Sunday, April 22, 2012

Obama declares by LAW that Free Speech A Felony

President Obama signs an anti-protest bill, H.R. 347, prohibiting protesters from occupying areas near the Secret Service.

It actually MAKES it Illegal to protest against the policies of American politicians.  Now the Secret Service can decide anytime, anywhere where THEY or their MASTER'S want a NO-FREE-SPEECH ZONE.

This is a violation of the 1st Amendment, this is a flagrent violation of the foundation of the fabirc of the United States of America.

FREE SPEECH is the bedrock on which a FREE United States is built upon.  NOW, whenever TPTB don't want to have to hear from the slaves they can just declare a NO-FREE SPEECH ZONE and anyone who dares to speak up will face a YEAR in FEDERAL PRISON. 

This bill was brought in by the Republicans and supported by both parties and signed into LAW in SECRET by Obama.  

The full text of H.R. 347 is available here:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

US Gulf of Mexico seafood terrifies Fishermen

Gulf of Mexico fishermen, scientists and seafood processors have reported they are finding disturbing numbers of mutated shrimp, crab and fish that they believe are deformed by  COREXIT released by the Metric TON during BP's 2010 oil disaster nightmare.

Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527, both of which British Petroleum (BP) has used

(more than 1,400,000 gallons to date and counting) to disperse crude oil on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico and near the wellhead 5,000 feet below the surface where the volcano of oil gushes toxicity into the Gulf.

According to the EPA, Corexit is more toxic than dispersants made by several competitors and less effective in handling southern Louisiana crude.

The pathways of exposure are inhalation, ingestion, skin and eye contact. Health impacts include headaches; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; abdominal pains; dizziness; chest pains and tightness; irritation of eyes, nose, throat and lungs; difficulty breathing; respiratory system damage; skin irrigation and sensitization; hypertension; central nervous system depression; neurotoxic effects; genetic damage and mutations; cardiac arrhythmia and cardiovascular damage; among several others.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) latest analysis of dispersant toxicity released in the document "Comparative Toxicity of Eight Oil Dispersant Products on Two Gulf of Mexico Aquatic Test Species," Corexit 9500, at a concentration of 42 parts per million, killed 50 percent of mysid shrimp tested.

Corexit is so toxic that it is illegal for use in the UK! 

Thanks to the Spineless American politicians Corexit isn't to TOXIC for the  American public living along the Louisiana coast, Texas coast, Alabama coast, Mississippi coast, Florida coast, and Mexican coast.

Along with sickened fisheries,the generational devastation on the US Gulf of Mexico ecosystem is just now coming to light. 

Examples of this ecosystem devastation such as  horribly mutated shrimp, fish with oozing sores, underdeveloped blue crabs lacking claws, eyeless crabs and shrimp are just the tip of the iceberg.