Monday, December 12, 2016

Code Words for a Coup de Grace

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The far left FALSE narrative that the Central Intelligence Agency CIA believes that Russia some how mysteriously helped Trump win the election is nothing, but a end run around the Democratic process.  
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI has vetted these claims and found them to be absolutely false.  What is occurring is a illegal attempt by leaders in the US Intel community and the Obama administration to install Hillary Clinton as obama's third term. 

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 Desperate, far left, Democrats are now trying to influence the electoral college to vote AGAINST the will of the American people.  Code words such as "take into consideration" are being used to condition the American people for a far left coup de grace to the legitimate Trump administration.  

Everything is being done behind the scenes by the Clinton camp to influence the  Monday, December 19, vote by the electoral college, when the formal vote for president is set to take place.

The following are steps being taken to unseat President elect Donald Trump from taking the oath of office. 

Use code words to prepare the American people for the betrayal of the electoral college, such as: "consensus...not unanimous...uncertain conclusion...legitimate candidate...real politician..."
All of the FALSE facts with manufactured circumstantial evidence will be delivered to the electors before the Electoral College vote. To make it legal in the eyes of everyday Americans there will be a per-written report with actual details published the following day on Jan 20. 
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This is the biggest SCANDAL of all...not one of the leaked DNC or Podesta emails has been shown to be inauthentic. Neither the Clinton camp nor John Podesta EVER denied even one single email or DNC communication.  Which, means they were betrayed by the TRUTH. Something the Clinton camp and the DNC try to avoid at all cost.
So, the truth of the matter is that the quote 'hacks' simply exposed the dirty under handed tactics and nasty truth about John Podesta, Hillary, the DNC, and the sycophant collusion of the main stream press...NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Washington Post, Wall-street Journal, et al. 
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