Saturday, November 26, 2016

Community Family Friendship Responsibility

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We need your help to raise funds to help someone very close to this website.  They were injured very badly in a car accident.  Because of injuries the bills have piled up and now not only are they suffering in great pain, but now they are very close to being homeless.   Literally, only a few days away from being homeless. 

While, 'Truth in Media' is our battle cry here at our website so are the words...





After all what good is this website if all it does in inform? At some point for all the countless hours spent here working to make the world a more informed, transparent, honest place we must not forget that the world is made up of individuals.  Everyday people, just like you and I, who sometimes need our help.  Stop for one second and imagine if it was you.  Wouldn't you want someone to help you?
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Help is actually easy, simple, painless.  You can Donate a single dollar/euro or ten dollars/euros or even a thousand dollars/euros or some where in between.  You can use the Paypal donation button at the top right of this page and we will get the funds to the person in need. Or you can simply go to the Go Fund Me link below

What would also help is to share this on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Reddit, because if you can't help maybe you know someone who can.  

Last month we saw 2.1 million visitors to this website. 

 Imagine if just ten percent, twenty percent or even fifty percent of our readers donated just a little bit!  We could keep someone suffering in great pain from sleeping on a park bench in the freezing cold this December.  

If you donate
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YOU get to be the Hero!

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The English peoples NO Longer Own THEIR private Thoughts

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A large and growing list of British government and semi-government agencies will soon have total access to all electronic communications, thoughts, and ideas.  The dreaded Snoopers Charter was passed has Parliament last week.
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The bill, officially called the Investigatory Powers Bill, forces electronic data to be stored by internet providers for 12 months, which can be subsequently collected by law enforcement.Very soon the bill will sale through the Royal Assent to become law.
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Now, everyone on the list below will have total access to ALL of your internet, Email, phone conversations, and location data from the GPS in your phone.  So, everything you do, say or type will be made publicly available to anyone on the list below. That means EVERYONE on this list...
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From secretaries, to office workers, to assistants, to a few police gathered around a computer laughing about your private internet browsing, phone conversations, or online purchases.  Everything you say, tweet or text on your mobile will be an open book for anyone and everyone on the list. Every pic you take, every video you make will all be an open book to the English crown.  
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The United Kingdom is no longer a Free nation, no longer a Democracy. The British people are now prisoners in their own country; truly they have become  property of the crown. 
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The English peoples private lives are no longer THEIR private lives. Every thought, all speech, and every communications are now property of the English crown. While, you may be allowed to think or speak, YOU will NOT be allowed to keep your own thoughts private. 

Privacy has been OUTLAWED in England. 

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Below is the Growing List of Governmental Agencies who will soon have complete access to all of your electronic thoughts, ideas, purchases, emails, texts, pictures, videos, and phone conversations.  Add to that your 24/7 GPS coordinates, which will give the crown your exact location every moment of every day. 

Metropolitan police force
City of London police force
Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996
Police Service of Scotland
Police Service of Northern Ireland
British Transport Police
Ministry of Defence Police
Royal Navy Police
Royal Military Police
Royal Air Force Police
Security Service
Secret Intelligence Service
Ministry of Defence
Department of Health
Home Office
Ministry of Justice
National Crime Agency
HM Revenue & Customs
Department for Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services
Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service
Competition and Markets Authority
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland
Department of Justice in Northern Ireland
Financial Conduct Authority
Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Gambling Commission
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Independent Police Complaints Commissioner
Information Commissioner
NHS Business Services Authority
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Regional Business Services Organisation
Office of Communications
Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
Scottish Ambulance Service Board
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
Serious Fraud Office
Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Where is the founder and head of Wikileaks Julian Assange

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Where is the founder and head of Wikileaks? We haven’t seen Julian so much as peak his head around the curtain in over a month.  It is strongly believed that Julian Assange was kidnapped on Oct 21 2016 and taken away in an armored government van. 

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Julian Assange is most likely at a black site. If, and when, he is ever heard from again it will be because he has been broken and compromised. 

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The following was posted on line on Nov 7th 2016 “I’m one of the 15 WikiLeaks personnel that were raided at the same time Julian’s intemet was cut at the Ecuadorian embassy. I was issued a national security letter and a gag order, and all my computer equipment was seized. We had several contingency communication plans in place, and I have been unable to contact Julian or any WikiLeaks personnel except for one through our alternative communication channels. Julian is missing as are most of the WikiLeaks personnel that I had regular communications with. WikiLeaks personnel are NOT in control of the official Tvvitter account. The WikiLeaks IAMA on Reddit was NOT conducted by WikiLeaks personnel….

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There has been an incredible charade to keep up the appearance that Julian is still alive. Trusted people are under STATE duress as I cannot imagine any reason why they would promote the charade.
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I want to stress that the founders of Wikileaks are no longer in control of WikiLeaks. I advise whistleblowers to SUBMIT LEAKS to other drop sites since we are not in control of our infrastructure. The people in control of our infrastructure WILL use it to IDENTIFY and PROSECUTE whistleblowers.”

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Lives Are Being Destroyed by Gardasil

Young women whose lives were destroyed by Gardasil

 Please pick and read any of the links below. Each link leads to a personal horror story involving Gardasil.

Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret

The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self

Gardasil: An Experience no Child Should Have to Go Through

I Want my Daughter’s Life Back the Way it was Before Gardasil

Gardasil Vaccine: Destroyed and Abandoned

15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain

Recovering from my Gardasil Vaccine Nightmare

Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice

“HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”

13 Year Old World Championship Karate Student Forced to Quit After Gardasil Vaccine

If I Could Turn Back Time, Korey Would not Have Received any Gardasil Shots

What Doctors Don’t Tell You: Our Gardasil Horror Story

Family Fights U.S. Government over Compensation for Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

Gardasil: When Will our Nightmare End?

HPV Vaccine Injuries: “I Cannot Begin to Describe What it is Like to Watch your Daughter Live in Such Agony”

Gardasil: Don’t Let Your Child Become “One Less”

The Gardasil Vaccine Changed Our Definition of “Normal”

Gardasil: I Should Have Researched First

“They’ve Been Robbed of Their Womanhood” – Local Milwaukee Media Covers Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter’s Life Changed

Gardasil: The Decision I will Always Regret

Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead

Gardasil: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare

After Gardasil: I Simply Want my Healthy Daughter Back

Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me

Gardasil Changed my Health, my Life, and Family’s Lives Forever

Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience

Gardasil: My Daughter’s Worst Nightmare

My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine

Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me

A Ruined Life from Gardasil

HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries

The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real

Toddler Wrongly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine Develops Rare Form of Leukaemia

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Please, I beg you before you risk your daughters life take time and do research. Your daughter's life may depend on you.  If there was even a 1 in 1,000,000 chance that when they inject your daughter she might die a slow crippling  death would you take that chance? 
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How about if the odds go all the way down to 1 in 912 chances? Because that's the chances you take when you allow a Doctor to inject your daughter with a HPV vaccine. 

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Merck Wants to Force STD Vaccines on Babies

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Gardasil has been the subject of controversy for many years now. In fact, it has even been regarded as one of the most dangerous vaccines on the market today. 

CDC researcher William Thompson confessed to fraudulent activity involving the vaccine and the CDC. Research data has shown troubling correlation between autism and the vaccine, all of which was concealed from the public.

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As if the public hasn't suffered enough Merck & Co, now wants to begin marketing their product to infants. After all babies are most at risk for STD's from having so much unprotected sex.   Insanely, Gardasil human trials on babies have already begun. Merck recently launched a Gardasil vaccine trial on children at least one year old, and it's set to conclude in early 2017.

No, your not in Soviet Russia. Yes a pharmaceutical giant is actually testing a vaccine for an STD on babies.

Gardasil was developed for the STD known as HPV, and was approved by the FDA in 2006. The disease did not become of concern until the 1980s, when research first suggested that there may be a link between HPV and cervical cancer. However, the paper thin link , which may or may not, actually exists has been a major point of contention among researchers. 

Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine

There are several hypotheses that explain why HPV may not actually cause cancer, but one particularly interesting theory was expressed by McCormack et al in their paper published by the journal Molecular Cytogenetics in 2015. The research team also raised several significant questions about the prevailing theory on the connection between HPV and cervical cancer. For example, HPV is present in 70 to 80 percent of the American adult population, so why does cervical cancer only effect one out of ever 10,000 women?

According to their paper, neither HPV nor genetic predisposition is required for the onset of cervical cancer. In fact, all of the cervical cancer cells analyzed during the course of their study contained new abnormal karyotypes. The genetic makeup of these new abnormal karyotypes suggested that the cervical cancers originated within the karyotypes, and not from a virus. A karyotype is the size, number and shape of chromosomes within an organism. Their theory, called the Karyotypic Speciation Theory, essentially suggests that "carcinomas are generated de novo from cellular chromosomes, genes and proteins, which are not immunogenic in the host of origin; as in all other known cancers.

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While the link between HPV and cancer remains obscured, there is no shortage of evidence that the Gardasil vaccine does more harm than good. The vaccine has been linked to causing cervical cysts, crippling autoimmune diseases and even destroying women's ovaries. Merck has even admitted that they...
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Merck"Forgot" to see if a vaccine that was initially targeted at young women might effect a key component of their reproductive systems; their ovaries. Many young women have died horribly almost immediately following a single Gardasil vaccination.
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 Dr. Dianne Harper, a leading HPV researcher that was involved in the approval of Gardasil, has cautioned, "Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events(think agonizing deaths) as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year."

To have Merck doing human trials on innocent babies is barbaric and down right evil.
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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Tech giant REDDIT CEO caught creating 'FAKE NEWS.'

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Oh look another tech giant REDDIT caught creating 'FAKE NEWS.'  According to obama the American public is supposed to be able to implicitly trust major news networks, prime-time cable news channels, and tech giants such as Reddit-Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube.

Sadly, yet another member of the tech giants has been caught creating 'FAKE NEWS' for the sole purpose of propagating his own liberal agenda.  Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has confessed to modifying the posts, creating 'FAKE NEWS' which disparaged Reddit users on the most visible Donald Trump-supporting "subreddit" community.

 The Reddit 'FAKE NEWS' story begins earlier this week, when The New York Times published a report on Comet Ping Pong, a Washington DC pizza place that a false news item on social media had pegged as the center of a child-abuse ring run by Hillary Clinton and her campaign head John Podesta.

Not liking that Queen Hillary and her lackeys were being picked on Reddit took steps to shut down the "r/Pizzagate" subreddit community, which had the stated goal of proving the existence of a heinous crime centering on Comet Ping Pong.

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The move to shut down r/Pizzagate proved controversial to users of "r/The_Donald," Reddit's most popular community for supporters of Donald Trump. Those users repeatedly left deep heartfelt comments expressing their displeasure.

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On Wednesday afternoon eagle eyed members of "The_Donald" noticed that their posts had been changed without their knowledge or consent. Instead of spelling out their disagreement with Reddit's CEO Steve Huffman, the posts were now mysteriously filled with unwanted frightful expletives. Which, unfairly were now were directed at the moderators of the "The_Donald" community.

Upset, and rightly so, "The _Donald" members sought out Reddit leadership an demanded answers as to why their web-posts were being modified or otherwise censored,  A swift investigation revealed that Steve Huffman CEO of Reddit was illegally and unfairly creating 'FAKE NEWS.'   

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Caught creating 'FAKE NEWS' Steve Huffman CEO of Reddit posted the following comment, confessing that it was him personally who was illegally changing posts and creating 'FAKE NEWS.'

"Hey Everyone,

Yep. I messed with the “f**k u/spez ” comments, replacing "spez" with r/the_donald mods for about an hour. It’s been a long week here trying to unwind the r/pizzagate stuff. As much as I try to maintain a good relationship with you all, it does get old getting called a pedophile constantly. As the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and create 'FAKE NEWS' it’s all fixed now.  Since I was caught I most assuredly won’t do this again.
F**k u/spez."

Sadly, Huffman CEO of Reddit has single handedly, with his emotionally abusive tactics lost the trust of one of Reddit's most trustworthy subreddit" community groups "The_Donald." A group which has had nothing but the best possible relationships with Reddit's management.  The trust of millions of subreddit" community members has been betrayed by Reddit CEO Steve Huffman maybe never to be returned...

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Do Not Trust the Main-Stream-Media for Truth or Accurate News Stories

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The major news networks, prime-time cable news channels, united with the tech giants Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube have all declared an all out war on 'Fake News.'  Because after all they are the gold standard for excellence and truth in modern journalism. They are by their own assertion the very 4th pillar of Democracy. 
Their assertions is that if the public get their news from any one else they are being mislead.  The real truth of the matter is that all of the above news organizations were involved to some degree in supporting  the following court case. 
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In 1997 Jane Akre and Steve Wilson began work on a story about bovine growth hormone (BGH), a controversial substance manufactured by Monsanto Corporation. The investigative story was to be broadcast in several segments.  The news story was highlighting the adverse health risks related to BGH.

Initially,  the station intended to run the series as is, however after FOX News was contacted by, the multi-national conglomerate, Monsanto, Fox News halted the story pending rewrites.  

 Akre and Wilson were instructed by Fox News to make revisions to the story, which were patently FALSE. When the two producers balked Fox News ordered the pair to write a story in which all the facts were removed and replaced with out right LIES.   With their backs to the wall the pair threatened to go to the FCC. Fox News terminated the pair immediately. 

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Akre and Wilson sued the Fox News station for wrongful termination.   A Florida jury on 8-18-00 twelve to zero  ruled that Akre was wrongfully fired by Fox News when she refused to broadcast, in the jury’s vernacular  

“A totally FALSE story with no basis in TRUTH.” 

The jury added that Akre did indeed deserved protection under Florida’s whistle blower law awarding her a sum total of $425,000 settlement.
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FOX News appealed the case, supported by five Main Stream Media (MSM) outlets who filed briefs of Amici Curiae supporting FOX’s position: Belo Corporation, Cox Television, Inc., Gannett Co., Inc., Media General Operations, Inc., and Post-Newsweek Stations, Inc. 

 The Florida Second District Court of Appeals on 2-14-03  unanimously overturned the court case and the financial settlement awarded to Akre. 

The Court held that Akre’s threat to report the station’s actions to the FCC did not deserve protection under Florida’s whistle blower statute, because Florida’s whistle blower law states that an employer must violate a  “law, rule, or regulation.” 

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The Florida Court of Appeals unanimously asserted that FOX News did NOT break any laws...

"There is no rules or laws against distorting, falsifying, out right lying in the news in the United States of America."

Using a perniciously twisted interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals court asserted that the FCC policy against using out right LIES in reporting the news does not rise to the water mark of a “law, rule, or regulation,” it was simply a “policy.”

The court stated...

"It is up to the station whether or not it wants to report honestly. The station can lie if it wants too..."

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During their appeal, FOX News asserted that...

 "There are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately falsify news reports on public airwaves."

Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a FALSE story, they simply maintained that it was their right to LIE  to the American public. 

After the appeal verdict  WTVT general manager Bob Linger rapaciously muttered, “It’s vindication for WTVT, and we’re very pleased. It’s the case we’ve been making for two years. She told the truth and because of that She never had a legal claim."

 "We can lie and lie and lie and no one, not the courts, not the government, not even the public can do anything about it...”

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 So, when the major news networks, Primetime cable news channels, and tech giants Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube purport that only 'THEY' are capable of disseminating real news remember this court case.  Remember also that all of the Major News Networks, the tech giants, and  those expected to have Journalistic ethics supported FOX News in their 'supposed' legal right to produce false news stories, which they KNEW to be misleading lies.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I Support The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota

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The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota are fighting the construction of the $3.7 billion Dakota Access oil pipeline. The Dakota Access Pipeline, a controversial 1,170-mile project that, if and when it is completed, will flow in excess of almost 500,000 barrels of crude oil a day from North Dakota to Illinois.   Tribal chairman David Archambault II and many others have been beaten, tasered, assaulted and arrested for standing their ground behind homemade barricades, which block excavating machinery, and police vehicles. The police have been vicious in their liberal use of pepper spray, water cannons, even attack dogs on American Standing Rock protesters who are simply protecting their land.

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The tribe has repeatedly sued the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to stop crews from burrowing beneath the Missouri River immediately upstream from their land. Support can be sent to hashtag #NoDAPL for No Dakota Access Pipeline.
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Over the weekend, the situation at Standing Rock grew more contentious. On Sunday night, Morton County police sprayed the crowd of about 400 people with tear gas and water as temperatures dipped below freezing. The police have no compassion for those fighting for their homes and the lives of the children and grandchildren.  Any American, native or natural born can understand not wanting your land, you family, future generations poisoned by a massive oil project. 

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In 2015, when the Keystone XL pipeline was being debated, numerous Native American tribes and the Indigenous Environmental Network organized against it. The pipeline would have stretched 1,179 miles from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The Rosebud Sioux, a tribe in South Dakota, called the proposed pipeline an "act of war" and set up an encampment where the pipeline was to be constructed. Also joining in were the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Resources Defense Council, and the Omaha, Dene, Ho-chunk, and Creek Nations, whose lands the pipeline would have traversed. Thankfully, for the Native American Indians obama vetoed the Keystone XL.

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 On December 4, 2016 hundreds of military veterans plan to "deploy" to Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota to join in protest against the planned Dakota Access Pipeline.  The event, Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, is a call for veterans to...

 "assemble as a peaceful, unarmed militia to defend the water protectors from assault and intimidation at the hands of the militarized police force and DAPL private security force."

The organizers hope to prevent progress on the construction of the pipeline as well as draw national attention to the fight for Native American Tribes. 

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Current Methods of Mind Control in 2017

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Mind Control - Also known as brainwashing, programming, re-education, repetitive persuasion, serial lying & thought management, finally and most ubiquitous United States government propaganda.  Mind control in 2017 is not about a total take over of one's cognitive functions. Mind control in 2017 is seditiously sinister because of it's benign appearance.  Government propaganda, mind control starts very insidiously by making unfair and biased comparisons to an individual, group, or organization.  Mind control in 2017 still hasn't advanced past the current bipolar dynamic...Us against Them. Mostly because the un-ascended human psyche  has not advanced past the Flight or Fight paradigm.  
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In 2016 we saw during the presidential election openly biased mind control used like a cheap corner store butcher bludgeoning and hacking at an unyielding piece of meat.  The more the American public resisted the more the Main Stream Media(MSM) increased their heavy ham fisted attacks. Take for instance in the United States where recently ALL Main Stream Media(MSM) outlets partnered  with a national political committee for the advancement of a singular pro-globalists/ anti-American politician.   

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The un-evolved public were fed a 24-7 diet of the main stream media  working overtime to condition the public that Trump was not human, but a force for evil which would drag America and by extension the world into eternal darkness.  The MSM fed the American public not facts, nor information, but emotions. This is because when using mind control on a population an emotional argument is visceral, immediate and cannot be overcome easily, because it has no basis in reality.  

This is why you see grown men and women weeping and crying as they watched their candidate lose the election.  This is why you are seeing college educated individuals unable to deal with reality in any form. This is why they are reverting to a child like state and need to be in a quote 'safe space' the same an infantile children and young adolescence.
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One major factor in the failure of the most recent attempt by the collusion of a major national political party and the MSM is that the MSM as well as the political establishment has lost total informational control over the American public.  This can be seen in the massive political fallout which occurred every time Wikileaks released a new set of crippling email dumps,which exposed the seditious activities of the political candidate and that candidate's lackeys.  While, the MSM did report on the Wikileaks documents it did so only because the story was already in the public purview. To not do so would be damaging to their status as media outlets. 

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The MSM, once a vaunted institution, the 4th pillar of Democracy, has now become nothing more then the publishing arm of a national political organization and by extension a governmental propaganda machine. 

 Advancements in technology have led Americans to wisely seek pertinent information from the world wide web. The internet and it's vast trove of unfiltered, unregulated, uncontrolled information has allowed the public to see the world in a whole new way, a world without rose colored glasses.  

For those in power, the political national committees, the governmental propaganda machines, and multi-national corporations this is a serious problem.  Make no mistake the king makers, the powers behind the throne,  will not sit by quietly and allow this continue.   

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Que...2017 Mind Control

Those in the national political committee have decided that their globalist candidate lost because of this free flow of unfiltered information. 

 Those in power will NOT stand by and allow this to happen again.  They have begun their attacks. 

The MSM are now redefining news websites outside of their control as 'fake news.'   The power brokers have begun to use the MSM to promote the removal of 'Fake News' websites. The moniker 'Fake News' will be the first of many derogatory adjectives used to describe any and all FREE and unfiltered news outlets, which do not, tow the national party ideology
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The MSM with the help of Tech giants Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will begin to attack the these 'Fake News' websites by defaming them in every way possible.  Soon, the MSM coupled with the Tech giants Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will begin to block, to censor, and to make it impossible for these free and unfiltered new sites to reach the public at all. 

 Facebook has already started the attacks against FREE information using Heir Zuckerberg 's 7 point plan.

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1. Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will classify information according to their morals and beliefs. 

2. Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will allow ANYONE to tag a story or news as fake. So, any information which does not tow the party line will be erased. 

3. Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will have their OWN fact checkers grading stories, news and information. Anything that disagrees with their position will be erased. 

4. At Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube news, stories, information must not offend anyone EVER! Unless Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube decides otherwise.

5. Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will publish some news, information, videos, stories, but they will be labeled as suspect. Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will now decide what News, information has value. 

6. Any ability to earn money by News websites, who operate outside of the approval of Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will be eradicated.

7. Facebook-Google-Twitter-YouTube will partner with MSM outlets and friendly political parties to establish a certification protocols. Only those news sites with party credentials will be allowed to decimate information on the world wide web.
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A MAJOR reason obama allowed control of the internet to be removed from American hands was simple.  Now, that the internet is no longer under American control the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution no longer applies.  

obama and his handlers understood that as long as the internet was under the US Constitution blocking, removing, and censoring free and unfiltered new sites was an impossibility.
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There were US Politicians who opposed the handover. They understood that the US handover was a “giveaway of our Internet freedom.”  US Conservative groups argued that online freedom is now in serious jeopardy and allege that authoritarian governments who are members of ICANN can now with impunity inhibit freedom of speech on the Internet.   After the take over foreign governments and global corporations will have an increased voice within ICANN moving forward,  allowing them to censor, any and all,free speech.

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Heir obama did not even try to pretend that his move was anything less then governmental control over free speech.
   obama said...

"Because in an age where there’s so much active misinformation and it’s packaged very well and it looks the same when you see it on a Facebook page or you turn on your television." (notice he justifies Facebook and the MSM while disparaging all other forms of information) 

Heir obama goes on…"If everything seems to be the same and no distinctions are made, then we won’t know what to control or favor (Wow, not very subtle is he.)” 

To obama and his puppet masters, I say never forget...."The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state."

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