Thursday, December 08, 2011

Told You So!

A federal appeals court in California is set to hear argument Thursday on whether to disqualify a federal judge who ruled that the US Constitution guarantees a right to gay marriage.

In California, supporters of Prop 8 (a ban on same-sex marriage) say the ruling by Chief US District Judge Vaughn Walker should be vacated because the San Francisco-based judge in the case failed to disclose that he was, himself, in a long-term gay relationship and stood to personally benefit from his landmark ruling.
At issue is whether Chief US District Judge Vaughn Walker who has since retired, should have revealed his relationship to the parties in the litigation prior to the 2010 trial or stepped quietly aside before hearing the case.

I already spoke about this very fact when Prop 8 (a ban on same-sex marriage) was voted into law by a majority of California voters and subsequently struck down by one single GAY judge.
I, again declare, that the judiciary is out of control in this country.  If the will of the people can be ignored by the 'WHIM' of a single US judge then we are not living in a Democracy, but a Judicial dictatorship.

The United States Constitution begins with the words...

      "We the People of the United States..."

It does not say "We the Judges who rule the people..."

It does not say "We the lying, thieving, pandering Politicians who rule capriciously and recklessly over the people..." 

It says quite clearly...

  "We the People of the United States..." 

Long live the Republic by which FREEDOM stands! Right or Wrong it says...

 "We the People of the United States..."