Monday, February 16, 2009

Mysterious Blood Sucking Bankers Almost kill America

Speaking the last week of January on the Washington DC-based television program, Rep. Kanjorski was verbally accosted by an irate American caller charging that the economic stimulus package currently up for debate in the Congress (as well as the previous $700 billion bank-bailout) is solely for the benefit of fat cats on Wall Street rather than for Joe Six-pack on Mainstreet. With barely-concealed panic in his voice, the Congressman tried explaining the severity of the current financial problem faced by the US with the following comments–

“Why did we do that? We did that because…Look, I was there when the Secretary of the Treasury and Chairman of the Federal Reserve came and talked with members of Congress about what was going on, it was about September the 15th…Here’s the facts and we don’t even talk about these things…”

“On Thursday at about 11 am the Federal Reserve noticed

a world ending drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to the tune of 550 billion dollars,

being drawn out in the matter of about an hour or 2. The Treasury opened up its window to help, pumped 105 billion dollars in the system and quickly realized they could not stem the tide…We were having an electronic run on US banks.

They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic out there.  

If they had not done this, their estimation was that by 2 o’clock that afternoon, 5.5 trillion dollars would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed…”

“We talked about what would happen–it would have been the end of our economic and political system as we know it, and that’s why we had to act and do things quickly. Why? Because if you don’t have a banking system you don’t have an economy, and although we did that it wasn’t enough. The economy has been falling and we’re really no better off today than we were 3 months ago, as other assets are going sour by the moment…Somebody threw us in the middle of the Atlantic ocean without a life raft and we’re trying to determine which is the closest shore and whether there’s any chance in the world to swim that far. We don’t know…”

Put in less “gentle” terms, the 2-hour/half-a trillion dollar/$4.6 billion-per-minute event Kanjorski described was the equivalent of having a major economic artery “Jack-the-Rippered” in a way that threatened the very existence of not only the US but the entire world whose economies and political stability are intrinsically tied to the monetary good mood of the land of the free and home of the brave.

According to some of the economic experts interviewed for this piece (who insisted upon anonymity, due to the “sensitive” nature of the topic) it is one of the largest–if not
THE largest–singular transfer of money in history in such a short time frame. Furthermore, the general consensus of those interviewed is that had the bloodletting been permitted to run its course–meaning the evaporation of 5.5 trillion dollars–it would have resulted in the elimination of 90% of America’s liquidity (again the “blood” that keeps the economic body alive) in the span of just 5 hours.

A HIGHLY prominent FACT is the date on which the hemorrhaging is said to have taken place, none other than on September 11th ( 9/11) the same date America’s financial headquarters (and by extension, the financial headquarters of the world) were attacked 7 years earlier and the starting gun as it were for the current “war on terror” benefiting a certain ethno-theocratic state in the Middle East.

The other thing equally important (and yet hiding in plain sight) is the time frame this monetary hemorrhaging is said to have taken place–between 9 and 11 am, which also coincides closely with the time frame of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, with the first tower being struck by an airliner shortly before 9 am and the 2nd tower collapsing at roughly 10:30 am.

Remember, the Luicferians, the Illuminati, the Satanic lap dogs, love there cerimonial dates.  This happened just as planned, on the date as planned, at the hour as planned.  These COWARDS had their economic collapse just as they wanted, EXCEPT someone was paying attention.   Somone who isn't on their side, the side of COWARDS and Satanic Slaves, reacted fast enough to stop their COWARDLY act of world wide economic destruction.   This time.....