Monday, July 25, 2016

Kash's Story

The current recommendations of the CDC vaccine schedule – which currently promotes the injecting of 49 doses of various vaccines before a child turns 6 years old. The number of parents opting out of the onslaught of childhood vaccinations has doubled since 2009. As vaccine use plummets, state legislatures are trying to find new ways to bully parents into the vaccination cycle.

A new bill in Ohio (HB 564) seeks to intimidate parents into vaccine compliance by forcing them to be re-educated about the benefits of vaccines. Ohio parents will no longer be allowed to send their children to public schools unless they see a state-licensed medical doctor first to receive such re-education. If the parent objects to a vaccine, and determines it's not worth the risk to their child, they will no longer get to make that choice freely. This law will put parents under the control of the medical system by denying any philosophical exemption the parent may have.

Since vaccines are a medical procedure, informed consent should always be required. However, if this law were to pass, the government could make extremely risky medical decisions without parental consent. HB 564 allows school administrators to vaccinate children without parental consent, if officials deem it necessary.

The state is claiming ownership of children's bodies, trampling on the natural rights and convictions of parents

If Ohio parents object to a vaccine, they will be required by law to report to and get permission from a state-licensed medical doctor. The doctor is then required by the state to bully the parents with pro-pharmaceutical propaganda that makes vaccines look like perfect medical science. If the parents still object to the vaccine after the doctor has tried to forcibly brainwash them, they can then try to obtain a "religious exemption." At this stage, many parents will just go along to get along because it's easier to comply than argue with a doctor or be investigated, harassed, and/or profiled.

Under the pressure of this new medical system dictate, it will be easier for parents to just let go of their natural born rights and throw away their own education, experiences and convictions on vaccines. If parents continue to object, doctors will easily feel threatened and may attempt to call in the CPS to kidnap the child and put them into state custody. This is a growing problem around the country.

At the end of day, parents won't be able to obtain a "religious exemption" to the vaccines unless the medical doctor and the state give them permission. In this way, parents are being turned into slaves of the state, and essentially slaves of the pharmaceutical companies which ultimately control the science, the law and the minds of medical professionals.

Most disturbingly, the state is essentially claiming ownership over children's bodies. If parents want to use the public school education system (most parents have no choice), they must sign their sovereign, parental rights away to the state, subjecting their children to being pincushions for endless vaccine and pharmaceutical experiments.

Parents don't need permission to raise healthy and independent children

Why should parents be forced to vaccinate their children endlessly for benign illnesses that the body can build natural, lifelong immunity to?

Why should parents be forced to retrain their child's entire immune system (weakening natural first line defenses) with ongoing shots?

Why should parents fear diseases that have statistically been overcome in communities with proper hygiene, sanitation and nutrition?

How many micrograms of aluminum are in those 49 vaccine doses, and how do they affect children's neurological development?

Soon, in Ohio, the medical establishment will soon have the authority of the law to ram pro-vaccine propaganda down parents' throats, intimidating them into vaccine compliance, barring their children from public school attendance, or vaccinating them against a parent's will.

Vaccines (singularly or in compounding doses) can damage children subtly, dramatically or permanently for their life and YOURS... 

Kash 5.1

 Kash's MMR Vaccine Story

Kerri’s narrative (Kash’s mother):
On June 23rd, we took our son into the pediatrician’s office to receive his one-year vaccines. We were getting ready to go on vacation and we wanted to get it over with since they were already late. Just like most other parents, I dreaded these appointments. I couldn’t stand taking my sweet, smiling, cheerful child into the doctor to have him poked and prodded, but I didn’t know I had a choice. I ran a home-based child care facility and I thought immunizations had to be current for that, as well as future schooling, camps, etc. Kash is the youngest of 5 siblings, all of whom have been vaccinated, and we never had issues, so unfortunately, I didn’t put much thought into doing any of my own research.

Kash was immunized, I got him dressed, and we both left the doctors office in tears. The next morning I was cuddling with Kash when he first woke up, and he began to vomit. When he finished, I turned him over and tried to get him to communicate with me, or even respond, and I got nothing from him but a blank stare. His body was limp, he was staring off into space, and he wouldn’t even acknowledge his own name. Knowing something wasn’t right, we took him to the closest ER, which was about 5 minutes away. After evaluating him the attending physician told us that more than likely Kash had suffered a seizure due to “system overload” from his vaccines the day before. We were told to take him home, let him rest, keep an eye on him, but that everything SHOULD BE okay.
Kash 2
Above: The last picture taken of Kash normal and healthy before his PICU emergency.

A couple of days later we left for our family vacation. Eight hours of driving and Kash screamed all the way. We couldn’t figure out what was going on because he was always such a delightful and passive child, and this was completely out of the norm for him. Over the next week, Kash was extremely fussy, broke out in a rash, and ran a fever. With any change in his personality or health, I called back home to his pediatrician who instructed me to treat with Benadryl and Tylenol. After a week of being on vacation with a fussy child and not in our own environment, it was time to make the long trip back home. Once again, eight hours in the car, and eight hours of Kash screaming. By the time we got home, we were all exhausted and decided to go to bed.

The following day, July 4th 2010, Kash woke up fussy and running a slight fever. I got up with him, gave him a dose of Motrin, and since we had a big day of celebrating ahead of us, I decided to lay down and take a nap with Kash. I took him into my room to nap with me while my husband and our other children went about their day. About an hour later, I was awoken by the most horrifying sound that I’ve ever heard….it was my baby screaming and convulsing at the same time. I shook him and screamed his name several times, neither of which he responded to. I didn’t know what to do, so I screamed for my husband to help, grabbed my baby and began to run up the stairs with him.

I got about half way up the stairs before my husband met me. Both of us have some medical knowledge and we know that seizures shouldn’t last long, so we stood in the kitchen holding Kash, trying to comfort him, saying his name, trying to do anything to get him to come out of the seizure, but he didn’t. After a couple of minutes we decided it was best for me to stay with the other children while my husband took Kash to the nearest ER, which thank GOD is only about 5 minutes away.

Cody’s narrative (Kash’s father):

On the 4th Kash and Kerri had awoken early so they took a nap together. About 45 minutes after they went down I heard my wife scream my name along with the word “help”. I met her half way up the stairs with Kash in her arms and he was convulsing and unresponsive. I know this sounds terrible but at the time it seemed best and it was the decision I made, I put Kash in my lap and drove as fast as I could to the E.R. (about 5 miles from our home, I really felt I could get him there faster than an ambulance could arrive at our home). 

The drive to the hospital felt like hours and I spoke to Kash……yelled a few times to try and get him to come to. We arrived at the hospital and I jumped out with Kash and ran in through the ambulatory entrance where the receptionist started to tell me that I would need to enter through the front door but I interrupted her with all I could get out, “help my son is having a seizure”…

No time was wasted we were in a room and had 3 nurses and the doctor that was on in the room with us right away, I remember thinking that I felt guilty about all the other patients that were going to have to wait because we demanded all the attention for something that would have probably resolved itself (odd thought process and I was WRONG). We had to estimate his weight for medication because the seizure was too violent to get a good weight using the scales. 

The staff tried to get a line in but could not because his veins were too small and as I previously stated he was convulsing, violently, so the doctor informed me that they would have to “drill” a small hole into his shin. I remembered arguing with him that it would to painful for him and the doctor told me that in his current state he wouldn’t feel a thing. So with the hole drilled and the line started they pushed the first dose, the drug was something similar to a Valium. The doctor told me the drug would work very fast and he would come out of the seizure quickly. At this point of the visit, Kash had been seizing for about 12 minutes and 5 minutes later the doctor whispered something to a nurse and she quickly left the room. 

Kash 6.1

The doctor turned to me and told me that the medication didn’t work and that they would have to administer another dose and then told me something that didn’t register because I was distracted by the nurse that had just left the room returning with the crash cart. This is all a little fuzzy but I know Kerri was still home waiting for someone to come for the other kids and my mom had just arrived when I asked why they brought the crash cart in the doctor told me for the second time that this second dose of medication would stop his breathing……

Once again I screamed at the doctor, “don’t give him the medicine then”, and the doctor told me that seizures should never last this long (we were now at the 20 minute mark) and the longer he remains seizing the higher the chance of permanent neurological damage. So the second dose went in and he stopped breathing...

Kash 4
Above: All the Meds pumped into Kash to try and save him from the MMR Vaccine... 


Sunday, July 24, 2016

DNC Emails

DNC member killing horses for insurance money. 
DNC making fun of black woman's name. 
DNC telling each other, "I love you too. no homo." 
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment. 
DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories. 
DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters. 
DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign. 
DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a "rigged system." 
DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment. 
Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills. 
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz having an off the record meeting in MSNBC President Phil Griffin's office. 
DNC being messed with by the Washington Examiner. 
 DNC discussing Hillary's policies as unfeasible. 
$200k for a private dinner with Hillary. 
Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC. 
Faking outrage and pasting in a video later. 
A mole working inside of the Sanders campaign. 
Bringing up Sanders religion to scare the southern voters. 
Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits. 
Politico writer sending his stories to the DNC before he sends them to his editor. 
DNC feeding CNN the questions they want to be asked in interviews. 
Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist. 
Hillary funding 2 million dollars in a cooridanted campaign in battleground states to win back the Senate. 
DNC is upset that their "allies" didn't send in protestors so they sent out interns. 
 "Clinton Foundation quid-pro-quo worries are lingering, will be exploited in general." 
$50,000 - Lawrence Benenson. 
Daily Fundraising Report for the DNC.
Content & Social Strategy Discussion.
Re: BuzzFeed and DNC connection. 
Draft linking news articles about trump to use as negative press. 
Fwd: State Dinner Countdown. 
Some chick is angry she hasn't been given more stuff from the Obama administration...might be interesting to follow up. Re: State Dinner Countdown. 
Tim O'Brien: Trump's Fixation on Inflating his Net Worth is a Cause for Concern. 
Hillary for America Raised $26.4 Million in April, Began May with More than $30 Million Cash on Hand. 
 Re: For approval: Trump supporter graphics. 
Press talking points, states Hillary is their candidate, dated May 5, 2016. More of a smoking gun than the ambiguous talk in the emails themselves. 
Consultant calling megyn kelly a bimbo. Has PDF attached that says the same. 
DNC trying to get away with violating the Hatch Act. 
Democrats using interns to organize fake "protests." 
RE: Action on DNC tomorrow (Immigration Raids). 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Just Saying

In Chicago there were 470 homicides,if you removed the blacks from that number were would be less than 25 homicides

So how do Black lives matter when Blacks keep killing each like it's a SPORT! 

A Black man is a 100 times more likely to die at the hands of another black man.

The predominate killers of black men are other black men.



Monday, July 18, 2016

Black Lives Matters is Really 'Ordo Ab Chao' Tactic in Motion

Sheriff David Clarke is absolutely brutally TRUTHFUL in his verbal handling of CNN anchor Don Lemon. Please take time to watch this video. It is a nine minute video and worth watching regardless of where you stand on the issues of police violence, BLM, and the state of the USA.

Black Lives Matters is Domestic Terror group. Yet, because we have a black president, a black attorney general, this Domestic terror group has free reign to slaughter Whites, Police, and anyone who is not a radicalized African American. 

This Black against white rhetoric is a Hegelian Dialect tactic.  Which, to put it simply, the basis of Hegelianism dictates that the human mind can’t understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites. Good / Evil, Right / Wrong, Left / Right.  

This, Hegelian Dialect tactic, then leads in to TPTB
ultimate tool of social programing...'Ordo Ab Chao' meaning 'Order Out of Chaos.'  

Now, 3 more dead cops lie on the ground in Baton Rouge, Louisiana...under very STRANGE circumstances.   The number of dead bodies, lives destroyed, communities decimated and burned to the ground are just the price of doing business for TPTB. More bloodshed is coming TPTB have not yet reached their final goal.

An Intimate Story of African American Violence against Whites

When Ross Capicchioni was 17, he was lured into a bad neighborhood in Detroit's notorious east side by his African American friend.  Ross's BLACK friend shot him three times, smashed his face with the butt of a shotgun and left for dead. 

The 18 year old African American male shot Ross Capicchioni because he wanted to join a local Detroit BLACK gang. The only way to join was to shoot and kill a white person.  So, the 18 year old African American male, under pretense,  asked
Ross Capicchioni for a ride to his cousin's house.

After arriving at deserted part of old Detroit that's when the The 18 year old African American male committed his cowardly act.  Afterwards, to add insult to injury, Ross's attacker stole his car.

 At his sentencing the BLACK male and his family mocked and jeered Ross for testifying in open court. The called Ross a snitch because he chose to allow the Criminal Justice system to give his justice.   

Ross Capicchioni's African American assailant is currently serving 35 years in State Prison.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

islam Bloody islam


BASTILLE DAY MASSACRE! At  least 80-100 dead in Nice, France terror attack as 18 Wheeler tears through innocent women and children. There are many more who are injured and suffering horribly.

The driver went on for over a mile before he ran out of bodies and road. With no where left to go, the driver exited the vehicle and began shooting indiscriminately at unarmed spectators while shouting in Arabic.  

This is just another blood soaked day in the COWARDLY history of...islam. 


The politicians who lied to the French people when they forced immigrated hundreds of thousands of murderous, blood thirsty, muslims from the middle east into France should be tried for murder.  The carnage of yet ANOTHER islamic terror attack in France is on their hands.   


There are NO refugees streaming into France only INVADERS.  When a foreign occupying  force comes into a country the first objective is to subdue it with fear and bloodshed.  


The French people are being subjugated on 2 fronts. The French government is coming down harshly on ANYONE who dares to oppose the extermination of French culture. Then, you have the muslim invaders who threaten violence at every turn if they don't get their way.



Europe has been betrayed by those charged with leading it.  TPTB are only afraid of one demographic on this planet, White European Culture, and as such, those in power are seeing to it that White European Culture is being erased from the planet. 

In 50-75 years Europe will be totally muslim.  Any vestiges of White European Culture will be assimilated by the ravaging hordes from the middle east.  Then, the true subjugation will begin.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

WW3 will be China vs USA

There are no coincidences for those who have eyes to see.  The above statue was unveiled right after China told the United Nations (UN) in no uncertain terms that the South China Sea belonged to China and China alone.  (Beijing has repeatedly blamed the United States for stirring up trouble in the South China Sea, where its territorial claims overlap in parts with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.
"China will take ALL necessary measures to protect its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests," the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily said in a front page commentary on Wednesday)


The Americans can not strategically allow  the Chinese to seize control of the south China sea. (The South China Sea is a marginal sea that is part of the Pacific Ocean, encompassing an area from the Karimata and Malacca Straits to the Strait of Taiwan of around 3,500,000 square kilometres.) 

War between the United States and China is inevitable. The sad part is that China is gearing up for war while the United States stumbles blindly; flaunting it's weakness at every turn.  

Because of the effeminate leadership of barrack obama “The Chinese have begun a classic Sun Tzu philosophy of incremental steps. Because they are  small steps, the Americans and their allies will not be able to respond in a strong fashion. If they do, they will seem to be over reacting. That is what will assure that China’s approach will succeed .”

 WWIII is inevitable ...

Monday, July 11, 2016

Honest Words from Jay Stalien, Police Officer from Riviera Beach, Florida

I have come to realize something that is still hard for me to understand to this day. The following may be a shock to some coming from an African American, but the mere fact that it may be shocking to some is prima facie evidence of the sad state of affairs that we are in as Humans. I used to be so torn inside growing up. Here I am, a young African-American born and raised in Brooklyn, NY wanting to be a cop. I watched and lived through the crime that took place in the hood. My own black people killing others over nothing. Crack heads and heroin addicts lined the lobby of my building as I shuffled around them to make my way to our 1 bedroom apartment with 6 of us living inside. I used to be woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of gun fire, only to look outside and see that it was 2 African Americans shooting at each other. It never sat right with me. 

I wanted to help my community and stop watching the blood of African Americans spilled on the street at the hands of a fellow black man. I became a cop because black lives in my community, along with ALL lives, mattered to me, and wanted to help stop the bloodshed. As time went by in my law enforcement career, I quickly began to realize something. I remember the countless times I stood 2 inches from a young black man, around my age, laying on his back, gasping for air as blood filled his lungs. I remember them bleeding profusely with the unforgettable smell of deoxygenated dark red blood in the air, as it leaked from the bullet holes in his body on to the hot sidewalk on a summer day. I remember the countless family members who attacked me, spit on me, cursed me out, as I put up crime scene tape to cordon off the crime scene, yelling and screaming out of pain and anger at the sight of their loved ones taking their last breath. I never took it personally, I knew they were hurting.

 I remember the countless times I had to order new uniforms, because the ones I had on, were bloody from the blood of another black victim…of black on black crime. I remember the countless times I got back in my patrol car, distraught after having watched another black male die in front me, having to start my preliminary report something like this: Suspect- Black/ Male, Victim-Black /Male. I remember the countless times I canvassed the area afterwards, and asked everyone “did you see who did it”, and the popular response from the very same family members was always, “Fuck the Police, I ain't no snitch, Im gonna take care of this myself". This happened every single time, every single homicide, black on black, and then my realization became clearer. I woke up every morning, put my freshly pressed uniform on, shined my badge, functioned checked my weapon, kissed my wife and kid, and waited for my wife to say the same thing she always does before I leave, “Make sure you come back home to us”. I always replied, “I will”, but the truth was I was never sure if I would. I almost lost my life on this job, and every call, every stop, every moment that I had this uniform on, was another possibility for me to almost lose my life again.

 I was a target in the very community I swore to protect, the very community I wanted to help. As a matter of fact, they hated my very presence. They called me “Uncle Tom”, and “wanna be white boy”, and I couldn’t understand why. My own fellow black men and women attacking me, wishing for my death, wishing for the death of my family. I was so confused, so torn, I couldn’t understand why my own black people would turn against me, when every time they called …I was there. Every time someone died….I was there. Every time they were going through one of the worst moments in their lives…I was there. So why was I the enemy?

 I dove deep into that question…Why was I the enemy? Then my realization became clearer. I spoke to members of the community and listened to some of the complaints as to why they hated cops. I then did research on the facts. I also presented facts to these members of the community, and listened to their complaints in response. This is what I learned: Complaint: Police always targeting us, they always messing with the black man. Fact: A city where the majority of citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed, and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the same trend for Asians if you go to China, for Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico, for whites if you go to Russia, and the list goes on. 

It’s called Demographics Complaint: More black people get arrested than white boys. Fact: Black People commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime. Data from the FBI shows that Nationwide, Blacks committed 5,173 homicides in 2014, whites committed 4,367. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321. Complaint: Blacks are the only ones getting killed by police, or they are killed more. Fact: As of July 2016, the breakdown of the number of US Citizens killed by Police this year is, 238 White people killed, 123 Black people killed, 79 Hispanics, 69 other/or unknown race. 

Fact: Black people kill more other blacks than Police do, and there are only protest and outrage when a cop kills a black man. University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime data from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012. Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112 black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings annually during this same period. Complaint: Well we already doing a good job of killing ourselves, we don’t need the Police to do it. Besides they should know better. The more I listened, the more I realized. The more I researched, the more I realized. I would ask questions, and would only get emotional responses & inferences based on no facts at all. The more killing I saw, the more tragedy, the more savagery, the more violence, the more loss of life of a black man at the hands of another black man….the more I realized. 

 I haven’t slept well in the past few nights. Heartbreak weighs me down, rage flows through my veins, and tears fills my eyes. I watched my fellow officers assassinated on live television, and the images of them laying on the ground are seared into my brain forever. I couldn’t help but wonder if it had been me, a black man, a black cop, on TV, assassinated, laying on the ground dead,..would my friends and family still think black lives mattered? Would my life have mattered? Would they make t-shirts in remembrance of me? Would they go on tv and protest violence? Would they even make a Facebook post, or share a post in reference to my death? All of my realizations came to this conclusion. 

Black Lives do not matter to most black people. Only the lives that make the national news matter to them. Only the lives that are taken at the hands of cops or white people, matter. The other thousands of lives lost, the other black souls that I along with every cop, have seen taken at the hands of other blacks, do not matter. Their deaths are unnoticed, accepted as the “norm”, and swept underneath the rug by the very people who claim and post “black lives matter”.

 I realized that this country is full of ignorance, where an educated individual will watch the ratings-driven news media, and watch a couple YouTube video clips, and then come to the conclusion that they have all the knowledge they need to have in order to know what it feels like to have a bullet proof vest as part of your office equipment, “Stay Alive” as part of your daily to do list, and having insurance for your health insurance because of the high rate of death in your profession. They watch a couple videos and then they magically know in 2 minutes 35 seconds, how you are supposed to handle a violent encounter, which took you 6 months of Academy training, 2 – 3 months of field training, and countless years of blood, sweat, tears and broken bones experiencing violent encounters and fine tuning your execution of the Use of Force Continuum. I realized that there are even cops, COPS, duly sworn law enforcement officers, who are supposed to be decent investigators, who will publicly go on the media and call other white cops racist and KKK, based on a video clip that they watched thousands of miles away, which was filmed after the fact, based on a case where the details aren’t even known yet and the investigation hasn’t even begun. 

I realized that most in the African American community refuse to look at solving the bigger problem that I see and deal with every day, which is black on black crime taking hundreds of innocent black lives each year, and instead focus on the 9 questionable deaths of black men, where some were in the act of committing crimes. I realized that they value the life of a Sex Offender and Convicted Felon, [who was in the act of committing multiple felonies: felon in possession of a firearm-FELONY, brandishing and threatening a homeless man with a gun-Aggravated Assault in Florida: FELONY, who resisted officers who first tried to taze him, and WAS NOT RESTRAINED, who can be clearly seen in one of the videos raising his right shoulder, then shooting it down towards the right side of his body exactly where the firearm was located and recovered] more than the lives of the innocent cops who were assassinated in Dallas protecting the very people that hated them the most.

 I realized that they refuse to believe that most cops acknowledge that there are Bad cops who should have never been given a badge & gun, who are chicken shit and will shoot a cockroach if it crawls at them too fast, who never worked in the hood and may be intimidated. That most cops dread the thought of having to shoot someone, and never see the turmoil and mental anguish that a cop goes through after having to kill someone to save his own life. Instead they believe that we are all blood thirsty killers, because the media says so, even though the numbers prove otherwise. I realize that they truly feel as if the death of cops will help people realize the false narrative that Black Lives Matter, when all it will do is take their movement two steps backwards and label them domestic terrorist. I realized that some of these people, who say Black Lives Matter, are full of hate and racism. 

Hate for cops, because of the false narrative that more black people are targeted and killed. Racism against white people, for a tragedy that began 100’s of years ago, when most of the white people today weren’t even born yet. I realized that some in the African American community’s idea of “Justice” is the prosecution of ANY and EVERY cop or white man that kills or is believed to have killed a black man, no matter what the circumstances are. I realized the African American community refuses to look within to solve its major issues, and instead makes excuses and looks outside for solutions. 

I realized that a lot of people in the African American community lead with hate, instead of love. Division instead of Unity. Turmoil and rioting, instead of Peace. I realized that they have become the very entity that they claim they are fighting against. I realized that the very reasons I became a cop, are the very reasons my own people hate me, and now in this toxic hateful racially charged political climate, I am now more likely to die,... and it is still hard for me to understand…. to this day.