Saturday, August 23, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

 Do You Know What You Are Supporting?


The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for the ALS Association is sweeping the nation, and going viral in social media. However, do you know what you are supporting if you contribute funds to the ALS Association?

The ALS Association describes their “mission”:

Established in 1985, The ALS Association is the only national non-profit organization fighting Lou Gehrig’s Disease on every front.  By leading the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS through a nationwide network of chapters, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships, The Association builds hope and enhances quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and a cure.
As the preeminent ALS organization, The Association leads the way in research, care services, public education, and public policy — giving help and hope to those facing the disease.  The Association’s nationwide network of chapters provides comprehensive patient services and support to the ALS community.

ALS is the acronym for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” Media portrayals of the Ice Bucket Challenge generally state that ALS “is always fatal and has no known cure,” and therefore urge people to contribute to the ALS Association to fund research to find a cure.

Where Does the Money Contributed to the ALS Association Go?

So where does the money donated to the ALS Association actually go? You may be surprised to find out that the Association itself claims that only 27% of its funds go towards research.
ALS Association fye2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Do You Know What You Are Supporting?
Here are their 2013 tax returns to take a closer look at how their funds are spent. Here are the salaries for the leadership of the group:
  • Jane H. Gilbert – President and CEO – $339,475.00
  • Daniel M. Reznikov – Chief Financial Officer – $201,260.00
  • Steve Gibson – Chief Public Policy Officer – $182,862.00
  • Kimberly Maginnis - Chief of Care Services Officer – $160,646.00
  • Lance Slaughter - Chief Chapter Relations and Development Officer – $152,692.00
  • Michelle Keegan – Chief Development Officer – $178,744.00
  • John Applegate – Association Finance Officer – $118.726.00
  • David Moses – Director of Planned Giving – $112,509.00
  • Carrie Munk – Chief Communications and Marketing Officer – $142,875.00
  • Patrick Wildman – Director of Public Policy – $112,358.00
  • Kathi Kromer – Director of State Advocacy – $110,661.00
Total administration costs, as seen in the pie chart above, were just under $2 million. “Other salaries and wages” (Part IX line 7) were $3.6 million, with another half million dollars in “pension plans” and “employee benefits.” Expenses for non-employee labor were about $4 million, and “travel expenses” exceeded $1.3 million.

So total costs for labor to run the association was around $12.5 million, from revenues received totaling $24 million.

Over 50% of what the ALS Association receives appears to support salaries of people working for the Association, based on these tax returns.

So what about the rest of the revenue?

Almost $1 million was spent on “Lobbying” (Schedule C Part II 2a). Here is what they wrote concerning their Lobbying efforts:
Explanation: The purpose of our advocacy program is to sensitize legislators to, and obtain their sympathy for, the plight of ALS victims, patients and their families, and to influence legislation regarding the appropriation of federal funds for ALS research and the use and cost to patients of “orphan” drugs.
The largest amount of what is remaining is: “Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations in the United States” (Part IX line 1) – $6.2 million. This amount is itemized on Schedule 1. Almost all of these recipients are medical schools, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

The ALS Association was started in 1985, and they still have not invested in any new cures for ALS. One of the latest failures was Biogen’s drug dexpramipexole, which halted research in early 2013. The drug was in research for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of between $75 million and $100 million, but was abandoned in last stage development due to poor results.

If You Are Pro-life, You Are Supporting Research in Stem-Cells from Aborted Fetuses for ALS

The ALS Foundation’s primary work in “research” is in the development of new pharmaceutical drugs, and that includes stem cell research. Here is one study where they have been listed as a sponsor: A Phase I, Open-label, First-in-human Feasibility and Safety Study of Human Spinal Cord derived Neural Stem Cell Transplantation for the Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Quote:

These stem cells have been engineered from the spinal cord of a single fetus electively aborted after eight weeks of gestation. The tissue was obtained with the mother’s consent. 

When we make a contribution to a charity, typically we want to know that the particular charity reflects our own values, so this will be important information for many people.

Are There non-Drug Alternatives for ALS Treatment?

Yes! However, you are not likely to read anything about this from a non-profit charitable organization supporting the pharmaceutical industry. We have previously reported the story of Clarence and his experience in using coconut oil: Coconut Oil Reverses Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Coconut oil can be used in a strict ketogenic diet that has been shown to be successful in treating Alzheimer’s 
disease, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and cancer. among others. The principles of the ketogenic diet are completely different from the philosophy that the pharmaceutical companies start from in their research, where the assumption is that ALS is a “genetic disease.” Most of the current research on fighting disease with a ketogenic diet starts out with the assumption that modern diseases are primarily metabolic, and not genetic, caused by such things as poor diet, toxins in our food and environment, etc.

Another non-drug approach currently seeing success with those suffering from ALS is the Deanna Protocol. This nutritional protocol has seen great success among many users, but I could find no information on any research being done on it by the ALS Association, sadly.

Charities and fun activities like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge can often give us a feeling of contributing to something very helpful and worthwhile, but it is always wise to research any charity first. Examining their tax returns is one good way to find out where their money is actually being spent.

excerpted from

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Democratic Party takes Rick Perry out of the 2016 Presidential Run

Make no mistake this circus surrounding governor Rick Perry of Texas has Zero to do with upholding the law and EVERYTHING to do with keeping a viable Republican out of the 2016 Presidential Race.

The catalyst for the Rick Perry indictment was the drunk driving arrest of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg. Lehmberg headed the Texas Public Integrity Unit, an in-house political watch dog entity.  Following her conviction, which included video of embarrassing behavior at the time of her arrest, Governor Perry demanded Lehmberg resign her position.  Nearly ALL Texans supported this request, thinking a woman caught on tape drunk and acting abusively toward law enforcement, was not an appropriate figure to be heading the Texas Public Integrity Unit.

Travis County is controlled by the state Democratic Party machine though, and party leaders refused the governor’s request, and allowed Lehmberg to continue serving following her brief jail sentence.  If Rosemary Lehmber was a heterosexual, Republican Christian do you really think she would have been allowed to stay in office?  No way!  However, since she is a 400lb Democrat who also happens to be a hard core lesbian she is allowed to flaunt the legal system.  

It seems we are swiftly moving into a new Fascist state where homosexuals and liberals are the new ruling class, and by the lack of outcry, it seems they are also above the law. 

Governor Perry in turn (legally) utilized his veto powers to withhold funding of Lehmberg’s department, thinking it unwise to send the peoples’ money to a “Public Integrity” office being run by a woman convicted of driving with an alcohol level THREE TIMES the legal limit who then used her position as a district attorney to threaten to end the law enforcement careers of those who arrested her.

The “Public Integrity” office is nothing more then the enforcement arm of the Texas state Democratic Party.  The sole focus of the  “Public Integrity” office is Republicans.  The “Public Integrity” office's agenda is to keep the Republicans from power and office. 

The charges are all smoke and shadow...there are no legal basis for the charges.  The thing about grand juries is that if you stack them the right way; you can get a grand jury to indict a HAM sandwich.   The grand jury which indicted Governor Rick perry was created and controlled by the Travis County Democrat Party.  

The entire charade is about taking a serious contender for the 2016 Republican nominations and branding him a criminal.  Even, when Rick Perry is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt innocent, the liberal press now has something to pin on, and hound Rick Perry with, for the foreseeable future.  This dog and pony show will be the lead in for every liberal new cast when they speak of Rick Perry for the 2016 Presidential run.  This whole indictment is an egregious trespass of justice. These are the types of politics that were used in Communist Russia during the Stalin era.  

Speaking of Stalin, wouldn't you know it, Ole' Georgie Soros has his money and influence controlling the fake semi-Communist organization called Texans for Public Justice.  This phony facade  bought and paid for by Ole' Georgie Sorros is nothing more then foreign interests meddling in Domestic politics, specifically Texas politics.  

What you are seeing in TEXAS is international BANKING  interests trying to break the back of America's heartland.  If filthy corrupt, foreign influences like Ole' Gerogie Sorros (Who is NOT an American) and his COMRADES are allowed to dictate honest political discourse in the American Heartland then all is lost.   REAL TRUE Americans must fight back or Ole' Gerogie Sorros and parasites like him will continue to gut America's economy till there  is nothing left, but indentured servitude to foreign BANKING interests.   

If TEXANS do not stand up for Rick Perry, then what they will get is a horde of FAT, entitled, lazy, foreign influenced, homosexual pandering, illegal alien supporting, military hating, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-feminists, male hating, parasitic politicians who will make it their life's calling to dismantle the American Dream...

One hard working, tax paying, law abiding, GOD Fearing, Texan at a time...

Friday, August 15, 2014

The US Government has ZERO problem with Killing it's Citizens


During Prohibition  in an effort to scare people away from drinking alcohol, the American government oncepoisoned certain alcohol supplies; this resulted in the death of over 10,000 American Citizens.
This, of course, was during Prohibition. The government became frustrated with the fact that despite the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol being banned, the number of people drinking alcoholic beverages was markedly higher than it was before Prohibition. So to try to get people to stop drinking, the government decided to try a scare tactic.

One way bootleggers of this time made alcoholic beverages was to use denatured, industrial alcohol as the base. Denaturing the alcohol is simply a process to make it undrinkable, usually by adding something that makes it taste or smell disgusting or will induce vomiting. This was originally done (and is still done to this day) in order to allow companies to get around having to pay the high taxes associated with the manufacturing and sale of alcohol meant to be drunk. Alcohol used industrially, for non-beverage applications, are denatured and thus, they don't have to pay these taxes and so it is significantly cheaper, gallon for gallon. Without this tax break, literally thousands of industrial products would become drastically more expensive than they currently are.

During prohibition, this denatured alcohol was often stolen from companies that made industrial alcohol used in various paints and solvents and the like. The bootleggers would then have their own chemists whose job it was to make the alcohol palatable again, basically undoing the denaturing process or to "renature" the alcohol.


With an estimated 60 million gallons of industrial alcohol stolen annually in the 1920s to be later renatured and sold as drinkable alcohol, the government, under President Coolidge, decided to up the stakes and make some of the denaturing formulas lethal, instead of just designed to make the alcohol unpalatable. To do this, they'd generally add things like methyl alcohol (the main denaturing chemical at 10% added, even today); other chemicals added are things such as kerosene, brucine, gasoline, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, chloroform, carbolic acid, acetone, and many others that were difficult for the bootlegger's chemists to get out when they'd renature the alcohol.

After the first 100 or so people died shortly after the new denaturing process was released around Christmas, health officials were outraged and the news media picked up the story as intended. Unfortunately, the government's plan didn't quite work from that point on. It didn't scare people away from drinking and rather had little to no effect on people's consumption of alcohol; instead, the estimates are that it resulted in the deaths of over 10,000 people with a much larger number severely sickened and many blinded by the poisoning.

As New York City's medical examiner Charles Norris stated: "The government knows it is not stopping drinking by putting poison in alcohol. Yet it continues its poisoning processes, heedless of the fact that people determined to drink are daily absorbing that poison. Knowing this to be true, the United States government must be charged with the moral responsibility for the deaths that poisoned liquor causes, although it cannot be held legally responsible." (Chuck Norris fighting the man even back then) 

People at the time, though, were split on the poisoning program, even with the deaths that were happening because of it. One side felt that the people who were drinking the illegal alcohol got what they deserved, particularly because they knew the risks and broke the law anyways; the other side felt it was a national experiment on exterminating members of society that the government felt were undesirable as American citizens. As one Chicago Tribune article in 1927 stated: "Normally, no American government would engage in such business. … It is only in the curious fanaticism of Prohibition that any means, however barbarous, are considered justified."

The United States government knew full well that people would be drinking this poisoned alcohol and they hoped the deaths that resulted from this would scare other people away from drinking. Further, when it was clear that it wasn't scaring anyone away from drinking and literally thousands were dying per year with significantly more than that severely sickened, they kept the program going anyways, though it was hotly debated in Congress.

So next time you start thinking the U.S. government would NEVER do something so evil as assassinate their own citizens.  Think again!  

excerpted from

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I Personally Witnessed the FAKE Giffords shooting

I was a direct witness to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in January of 2011. My mom lived in Tucson, and she would send me to that Safeway. What I witnessed was a crazy kid letting a gun fire off like crazy....but...there were no bullet holes in anything. Not even a dent. Not a scratch.

The Gifford shooting looked like a cheaply directed play. Everyone was in their positions and everyone acted out a predetermined function.  I was there, I witnessed it first hand and I can say without a doubt that the entire scene was a setup.  There was no surprise on anyone face when the fake shooter began to shooting.  Everyone moved mechanically and stiffly, like they had rehearsed it one to many times.    The whole thing stinks.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Connecticut Supreme Court Betrays the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution


Connecticut's Supreme Courts recent ruling is a direct violation of the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution.   It involves every Connecticut citizens' civil liberties, which have now been thrown under a bus bearing the name "officer safety."  Now, it seems that  the people of Connecticut are less important then the police officers of Connecticut.   

The Connecticut's Supreme Court's decision makes everyone a suspect.   You are NOW a criminal if you are in the relative proximity of someone a police officer suspects of committing a crime.  It goes even more draconian, if you are even walking down the same street as someone who MIGHT possibly match the description, you are NOW a criminal.

So, if you are walking to the store to by milk and the police see someone who might match a description of a criminal, they can now arrest you, detain, you, search you, all because you were on the same street as someone who might match a description of a criminal. 

This is a clear and present danger to the civil liberties of all the citizens in Connecticut.  This is an egregious violation of the 4th Amendment to he United States Constitution. 

This means that Police Officers are now a superior class of citizens which the US Constitution does not apply.   The right of the people to UNREASONABLE search and seizure is clearly violated by The Connecticut's Supreme Court's decision to allow police to violate the 4th Amendment at will and with ZERO consequences.

What about the right of the people to not live in a Fascist state. What about the right of the people to live their lives free from the tyranny of warrantless searches.  This now makes EVERYONE in Connecticut a criminal.  Anyone whom the police decides is a criminal is NOW a criminal and they no longer have the protection of the 4th amendment.  Because officer safety trumps the United State Constitutional protection. 

The police can NOW target the wrong person and sweep up anyone who happens to be in the vicinity and will be immune from the consequences. 

In essence, the court gives police the ability, if not the actual right, to detain anyone at anytime for no reason at all.

If you read between the lines....the ruling says...

"The machine of the STATE is above the law which governs the people who make up the STATE. The STATE, and those who serve the interests of the STATE are superior to the slaves whom the STATE owns and rules over." 

This is a law enforcement blank check. This, NOW allows police to use spurious reasons to detain people they just don't want around 
-- like eyewitnesses and photographers or anyone who can refute the polices version of the story.

 This eliminates the public's right to live their lives unmolested by law enforcement officers. NOW anyone, anywhere, at any time is a criminal. 

Just as troubling is the amount of out right
malfeasance in Office
the Connecticut's Supreme Court had to engage in to reach this FASCIST decision. Facts are no longer facts. Facts are just something to be made up or discarded at the court's whim.

It is certainly very curious that the Supreme Court would take the extraordinary step of clarifying “factual findings” by the trial court in an effort to support the conviction, when the clear record below – the words said by the judge in open court – would support a reversal…

Where does it stop? Are facts only facts as long as they’re convenient? Are rights only rights as long as they don’t get in the way of governmental authority?
The Connecticut Supreme Court has delivered the public into the hands of a police state. Anyone, anywhere can be detained for absolutely no reason at all, and when they complain or file lawsuits, this ruling will allow officer safety to override all other concerns. If any facts are actually considered, they'll be filtered, forgotten or lost by law enforcement.  

Some info was obtained from

Friday, August 01, 2014

If Ebola

The clock is ticking my fellow Americans, 90 people and counting have died gruesome deaths in West Africa's current Ebola outbreak.  The first line workers employed by Doctors Without Borders are labeling this outbreak as "unprecedented."

Ebola is one of the worlds most brutally lethal viruses.  The American Centers for Disease Control which ranks Ebola among anthrax and smallpox as a Category A nightmare of epic proportions.

The 2014 outbreak began in Guinea two months ago, and has since crossed international borders to Sierra Leone and Liberia and now Mali. The known death toll being reported to the public stands at double digits. 
Because Ebola is not airborne, at least as far as current medicine understands, can only be transmitted through direct contact with the blood or body fluid secretions from an infected individual.  on paper, it would seem containment is theoretically simple: identify the infected individuals and immediately quarantine them. The 2014 Ebola outbreak is different then the ones before, because those infected with Ebola are located in urban centers with easy access to cars, buses, and motorcycles.
"This is the first time Ebola is detected in Guinea, this left healthcare workers unaware and unprepared.  Because of this 11 healthcare workers are among those infected.

There is also a large amount of stigma and fear associated with Ebola in Africa.  That attitude could cause patients to seek care in hospitals far away from their local communities, further spreading the disease. "If those hospitals are not aware of what is coming.  Because they are unaware and unprepared these hospitals will become witches cauldrons spreading the virus even faster. Anthropologists are being flown into Guinea alongside health workers to help them contain the outbreak in a "culturally sensitive and appropriate" way.

The 1917 Spanish flu killed 500,000 Americans. At the time the US population hovered at or around 100 million. .  Today, the current population of the United States is over 300 million.  That would be deaths exceeding 1.5 million people, add to that, another 3-5 million infected but not dying. Though, those who survived would have their health severely impacted for the rest of their dramatically shorted life. 

If Ebola makes it to the United States and the CDC does not contain the outbreak, or the infected individual makes it to a major metropolitan city, the costs of being unprepared will be in the hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives. The very fabric of modern day America would quickly fall apart.  Food, water, medical supplies, ammo would become scarce in a matter of days.  

The secondary costs of an Ebola outbreak on United States soil would be the declaration of Martial Law.  The US Constitution would be suspended.  Freedom and Liberty would be foolishly given up by the panicked American people in the desperate hope that the government would some how save them.  The truth is the government will only be concerned with saving the politicians, military and those essential to serving the government and keep it well fed and stocked with supplies.   The American people would be last on the list of who is important and who deserves limited supplies. 

The time to get prepared is NOW!  Not when people are coughing and sneezing and bleeding in public.  Put food and medical supplies away now while they are readily available.  IF nothing comes of the 2014 Ebola outbreak then you now don't have to go shopping for a while.  Remember the Boyscout motto..."Be Prepared"
The time to get prepared is NOW!  Not when people are coughing and sneezing and bleeding in public.  Put food and medical supplies away now while they are readily available.  IF nothing comes of the 2014 Ebola outbreak then you now don't have to go shopping for a while.  

Remember the Boyscout motto...

"Be Prepared"