Thursday, April 03, 2014

I Support the RIGHT of Free Speech of Brendan Eich

Brendan Eich, CEO and co-founder of Mozilla — and the inventor of Javascript programming language — has come under fire from the HOMOSEXUAL Lobby and Far Left extremists for a legal $1,000 donation he made in support of California’s Proposition 8, a 2008 ballot proposition defining marriage as being between one man and one woman.  While Eich’s donation made headlines and then fizzled back in 2012, his recent CEO appointment brought it back to the forefront.

 Brendan Eich who did NOTHING wrong but express, in action, his own beliefs. Now, because of crushing NAZI attacks by MINORITY homosexual hate groups and those companies which panders to them, Brendan  is being forced to hide his rightfully held convictions and retract his previous actions. The last I checked this is AMERICA and this is a country where everyone has the right to believe what they want.  When did America become a FASCIST state where only the beliefs of sexual perverse people have the right to be spoken or held?  

 The malicious, hate filled, homosexual lobby dared to say... Those who seek to deny love and instead enforce misery, shame, and frustration are our enemies, and we wish them nothing but failure.”

 Why is it anyone who differs in their beliefs from the rabidly depraved homosexual lobby is painted as hateful and non-inclusive?  In truth, if anyone with common sense where to shine a light on the pernicious verbal attacks by the liberal left it would be clear to see that the hateful and non-inclusive people are the homosexual lobby.

When did the Homosexual lobby corner the market on love and inclusion?  Homosexuals are not the only human beings who have ever struggled, loved, or been persecuted.  Let me let the late to the party, homosexual hate groups in on a little secret.  We ALL have been discriminated against, we ALL have been excluded at some point in time, we ALL have experienced what it is like to not be wanted by one group or another.  We ALL have been the but of jokes, been the receiving end of sharp hurtful comments.  We ALL have had someone we know commit suicide because of one reason or another.  We ALL have been bullied because of things we were born with, from hair color, to bad teeth, to wearing glassess, etc.

Just because homosexuals have had their feelings hurt doesn't give them the right to silence EVERYONE else on the planet.  Homosexuals are less then 1 percent of the population, those are real world numbers.  The homosexual hate lobby would have you believe that the number is 10 percent, bu that number is way WAY off.  Last I checked  1 percent of the population doesn't have the right to tell the rest of the other 90 percent how they can live and speak!  In fact, NO percent of the population has the right to tell ANYONE how to live and speak.  This is a free country and dam it, I am gonna live it, speak it, and walk it, because I refuse to be bowed down and trodden upon by ANYONE. Especially some hate filled, vitriol spewing, far left hate group known as the homosexual hate lobby.

Because the homosexual rights groups have been unable to persuade the majority of Americans that homosexuality is good for us, they have resorted to attacking anyone who speaks the majority opinion. In so doing the gay thought police have revealed themselves for what they really are--bullies who threaten and intimidate those who dare to speak out against them.
We must ask who the real bigots are here. In America, speaking one's mind is a Constitutionally-protected right. The real bigots are those who label anyone who disagrees with them as bigoted and intolerant and attack them for sharing their beliefs. Mr. Santorum has not called for anyone's resignation or dismissal. His detractors have. Once again, the homosexual-rights groups have revealed that they are the real bigots.

Because the homosexual rights groups have been unable to persuade the majority of Americans that homosexuality is good for us, they have resorted to attacking anyone who speaks the majority opinion. In so doing the gay thought police have revealed themselves for what they really are--bullies who threaten and intimidate those who dare to speak out against them.
We must ask who the real bigots are here. In America, speaking one's mind is a Constitutionally-protected right. The real bigots are those who label anyone who disagrees with them as bigoted and intolerant and attack them for sharing their beliefs. Mr. Santorum has not called for anyone's resignation or dismissal. His detractors have. Once again, the homosexual-rights groups have revealed that they are the real bigots.

The real truth of the matter is that the homosexual lobby have been unable to persuade the majority of Americans that homosexuality is anything other then it is, an aberration. The far left NAZI's have resorted to attacking anyone who speaks the the truth, that being the majority opinion in America. In so doing the homosexual thought police have revealed themselves for what they really are--bigots, thugs, and bullies who threaten and intimidate those ANYONE who dare to speak out against them. Not only speak out against them, but to actually think differently then them.  Now, the homosexual hate lobby has made it a public sin to even disagree with them.  Now, in America you are not even allowed to publicly have any other opinion then that which the far left NAZI's will approve. 

We must ask who are the REAL HATE groups in America?   The last I checked this was American soil, speaking one's mind is a Constitutionally-protected right.  The real modern day NAZI's are those who label anyone who disagrees with them as non-inclusive, intolerant, and hateful.   The homosexual hate lobby attack any and all Americans who dare to stand fast and SPEAK their own convictions.  For anyone with the courage to look and the strength to speak the is the homosexual hate lobby who has revealed that they are the hateful, non-inclusive, bigots in modern day America!