Monday, September 16, 2013

Navy yard shooting was published on the 15th of september.

Pay attention!!! They are making mistakes. Youtube has a video detailing multiple instances of 24hr EARLY reporting of a crime that still hasn't happened.

Here is the link...Youtube will NOT let me embed video


Police, FBI: Shooter reported in military building at Washington Navy Yard; multiple victims

DHS has a practice run setup only 3 days later...

Department of Homeland Security - 1

Our Upcoming Events

September 19, 2013 | 7th & G Sts., NW, Main Floor meeting room Administrative Entrance located on 7th & G Sts. Washington, DC 20004


Police, FBI: Shooter Reported in Military Building at Washington Navy Yard; at Least 1 Victim

Police, FBI: Shooter reported in military building at Washington Navy Yard; at least 1 victim.


 The Daily Courier

Police, FBI: Shooter reported in military building at Washington Navy Yard; multiple victims