Thursday, January 30, 2014

The White House Ignores the Jobless Plight Young African Americans


African Americans are suffering the most under Obama's Hope and Change presidency

Appalling, new figures about the state of our economy have recently come out. Ninety-two percent of African American male teenagers in Chicago don't have a job. A trend that continues to head in the wrong direction for other minority teens as well.  Under Obama unemployment has become a catastrophe. In Obama's home town unemployment is far worse than the national average. 
These shocking numbers released by the Chicago Urban League are one more grim result of Illinois having 600,000 fewer jobs today than when Obama took office.  Work that teens traditionally did, from delivering newspapers to flipping burgers, is now done by adults desperate for any income.  The same adults who voted for Obama are now flipping burgers just to survive.

In 2014 only 8 percent of African-American male teens in Chicago were able to find legitimate work; 92 percent of those age 16-19 were unemployed.   Chicago's black male teens are more likely to be drafted into the NBA then find a job under the Obama administration.  Nationwide, the figures are hardly any better, 17 percent of black males 16-19 had a part time job. In Illinois that number drops to 12 percent.  In Chicago that number drops even further to 8 percent. 
America's first black president has failed African Americans in every sense of the word.  The current administration in the White House has little or NO concern about disadvantaged or minority voters in America.  The only time you will see this Administration in a economically disadvantaged urban area is when Obama is on his way to the airport to catch a plane to his next vacation.