Thursday, December 27, 2012


I am a FREE Man and I will not bow or kneel to Tyranny, Foreign or Domestic

The secret to this victory will be NON-VIOLENT

I, nor anyone I know will ever support violence, or the use of violence. 

I love this country, for which, many men have layed down their lives, to assure that I and those that I love, may live in a free society. 

Make no mistake...


The 2nd Amendment is NON_NEGOTIABLE

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Overcome the Strongman

In the FIGHT against overwhelming odds the greatest asset you or anyone can have is to have the will to see it through to the end.


Formal Statements
1. Public Speeches
2. Letters of opposition or support
3. Declarations by organizations and institutions
4. Signed public statements
5. Declarations of indictment and intention
6. Group or mass petitions

Communications with a Wider Audience
7. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols
8. Banners, posters, and displayed communications
9. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books
10. Newspapers and journals
11. Records, radio, and television
12. Skywriting and earth writing

Group Representations
13. Deputations
14. Mock awards
15. Group lobbying
16. Picketing
17. Mock elections

Symbolic Public Acts
18. Displays of flags and symbolic colors
19. Wearing of symbols
20. Prayer and worship
21. Delivering symbolic objects
22. Protest disrobings
23. Destruction of own property
24. Symbolic lights
25. Displays of portraits
26. Paint as protest
27. New signs and names
28. Symbolic sounds
29. Symbolic reclamations
30. Rude gestures

Pressures on Individuals
31. "Haunting" officials
32. Taunting officials
33. Fraternization
34. Vigils

Drama and Music
35. Humorous skits and pranks
36. Performances of plays and music
37. Singing

38. Marches
39. Parades
40. Religious processions
41. Pilgrimages
42. Motorcades

Honoring the Dead
43. Political mourning
44. Mock funerals
45. Demonstrative funerals
46. Homage at burial places

Public Assemblies
47. Assemblies of protest or support
48. Protest meetings
49. Camouflaged meetings of protest
50. Teach-ins

Withdrawal and Renunciation
51. Walk-outs
52. Silence
53. Renouncing honors
54. Turning one's back


Ostracism of Persons
55. Social boycott
56. Selective social boycott
57. Lysistratic nonaction
58. Excommunication
59. Interdict

Noncooperation with Social Events, Customs, and Institutions
60. Suspension of social and sports activities
61. Boycott of social affairs
62. Student strike
63. Social disobedience
64. Withdrawal from social institutions

Withdrawal from the Social System
65. Stay-at-home
66. Total personal noncooperation
67. "Flight" of workers
68. Sanctuary
69. Collective disappearance
70. Protest emigration (hijrat)


Actions by Consumers
71. Consumers' boycott
72. Nonconsumption of boycotted goods
73. Policy of austerity
74. Rent withholding
75. Refusal to rent
76. National consumers' boycott
77. International consumers' boycott

Action by Workers and Producers
78. Workmen's boycott
79. Producers' boycott

Action by Middlemen
80. Suppliers' and handlers' boycott

Action by Owners and Management
81. Traders' boycott
82. Refusal to let or sell property
83. Lockout
84. Refusal of industrial assistance
85. Merchants' "general strike"

Action by Holders of Financial Resources
86. Withdrawal of bank deposits
87. Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments
88. Refusal to pay debts or interest
89. Severance of funds and credit
90. Revenue refusal
91. Refusal of a government's money

Action by Governments
92. Domestic embargo
93. Blacklisting of traders
94. International sellers' embargo
95. International buyers' embargo
96. International trade embargo


Symbolic Strikes
97. Protest strike
98. Quickie walkout (lightning strike)

Agricultural Strikes
99. Peasant strike
100. Farm Workers' strike

Strikes by Special Groups
101. Refusal of impressed labor
102. Prisoners' strike
103. Craft strike
104. Professional strike

Ordinary Industrial Strikes
105. Establishment strike
106. Industry strike
107. Sympathetic strike

Restricted Strikes
108. Detailed strike
109. Bumper strike
110. Slowdown strike
111. Working-to-rule strike
112. Reporting "sick" (sick-in)
113. Strike by resignation
114. Limited strike
115. Selective strike

Multi-Industry Strikes
116. Generalized strike
117. General strike

Combination of Strikes and Economic Closures
118. Hartal
119. Economic shutdown


Rejection of Authority
120. Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance
121. Refusal of public support
122. Literature and speeches advocating resistance

Citizens' Noncooperation with Government
123. Boycott of legislative bodies
124. Boycott of elections
125. Boycott of government employment and positions
126. Boycott of government depts., agencies, and other bodies
127. Withdrawal from government educational institutions
128. Boycott of government-supported organizations
129. Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents
130. Removal of own signs and placemarks
131. Refusal to accept appointed officials
132. Refusal to dissolve existing institutions

Citizens' Alternatives to Obedience
133. Reluctant and slow compliance
134. Nonobedience in absence of direct supervision
135. Popular nonobedience
136. Disguised disobedience
137. Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse
138. Sitdown
139. Noncooperation with conscription and deportation
140. Hiding, escape, and false identities
141. Civil disobedience of "illegitimate" laws

Action by Government Personnel
142. Selective refusal of assistance by government aides
143. Blocking of lines of command and information
144. Stalling and obstruction
145. General administrative noncooperation
146. Judicial noncooperation
147. Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by enforcement agents
148. Mutiny

Domestic Governmental Action
149. Quasi-legal evasions and delays
150. Noncooperation by constituent governmental units

International Governmental Action
151. Changes in diplomatic and other representations
152. Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events
153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition
154. Severance of diplomatic relations
155. Withdrawal from international organizations
156. Refusal of membership in international bodies
157. Expulsion from international organizations


Psychological Intervention
158. Self-exposure to the elements
159. The fast
a) Fast of moral pressure
b) Hunger strike
c) Satyagrahic fast
160. Reverse trial
161. Nonviolent harassment

Physical Intervention
162. Sit-in
163. Stand-in
164. Ride-in
165. Wade-in
166. Mill-in
167. Pray-in
168. Nonviolent raids
169. Nonviolent air raids
170. Nonviolent invasion
171. Nonviolent interjection
172. Nonviolent obstruction
173. Nonviolent occupation

Social Intervention
174. Establishing new social patterns
175. Overloading of facilities
176. Stall-in
177. Speak-in
178. Guerrilla theater
179. Alternative social institutions
180. Alternative communication system

Economic Intervention
181. Reverse strike
182. Stay-in strike
183. Nonviolent land seizure
184. Defiance of blockades
185. Politically motivated counterfeiting
186. Preclusive purchasing
187. Seizure of assets
188. Dumping
189. Selective patronage
190. Alternative markets
191. Alternative transportation systems
192. Alternative economic institutions

Political Intervention
193. Overloading of administrative systems
194. Disclosing identities of secret agents
195. Seeking imprisonment
196. Civil disobedience of "neutral" laws
197. Work-on without collaboration
198. Dual sovereignty and parallel government 


Monday, December 24, 2012

Enough Said

Gun Control is not about GUNS

                  Gun Control is About


The 2nd Amendment is NON_NEGOTIABLE

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mayan's Were WRONG

DOOM has NOT Been averted 12-22-2012 The Invasion Begins...

The X-Files states that an extraterrestrial life-form, known simply as the Colonists, were originally present on Earth in the early stages of human evolution. They highly resemble the well-known "grey aliens" in their mature form. In their immature stage, they are more yellowish colored, tall, and very aggressive, possessing fangs, claws and scale-like texture of their skin. This immature form is a protective stage, able to viciously defend itself from birth. This outer skin is eventually shed when the alien develops into its mature form.The aliens were forced to abandon the planet during the last ice age as their viral life-force is deactivated by extreme cold.

Upon their departure, they left behind underground deposits of the black oil virus, in preparation for their return. The virus apparently contains the aliens' genetic blueprints, awaiting reconstitution until the master species returns to Earth. Whilst away from Earth, the Colonists evidently sought out life throughout the universe in an effort to subdue other species and take over the universe. 

  Secretly, the Mayans KNEW that the Colonists planned on returning to Earth in the year 2012.

The Smoking Man reveals to Fox Mulder that the ancient Mayans were so terrified that they stopped their calendar on the exact date of colonization:

 December 22, 2012.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I am an American

Article written by Christopher R. Eiden

Original link:
I have been called a lot of things, a racist because I don’t like Obama, a sexist because I don’t want to pay for someone else’s birth control, a murderer because I hunt and eat meat, and the list goes on. Usually I can just brush it off and ignore it, but this time you have gone too far. Who do you think you are saying I support the murder of children simply because I believe in our right to own firearms? Especially, since you are the ones using their deaths to further your political beliefs or agendas. It is because of our children I believe in the right to bear arms and it is because of you I write this.

You continue to ask “Why do we need guns in our society?” First, to all the pro-gun advocates, please stop saying “because it’s our right”, yes it is our right, but that makes no sense to anti-gun advocates and it is the exact thing they would like to change. That being said, guns have been a part of life since the day I was born. My father was a huge gun enthusiast and had owned a lot of guns when he was alive. When he decided I was old enough to learn to shoot and hunt he started by teaching me the 2nd Amendment the importance of it and the meaning behind it.
People, this is the 2nd Amendment, number 2 on the list, which should show how important it was to our founding fathers that the average citizen be able to arm and defend themselves. “Why?” you ask, because when they fought for our independence, there was no U.S military at that time. It was the average citizens that picked up their guns to fight for their freedom from a tyrannical government and the founding fathers wanted to ensure that we would always be able to the do same, if necessary.

Yes we have a military now, the best military in the world, a military made of the best and bravest men & women this country has to offer. However, it is a military controlled by the government and though I believe that most of our soldiers would never pick up a weapon against their fellow American to take away their rights or oppress them, it is the government that controls the military’s weapons, ammunition, and technology. And as history has shown there will always be people who blindly follow and do what the government tells them to. I am not saying the government will turn on us, but if the government or a foreign invader ever attempted to oppress our freedoms the founding fathers have given us this right to ensure that we have the ability to fight back and defend our freedom.
To those who ask why we need “Assault Weapons” the answer is simple, because that is what they have. Drug addicts, drug dealers, thieves, murderers, gangs, cartels, terrorists, those who wish to do us harm, all have access to assault weapons. And they have shown they will use them.

To those who say “Well, ban assault weapons!” ASSAULT WEAPON BANS DO NOT WORK! All they do is create another source of income for criminals. From 1994 to 2004 we had a ban on assault weapons; Jonesboro AR., Springfield OR., Littleton CO. and Santee CA., to name a few, all had mass school shootings during the ban. And the facts show that gun control does not work. Chicago, Washington DC, and California, all famous for their gun control laws, and all famous for their murder and gang violence. New York City recently celebrated going 24 hours without a reported murder. Really? That is a good thing? What does that tell you about a city with strict gun laws when it celebrates the fact that they actually made it 24 hours without a reported murder.

And for God’s sake, get rid of these “Gun-Free” zones. All they have done is paint a target on the backs of the people in them. It is reported that the Aurora (CO) murderer went to 2 other theaters prior to the one he shot up. Why did he choose the Theater he did? There were “No Firearms Permitted” signs posted at that theater and not at the other two. The Fort Hood murderer went to the one place on the military base that was a “Gun Free Zone”. The intention behind a “Gun Free” zone is a good thought, but in reality they just invite these shootings.
To those, who ask “Why do these things happen?” The truth is, nobody knows, and honestly nobody ever will. You can blame mental illness, video games, music, TV, guns, religion (or lack thereof) or whatever you want to blame, but the fact is we will never know why. Profilers have been trying to figure out why serial killers kill for years. But still do not know what will happen to create the next one or how to prevent them from killing. The most we can do is look at why that person killed.

This brings me to those who ask “How do we stop this?” The truth is we can’t. There is no way to predict how, when, where, and why somebody will commit a heinous act like the one in Connecticut. All we can do is study it to find out what we can do to improve our children’s safety. My personal opinion and best idea I have heard is trained police officers in our schools. Sandy Hook Elementary seemed to have exemplary security procedures in place. And yet the murderer was still able to force his way into the school and murder 26 people. Armed, trained police officers will serve as a deterrent to some, and for those who are insane enough to try to shoot up our schools, at least there will be someone there with the ability to stop them or at least hold them off longs enough for back to up to arrive.

I could continue to list the reasons why we need and have firearms in this country. In fact, my draft was 12 pages longs! But I decided to leave you with this.

We gun owners are the last line of defense. There are approximately 300 million guns preventing this country from falling into complete chaos, as well as contributing to keeping you safe from others that wish to do you harm. Don’t think it could happen? Turn on the news and see all the people who want to destroy us and our country. Isoroku Yamamoto, an Admiral in the Japanese Navy during WWII was rumored to have said “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Imagine what could happen if that statement wasn’t true.

If you disagree, then please comment or just continue to ignore these facts. But don’t you ever say that I support the murder of children because I support the right to bear arms. It is because of the children that I have and always will stand up for the 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment is NON-NEGOTIABLE

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gun Control is Slavery

More Draconian Gun laws NEVER has, and NEVER will, control violence perpetrated by those who are bent on using violence as a means to an end.  All that Stricter Gun laws will do is disarm law-abiding citizens, while the Government, and criminals, intent on violence against innocent citizens, will find firearms readily available.

The TRUTH of the 2nd Amendment is that it is for the defense of the people of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic.  The 'Right to Bear Arms' is not tied to the murder rate, its not depended on what criminals or terrorists might do with them.  The 2nd Amendment is there to protect law abiding citizens who otherwise would be prey for those who would never give up their weapons, laws or no laws.

More Laws are not the answer!  Liberal knee jerk government policy favors the criminals and the Tyrants NOT the People.  Passing more Draconian gun laws will NOT stop those who are intent on doing evil.  NEVER has and it NEVER will.  The Only thing Liberal politics does is further tighten the noose of oppression around the neck of law abiding citizens.

There is study after study, fact after fact which shows convincingly that stripping the Civil right to bear arms only leads to a more belligerent, invasive, totalitarian government.    Gun ownership is 300 percent higher in Switzerland as in Germany, but the Swiss have had lower murder rates. Other countries with high rates of gun ownership and low murder rates include Israel, New Zealand, and Finland.
 Brittan has a much higher rate of violence involving firearms since it outlawed them. Guns are not the problem, it is EVIL people bent on death and destruction that are the problem

The Liberal politicians will never read an article like this, they will sit behind their ivory towers protected by their private ARMED security and tell the rest of the world that it is WE THE PEOPLE who must give up our right to protect ourselves.  The Police are not there to protect the law abiding citizens. The Police are only there to write the report in the aftermath of the violent crime suffered by the innocent.

There are many, TOO MANY, 911 phone calls where you hear the screaming of an an unarmed citizen begging for their life as they are being brutally assaulted while they wait for the police to show up.  The same 911 call by an armed citizen the only thing you hear is the loud thud as the criminal assailant hits the ground dead and the armed citizen calmly waiting for the police to show up.

Which would you rather be?

Which would you rather you wife, daughter, young children be?

Ben Franklin said it Best...


Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Future Adam Lanza

The Connecticut school massacre is NOT about guns.

The Connecticut school massacre is NOT about guns.

The Connecticut school massacre is NOT about guns. 

  The Connecticut school massacre is NOT about guns, as with other perpetrators of similar mass murders -- at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University and a Tucson  all of The LONE Gunman suffered from serious UNTREATED mental health conditions.

While the Main Stream Media (MSM) plays this tragedy out so that the focus of this massacre is the guns. This is a simple straight forward PHYS-OP so that the liberal politicians can deny law abiding American citizens their 2nd Amendment rights.

What did the Democrats espouse not so long ago..."Never let a tragedy go to waste."  We saw that with Bama's fake tears and his fake concern.

The truth of what happened is that America has given up on it's mentally ill children.  here is a story written by a mother of a mentally disturbed boy who has been turned down again and again for help with her disturbed son.

My Son Needs HELP!

In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it’s easy to talk about guns. But it’s time to talk about mental illness.

Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Connecticut kindergartners, my 13-year old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants.

“I can wear these pants,” he said, his tone increasingly belligerent, the black-hole pupils of his eyes swallowing the blue irises.

“They are navy blue,” I told him. “Your school’s dress code says black or khaki pants only.”

“They told me I could wear these,” he insisted. “You’re a stupid bitch. I can wear whatever pants I want to. This is America. I have rights!”

“You can’t wear whatever pants you want to,” I said, my tone affable, reasonable. “And you definitely cannot call me a stupid bitch. You’re grounded from electronics for the rest of the day. Now get in the car, and I will take you to school.”

I live with a son who is mentally ill. I love my son. But he terrifies me.

A few weeks ago, Michael pulled a knife and threatened to kill me and then himself after I asked him to return his overdue library books. His 7 and 9 year old siblings knew the safety plan—they ran to the car and locked the doors before I even asked them to. I managed to get the knife from Michael, then methodically collected all the sharp objects in the house into a single Tupperware container that now travels with me. Through it all, he continued to scream insults at me and threaten to kill or hurt me.

That conflict ended with three burly police officers and a paramedic wrestling my son onto a gurney for an expensive ambulance ride to the local emergency room. The mental hospital didn’t have any beds that day, and Michael calmed down nicely in the ER, so they sent us home with a prescription for Zyprexa and a follow-up visit with a local pediatric psychiatrist.

We still don’t know what’s wrong with Michael. Autism spectrum, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant or Intermittent Explosive Disorder have all been tossed around at various meetings with probation officers and social workers and counselors and teachers and school administrators. He’s been on a slew of antipsychotic and mood altering pharmaceuticals, a Russian novel of behavioral plans. Nothing seems to work.

At the start of seventh grade, Michael was accepted to an accelerated program for highly gifted math and science students. His IQ is off the charts. When he’s in a good mood, he will gladly bend your ear on subjects ranging from Greek mythology to the differences between Einsteinian and Newtonian physics to Doctor Who. He’s in a good mood most of the time. But when he’s not, watch out. And it’s impossible to predict what will set him off.  

Several weeks into his new junior high school, Michael began exhibiting increasingly odd and threatening behaviors at school. We decided to transfer him to the district’s most restrictive behavioral program, a contained school environment where children who can’t function in normal classrooms can access their right to free public babysitting from 7:30-1:50 Monday through Friday until they turn 18.

The morning of the pants incident, Michael continued to argue with me on the drive. He would occasionally apologize and seem remorseful. Right before we turned into his school parking lot, he said, “Look, Mom, I’m really sorry. Can I have video games back today?”

“No way,” I told him. “You cannot act the way you acted this morning and think you can get your electronic privileges back that quickly.”

His face turned cold, and his eyes were full of calculated rage. “Then I’m going to kill myself,” he said. “I’m going to jump out of this car right now and kill myself.”

That was it. After the knife incident, I told him that if he ever said those words again, I would take him straight to the mental hospital, no ifs, ands, or buts. I did not respond, except to pull the car into the opposite lane, turning left instead of right.

“Where are you taking me?” he said, suddenly worried. “Where are we going?”

You know where we are going,” I replied.

“No! You can’t do that to me! You’re sending me to hell! You’re sending me straight to hell!”

I pulled up in front of the hospital, frantically waiving for one of the clinicians who happened to be standing outside. “Call the police,” I said. “Hurry.”

Michael was in a full-blown fit by then, screaming and hitting. I hugged him close so he couldn’t escape from the car. He bit me several times and repeatedly jabbed his elbows into my rib cage. I’m still stronger than he is, but I won’t be for much longer.

The police came quickly and carried my son screaming and kicking into the bowels of the hospital. I started to shake, and tears filled my eyes as I filled out the paperwork—“Were there any difficulties what age did your child....were there any problems with...has your child ever experienced...does your child have....”  

At least we have health insurance now. I recently accepted a position with a local college, giving up my freelance career because when you have a kid like this, you need benefits. You’ll do anything for benefits. No individual insurance plan will cover this kind of thing.

For days, my son insisted that I was lying—that I made the whole thing up so that I could get rid of him. The first day, when I called to check up on him, he said, “I hate you. And I’m going to get my revenge as soon as I get out of here.”

By day three, he was my calm, sweet boy again, all apologies and promises to get better. I’ve heard those promises for years. I don’t believe them anymore.

On the intake form, under the question, “What are your expectations for treatment?” I wrote, “I need help.”

And I do. This problem is too big for me to handle on my own. Sometimes there are no good options. So you just pray for grace and trust that in hindsight, it will all make sense.

I am sharing this story because I am Adam Lanza’s mother. I am Dylan Klebold’s and Eric Harris’s mother. I am James Holmes’s mother. I am Jared Loughner’s mother. I am Seung-Hui Cho’s mother. And these boys—and their mothers—need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it’s easy to talk about guns. But it’s time to talk about mental illness.

According to Mother Jones, since 1982, 61 mass murders involving firearms have occurred throughout the country. ( Of these, 43 of the killers were white males, and only one was a woman. Mother Jones focused on whether the killers obtained their guns legally (most did). But this highly visible sign of mental illness should lead us to consider how many people in the U.S. live in fear, like I do.

When I asked my son’s social worker about my options, he said that the only thing I could do was to get Michael charged with a crime. “If he’s back in the system, they’ll create a paper trail,” he said. “That’s the only way you’re ever going to get anything done. No one will pay attention to you unless you’ve got charges.”

I don’t believe my son belongs in jail. The chaotic environment exacerbates Michael’s sensitivity to sensory stimuli and doesn’t deal with the underlying pathology. But it seems like the United States is using prison as the solution of choice for mentally ill people. According to Human Rights Watch, the number of mentally ill inmates in U.S. prisons quadrupled from 2000 to 2006, and it continues to rise—in fact, the rate of inmate mental illness is five times greater (56 percent) than in the non-incarcerated population. (

With state-run treatment centers and hospitals shuttered, prison is now the last resort for the mentally ill—Rikers Island, the LA County Jail, and Cook County Jail in Illinois housed the nation’s largest treatment centers in 2011 (

 No one wants to send a 13-year old genius who loves Harry Potter and his snuggle animal collection to jail. But our society, with its stigma on mental illness and its broken healthcare system, does not provide us with other options. Then another tortured soul shoots up a fast food restaurant. A mall. A kindergarten classroom. And we wring our hands and say, “Something must be done.”

I agree that something must be done. It’s time for a meaningful, nation-wide conversation about mental health. That’s the only way our nation can ever truly heal.

This story was first published online by the Blue Review. Read more on current events at
God help me. God help Michael. God help us all.

The 2nd Amendment is NON-NEGOTIABLE 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A ticking time bomb-- Adam Lanza

The Lone gunman Adam Lanza walked into an undefended Connecticut school and slaughtered  7 adults and 20 children.  Crazed killer Adam Lanza was a ‘ticking time bomb’ who suffered from Asperger’s syndrome and was painfully shy and awkward, former classmates said yesterday. This unbalanced mentally unhealthy loner dressed all in black was obsessed with violent video games.

The Lone gunman James Eagan Holmes walked into a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others.

The Lone Gunman Jacob Tyler Roberts walk inside, assault rifle in hand, screams and chaos in a panicked search for shelter — were unique to the case but numbingly similar to other recent mass shootings, notably the killings in a packed movie theater in Aurora, Colo., in July. Twelve were killed in that rampage, but the gunman’s semiautomatic weapon also jammed, law enforcement authorities believe, limiting the number who might have been killed. 

The Lone gunman Seung-Hui Cho the Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States.  shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart, before committing suicide 

Does ANYONE see a pattern here? 
 TPTB are going to keep this up till the American people are so terrified  of these own shadow that they beg for their civil rights to be stripped away.  TPTB are going to demand with fake tears and quivering lips that the children of America are under siege!  While wiping away a FAKE tear the lying politicians will shout that "ONLY a total ban and confiscation of all fire arms" will save the children of America.   The White House has been looking for an excuse to push draconian gun laws to disarm law abiding citizens.

In Australia TPTB used the same tactic to confiscate ALL FIREARMS.

A Lone gunman Martin Bryant went on a killing spree in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded.  The Port Arthur massacre in 1996 transformed gun control legislation in Australia. Thirty five people were killed and 21 wounded when a man with a history of violent and erratic behavior beginning in early childhood opened fire on shop owners and tourists with two military style semi-automatic rifles. This mass killing at the notorious former convict prison at Port Arthur horrified the Australian public and had powerful political consequences.  Prime Minister John Howard, then newly elected, immediately took the gun law proposals developed from the report of the 1988 National Committee on Violence and forced the states to adopt them under a National Firearms Agreement.

The 2nd Amendment is in the US Constitution to defend the people from TYRANNY and  unjust laws.  

The 2nd Amendment is there to protect the people.


Friday, December 14, 2012

North Korea is HELL on EARTH

 North Korea's murderous food policy, which has starved to death over 4,000,000 innocent North Koreans since the mid-1990s.  The barbarous treatment of political prisoners rises to the level  of crimes against humanity as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. 
North Korea routinely commits genocide as defined by the UN Genocide Convention 
At this moment, every method which constitutes genocide as outlined in Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention is being utilized by the DPRK security apparatus within North Korea's prison camps.

If you do not believe in HELL I assure you that HELL on Earth exists. It is located in the DPRK prison camps where 250,000 innocents, one-third of them children, are being forced to do slave labor on starvation rations and are daily subjected to heinous torture and executions.

In addition, the DPRK is actively targeting for destruction every group which is protected under the Genocide Convention through its decades-long policy of killing the half-Chinese babies of North Korean women forcibly repatriated by China (constituting genocide on national, ethnical, and racial grounds) and through its systematic annihilation of its indigenous religious population and their families (genocide on religious grounds).

In the face of TRUE EVIL the United Nations has done NOTHING but pass meaningless resolutions.  The United States of America has done little, to nothing, to stop this rogue nation state from slaughtering it's own population.


Our North Korean brothers and Sisters are starving and freezing to death.   

Because, those in power REFUSE to act in the face of this Absolute EVIL.  

 Please stop and pray that Almighty GOD will intervene and END this Man-made HELL on Earth.