Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Fall of the American Empire

America was founded by real men who understood that freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was what could and would make a country great.  America once was blessed with honorable men, Statesmen who deeply desired a free country.  Now, parasites called politicians, have infected and sickened the body politic.  The last President to stand up and fight for America, to try an stem the tide of the secret cabal,  was assassinated in 1963. 

 This country has fallen so far that the ignorant masses have elected a foreigner who hates this country and all it stands for.  Just, as with the fall of Rome, so to will America fall. The rot and decay that has festered since WW2 has eaten to the very core of this nation's strengths.  Americans once understood that to have a great nation work had to be done by all.  Freedom, wasn't just a by word, it was a duty, a responsibility shared by all.  

Now, there is nothing left of what the founding fathers once built, except a name. The truth, is that America is bankrupt, enslaved to foreign bankers and held hostage by a secret select few who own and control everything.   America has become a paper tiger waiting to be put down.
The American people are blind, uninformed, uneducated and ignorant of what is happening in Washington, just as the Jews were in Germany in 1938.  Soon, Americans will wake up in the 4th Reich with no rights and no freedoms. It will all be done in the name of safety and security.  I would hazard to say we are nearly there. 

The Executive branch, the Legislative branch, and the  Judicial branch have lost control of this country. Special interests, Foreign banks( The FED), and Federal fiefdoms controlled by the intelligence agencies have seized control of this nation.    The President himself has NO power, ZERO, to reign in the NSA, CIA, RIO, The Fed if he were even to try they would remove him from office.  There is nothing left of the country the Founding Fathers created except the name.  Sadly, that name is nothing more then the title of a corporation that is, in reality, bankrupt.  

  Truly, it breaks my heart to live at the end of the American age. To watch and experience the country you love die a slow painful death.  It is only a matter of time before America's enemies realize that this nation is not only vulnerable, but that it has lost the stomach to fight.  The thing I fear most is the dark phoenix that will rise from her ashes.    


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