Friday, March 08, 2013

US Citizens have a Legal Right to Record Police

The Justice Department is urging a court to affirm individuals’ rights to record police under the First Amendment, filing a statement of interest in support of a journalist suing over his arrest while photographing Maryland officers.

In the statement filed this week in a federal court in Maryland, the Justice Department argues that not only do individuals have a First Amendment right to record officers publicly doing their duties, they also have Fourth and 14th Amendment rights protecting them from having those recordings seized without a warrant or due process. The DOJ urges the court to uphold these rights and to reject a motion to dismiss from Montgomery Co. in Garcia v. Montgomery Co., a case that has implications for an increasing crop of litigation on the subject in the era of ubiquitous smartphones.

The United States DOJ  is concerned that discretionary charges, such as disorderly conduct, loitering, disturbing the peace and resisting arrest, are all too easily used to curtail expressive conduct or retaliate against individuals for exercising their First Amendment rights. … Core First Amendment conduct, such as recording a police officer performing duties on a public street, cannot be the sole basis for such charges,” wrote the DOJ Civil Rights Division.

The contention by these cops that they can't be recorded, performing their public duties, ostensibly in service of the citizens of their respective communities, is outrageous. Police officers in this country are in many cases a law unto themselves, too quick to use their fists, batons, tasers, mace and firearms against the public they are sworn to protect. Glad to see the Obama admin and the courts treating this ridiculous position with the contempt it deserves. In my opinion, every cop should have a go-pro camera attached to their person at all times, for their own sake and for the sake of the public

Our founding fathers KNEW that ALL rights come from God. Natural rights are rights not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable.

GOD Bless America!


Us Government Suspends Tuition Assistance Program to Vets

On March 8th 2013 the United States Army suspended it's Tuition Assistance program due to budget cuts, ie: Sequestration.  The total program allowed for soldiers to complete a high school diploma, certificate program or college or master’s degree with the service paying all tuition and fees up to $4,500 per soldier, per fiscal year.This happened without warning and is effecting hundreds of thousands of US Soldiers according to the Army Times. All Branches of the US military are feeling the educational squeeze and will be following suit.   

These cuts to US Vets are an efforts by to cope with the Defense Department's requirement to cut about $46 billion in spending by October under the sequestration policy that went into effect on March 1.
One of the biggest incentives to young men and women is the promise of  a guaranteed higher education.
 I find this denial of the governments contractual agreement to provide for US Veterans is egregious.  These young men and women have fought, suffered, and some, have even sustained life long injuries to fulfill their end of the bargain.  They come back from war and the government defaults on it's agreed upon contractual promise to provide higher education.
All due to this game of shells called Sequestration which are 1.2 TRILLION over 10 years. 

So, for the year of 2013 the total cuts from the US Military budgets are 120 Billion.  Where could the US possibly make cuts  other then cutting the College tuition to returning US Vets?  

Lets See...

1) On  Dec 28, 2012 Bama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers.  Bama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving SELECT federal workers a raise.  Such as, vp biden, members of Congress, Speaker of the House, and on and on...

2) Bama gives 1 BILLION Dollars to the Muslim brotherhood as KNOWN terrorists organization. 

3) Bama forgives over a BILLION dollars in loans which Egypt owes the United States. 

3) On January 22nd 2013, Obama gave 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt. The jets, decorated with Egypt’s flag on their tails, are part of a $213 million “gift” from the United States, including 200 Abrams tanks. The Abrams tank cost 6 million dollars a piece.  That is 1.2 BILLION dollars in just tanks.  So, obama gave another 1.43 BILLION to a country that HATES America. 

4) These countries hate AMERICA and yet obama is giving hard earned American tax dollars in the following amounts....


So, instead of cutting the hopes and dreams of loyal, honest, hard working American soldiers why no start cutting some of the blood money being giving to America's enemies?  Why not invest in our Vets who have served their country with honor.  Is this how the American government creates loyalty by betraying the contractual promises it made to the young men and women of the United States military.   Does it make any sense to betray the soldiers who provide the Freedom and Liberty by which the United States of America stands?  

Shame on every politician in Washington who accepts a pay raise while the very men and women providing those JOBS are denied their hard fought right to achieve a better life for them and their families. 

GOD Bless the US Military