Saturday, August 07, 2010

MORGELLONS: Living Polymerization

This is a very scientific analysis of MORGELLONS.  There is much to say on this topic, more then I can say now.  I will say this, GOD have Mercy on the Souls of the men who dreamed up this nightmare.

 I have been informed that in the last several months 'FIBERS' are showing up in peoples medicine purchased at the pharmacy.  These persons have spoken with the Pharmacists and were shown that the Pharmacists use plastic trays to count the medicine tablets.   The 'FIBER" are small an dark colored, they are not human hair, nor animal hair.  There are not a lot of them, and they could be easily missed.  These persons make a deliberate effort to remove the 'FIBERS' from among the tablets.  No matter when, what time, what day, or where they purchase their medicine , NOW, there are always small dark 'FIBERS' in certain types of medicine. Not all of their medicine has small dark 'FIBERS.'

Because, it is in their nature to be observant, They, are SURE, the presence of 'dark 'FIBERS' was not there a year ago.

I am NOT stating anything.

I am merely reporting an observation.

Money...This is Your GOD

Government Mass Media propaganda

Airport naked body scanners

CCTV Cameras on street corners and on interstate highways,

Predator drones armed with missiles, guns,  cameras, infra red and nightvision


Pain Ray for crowd control

Chemical agents to burn and blind crowds

All so that they, TBTB, can keep you from waking up. All so that TBTP can keep you from seeing that which is hidden in plain sight...9/11

 I wish it were as easy as putting on a pair of glasses to wake people up.

 There is only one answer...There is only one way out the maze...

It is HE who was before the foundation of the World

The Word Made Flesh...Righteous and True...

JESUS CHRIST is the Way...The Truth...The Life...

.........................................................everything else is Slavery!