Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Presidential Betrayal


President O has betrayed the American people by signing into law the  NDAA.

No longer is it safe to be an American.  

Never again will America be called the Home of the Free.

This video is a good introduction to the NDAA and how it will impact your everyday life

It is truly a dark day for each and every freedom loving American.

I ask you..."Who does this NDAA betrayal serve?  It doesn't serve the American people.  This legislation is paranoid and blatantly anti-American.  Whose interests are being served here, because it's not the interests of the people of the United States of America.  

Whose interests are being served here?

Who benefits from the false imprisonment of American citizens?

Whose interests are being served here?

Whose interests are being served here?

Whose interests are being served here?