Sunday, October 16, 2016

Says Every Woman Complaining About Trump Right Now

Trey Gowdy Speaks on Hillary Clinton's Failure at Benghazi

Trey Gowdy report on Benghazi implicates intelligence and military leaders with failing to scramble an adequate response in the hours after the initial attack. Gowdy said there was new information unearthed by the investigation, which he said included interviews with 81 new witnesses and the review of 75,000 additional pages of documents. The most prominent witness was Clinton who lied for hours on end before Congress. 

NEVER forget that that Hillary Clinton personally issued a “stand down” order in which a CIA operative allegedly told his troops not to rush to the rescue of those in danger. The same Hillary Clinton who wants to be President of the United States (GOD Forbid).

 Reps. Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Mike Pompeo (Kan.) — issued a more harshly worded supplement to the full report, and the full panel won’t vote on the report until July 8.
“Secretary Clinton failed to lead,” Pompeo and Jordan wrote. “She missed the last, clear chance to protect her people.”