public- not one bloody footprint exiting the school, not one picture from inside the school, not one picture from inside the Lanza's home? In a mass-shooting, there should be some blood, some bodies being taken away from the area, but no pictures show any bodies being taken out of the school. The staging area- tarps show no bodies. Only 3 people were allegedly taken to Danbury Hospital, and none of them have been identified. There is in actually, not ONE person from the crime scene that can say they had an ID on Adam Lanza, because the alleged gunman was wearing a mask.

3. Why was the media so confused about Adam Lanza's mother being a teacher at the school- complete with testimony from a school, nurse saying she knew both Adam and his mother, Nancy and Nancy was "A great teacher" when in fact Nancy had no connection to the school whatsoever, nor did Adam? How could such a huge mistake be made?

4. The "Medical Examiner" Wayne Carver appears to be laughing, knows few details about what actually happened: ex: "How many were boys and how many were girls?" Answer: "I have no idea".

5. Nobody has seen "Adam Lanza" for at least 3 years. "Adam Lanza" has no online fingerprint- no internet posting, no facebook, no twitter, no contact with friends, absolutely nothing. Nobody in town has seen him, his picture does not appear in the yearbook photos and his alleged computer was smashed to pieces so small the FBI couldn't find information on it.

This "disappearance" of Adam Lanza coincides with the "appearance" of Ryan Lanza- Ryan has no history before Adam appeared, "Adam had Ryan's ID on him" etc. In genealogical records- it shows only Adam Lanza as having been born to Peter and Nancy, no record of Any Ryan. It appears that Ryan is in fact Adam Lanza- having changed his name, his social acquaintances after going to college.

The Photoshopped images of "Adam" are obviously taken from Ryan. Very few people ever report seeing the two brothers together- in fact, only 1.

6. Peter and Ryan Lanza have not spoken on camera since this event has happened. Peter is one of the only people who has claimed to see Adam Lanza's body, but we don't even know if Peter is alive at this point- there are just a few old pictures of him, and no follow ups whatsoever.

Ryan has also not spoken since this event.

8. ID badges were seen on many of the participants in this event- plain clothes people who appear to be participating in a mock-terror drill- other videos go into more detail on this, such as this one, beverages were provided, signs saying "everyone must check int" were seen, and people were wearing ID tags: [link to www.youtube.com]

9. The RIP Victoria Soto Facebook page appeared 4 days before the shooting happened: [link to www.youtube.com]

10. Many of the most "influential" and "high profile" parents from Newtown are Musicians and Actors, most of the "aspiring" the exact kind of people who crave the limelight and might be willing to do anything for fame and a payoff.

11. Many of the main families involved in this event recently moved to Sandy Hook in the last few years.

12. Where is the "hero janitor" Rick Thorne who supposedly ran at Adam Lanza and told him to put his gun down? Rick Thorne hasn't been interviewed one time- strange for the biggest hero of this event.. A man who was lucky enough to run right into a crazed gunman's face, tell him to put his gun down and survive is about as far-out as any story could be.

13. Why are many of the "family members" involved in this event seen laughing and making jokes right after their "loved ones are brutally murdered"? It is ridiculous to think that entire families would be smiling and laughing- not shedding any tears over their lost loved ones so soon after they were killed.

14. Why was Robbie Parker asking for donations on the day of this alleged shooting? Doesn't a family member usually grieve for their loved one right after an event like this, not rush to put together donation pages to get as much money as possible?

How much money will the "Sandy Hook Families" be receiving in "compensation"- and how much money will others be making after being hired to work for people such as Michael Bloomberg, like Stephen Barton did after Aurora?

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Liberal Left are Anti-American Liars

Re post from http://www.breitbart.com/

 According to the report from the department's Bureau of Statistics, every argument the media and the left are currently making to push for new restrictions on our Second Amendment civil rights, are made up of anti-science nonsense. This report not only proves the media wrong, it proves the NRA right.
Between the years of 1993 and 2011, as the assault weapons ban expired, more Americans purchased guns, the Supreme Court overturned outright gun bans, and individual states not only loosed gun control restrictions but also issued concealed carry permits to private citizens, incidents of gun violence in America collapsed.
Between 1993 and 2011, nonfatal gun crimes plummeted 69%; from 1.5 million to 467,300. Gun-related murders dropped 40%; from 18,253 to 11,101. Gun-related murders for black Americans plummeted by 51%.
The report also shows that the media-created hysteria over school shootings is wildly misleading. Between '93 and '11, the murder rate in schools dropped by almost a third; from 29 to 20.
Background checks have also been exposed as another bogus narrative the media's crafted out of thin air. This report proves beyond any doubt that closing the so-called gun show loophole will accomplish next to nothing.  Less than one-percent of state prisoners caught with a gun purchased it at a gun show.  Moreover, who knows how many of those criminals might have passed or did pass a background check.
So-called assault weapons are also not a problem, Only "2% of state inmates and 3% of federal inmates were armed with a military-style semiautomatic or fully automatic firearm."
What this study clearly shows is that Obama, Democrats, and the media don't give a damn about stopping gun violence. If they did, they would be focused on everything but the one and two-percent problems.
What we have here is a yet-another culture war; nothing more nothing less -- and one aimed at the type of law-abiding citizens who attend gun shows and enjoy these so-called assault weapons. In other words, Red State conservatives.

What is especially crucial to keep in mind is that 2011 is not some kind of outlier. If you study the original report, you will see that these decreases are all part of an 18-year trend, not an outlier year or two.
This report is extremely good news is you are the kind of person who gives a damn about human life.
But if you are cynical, power-hungry Democrats more uncomfortable with the idea of human freedom than you are pleased with a decrease in human life, this report is bad news. Furthermore, if you are a dishonest member of the media who believes that delivering political wins to Democrats is more important than human life, this report is also bad news.

There is just no question that an armed American populace is a safer American populace. This study also proves that smart policing and a willingness to award serious jail time to violent offenders (two areas  our criminal justice system have focused on over the last two decades) does a helluva lot more to decrease the rate of gun violence than purely symbolic gun-grabbing laws.
Thanks to this study we also know for a fact now that the Newtown massacre is being exploited by the media only to demonize Obama's political enemies.


The 2nd Amendment is NON_NEGOTIABLE

Friday, May 03, 2013

Taylor Morris an American Hero

 Taylor Morris
Taylor @ 18 years old. Senior pic 5/21/2007
After high school, Taylor pursued a career with the Navy.  I was less than thrilled with his decision, but tried to stay supportive none-the-less.  I told him, if he even once felt like the military wasn’t the right path that he should drop out and we could go to ninja school together.  I didn’t see him much and we didn’t stay in touch very well.  He ended up becoming a member of an elite class of soldiers known as the EOD. The Explosive Ordinance Disposal teams are the first men on the battle field.  They clear paths of explosives for other soldiers, literally putting their lives on the line for their fellow men.
 Taylor got deployed to Afghanistan as a NAVY EOD Petty Officer
 On May 3, 2012, Taylor stepped on an IED.  When the news hit our hometown of Cedar Falls, Iowa, our community dropped to their knees.  The damage Taylor sustained was extremely severe.  The explosion blew off his legs, his left arm and his right hand.  After receiving immediate medical attention in Afghanistan, he transferred to a hospital in Germany, and May 6th was taken to Walter Reed Medical Academy in Washington DC to begin the long rehabilitation process.

Danielle's first time seeing Taylor after the accident 5/7/2012
  Taylor does not want to be called a hero.  He states “I was simply doing my job, which I knew the risks of. The people who went into known danger to save my life are the real heroes.” Taylor might not want to acknowledge being a hero on the battle field, but in my opinion, he can’t deny being the strongest inspiration to everyone who hears his story.  The bomb took much more than his limbs, it took his independence, privacy, ease of living.
Tim Dodd Photography Cedar Falls Iowa vists friend Taylor Morris. Taylor is a quad amputee who lost his limbs while serving in Afghanistan

Taylor Morris is a Hero. A true blue dyed in the wool American Hero. When the call came not only did he answer his duty to Country, he asked for the most dangerous job there was. So, that he could protect other American soldiers.  Taylor Morris is an American Hero who's example should be held up high and for all to see. I salute you Taylor Morris and all the gallant men who serve in the United States Armed Forces.

If you wish to stop in and Salute Taylor Morris yourself his website is www.taylormorris.org/