Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Present financial Deception

"No one will be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number...


                                                    Revelation 13:17,18 / KJV

The stated goal of the Illuminati  is a One World Currency. In order to effect this, it has been necessary to degrade the independent national currencies. The introduction of the Euro was a stepping stone towards this, and the current economic woes being felt in the UK are undoubtedly intended to drag that once proud nation `kicking and screaming` into the `single currency`. But again, the Euro was never intended as and end in itself. Only an `increment` towards the final solution to the Luciferian Illuminati's goal of world domination, and their world money system.
Before any such `takeover` could be realized, there was a major `stumbling block`; The United States Dollar, and for the past thirty or so years, that proud and once independent symbol of the `Land Of The Free` has been under a relentless and remorseless attack.
The US Dollar.
The US Dollar died and no one attended the funeral. In fact, few even realized that the former giant of global finance had passed away. There are of course those who still cling desperately to the hope that there will be a recovery, and that the `eternal green back` like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, will bounce back and again take it's rightful place on the throne of all the worlds currencies. But in truth, the chances of that happening are slim to none.
The Dollar is dead! Only the murderers themselves know the exact moment the `hit` took place. Many believe that the life force of the Dollar first began to wane back in January 1980, when the clamor for gold began. Within days, Speculators, Investors and the average `Joe's and Joans` had `bid up` Gold prices to an astonishing $875 an ounce. The rumors that the once mighty dollar was earmarked for `extermination` was out, and the world was turning to the only commodity which had traditionally assured security; Gold.
The Illuminati schemers through US government debt and conspiratorial acts succeeded in diminishing the value of the Dollar significantly. The second blow came in August 1982, just as the IMF was about to begin it's annual meeting in Toronto. That month, Mexico, Brazil and a host of other nations, deeply indebted to the US declared themselves unable to pay. Mexico alone owed $64 Billion. The total sum involved was close to $94 Billion.
It became apparent even then that the Dollar was living on `borrowed` time. There can't be many today who take even a rudimentary interest in world affairs who do not realize that the US Dollar (along with all the other currencies) is nothing more than a worthless piece of paper. But be warned, the `new money` will be worth even less.
What has happened during the past twelve or so months should come as a shock to nobody. In his book `Delicate Balance`, John Zajac warned;
" The financial system of the free world is on the verge of a major catastrophe. In fact, it almost collapsed in the summer of 1983, and the US Government Printing Office was ready to print `new money` in case it did".
In reality, the Dollar like the other major currencies is not held up by Gold or Silver, but by the blind faith of the people, which is all that causes it to be acceptable for trade and commerce. As Zajac writes,
"All it would take to collapse the world's financial system is the realization that paper money is only paper. After all, it has no intrinsic value, unlike something that can be used, manufactured or eaten". Most wealth is not even in the form of money any more; it is represented by a piece of paper (deposit slip) that a bank gives you symbolizing the wealth you gave to it. Since the bank lent your money to somebody else, it cannot return it to you any more. The person who borrowed your `money` from your bank bought something, and the person or company who sold it to him put the money in some other bank and received another paper slip for it. That bank immediately lent the money to someone else. Today, every paper dollar is claimed by at least six sources: the person who deposited it, the bank, the person who sold something to the borrower from the bank. This third person's bank, the person who borrowed from the second bank, and the person who sold goods or services to the second banks' borrower".

The New Electronic Money
This `conspiracy` to subvert America and create a One World Order has been in the works not for years, but for Millennium. In order to achieve their evil goals, the Illuminati have spared neither `The Rod nor Money`. They have brought our planet to the brink twice already, in 1914 and 1939 and they are prepared if necessary to do it again. They are well versed in creating problems which demand solutions. Their solutions.
Long ago, the Bible, prophesied uncannily our global situation today:
But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, thankless, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
Using the Hegelian Dialectic, the New World Order utilizes the formula of...
"Problem, Reaction, Solution"
the NWO criminals have created the conditions for a total collapse of the planet's financial infrastructure. When this happens, in the not at all distant future, the terrified masses will cry out for someone to `do something`. That something will be the `new money`.
Although in actuality dead, the illusion that the Dollar is still alive, if only in name alone gives some hope at least to all those American's whose lives are invested in that small piece of paper. But the day approaches when the `truth` will come out and millions of lives will be destroyed, not only in America, but in Europe, Japan, and around the world. As those who survive scream out in pain for help, the `great rescue` will be announced; The New Money. Their One World Currency, which will be issued to all the people of the world, sharply controlled by the few `Mega Banks` remaining, and issued `Electronically`, either in the form of an ID Card, or more likely as the personal micro chip.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty is quoted as having said,
" Give me control over a nations money and I care not who makes its laws".
It goes without saying that whoever controls the money controls the country, or in this case, the World. US Senator Ron Paul said, " If you control the money, you actually control every transaction that exists in this country".
Since the beginnings of civilization, Kings, Emperors, Popes, Dictators and a selection of Illuminati `front men` have attempted to establish control over the lives of the people by controlling the money. But who are and what is the Illuminati? As David Livingstone, the Canadian Historian and Author writes in his book, `Terrorism and The Illuminati`,
"The Illuminati worship Lucifer.  A Fallen Angel who exists with for only one singular maniacal demonic purpose, the destruction of all humanity who's damnation will have them residing in the great burning lake of fire.  A Hellish Place, a nightmare, where he and his other Fallen Angels will spend the rest of eternity tormenting those who were deceived into serving him and his band of fallen Angels while alive on earth.  It is these International Bankers, these NWO politicians, the NWO Military Industrial Complex, these betrayers of Mankind who are preparing the way
with the "Ancient Wisdom" taught them by the Fallen Angels for the coming One World Currency.  Followed closely by the New World Order with the Anti-Christ as the head of this One World Government.
These Fallen Angels are referred to in the Book of Enoch, the Bible, the Book of Genesis, as the Nephilim, or "Sons of God", and were said to have descended to earth and intermarried with human beings. 
 They produced a race known as the Anakim.. These Luciferians have been carefully intermarrying amongst each other, and have included among them many of the leading figures of history. They begin with a Persian Royal family, who intermarried with that of Alexander the Great. By combining with that of Herod the Great, these families were responsible for the creation and dissemination of the leading mystery school of the Roman Empire, the Mysteries of Mithras, which eventually succeeded in co-opting the emerging Christian movement, by producing Catholic Christianity".
An in depth analysis of who and what the `Illuminati` is/are is beyond the scope of this essay, but for anyone wishing to acquire a comprehensive overview of them, their history, their plan and who they are, I highly recommend Mr Livingstone's excellent work.
Suffice to say, there is a core of 13 families who trace their lineage back to the near east into Biblical times, and they include the Royal Heads of Europe, Presidents of the US (a huge number of whom are interrelated with the European Royal Houses), the leading Industrialists, Media Tycoons, Bankers and generally, the ruling global caste. These worshipers of Lucifer, enslavers of humanity operate through a vast array of secret societies and `front groups.
Our world is being driven into a global depression much worse than anything previously experienced. Facing financial disaster, the people around the world, and particularly in the `developed countries` will quite likely decide that the `new money` is better than none at all. This is exactly what the designers of the plan hope for. These manipulators of populations will not only be aided by the crisis and the ensuing panic, they will benefit financially as they buy up stocks and shares at rock bottom prices and then at the given time, when their ends have been fulfilled, they create an artificial `boom` which will raise the value of the above and when the dust settles, even more of the planet's wealth will be in their hands.
They will further justify albeit highly erroneously, the move towards a universal electronic money system by fraudulently claiming that it will stop money laundering and other criminal activities. And that when the new money goes `online` and all other currency is declared worthless, then the relevant tax authorities will be able to scrutinize who has been hiding money and using it for criminal purposes. The criminals will be unmasked they will claim.
But as ever, the reality will be quite different. The international criminals, have most of their money deposited in the `Mega Banks` owned by the Illuminati creators of the crisis in the first place. Only a tiny percentage of their ill gotten gain is held in Dollars or Euros and the like. As is invariably the case, the so called `Terrorists`, Mafioso and Drug Cartels will be able to retain the proceeds of their criminal activities because in the main, they are either working for, with or colluding with the bankers. Those fellow travellers in thrall to the Illuminati will of course receive advance warning of any crash and will be protected because of this privileged knowledge. As usual, it will be the honest hard working men and women who will suffer when the `robbery` takes place.
The Governments of the various nations around the world will call in all money in current use. An announcement will be made that money previously in circulation is worthless. People will be required to hand in all of their paper money and Credit/Debit cards and will either be issued at their own cost (setting them from the beginning in debt) with either an Electronic `Smart Card` in the form of a Biometric ID. Or, a `Personal RFID Microchip`, on which will be stored every piece of personal information imaginable along with remote accessibility and who knows, controllability also.
With all paper money taken out of circulation, and eventually, once the `smart card ` initiative is shown to be unreliable, the foretold `mark of the beast` upon humanity, in the form of the RFID Microchip, the `Book Of Revelations` will have come to pass...
Recommended Reading
Further Reading:
Millennium by Texe Marrs
Terrorism & The Illuminati by David Livingstone (a must read).
The 13 Bloodlines Of The Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier
None Dare Call It A Conspiracy by Gary Allen
The Bible,  Book Of Revelations NKJ