Friday, June 30, 2017

It's not the Second Amendment's Fault that Inept and Lazy Law Enforcement failed to do their jobs

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Dr. Henry Bello, was a family medicine physician, a Nigerian born muslim who had been allowed to stay in the United States on a expired work visa while having been arrested for sex abuse charges.  In February of 2015, Dr. Henry Bello, a muslim, resigned in lieu of being dismissed for sending threatening emails to a fellow physician at Bronx Lebanon Hospital.

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He reportedly departed threatening to return and exact murderous revenge.
A background check would have shown that Dr Bellos was a foreign born muslim who had a criminal record that included an arrest for attempted burglary at 5:10 a.m. on April 23, 2003, when he kicked in the door to an ex-girlfriend’s apartment on Buchanan Place in the Bronx.

He was also that rare doctor with an arrest for fare evasion in the New York City subway, this at 5 p.m. on Aug. 12, 2003.

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He was also arrested for sexual abuse, forcible touching, and unlawful imprisonment at 5:15 a.m. on Aug. 29, 2004, on Bond Street in Manhattan. He is said to have grabbed the victim’s crotch with one hand while he lifted her in the air with his other. He began dragging her away.
“You’re coming with me,” he told the victim according to her subsequent account to the police. The police were well aware of Dr. Bello's murderous threats against his co workers, most especially female co-workers. Yet, the police did nothing.  The immigration department did nothing.
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Now, the New York Police Commissioner, the Mayor, and ever liberal crack pot wants to blame guns.  Which, is absolutely ludicrous, the fault not with the gun, but with the inept, lazy, law enforcement officers who knew that there was a ticking time bomb in the form of an unstable, muslim sex offender and potential kidnapper. Yet, the authorities did nothing.  The New York Police and the lax immigration officials who sat by and did not do their sworn duties to protect Americans should go to jail! 
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There should be a Federal investigation and if found negligent people should lose their jobs at the very least. I truly hope there is some financially hungry lawyer who sees the failure of the hospital, the police, immigration to protect both staff and patients from this Nigerian born muslim bent on murder-suicide.  

These are the facts you will not hear from the mainstream media.  

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Rothschild are Enemies of Humanity

People used the word "gentle" to describe Amschel Mayor James Rothschild.
"Amschel was regularly billed as the heir presumptive to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, left, (now 84)  for the chairmanship (Sir Evelyn's children being still too young to be candidates), though newspaper reports would be sniffy about his prospects; they implied his profile was too low, that with his gentle manner, he was too "nice", that he lacked the killer instinct."
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The following is from the magazine Progress for all January 1991, an interview with  Amschel Mayor James Rothschild regarding the clarification of the Pyramid and the shining eye on the back of the US One Dollar Bill. He said "The seal of the pyramid was created by the Rothschild family and brought to North America by Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton before 1776. 

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The Rothschild family is the head of  all the Occult Brotherhoods.  My family has been tasked with installing Lucifer's Organization so that he may reign in the whole world. I assure you..the eye on the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer.   Amschel Mayor James Rothschild admitted publicly that his family, the Rothschilds, have personal dealings and owe all of their wealth and success to their allegiance with the the morning star Lucifer. 

His words..."I have personally been in the family villa and have seen the truth of it. And I know it is true". 

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On July 8 1996 Amschel Mayor James Rothschild was found dead in the bathroom of his suite at the Bristol Hotel in Paris. He was murdered for exposing the truth about his family.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Illinois is Broke

  Illinois has lacked proper leadership starting with  Gov. Rod Blagojevich followed his predecessor, former Gov. George Ryan, out of office and into federal prison on corruption charges.  Illinois labor leaders, lobbyists, legislators, aldermen even longtime Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley have been more likely to pad pensions than to properly manage them, starting with their own comfy retirement cushions.
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Lawmakers promised more and more benefits to retired teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other government workers over the past decade; meanwhile, the pool of money to abilities to fund these pledges was neglected. The estimated shortfall of nearly $100 billion between now and 2045 assumes robust investment returns. What it doesn't include is local pension disasters, such as, the estimated $20 billion hole in the City of Chicago system.

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 All sorts of fixes were promised: raising the retirement age for public employees, increasing employee contributions, freezing cost-of-living increases, shifting younger workers into 401-(k) style savings. The politicians even proposed that responsibility for teacher retirement plans should be shifted to local school boards.  

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The problem is public employee unions are a powerful force in heavily Democratic Illinois, and they have not only clout but the law on their side. The contracts that grant retirement benefits to public employees are guaranteed by the state constitution, the unions argue. Promises struck in stone must be kept. Stymied by so many unpleasant options, the legislature stalled during its regular session, dodging a call for a special session, and punted during a lame-duck session that ended early this month.

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The Pew Center on the States, which tracks the pension funding problem nationwide, says Illinois now faces the worst mess in the country, with less than half of its pension obligations currently covered.The clock is ticking and the only sure thing is that it will be the citizens of the United States who will pay and pay and pay for the follies of the politicians and special interest groups. 
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Just Saying

The War against the American People Marches On

The B.S. excuse is the smoke screen of fighting “terrorism” is one of the FAKE  purposes of the legislation, it allows any business with government ties to act as a de facto arm of the Department of Homeland Security to take your monetary assets, including Bitcoin and so-called “crypto-currencies.”

S.B. 1241 bill would impose “autocratic financial controls in an attempt to ensure none of your assets can escape one of the state’s most nefarious, despised powers: civil forfeiture.”

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“Civil forfeiture grants the government robbery writ large: your cash, property, and assets can be stolen completely sans due process, your guilt – frequently pertaining to supposed drug ‘crimes.' “A court verdict of not guilty doesn’t even guarantee the return of state-thefted property.”

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S.B. 1241 bill also severely curtails the right to travel freely with more than $10,000 in cash. To do so, a citizen will need to file a report with the U.S. government. Other assets that would be at risk for violations of the law include bank accounts, prepaid cards, gift cards, prepaid phones and prepaid coupons. Violators face prison terms of 10 years.

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“And if that weren’t enough, this bill also gives them with new authority to engage in surveillance and wiretapping (including phone, email, etc.) if they have even a hint of suspicion that you might be transporting excess ‘monetary instruments.  

Cash is Freedom from the Bankers Control. This is why the Bankers will eliminate cash in the not to disatnt future.  Once there is no more cash the Bankers will have ABSOULTE control over every aspect of your life.  Step outside of the system and all of you electronic assets become frozen.  

Cash is Freedom...

Saturday, June 17, 2017

islam is a Death Cult

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Far-Left Liberal Takes In Muslim Refugee then Reality painfully sets in

Barber was initially ecstatic to take in mohammed, who claimed to be a persecuted Sundanese political refugee. The muslim migrant told Barber that he was granted asylum status after sneaking into the UK through people-smugglers and, after being detained by Italian authorities, freely traveled to Britain as a refugee.
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 Painfully, however, the hard truth  of muhammad's supposed refugee status surfaced.
Barber explained that mohammed became violent, belligerent and aggressive, trashed her home, began smuggling drugs into his room, ran up her internet bill downloading excessive amounts of gay-pornography.  He also continuously abused the taxpayer-funded medical and welfare benefits he was so generously given. mohammed informed Barber that although she owned the house, he was going to “expect her to cat like his mother,” which  he said, entailed her being subserviant to him in all things. He was now the boss of the house sinc4e he was a muclim male and she was only a woman. She would also have to do all the chores and pay all the bills. 

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Then came the kicker. When Mohammed discovered that Barber was going to publish a memoir about her ordeal to “show readers you don’t have to be a saint to take in a refugee — you just have to have a spare room,” he flew into a rage and mocked her stupidity by confessing that he’s not a real refugee but a welfare leech who comes from a wealthy muslim family.

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This man admits he only came to Europe to abuse stupid westerners and their free government benefits. He admitted that if he stayed in his homeland, he would have had to get a job and actually work.

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Yet because of the political correctness and stupidity of England and the rest of Europe, muslim leeches like mohammed are destroying Western societies...

Thursday, June 15, 2017

5 Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News

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Congress goes after Bitcoin


The new bill that was introduced on the floor of the US Senate entitled, “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”
It basically says everything they cannot control is EVIL.

Cash is Evil

Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil

Prepaid Phones are Evil

Gift Cards/Vouchers/

Coupons are Evil

 Among the bill’s sweeping provisions, the government aims to greatly extend its authority to seize your assets through “Civil Asset Forfeiture”.

Civil Asset Forfeiture rules allow the government to take whatever they want from you, without a trial or any due process.
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This new bill adds a laundry list of offenses for which they can legally seize your assets… all of which pertain to money laundering and other financial crimes.
Here’s the thing, though: they’ve also vastly expanded on the definition of such ‘financial crimes’, including failure to fill out a form if you happen to be transporting more than $10,000 worth of ‘monetary instruments’.

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Have too much cash? You’d better tell the government.
If not, they’re authorizing themselves in this bill to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but ALL of your assets and bank accounts.
They even go so far as to specifically name “safety deposit boxes” among the various assets that they can seize if you don’t fill out the form.

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Basically, anyone with $10,000 in cash automatically becomes a criminal drug lord. 
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Oh, and on top of civil asset forfeiture penalties, there are also criminal penalties.
Right now according to current law they can imprison you for up to FIVE YEARS for not filling out the form. Five years.
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But apparently that doesn’t go far enough so this bill aims to double the criminal penalty to TEN years in prison.

Further, their bill wants to pull any business which “issues” cryptocurrency under the anti-money laundering regulatory umbrella.

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Here’s where these people demonstrate that they have no idea what they’re talking about.  No one “issues” Bitcoin. There’s no Bitcoin central bank. There’s no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.
Bitcoin is created automatically amounts that are predetermined by its code. It’s software.
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So the Senate is essentially trying to force the Bitcoin core software to comply with money laundering regulations.The bill also attempts to drop a major bomb on Bitcoin by including it in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the US. Congress is acting on the premise that You can't trust money when it's not under THEIR control... 
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Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is Clueless

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Democrat Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe wasted no time trying to push his gun control agrnda on Wednesday told reporters at a press conference that the United States loses “93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”
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Being completely clueless and totally out of touch with reality McAuliffe said, “This is not what today is about, but there are too many guns in the hands of citizens on the street.”
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Speaking to reporters, he said, “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I’ve long talked about this. Background checks, shutting down gun show loopholes. The entire United States of America's population is around 325 million.  So, if, according to Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe America is losing 93 million Americans a day.... Well lets just agree that Democrat Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is simply parroting the Democrat party line. Which, is the overthrow of the 2nd Amendment and the United States Constitution. 
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It's funny how you never here an Anti-Constitutionalists say that the police have to many guns, that their private security details have to many guns, that the Feds have to many guns.  It's not that Democrats and the far-left hate guns, they just hate guns that are not under THEIR control.   

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Monday, June 12, 2017

The muslim invasion of England is almost complete

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islam is the second largest religion in the United Kingdom, with results from the United Kingdom Census 2015 giving the UK Muslim population in 2016 as 2,786,635, 4.4% of the total population. The vast majority of muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population). 
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As of 2015 the United Kingdom has on record as many as 100,000 converts to islam, of which 66% were women.

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islam is the fastest growing religious confession in the UK and its adherents have the lowest average age out of all the major religious groups.

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The top 20 localities concentration of muslim are: 

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In 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 muhammad was the most common name for male babies in England and Wales.

muslims seizing political power  

Mayor of London ... mUSLIM

Mayor of Birmingham ... mUSLIM

Mayor of Leeds ... mUSLIM

Mayor of Blackburn ... mUSLIM

Mayor of Sheffield ... mUSLIM

Mayor of Oxford ... mUSLIM

Mayor of Luton ... mUSLIM

Mayor of Oldham ...mUSLIM

Mayor of Rochdale ... mUSLIM

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Over 3,000 muslim Mosques

Over 130 muslim Sharia Courts

Over 50 muslim Sharia Councils

muslims-Only No-Go Areas Across The UK

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muslim Women ... 78% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
muslim Men ... 63% don't work and are on FREE benefits/housing
muslim Families ... 6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing

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... and now all UK schools are ONLY serving hALAL MEAT!
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All this achieved by just 4 million muslims and CLIMBING out of England's 66 million population!

Sunday, June 04, 2017

The Fix is IN

How Bill Clinton Intimidated Loretta Lynch on Phoenix Tarmac inside info from Dick Morrison.

islam strikes again

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Eyewitnesses said that the three muslim assailants were driving over London Bridge in a nondescript Hertz rental van, when they accelerated to “about 50mph,” according to Holly Jones, a BBC journalist, caught in the attack. 

“We thought it was a car accident but as we got closer we could see a lot of blood and bodies. There was a pregnant woman on the right who was severely injured and on the left there was a man being resuscitated, but he started breathing. We don’t know whether the woman survived,”

One more witness identified as Eric Siguenza said that three muslim men
“jumped out of the van and that’s when they started attacking people on the road.”
“As they headed down the stairs, as they were running towards the people, they were shouting, ‘This is for allah!’”

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They were just yards from Borough Market, a popular nightspot. It was just after 10pm, minutes after the Champions League Final wrapped up in Cardiff, and the streets were full of revelers.

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The violence occurred in full view of hundreds of onlookers.

“I saw a man in red with quite a large blade, I don’t know the measurement, I guess maybe 10 inches. He was stabbing a man… he stabbed him about three times fairly calmly,” an eyewitness, who identified himself as Ben, said“It looked like the man had maybe been trying to intervene but there wasn’t much that he could do, he was being stabbed quite coldly and he slumped to the ground.” 
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“The muslim attacker stabbed a young girl maybe 10 times, 15 times. She was begging for her life, ‘Help me, help me!’” 

Many sought refuge in the cafes in the market square. But safety was temporary, as the attackers went inside the cafes, stabbing indiscriminately.

“He stabbed her in the neck,” eyewitness Elsbeth Smedley recounting an attack on a waitress. “He stabbed another man in the back, and then he ran out of the restaurant.”

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