Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Insanity of Political correctness

A young Danish girl is dragged to the ground by an immigrant from the middle east.  In absolute terror she fights for her life, she fights to not be brutally raped.

The 17-year-old was the victim of an attempted rape by an immigrant male who spoke English.   Bruised, battered, and in terrible pain the girl reported the brutal attack on Thursday.   

Police officer Svend Erik Lassen said: 
"He grabbed her arm and commanded her in English to come with him, but she fought for her life and broke lose from his grip.   The girl reported to the police he caught up to her as she tried to flee.  Then,  the immigrant male hit her and then forcefully pushed her to the ground.  He then began to rip her pants off shoving his hand inside her underwear.  
By the mercy of GOD she had pepper spray and was able, while the man was on top of her ripping her clothes off, to spay the male immigrant full in the face.  This action saved her life, because her would be rapists climbed off of her and fled the scene." 

You would think the Danish police would be pursuing the rapists with all means at their disposal.  

NOPE... Because the Danish government does not want to upset the new immigrant population, the investigation has taken a new turn.   Because the use of pepper spay is illegal in Denmark, the teenager will most likely face a fine or even three months in jail if charges are pressed under the country's weapons act.

Local police spokesman Knud Kirsten said: "It is illegal to be in possession of and/or using a pepper spray, so she will probably be charged."   
The fact that it saved a young 17 year old girl from being brutally raped has no bearing on the charges.  Not wanting to portray the newly arrived immigrants from the middle east in a bad light; Mr Lassen said that they will not investigating the rape. 
He also refused to comment on whether or not they will consider dropping any possible charges against the girl as the alleged action was self-defense.
Mr Lassen added: “It's up to our legal department."
Police chief Kirsten said this is a case of "illegal weapons possession, so it's the same as walking around with a switchblade.  Just because the girl was being raped is no excuse to break the law."

So in Denmark it's okay for the immigrants from the middle east to rape innocent Danish teenagers.  It is also illegal for teenage girls to defend their lives against immigrant rapists.  Because after all no one in Denmark wishes to offend the newly arrived immigrants from the middle east.  

When did the Danish people become second class citizens in their own country?  What happened to common sense and  the national pride of the Danish people?  How can the people of Denmark sit back while their politicians allow Denmark to become the rape capital of the world? 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Feds deliberately FAKE Oregon Militia Video Feed

All to often you hear the phrase 'False Flag.' Well, in this case the Feds are caught red handed using FAKE actors to portray the real Oregon Militia.  So, all of America has been tuned into a video feed with FAKE crisis actors who were PRETENDING to be the real Oregon militia. 

In the above video , before the camera feed could be shut off, the Feds FAKE "militia" in Oregon are asked THREE times to sign Talent Release.   When one of the Federal government FAKE crisis actors realizes that the video feed is still running; he leaps out of his chair and runs to shut off the live feed but too late, they are busted!  The credit for this ABSOLUTE bust goes to patriot James Farganne.  

 James Farganne said in his own words that the FAKE Fed video feed just did not pass muster with him. So, he began to watch closely and sure enough the Feds slipped up. 

 Here is James Farganne in his own words...

"In the pre-dawn hours of January 27, a wispy-bearded 20-something calling himself David began a series of live stream Youtube broadcasts from the Oregon standoff scene.
Ammon Bundy and other core members had been arrested that day. LaVoy Finicum had been shot dead. David claimed to number among the last remaining patriots occupying the federal sanctuary. As he and others repeated over and over, the "pussies" had all fled home.
The banter was rife with profanity. David and company chain-smoked cigarettes while vociferously professing their Christian faith and values.
With manic bravado, David gloated about his impending death. He broke into cockeyed, wing-nut "Christian Identity"-esque rants about "the false Jews" and "the true Israelites".
Something was wrong with this picture. I grew up in a Christian family in the Western United States. I grew up among noble and sober men who taught me how to comport myself with guns. The men in these live stream broadcasts were nothing like the sort that would face imminent violent death in the name of ideals. They struck me instead as posers. Ignorant, erratic, schizoid clowns. Look at 1.20 min. mark to see what I mean.
This was supposedly a tactical theater, where death could come at any moment. Yet there was nothing of the sobriety, the solemnity, that you would expect of serious, seasoned men in such a situation. None of the precision or economy of speech. Just swaggering "yeehaw" ejaculations about "muh Constitutional RIGHTS!" and exhortations to die martyrs.
I knew they had to be actors, but I needed proof. So I sat through over three hours of this nonsense. It grew more and more absurd. David and company deployed to a standoff location and cut the lights. For long periods, there was nothing but audio: more of the same hokey banter. They talked about the presence of nearby Delta Forces, which they couldn't possibly have known.
As dawn approached, they began issuing direct threats of lethal violence against federal agents. One of them even promised to "hunt down" any surviving agents "after this is all over".
Real patriots, in a real standoff situation, issuing threats like that into a broadcast device? Never.
I must mention that frequently throughout this 3-hour period, the live stream would freeze, and David would start a new one. The old one, whatever its duration, would appear on the Youtube channel's video list.
When the proof finally came, someone rushed over to the camera to cut the live stream.

What happened was this. At sunrise, as the "militia members" smoked cigarettes and hocked loogies in silence, someone entered the set and requested that these guys all sign "Talent Releases". He asked three times before one of them rushed over to the camera to turn it off."
Fed BUSTED using FAKE crisis actors to portray the real Oregon Militia.  Remember, it's all about 'Hearts and Minds.'  This is how the Mainstream media have been portraying the Oregon Militia based on the FAKE video feed.
Remember this is about...
'Hearts and Minds.' 

Interview posted from

Monday, January 25, 2016

Please Help US by Donating in 2016


For the past 45 years, every president and all our Congresses failed the American people on massive levels.  Members of Congress allowed themselves to be duped into bogus wars in Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq.

The American people did not ask for or want those wars.  Who did?  Answer: the bankers, Military Industrial Complex and corporations who stood to profit from the deaths of so many of our soldiers.

In the past 45 years, members of Congress and five presidents never enforced our sovereign borders or our internal employment laws that prohibited transporting, housing and employing illegal aliens.  Instead, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce led the way to inject as many legal and illegal immigrants into America to drive Americans out of work and lower wages to subsistence levels.

In the past 45 years, Congress flooded our country with 100 million legal third world immigrants.  Today, we face accelerating fracturing of our ethos, national cohesiveness, language and culture.

Along with the past four decades, members of Congress passed laws to offshore, out-source and in-source jobs out of American workers’ hands.  Congress’ activities drowned us in debt with 48 million people subsisting on food stamps and welfare housing.

Along the way, members of Congress and presidents created a $19 trillion debt that could very well collapse our entire economy.  Our second president John Adams said, “There are two ways to conquer a nation: by the sword or by debt.” We face massive consequences that none of the members of Congress address, let alone solve.

Seven years ago, a totally unqualified man arrived on the scene with “Hope and Change” has his mantra.  In the past seven years of Barack Obama, everything worsened as to trade agreements, racial violence, ongoing war in Afghanistan, refugees flooding into America, terrorism manifesting from Boston to San Bernardino, joblessness and educational breakdown on a level unseen in the past 50 years.  Over 10 million Americans cannot secure a job.  Their kids can’t find a summer job because over 100,000 legal and illegal immigrants flood into our country every 30 days.

Worse, for the African-American community, 73 percent of African-American children arrive out of wedlock and into immediate welfare and poverty.  Our African-American president did nothing to change their fate as to job training, jobs or solutions. Instead, he spent a lot of time on the golf course.

With our country reeling from terror attacks, joblessness and racial conflict—the usual career, corrupt politicians jumped onto the stage to make their bid for the presidency.  As usual, they spouted and spout the same bunch of gobble-d-gook as their predecessors.  In other words, whether republican or democrats, the American people will find themselves facing the same consequences because those same politicians of the past won’t do anything to change the future toward a better America.

Enter a brash, real American business tycoon named Donald Trump.  Flamboyant, outspoken, “Let’s make America great again.”  He draws millions to his rallies and news sites who interview him.

Trump talks about what he expects to accomplish as president of the United States.  No matter how many gaffs he makes or “ego” oriented statements, Americans love him because he speaks their language. He addresses their frustrations and anger.   He speaks about solving the problems by doing something like building a wall, like changing trade agreements, like enforcing our immigration laws by deporting border jumpers.  He talks about renegotiating trade agreements instead of giving China our manufacturing jobs.  He expects to re-work Obamacare to a viable health care system.

Trump made the obvious connection to ban all Muslim immigration until we get a handle on Muslim violence in the USA.  He would stop the 200,000 Syrian refugee invasion of our country. Why? It makes common sense to protect our citizens from further Muslim violence now overwhelming Europe.

Americans cheer him.  Americans stand up for him.  Americans love him because he loves Americans. He’s actually a red-blooded American born in America.  He’s a proven success and he’s a proven man of excellence.

While the ‘usual’ talking heads can’t figure out his popularity, he steams ahead because he’s about to shake up the ‘good ole boy’ corrupt network of career politicians who haven’t served America or our interests:  Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, McCain, Hatch, Bennet, Gardner, Rubio, Reid, Gutierrez, Levin and the rest of those men and women who live in that DC corruption cartel.

For the first time in decades, we stand a chance to renew our country. We stand a chance to renew our faith in ourselves with his energy, brashness, ego and competence.  He’s a citizen president.

Donald Trump earned my vote.

The above Statement is from an average American. F. Wooldridge who lives in Golden, CO. I think he make a succinct point that the American people deserve a leader who represents them. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

We Need your Help Please Donate to Gabriel's Trumpet here in 2016

 Bernie Sanders views on economics and class warfare echo the works of Marx, Lenin, and pretty much any other socialists populist leader you can think of. If Sanders secures the Democratic nomination, we are going to hear harsher rhetoric than Obama’s “if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else did…” statement, Sanders is not afraid to be open with his agenda.
You see, socialism is the politics of envy. The problem isn’t the unequal distribution of wealth, because honestly, why do you care if someone makes MORE money than you, as long as you have the potential to earn MORE money?
Bernie Sanders has all kinds of thoughts on Higher Education Take note from history...all fascists regimes have been quick to gain control of not only the schools, but whom can attend and what is taught in them.  Bernie wants to give FREE education to everyone. Where does Bernie think the reported 70 BILLION dollars a year will come from?  Bernie's answer...taxing Wall street yearly on all trades.  The thing about far left Socialists is that they think everything should be free and some one ELSE should pay for it.  

Bernie goes on to say... 'That Social Security is a promise that we cannot and must not break.' The thing is the loony left have no idea how exactly to FIX Social Security or where the money is going to come from.  Just like other far left socialists, Bernie has NO IDEA how to fix the problem. Though, like Hillary and the rest of the parasites in Washington Bernie doesn't really care, he just wants to get elected. Once in office all his promises will go the way of the Dodo.
After Bernie, graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964. While a student, Sanders was a member of the Young People's Socialist League. As such, he has NEVER worked an honest days work in his life.  Bernie's been a politicians/parasite his entire life.  This is why Bernie and other far left socialists in Washington, are always the ones who want to take other peoples, hard earned money, and give it to those who are lazy and entitled?  Bernie and his politician/parasite friends have been living on the public dime all their lives. Never once have they had to work 60-70 hours in a week and still not have enough money to pay the bills. 

Bernie Sanders, having no idea of how the real world functions, wants to ban fossil fuels in order to stop climate change. Not, only does this kill free market principles, but the track record of renewable energy companies which were backed by obama and Bernie AND tax payer funded, all failed miserably. Which costs the tax payers (You and Me) Billions...   

The following is a list of FAILED, pie in the sky, feel good socialists free-energy companies backed by, funded by obama and his far left cronies...

    Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
    SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
    Solyndra ($535 million)*
    Beacon Power ($43 million)*
    Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
    SunPower ($1.2 billion)
    First Solar ($1.46 billion)
    Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
    EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
    Amonix ($5.9 million)
    Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
    Abound Solar ($400 million)*
    A123 Systems ($279 million)*
    Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
    Johnson Controls ($299 million)
    Schneider Electric ($86 million)
    Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
    ECOtality ($126.2 million)
    Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
    Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
    Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
    Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
    Range Fuels ($80 million)*
    Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
    Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
    Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
    GreenVolts ($500,000)
    Vestas ($50 million)
    LG Chem’s-- Compact Power ($151 million)
    Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
    Navistar ($39 million)
    Satcon ($3 million)*
    Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
    Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)

Bernie Sanders, a far left loon, pretending to be the 'People Candidate' is in fact a liar and worst of all a politician.   Sanders, often makes wildly unsubstantiated claims which have ZERO basis in reality.  Being a life long politician/parasite Bernie's strong suit is not reality or anything remotely related to telling the truth or factual data.  Bernie like most other far left socialist think that the truth is what their focus group comes up with after crunching the numbers.
Bernie slams student loan practices despite most of it being held by the federal government. He repeats the minimum wage narrative of “fixing poverty” with no regard for the voluminous empirical evidence to the contrary. He fears “seniors cannot afford their medication” when seniors are fourteen times wealthier than the younger generation. He claims the rich don’t pay their “fair share” when, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the highest income of wage earners pay almost 70% of federal taxes.

Bernie Sanders perpetuates numerous economic myths that are wholly disingenuous, which is a nice way of saying that he is an out right LIAR.
Although observable on the surface, a more in-depth analysis provides substantial evidence that these supposed victimized groups have benefited from economic growth. If Bernie Sanders wants to help the people he claims to represent, I recommend strengthening economic freedom in order to encourage economic growth. By repealing many of his pet policies, the American economy would be a much stronger and vibrant.
facts data mined from the following,,,

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Please help us Reach our Fund Raising Goals for 2016


These are direct quotes from the meanest, lying, psychopath on earth...Hillary Clinton...

1) "Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every morning at fucking sunrise". Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day 1991. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 244

(2)  "Fuck off!  It's enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day! I'm not going to talk to you, too!  Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut." Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning." From the book "America Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p.90

(3)  "If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!" Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident. From the book "The First Partner" p. 25

(4) "Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck back away from me! Don't come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!?"  Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail. From the book "Unlimited Access" by Clinton 's FBI Agent-in-Charge, Gary Aldridge, p.139

(5) "Where's the miserable cock sucker?" (otherwise known as "Bill  Clinton") Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer. From the book "The Truth about Hillary" by Edward Klein, p. 5

(6) "You fucking idiot" Hillary to a State Trooper  who was driving her to an event. From the book "Crossfire" ~pg.  84

(7) "Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo.  I need those fucking sunglasses!  We need to go back!”  Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One. From the book " Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72

(8) "Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can't fuck her here!!" Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female. From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 243

These quotes are only the ones that can be reported on. There are many quotes that will never be hear because of threats and intimidation by the Clinton's and their supporters.

One terrifying fact that is commonly talked about in Washington is that, when Hitler Clinton walked around the White House, NO ONE was permitted to look her in the eye, they all had to lower their heads with their eyes towards the ground whenever she walked by.  This just goes to show the level of monomaniacal,  narcissism that makes up Hitler Clinton's mind set. Is this really what America needs?  Another egotistical, self centered, far left, America hating President.

Wasn't the nightmare of 8 years under the hateful, dissenting, toxic obama enough damage to America? 


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Help Us Reach our Goal---We are having a 2016 Month Long Fund Raising Drive--

The United States has been taken over by foreign banking cartels.   With ZERO controls in place the financial homogeneity of the United States is swiftly becoming untenable.   The politicians who have no stake in the well being of the United States are running up staggering levels of debt, destroying savings and retirements, shipping all infrastructure over seas, debasing the currency. etc... 

The inevitable end-game is that the defacto owners of the United States, the  Federal Reserve will end up buying up all the sovereign debt issuance with money they print for that purpose, and in the end this inevitably will lead to hyperinflation and national bankruptcy. This will NOT happen by accident, in fact this has been planned for some time.

The truth is that the Federal Reserve has UNLIMITED financial power, it has the ability to create money out of thin air.   The politicians in Washington D.C. can not control their run away spending, their appetites are running America into the ground. 


When, the American politicians finally bankrupt this country and the entire economy collapses.    There is a plan in place, a brutal, draconian, iron fisted  plan , which will crush any chance of revolt by the downtrodden masses. This plan will of course allow the foreign banking cartel to maintain ABSOLUTE hold of its ill gotten wealth.  

Peacetime is fine for as long as it can placate the populace with Hollywood and professional sports, but when the financial calamity arrives the economy will crater and Hollywood and professional sports will not be enough to keep Americans from marching on Washington.   

The ultimate distraction for the starving American people will of course be WAR.    Those in power will have a string of FAKE BOGEY men in place to scare the people into submission.   The list might include terrorists, domestic terrorists, foreign governments, Big Bad Russia, or FAKE space aliens.  The success of the military adventure is really unimportant, because failure will do even better.  Those in Washington can blame the failure of the military on the fact that the people domestically are not supporting Washington enough.  


Then, with the failure of the military blamed on American citizens it will be possible to force through various emergency security measures. The kind that tear up the Constitution and eviscerate the Bill of Rights. There have already been numerous dry runs, such as 9/11, the military occupation of Boston following the staged bombings at the Boston Marathon, the FAKE Sandyhook shooting, etc.  

The surveillance infrastructure, privatized prison-industrial complex, the crushing bureaucracy are already in place for locking up ANYONE who even thinks of speaking against the NEW America.  

A really huge failure military would provide the best rationale for putting the economy on a war footing, imposing martial law, suppressing dissent, outlawing “extremist” political activity of ANY kind.

Mark my words this is already planned. The financial collapse is ready to go, it's only a matter of time before it happens.   The collapse of the American economy will precipitate global commercial collapse.  When the global supply chains stop functioning tens of millions will starve to death.  

Political collapse will be resisted, and the way it will be resisted is by starting as many wars as possible, to produce a vast backdrop of failure to serve as a rationale for all sorts of “emergency measures,” all of which will have just one aim to CRUSH all resistance,  OVERT take over of the globe by the Banking Cartels. 

In the economic collapse the Banking Cartels will be swimming in all the commercial goods, food stores, oil, gas supplies, fresh water and every type of luxury imaginable. They will be protected because they have all the worlds militaries at their disposal.   The banking cartels are protected by anonymity, innumerable banking and currency laws, and total control of the global money supply.  

The military will think that they are protecting America when in fact they will be protecting the very enemies which brought America to it's knees.

The sad part is that Americans have become so soft and fat that they will mostly roll over and beg their new overlords for the scraps from their tables.   Truthfully, most Americans will remain docile and just wave their little flags while they stand in endless soup lines.

The only hope America has is that it only took 3 percent to throw off the chains of King George.  The only hope that Americans have are organizations like Oath Keepers, the NRA, the GOA, the ACLU, elected Sheriffs, retired Veterans, Patriots who understand that Freedom is the most expensive ideal in the world.

America's only hope is that somehow, somewhere the blood of our Forefathers, while not readily apparent, runs deep.   The only hope for America is that today, as Tyranny raise it's ugly head, that the blood of Patriots will run hot and true...  

// helped refine my thoughts

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

obama is the Reason the Constitution Was Written

Please Help Us Reach our Goal---We are having a 2016 Month Long Fund Raising Drive--

“Loko,” is his street name. He is a member of the Bloods street gang.  This interview was given just days ago. It is a inside look at what is happening to African Americans in the inner city in Los Angeles California.  If obama had a son these would be his children and extended family. This is whats going on in the hood in Los Angeles...

 It’s a struggle out here every day in the city. All the homeboys are using crystal. Blood, Crip, it doesn’t matter. They are all going crazy on crystal. It’s the new big thing in LA. They call it G-Unit or Go Fast. Everybody is smoking it or snorting it. You go to the Black communities and you’ll be surprised. It’s super abundant. 

It’s badass as a muthafucka and it’s fucking South Central LA up real bad right now. I got a lot of homeboys and homegirls that graduated from Ecstasy to straight meth. A lot of them are using meth, and they really tweaking off that shit right now. They are using it for partying, everyday activities, sex. I had a homeboy that died of it. He was using it and drinking and doing PCP and he fucked his heart up. 

This shit is rabid in LA. It’s the second coming of crack for real. It’s worse than crack. Because on crack you can smoke for a few years and bounce back, but with crystal you smoke it and you are gone — no teeth, you lose all your weight, it’s a bunch of zombies out here. They are selling it for $3,200 a pound. Young dudes are getting rich off it. It’s the No. 1 scene they are pushing. 

They stopped the bomb powder. We got our own weed, it’s damn near legal out here. The only thing the Mexicans got to push is this and they pushing it hard. The Mexicans are making super meth, like that Breaking Bad stuff. That shit is pure, ain’t no cooks in the hood, and if there were, the Mexicans would put them out of business. I was selling it, getting it from the Mexicans, but I had to stop. I have kids. I don’t want them around the cyrstal meth world, it’s too dangerous. 

I made a lot of money off that shit, but weed offers a better opportunity. I went and got a legalized card and documents so that I can sell it. I got my own dispensary now. I used to get high like a muthafucka, but right now I’m scared. I’m just scared of drugs right now. Meth is destroying the Black community. Back in the early 2000s you didn’t see crystal in the Black community; now, besides weed, it’s the No. 1 drug. 

Dudes are taking it out of town. Cali dudes going to Pennsylvania or wherever and making a killing with the crystal. They’re selling Molly pills at the clubs and down in the hood for $30, $40, and they are mixing the crystal in and getting muthafuckas hooked. We are right by Mexico, so we flooded with it, and being that marijuana is legal here in a sense, it’s shut the weed game down. There is no hustle in it. Cocaine prices have gone through the roof — so the new hustle is crystal meth. 

The media is not reporting on it. It’s an epidemic in LA. That shit is fucking the Blacks up in the hood. It’s destroying a lot of people I know. You don’t expect to see Blacks using it like that, but the Blacks are using it in LA and there’s a lot of Blacks in LA. I got homeys going to jail for dumb shit off that shit. They tweaking doing stupid shit, shit they never thought they’d do. 

That meth is killing them, dude. Trust me, it’s killing them. It’s a plague on our community right now. I tried it, but I haven’t got high in four years. I quit cold turkey. I used to get high like a muthafucka, but right now I’m scared. I’m just scared of drugs right now. That’s where I’m at. That’s what’s up. That’s how my day is going. 
Story excerpted from a

Monday, January 11, 2016

2016 Month Long Fund Raising Drive--Please Help Us Reach our Goal

In the Upper Right Corner of the Webpage is a Donate Button. Please support us by clicking the PayAll Credit Cards are accepted. No Paypal account needed. 
PLEASE We Need Your Help!

Today it’s about special interests groups who backed by corporate money  in  decides who holds all top positions in government, elected and appointed.
The American People no longer have any say what so ever in Politics.  Ignore electoral politics, which are designed and intended solely to deceive the American people.   Elections are manipulating people to believe that the new politician-parasite is going to do what the previous politician-parasite promised to do, but never did.

Voting is a waste of time, because elections are rigged.  The politician-parasites spend dump trucks full of their corporate backers monies to deceive the people into believing that 'they' the NEW politician-parasite will some how 'CHANGE' the current paradigm.  The truth is that the politician-parasite accomplish nothing, but that which they are commanded to do by their corporate backers.  


If you learn anything, remember anything, remember this...

America is a one-party state.  There is only the politician-parasites, though, they wear 2 different labels REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT they are simply 2 heads of the same venomous snake.  

When, you look closely the REPUBLICANS/ DEMOCRATS are indistinguishable from each other. They pretend to be at odds with one another while in the public eye.  This is all theater to convince the American public that they have the illusion of choice.

The current all invasive police state, which is being forced upon all Americans by both sides of the political isle REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT highlights the fact that Americans have NO say in the current political process.   The Draconian federal laws being passed against the will of the American people are enforced by powerful security forces at the federal, state and local levels to assure that the wealthy, privileged, and connected interests are exclusively served at the expense of public welfare.

Elections are farcical, exercises in comical political theater.  Democracy no longer exists for the American people.  Candidates for the nation’s top offices are cardboard cutouts of each other, distinguishable only by their disingenuous rhetoric - promises made, forgotten and broken once in office. 

The American people have come to expect the politician-parasite to lie, cheat, and steal while in office.  When, did it become ok that America's leaders are lying scumbags.
The politician-parasite state often and loudly...that the public interest be damned. It is the will of the REPUBLICANS/ DEMOCRATS that matters, not the will of the American people.   Americans are used, not served, deceived to believe politicians represent them, when in fact, the politician-parasite serve only themselves and their corporate backers.   REPUBLICANS/ DEMOCRATS a blood sucking leeches, who operate by differing corrupted standards, yet achieve unity in their enrichment of themselves while impoverishing the American people. 

The oft go too adjective the politician-parasite like to use for the American people is the term 'sheep.' This is because they believe that Americans are easily lead by their noses and exist for no other purpose then to be sheered-robbed at the whim of the REPUBLICANS/ DEMOCRATS.  This is the magnitude of disdain and contempt by which the American people are held by their representatives.

Embedded, generational, banking cartels are the true power that currently controls America.  The sad part is that the banking cartels are not even American in their genesis, they are actually foreign banking powers which own and control the American political process.  The politician-parasites serve ONLY entrenched political interests exclusively. The politician-parasite are chosen for their positions by their demonstration of their strict obedience to the banking cartels and financial backers.   Ordinary Americans thinking they, somehow, have a seat at the table are living in a fantasy world.

Government of the people, by the people and for the people has become the grandest of all hoaxes. Paid for media outlets perpetuate the myth of the American dream with all the familiar slogans and high-minded posturing. Remember...'HOPE' and 'CHANGE.'  How did that work out for you? 

America has become an corporate oligarchy mired in an orgy of political bribery.    The banking cartels have accomplished the perfect crime; a complete subversion of the American political process, achieved by buying off the politician-parasites with American tax payer money, a fait accompli