Friday, May 03, 2013

Taylor Morris an American Hero

 Taylor Morris
Taylor @ 18 years old. Senior pic 5/21/2007
After high school, Taylor pursued a career with the Navy.  I was less than thrilled with his decision, but tried to stay supportive none-the-less.  I told him, if he even once felt like the military wasn’t the right path that he should drop out and we could go to ninja school together.  I didn’t see him much and we didn’t stay in touch very well.  He ended up becoming a member of an elite class of soldiers known as the EOD. The Explosive Ordinance Disposal teams are the first men on the battle field.  They clear paths of explosives for other soldiers, literally putting their lives on the line for their fellow men.
 Taylor got deployed to Afghanistan as a NAVY EOD Petty Officer
 On May 3, 2012, Taylor stepped on an IED.  When the news hit our hometown of Cedar Falls, Iowa, our community dropped to their knees.  The damage Taylor sustained was extremely severe.  The explosion blew off his legs, his left arm and his right hand.  After receiving immediate medical attention in Afghanistan, he transferred to a hospital in Germany, and May 6th was taken to Walter Reed Medical Academy in Washington DC to begin the long rehabilitation process.

Danielle's first time seeing Taylor after the accident 5/7/2012
  Taylor does not want to be called a hero.  He states “I was simply doing my job, which I knew the risks of. The people who went into known danger to save my life are the real heroes.” Taylor might not want to acknowledge being a hero on the battle field, but in my opinion, he can’t deny being the strongest inspiration to everyone who hears his story.  The bomb took much more than his limbs, it took his independence, privacy, ease of living.
Tim Dodd Photography Cedar Falls Iowa vists friend Taylor Morris. Taylor is a quad amputee who lost his limbs while serving in Afghanistan

Taylor Morris is a Hero. A true blue dyed in the wool American Hero. When the call came not only did he answer his duty to Country, he asked for the most dangerous job there was. So, that he could protect other American soldiers.  Taylor Morris is an American Hero who's example should be held up high and for all to see. I salute you Taylor Morris and all the gallant men who serve in the United States Armed Forces.

If you wish to stop in and Salute Taylor Morris yourself his website is