Monday, November 30, 2015

The Swedish Goverment has betrayed it's Citizen

The Swedish people have been betrayed by their own government.  The welfare system built by Swedes, for Swedes has been given over to the muslim invaders.  Swedes have had frontrow seats to their own goverment ignoring their cries for law and order in their own country.   The Swedish government has been placing refugees and migrants above native Swedes.
Swedes have become second class citizens in their own country.  "There are no apartments, no jobs, we don't dare go shopping anymore without a gun.   The government demands that we pretend that everything is ok.  The state run media tells us that we are supposed to think everything's great.  
How can we think this when women and girls are raped by these muslim refugee men, who come here claiming they are unaccompanied children. They are NOT children but 20 and 30 year old single muslim men.  Our Cabinet Ministers live in your fancy residential neighborhoods, with only Swedish neighbors, where the muslim refuges are not allowed. 
 It should be obligatory for all politicians to live for at least three months in an area consisting mostly of single male muslims and have to use public transport." -- Laila, Swedish citizen to the Prime Minister.
"Instead of torchlight processions against racism, we need a Prime Minister who speaks out against the violence against Swedish women.  Every time a Swede speaks up we are told that we are racists. Do not make it a racism thing." -- Anders,  Swedish citizen to the Prime Minister
"In all honesty, I don't even feel they government ministers care to even look at our problems... There is no one in those meetings who can tell them what real life looks like." – Laila, on the response she received from the government. 
The week after the double murder at IKEA in Västerås, where a  male muslim refuge from Eritrea who had been denied asylum grabbed some knives and stabbed Carola and Emil Herlin to death.  The Prime Minister has refused to even speak of this heinous crime against Swedes.

Phone calls, letters, and emails poured into the offices of Swedish Prime Minister (PM) Stefan Löfven. Angry, despondent and desperate Swedes have plead with the Social Democratic PM to stop filling the country with criminal mulims from the Third World.

Swedish media absolutely REFUSES to address these issues, Sweden is sinking fast under the weight of the muslim invasion.  The worst part is that our own politicans are complict in this destruction of our Country. 
Luvak: Swedish citizen to the Prime Minister.

During the last few decades, Swedes have had to get used to the government (left and right wing parties alike) prioritizing refugees and migrants above native Swedes. The high tax level, the average worker pays 42% income tax which ahs been accepted in the past, because people knew that if they got sick, or when they retired or otherwise needed government aid, they would get it.

Now, Swedes see their hard work and their trust in the government has been betrayed. More and more senior citizens fall into the "indigent" category; close to 800,000 of Sweden's 2.1 million retirees, despite having worked their whole lives, are forced to live on between 4,500 and 5,500 kronor ($545 - $665) a month. Meanwhile, muslim seniors who immigrate to Sweden receive the so-called "elderly support subsidy" -- usually a higher amount -- even though they have NEVER paid any taxes in Sweden.

Worse, in 2013 the government decided that third world muslims staying in the country illegally have a right to virtually free health and dental care. So while the destitute Swedish senior citizen must choose between paying 100,000 kronor ($12,000) to get new teeth or living toothless, a person who does not even have the right to stay in Sweden can get his teeth fixed for 50 kronor ($6).

Some info from:

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Bilderberg Wants You Dead


 Closing 'Remarks' by the Chairman of the Bilderberg Group

If we continue to maintain control of the masses by the classical wage labor within a framework of a system built on mass production and mass consumption with the solvency of the consumers by allocating a portion of the wealth created via work, we all have now acquired the certainty that the long-term survival of the human species, the backup and the sustainability of a viable biosphere and in harmony with the human activities required a total reorganization of our modes of thought, organization and production.

As we all know, in fact the goal we are pursuing is neither totally vain accumulation of new wealth or even the rescue of an economic system, it was used for more than three centuries and become incompatible with our vision of the future.
 The objective which we pursue is obviously the one of the eternal life, or in any case the passage to the man living two centuries and we join here the ambitious ideas of transhumanism which we wish to develop, to install to favor the emergence of a new human being, a NEW superman.

Our plans and technologies are highly developed. We are ready to live two centuries and beyond.  The new nanotechnologies allow us to repair the bodies of the inside, the decoding of the human genome allowed us to understand the functioning of the cellular aging which we are not capable of stopping, but of slowing down considerably. 

Our control of stem cells allows us to re-make at the demand any cellular tissue or structure, obviously any organ which would become failing.
Finally, our control of the human genome allows us as well to select the most effective and most adapted genetic heritages, without forgetting the fact that by modifying some we can finally increase our physical as well mental abilities.

Our illustrious predecessors of the 1930s thought naively that we could transpose, for the improvement of the human race, the methods used for the optimization of dog breeds by crossings skilfully organized. Nevertheless, these failures of the “Nazism” allowed us to explore new ways and to reach the success which we celebrate today. We finally uncovered the secrets of the eternal life, the ultimate conquest of the man become finally his own god and his own master. 

We are all, us here gathered here the true Alpha and Omega of this New Order.  This new world is ours to shape as we see fit.

Obviously, as you know, the over population issue raises absolutely colossal problems of implementation. The fact stands that the planet and our environment cannot obviously support the eternal life of tens of billion human beings who would consume in the same way as today. We know all that an infinite growth, including demographics in a finite world is an intellectual aberration. 

We, NOW understand that to divide the world into two castes, that of the mortal and the immortal, would simply be impossible because in one case we suggest to live and to the others to die, so putting working and mainstream masses in a situation where they would have nothing to lose any more would be a failure of control.  

I remind to you that the main tool of the control of the masses has always been the granting of more 'things.'  It is self defeating for granting benefits which might include longer life spans for undesirables. So, the obvious solution is simple and clean...Global depopulation.  The faster that this solution is implemented the sooner that the 'New World' can begin.

 Steps to a New World Order

1) The initial objective is the massive depopulation in protecting at best the environment, which is tantamount to exclude from the fields of our possible use of any nuclear weapons which would be tantamount to inflicting some irreparable damage to our so small planet.

2) It is the triptych. First, economic collapse, then civil war and finally massive epidemics.  The use of these three tools should allow us to eventually reduce the world population from 7-10 billion inhabitants, quickly and efficiently.

3)  We think that to reach our objective of 500 million human beings, alive, who we deem worthwhile, is now within reach.  We have already begun flooding the 1st world with 3rd world 'throw-aways.'  These are mentally deficient religious fanatics who will spread disease, violence, and sow the seeds of mistrust among the populace. 

4) We will continue the immigration policy of 'FLOODING and OVERWHELMING' the 1st world nation states with waves of poor, uneducated, disease ridden people come from the Middle East into Europe and then finally America. We will allow the meteoric rise of the most radical Islam to instigate strife and contention across all vectors of the 1st world.  

5) Finally, we will bring massive and systemic economic collapse to the big three, Russia, China, and lastly America . We will foster large-scale civil wars where each community will be responsible to kill the largest number of the opposing side. All in some vain hope of capturing ever shrinking resources. We will have agents hidden in members of  each of the splinter communities guiding our plans and assuring the planned outcome.

We ultimately see without much expenditure on our part total civil strife among Blacks against whites, muslim against Christians, rich against poor, old against young, and on and on.   It will be to our immense advantage to let the unwashed masses destroy each other.  With, societal degradation in every sector, from health care, manufacturing, agriculture, energy production, transportation, it will not be difficult to bring the last hold outs among the nation states to their collapse. 

This, will be followed closely by the release of predetermined  genetically modified viruses which we currently are ready to field.  Both, the speed and virility, of said population reduction vectors will yield epidemiological, sociological data which may become useful for future culling.    

We have used the data from the previous dry run, that being the civil war between the two Ukraines, to extrapolate the disease, violence, and homicide fatality rate.   To match the success of previous manufactured civil unrest among the nation state numbers should not be an issue. 

The lack of preparation by the peoples or their governments, added to their dependence on fragile support systems will make them particularly vulnerable to the staged levels of depopulation.  

The attacks against the population should come in very rapid secession.  The massive global economic collapse will begin in China, quickly devouring the Americans as they are linked in every monetarily way imaginable. The Russian may hold out for a week or two but they will collapse under the weight of their inability to creditize their capital markets fast enough. Once the big 3 fall the rest of the world will cannibalize itself trying to maintain hemogoney. The scenario has been planned, is currently in process, and the calculated outcome has been defined as  unsurvivable at any scale. 

Global depopulation has begun and will accelerate till the plan is achieved.  Those of the Bilderberg group and by extension the Trilateral commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, have complete control of all the worlds major governments, global multinational corporations and all military branches. There is no power on earth that can stop us!  


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Princeton O.C.C. takes on The Order of Perpetual Victim-Hood

The Princeton Open Campus Coalition is a student group at Princeton University formed to push back against the recent wave of politically correct suppression of open academic discourse.  
Specifically, by members of The Order of Perpetual Victim-hood LGBT, BLM, Feminists, and liberals which demand spaces on campus, which they deem 'SAFE SPACES.' These ubiquitous 'SAFE' areas are in truth simply areas where censorship is FORCED by threat of law or intimidation.
When, did AMERICA become a collection of entitled, spoiled, self-centered, liberal arts college students?  
What lack of objective reality allowed these people to think that their opinion is the only one that deserves to be heard or seen?  The last group that got together and did this invaded Poland and started WW2. They were called the NAZIS. 
These, self-obsessed, maniacal, narcissists are only flourishing because those in power, ie: the faculty, the financial donors, and other students have become afraid to express their opinion due to fear of retribution.  That is what is really driving this politically correct infantile temper tantrum.  Political correctness can be boiled down to one single thought...ME ME ME ME ME ME est infinity  
Academic discourse consists of reasoned arguments, not infantile shouting matches where victory is by those will to scream the loudest.  Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers  minister for public enlightenment and propaganda would be proud of the brown shirt intimidation that has occurred on university campuses nation wide. 
At Princeton many students have shared with us that they are AFRAID to state publicly their opinions on recent events for fear of being vilified, slandered, and subjected to hatred, either by fellow students or faculty. Many who questioned the protest were labeled racist, and black students who expressed disagreement with the protesters were called “white sympathizers” and were told they were “not black.” We, the Princeton Open Campus Coalition, refuse to let our peers be intimidated or bullied into silence .

I must say, Princeton students have impressed me with their backbone to take on the founders of The Order of Perpetual Victim-hood. 
Admittedly, civil disobedience (and even law-breaking) can sometimes be justified. However, they cannot be justified when channels of advocacy, through fair procedures of decision-making, are fully open, as they are at our university. To adopt these tactics while such procedures for debate and reform are in place is to come dangerously close to the line dividing demonstration from intimidation. It is also a way of seeking an unfair advantage over people with different viewpoints who refuse to resort to such tactics for fear of damaging this institution that they love.
White people have become so afraid of offending a minority that they have surrendered their national, regional, state, and local voice. To blame White people for all the ills of minorities, is to deny the personal responsibility of said individuals to overcome adversity by their own merits. 
At Princeton we believe that all students should be encouraged to take courses taught by professors who will challenge their preconceived mindsets. To this end, the university should make every effort to attract outstanding faculty representing a wider range of viewpoints — even controversial viewpoints. 

The First Amendment...
 (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble.
...was made, specifically, so that those who have unpopular opinions, those who are not well liked by society, those whose religious, sexual identity, ethnicity, social standing,  are allowed a place at the National discussion on all issues pertaining to the body politic. 
The founding members of The Order of Perpetual Victim-hood LGBT, BLM, Feminists, and liberals want an America molded into their warped view of perpetual Victim-hood. Where only their point of view is allowed or they will throw a huge temper-tantrum by leveraging societies good will towards the mentally deficient.    

Requiring cultural competency training for faculty st Princeton threatens to impose orthodoxies on issues about which people of good faith often disagree. As Professor Sergiu Klainerman has observed, it reeks of the reeducation programs to which people in his native Romania were subjected under Communist rule.
  "Reeducation camps" were the official title given to the prison camps operated by the Communist governments.  Socialists and Communists  were very fond of "reeducation camps." Reeducation, as it was implemented, was seen, as both a means of revenge, and as a sophisticated technique of repression and indoctrination. Something, many members of The Order of Perpetual Victim-hood Liberals, LGBT, Feminists, BLM, are strong supporteres of...
because they desire that others be forced to accept their flawed mindset.

Their message and logic is flawed and when examined by the light of day, has not the capacity to stand on their own merits.  This is why the The Order of Perpetual Victim-hood and it's members LGBT, BLM, Feminists, and liberals must have no competition, no rebuttal, no examination of the facts, and excessive intimidation for their ideology to stand and flourish. 

We, at Princeton firmly believe that there should be no space at a university in which any member of the community, student or faculty, is “safe” from having his or her most cherished and even identity-forming values challenged. It is the very mission of the university to seek truth by subjecting all beliefs to critical, rational scrutiny. While students with a shared interest in studying certain cultures are certainly welcome to live together, we reject university-sponsored separatism in housing. We are all members of the Princeton community. We denounce the notion that our basic interactions with each other should be defined by demographic traits.
Let us hope that the good men and women of Princeton O.C.C. do not fold under the weight of fear and intimidation of The Order of Perpetual Victim-hood or as it is better know...The current and future members of the Democratic Party...

Some info Excerpted infro from: 
All the rest is solely the Free Speech opinion of the Galactic Federation of Common Sense 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Qui Bono After Paris

After the attacks in Paris, France on 11/13/2015 the European Commission on Wednesday adopted a package of measures to strengthen control of firearms across the European Union(EU). 

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "The recent terrorist attacks on Europe's people and values were coordinated across borders, showing we must work together to resist these threats."
"Today's proposal will help us tackle the threat of weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. We are proposing stricter controls on sale and registration of firearms, and stronger rules to irrevocably deactivate weapons," said Juncker.


These measures pretend that they are for prevent terrorists from accessing weapons in the EU.  The truth is that it once again, is PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION by the right wing EU hardliners.  
 The truth is that the Paris attacks do little for the islamic cause and advances by leaps and bounds the totalitarian ideology of Social Marxism in the E.U.  
The package of measures includes a revision of the firearms directive to tighten controls on the acquisition and possession of firearms, which need to be approved by the European Parliament and European Council.

An implementing regulation on common minimum standards for deactivation of firearms is included in the package, which sets out common and strict criteria on the way member states must deactivate weapons.

"Today's proposal will in NO way prevent attacks that happened in Paris on 11-13-15. What they will do is curtail the individual freedoms of all members of the E.U. states.  It further removes civil liberties from all citizens of the E.U., while concentrating power into smaller and smaller circles.  

The E.U. politicians promise things which they can not deliver.  Criminals and terrorists are not going to purchase a handgun legally, nor will they in any way be stymied by any slew of gun laws.The thing you have to ask yourself is...

'Qui Bono' 

Who REALLY benefited from the Paris attacks Did these attacks further the cause of islamic terrorists? Did these attacks stop the attacks by Western powers in Syria or the middle east?  Who really gained the most by the attacks in Paris? Answer the right wing hardliners within the E.U. parliament. 

1. Martial Law has been enacted and extended for at least 90 days.  Let us remember that the E.U. is not one for giving back civil liberties once it has fraudulently stolen them. 

2. The right to keep and bear arms has been greatly reduced and that right will NEVER be returned by the E.U. Parliament to it's nation states.  

3. Surveillance laws further extending the right of the E.U. government nation states to spy on it's own citizens are now being put in place.

The real winner in the Paris attacks in most likely the same people who are shouting form the roof tops that the E.U. is not safe enough, that the E.U. laws are not strict enough, that the citizens of the E.U. are too free for their own good.  

Fear is a great moderator. The fear of bogey men terrorists, the fear of nameless foreigners who might strike at any moment.  If you stop to think , for even a second, the easiest way for the E.U. politicians to accomplish political change is...


After all, what are the real costs to the E.U. nation states for 150 dead people. Practically, ZERO.  After all, it was nameless, faceless, middle eastern bogey men who did the crime.  No one will get sued, no one will be blamed, from a financial stand point it's bullet proof.  Forget political change where people must be convinced of your intellectual view point, forget paying for T.V. adds, forget having to hire celebrities to endorse your line of thinking.  It's almost, no, no, it's perfectly diabolical...

Get some blood thirsty islamic terrorists, set them up like good little soldiers, then wind them up and let them go about their bloody business.  Then, when it's all over you shed a tear or two, moan and weep about the poor dead people, then go on a frenzied media tour pushing your totalitarian agenda, shoving your pre-packaged anti-freedom legislation down the throats of still reeling E.U. citizens who are shell shocked and not thinking clearly.  
Then, when its' all over, go to a few funerals, garner more air time telling everyone that it was YOU who has NOW made the E.U. nation states safe.  After all, the new draconian, anti-liberty, ultra-surveillance laws were the whole reason for the attacks in the first place. 
My question again, is this who REALLY benefited by the attacks...

Qui Bono

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The True Reason Behind the Paris Attacks


French President Francois Hollande proposed constitutional amendments and a three-month extension of state of emergency measures Monday that will severely limit, and permanently remove the civil liberties of French citizens.

After a series of coordinated terrorist attacks left 129 dead in Paris Friday, Hollande immediately declared a state of emergency, based on a rarely used 1955 law that allows the state to conduct warrant-less searches of private property, impose curfews, restrict public gatherings and movements of people, confiscate weapons at will and take over the press.

By law the state of emergency cannot last more than 12 days, but Hollande asked for a three-month extension Monday. He also proposed a series of constitutional amendments to increase the state’s surveillance powers and give it power to strip convicted terrorists and bi-nationals who commit hostile acts toward France of citizenship. It also permanently will remove all privacy from French citizens.

Hollande said the amendments are necessary so the state doesn’t have to “resort to the state of emergency” to deal with terror threats. “We must change our constitution to act against terrorism,” he said Monday.

The proposed amendments will also give the state “more sophisticated methods” to crack down on weapons trafficking, a quicker way to deport foreigners considered a threat, and the ability to bar bi-nationals considered a terror risk from entering the country. It will also turn France into a De facto police state. 

Who really wins in these most recent attacks in Paris?  The terrorist certainly do not, they gained nothing in the Paris attack.  The French political hard liners gain everything. Now, thanks to manufactured fear, televised bloodshed, the citizens of France are properly cowered and are begging the French government to protect them against any and all bogey men. This, is a classical coup d'État (French pronunciation: ​[ku deta]) literally meaning a "stroke of state" or "blow against the state."

That, 'blow against the state' was the crushing strike, which, fells Democracy in France forever more.  Should, some power wanted to over throw a free state and desired to use means other then military might, the text book, False Flag (Burning of the Reichstag) is a perfect maneuver.     
This is the time for bravery, patience, and clear thinking, but those in power, those who crave a Europe wrapped in the iron fist of Totalitarianism will not allow their plans to be derailed.  IF necessary, TPTB  will happily wade through a river of blood and dead bodies to achieve their goals. 

GOD help the Fench! After 9/11 the Americans were too shell shocked to think straight and the result was the Patriot act, a run away NSA, CIA, RIO.  9/11 has become the blueprint for over throwing once Western nations. 

Step 1:  False Flag operation which has maximum body count, blood and gore, with constant media rotation  of the event 24-7.
Step2: Invent a phony bogey man, preferably one from the middle east.  Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, ISL, any middle eastern, Western controlled and created bogey man will do.  Then, lay all the blame and carnage at their doorstep. 

Step 3: Follow through with predetermined goals by pretending to go after the fake bogey men.  While, the public is still staggering from the fear of the attacks swiftly without any oversight, pass devastating legislation curtailing all civil liberties, civil freedoms all of which do noting to hurt terrorists, but do everything to make the citizens, enemies of the state. 
This is ALL Classical 'Hegel's dialectic' Problem, Reaction, Solution...

Some info excerpted from:

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Brutal Face of Modern Day islam

The above picture is of a 9yr old Yazidi begging to be killed rather then become a sex slave for ISIS/ISIL

Any, muslim, or their mass media apologists, who are skilled Taqiyya-Tacticians will try and pass off the bold face lie and state..."That Radical islam is not the true face of islam.  For those of you who don't know, muslim are allowed, by the koran, to lie anytime, anywhere, however it suits them.  This is ingrained in their culture that lying to non-beliver's is not only acceptable, but commanded by allah their desert god.

After all, you are a Kafir ( Non-Believer) In the koran it sates  8:12 The lord spoke to his angels and said, “i will be with you. Give strength to the believers. i will send terror into the kafirs’ hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fin-gers!”

Over the past year, Islamic State forces have kidnapped many thousands of young Yazidi women to use as sex slaves. Islamic State fighters kidnapped thousands of Yazidi women and girls after they swept through northern Iraq earlier this year. Their fate is just one step above hell on earth.
Isis claim it is permissible to enslave Yazidis because, after all, it in the koran.  Sharia law, which applies to ALL muslims allows the enslavement, possession, and sale of captured NON-BELIEVERS or as the muslim's call them "pagans."  
The  Taqiyya-Tacticians want to pass off the lie that this is somehow an aberration of islam. It is not, it is the TRUE  FACE of islam.  It's in EVERY koran, not just the imaginary radicalized koran. The capture, enslavement, and rape of young women (Kafirs-NON Believers) is in EVERY koran that is sold and read by all muslim believers.  It is one of the core tenets of islam.  

You might ask yourself...'what happens to the women not found visually pleasing to the inbred descendants of muhammad?  Well, sadly, we know what happened to those not deemed ‘attractive enough’ for them.The the massacre of the Yazidis cannot be ignored if the true nature of islam is to be understood by the West. 

The pic below makes it absolutely clear what happens to those women not found sexy enough for ISIS/ISIL.

The Yazidis are a religious sect whose faith incorporates parts of several ancient Middle Eastern religions. To Isil, they are 'devil worshippers' – the lowest of the low – who should be either killed or enslaved. 

In August 2014 the militants overran Yazidi territory in Sinjar and began killing and kidnapping thousands of men, women and children. The United Nations has already acknowledged that what happened in those dark days may be considered genocide. 
In the village of Kocho, Isil militants gave the inhabitants a deadline by which to convert to Islam. If they refused, they would die. 

Hundreds of men and boys were slaughtered; many killed by point-blank shots to the head or were pushed off cliffs. More than a thousand women and girls were kidnapped. The brutal savagery by ISIS/ISIL fighters of sexual violence against these young women and underage girls, some as young as 5yrs old, has been painfully well documents. 
Last year, one 17-year-old girl, part of a group of about 40 Yazidi women who were still being held captive and sexually abused on a daily basis by ISIS/ISIL fighters, told how they were repeatedly raped on the top floor of the building, up to three times a day, by different groups of men. Then, when the men were finished the women were herded like animals into locked rooms. Deprived of any medical attention, running water, or even basic sanitation  these women were forced to endure this horror over and over till they were of no use anymore. Then, with little fanfare they were shot in the face and dumped into an open pit.  

"Our torturers do not even spare the women who have small children with them. "Nor do they spare the girls - some of our group are not even 10 years old. Some of them, while alive physically, were nothing but an empty shell emotionally.  The very young girls, those who were virgins when this nightmare began, will no longer say a word." 

Now, another chilling part of the picture has been filled in: what happened to the older women. 
After a two day offensive to recapture Sinjar, last Friday, Kurdish forces were met by young Yazidi women who had somehow managed to escape the clutches of the Isil kidnappers. They led their liberators to ditches containing the bodies of their mothers and grandmothers. 

According to the survivors, these older women were taken behind the technical institute in the Solagh area, east of Sinjar. After a pause, gunfire was heard.
The belongings scattered by the dusty mass grave in Sinjar show this is no ordinary war. Elderly women who use walking sticks are not soldiers. 

Islamic State’s attitude to women has been brutally laid bare in its division of the Yazidis into those who were young and beautiful enough to rape, and those who were not. Mothers and grandmothers who seemingly could not command a price in the sex market (reportedly a 'packet of cigarettes') were simply slaughtered. 

This is the TRUE face of islam...brutality, savagery, genocide, misogyny, rape, slavery, racisim, straight from the pages of the koran...

Some info excerpted from:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Western Democracies are Solely Resposable for the Paris Attacks

Hegelian Dialectic is Problem – Reaction – Solution. The citizens of Western Democracies all to often fall victim to this deception thrust upon them by their Corporate-Fascists  governments.  In terms of controlling the masses, and society in general this oft-used tactic has been an effective tool in keeping the Western Democracies enslaved. 

Almost all major events in history employ the Hegelian Dialectic of:

Problem – manufacture a crisis or take advantage of one already in place in order to get the desired  

Reaction of public outcry whereby the public demands a...  

Solution which as been predetermined from the beginning.

In the last 2 posts at 'Gabriel's Trumpet'  I have discussed the gun men, the final weapon used in the most recent muslim bloodbaths.  The true perpetrators of this violence are the Western Democracies themselves.  It is the Western Democracies which have willingly, with bloody forethought destabilized the middle east.  Which, to those in the know, is done for the sole purpose of maintaining absolute control of the world's oil/energy supplies.    
The second, more pernicious, of the 2 reasons the Western Democracies have destabilized the middle east is the continuation of the American Petro Dollar.  Without which, there would be no American Super power, after all there isn't enough of a middle class left in America to be able to continue the unsustainable military capital expenditures.  As long as the Americans are allowed to print the world's reserve currency at will, there will be no unseating the United States from it's position as the world's only Super power.  

If you are a student of global politics you will see that the muslim gunmen have played right into the hands of the Western Democracies. The West needed a reason to go into the middle east and remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a puppet government.  Now, the United States via-a-vi the French have already begun bombing selected Syrian supporters targets.  They will tell the world that they are bombing ISIS/ISIL but that is not the case factually.  After all ISIS/ISIL are American creations, carrying America weapons, driving discarded American armor and vehicles.  

Just recently the Americans airlifted 5 tons of weapons and munitions to supposed anti-Syrian forces.  Yet, only 2 days later it was found that the 5 tons of armaments were captured and assimilated by ISIS/ISIL. Another interesting fact is it was the American who helped found ISIS/ISIL by destabilizing IRAQ and opening up Syria to civil war. 

So, for those that are listening, the muslim gun men were bought cheap, their lives had for a few fairy tails and maybe even money for the families, which they left behind. They were most likely extremely poor, uneducated, without any hope of a life or future.  Que the insidious Western intelligence agencies who come in and woe these young men to give up their lives in pursuit of the 72 virgins.  Had these young men had time to think it through; they would have understood that their actions could not and would not lead to success. Their predictable, steerable, hair trigger for violence would only lead to more bloodshed, more suffering for those in the middle east. These attacks in Paris only added to the suffering of muslims worldwide.   


These young muslim men and women played right into the hands of the Western Democracies. Now the citizens of France, the United States and the rest of Europe will all clap and applaud as devastating air strikes bring the middle east to a full running boil.  


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Muslims killing Muslims in Beirut Lebanon

Friday Nov 133, 2015: A pair of suicide bombings struck southern Beirut on Thursday, killing 43 people and leaving shattered glass and blood on the streets, Lebanese authorities said. 

At least 239 others were wounded, according to state-run National News Agency. A would-be suicide bomber who survived the attack told investigators he was an ISIS recruit, a Lebanese security source said. The man, a Lebanese national from Tripoli, Lebanon, was taken into custody after the blasts. 
He told authorities that he and three other attackers arrived in Lebanon from Syria two days ago. Lebanese intelligence believes the bombers could be part of a cell dispatched to Beirut by ISIS leadership, the source said, but investigators are still working to verify the surviving suspect's claim. The three other bombers were killed in the explosions.

As you well may know, this attack was in lose conjunction with the Three muslim murder teams which brutally carried out the attacks in Paris, France which killed 129 people and left more than 350 wounded. 

I would like to see someone defend the muslim religion which is a mandate for murder, slaughter, rape, and worldwide genocide.  The slaughter  of innocent French civilians is all over the news right now, but this is only the most recent nightmare that is islam. 
Some, would say that I am too harsh in my wording and the way that I portray muslims. I say show me where the supposed moderate muslims are!  Show me how the moderate muslims are stopping the whole sale genocide of Christians in the middle east. Sure you get one or two muslims which speak up, but on the whole the supposed moderate muslims are silent. 

Please don't show me how a couple of muslims held hands and surrounded a church or two.  They only did that because they KNEW they were NOT going to be attacked for doing so. Plus, the 'moderate muslims' made sure the press was there to take video and pictures of their fake bravery.  

The world wide infection of islam is said to have over a billion adherents.  It is also agreed that only 25% of islam is purported to be radicalized.  Which, means that there are 250 million psychopaths bent on whole sale slaughter of anyone who does not believe in islam.  That's nearly the entire population of Canada and Mexico combined.  

I dare anyone to delve into islam and it's pedophile founder muhammad and his ranting.  Take the time to read the koran it reads like a Medieval horror story on steroids.  Let's peruse a few surahs and verses and see if it is capable of cohabitating with Western ideals of Fair play, honesty, and equality for all.

The koran commands the believer to kill ALL infidels:

1. Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191

2. Make war on Christians and Jews until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme - 8:39

3. When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. - 9:5

4. O Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. - 9:73

5. Ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers....9:123

6. Unbelievers are enemies of Allah and they will roast in hell. - 41:14

7.  Muhammad is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers - 48:29

8. The unbelievers among the Jews and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. - 98:51 

These are but a few of the commands muhammd has given to his followers concerning anyone who is not a believers of islam.  True islam is not capable of coexisting with modern, sane, freedom loving Westerners.  We will continue to see more and more of these savages attacking innocent people until those innocent people have had enough.  

Something, for muslims to remember is that Hitler and his Nazi party were given great leeway for years.  Eventually, the world came around to the fact that Nazis and their insane beliefs were a disease which needed eradicating.  Good, freedom loving men and women joined together, nation to nation, and eradicated the Nazis from the face of the planet.