Monday, June 30, 2014

Liars Caught Lying

FACT:  The NOAA has been caught AGAIN manipulating data, both current and historic. 

Question: Why would the NOAA do manipulate historical temperature data. 

Cui Bono?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, caught RED-HANDED  manipulating temperature records to create a warming trend, has now been caught AGAIN warming the past and cooling the present.

July 2012 became the hottest month on record in the U.S. during a summer that was declared “too hot to handle” by NASA scientists. That summer more than half the country was experiencing drought and wildfires had scorched more than 1.3 million acres of land, according to NASA.

According to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in 2012, the “average temperature for the contiguous U.S. during July was 77.6°F, 3.3°F above the 20th century average, marking the warmest July and all-time warmest month on record for the nation in a period of record that dates back to 1895.”

“The previous warmest July for the nation was July 1936, when the average U.S. temperature was 77.4°F,” NOAA said in 2012.

This statement by NOAA was still available on their website when checked by The Daily Caller News Foundation. But when meteorologist and climate blogger Anthony Watts went to check the NOAA data on Sunday he found that the science agency had quietly reinstated July 1936 as the hottest month on record in the U.S.

“Two years ago during the scorching summer of 2012, July 1936 lost its place on the leaderboard and July 2012 became the hottest month on record in the United States,” Watts wrote. “Now, as if by magic, and according to NOAA’s own data, July 1936 is now the hottest month on record again. The past, present, and future all seems to be ‘adjustable’ in NOAA’s world.”

Watts had data from NOAA’s “Climate at a Glance” plots from 2012, which shows that July 2012 was the hottest month on record at 77.6 degrees Fahrenheit. July 1936 is only at 77.4 degrees Fahrenheit.Watts ran the same data plot again on Sunday and found that NOAA inserted a new number in for July 1936. The average temperature for July 1936 was made slightly higher than July 2012, meaning, once again, July 1936 is the hottest year on record.

 “You can’t get any clearer proof of NOAA adjusting past temperatures,” Watts wrote. “This isn’t just some issue with gridding, or anomalies, or method, it is about NOAA not being able to present historical climate information of the United States accurately.”

“In one report they give one number, and in another they give a different one with no explanation to the public as to why,” Watts continued. “This is not acceptable. It is not being honest with the public. It is not scientific. It violates the Data Quality Act.”


 Information taken from:

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Last Truly American President

John F. Kennedy was the last American President to stand up to the secret cabal that has enslaved the United States of America. For his courage J.F.K. was assassinated and his murder was covered up.  Then, when his brother Robert Kennedy took up his cause, he too was murdered both brutally and publicly.  This was done to send a message to those who would dare, like Prometheus, to shine the light of freedom, to defy those who slither, procreate and prosper from the darkness.  Though he has fallen, though they have robbed this county of a great light, the high water mark of his strength and integrity still remain for those of us who press forward to the higher calling of freedom and Democracy.

Camelot has fallen, and lesser men of foreign birth, disingenuous in tongue and deed, squat pretentiously undeserved and incompetent in all but vanity and arrogance.  

All is not lost....

Raise the flag and lend a strong arm to the drummer, steel the eyes and remind the heart that at the North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts, out gunned, out numbered, free men by action and deed planted the seeds of freedom.  Though, the vine has grown weak and the hour is late, the VETERANS of the United States Armed Forces do not sleep.  Those who have shed blood to secure freedom and liberty, both at home and abroad, stand ready, with a watchful eye, upon the United States of America, of whom, they have sworn a solemn oath to defend from enemies both foreign and domestic.       

Let the example of President Kennedy stir the hearts of a new generation of United States Veterans, the true keepers of the flame of Liberty! 


- John F. Kennedy

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Boehner to to Sue Obama and Stop the Flurry of Illegal Executive Actions

Speaker John A. Boehner announced Wednesday that he would introduce legislation next month allowing the House to sue President Obama over his use of executive actions.
In a letter to lawmakers, Mr. Boehner expressed concern with what he and many to many too count fed up Americans consider the president’s unconstitutional overreach vis-a-vie illegal Executive Orders.

“The Constitution makes it clear that a president’s job is to faithfully execute the laws; in my view, the president has not faithfully executed the laws,” Mr. Boehner told reporters. 

“And when there’s conflicts like this between the legislative branch and the administrative branch it’s, in my view, our responsibility to stand up for this institution in which we serve.”

Mr. Earnest said. “The fact that they are considering a taxpayer-funded lawsuit against the president of the United States for doing his job, I think, is the kind of step that most Americans wouldn’t support.”

 It is beyond obvious that Mr Earnest is completely out of touch with average Americans.  Most of the law abiding, tax paying, American voters on either side of the isle are fed up with the current Administration.    obama is not a king, the US Constitution doesn't allow him to make up the law and change the law as he sees fit.  That is the job of Congress, not the President. 

America is tired of obama strutting around Washington as if he is a king and the American citizens are nothing more then royal property.  obama is NOT a king and he is no longer a member of Congress and as such he has no legal authority to write, create, or change the letter of the law.  Yet, because he's black everyone in Washington is terrified to oppose obama, because they are terrified of being called a racists. 

obama the worst president since Woodrow Wilson, the traitor who signed the Federal Reserve Act and enslaved America to foreign banking powers.   obama, openly and frequently, derides this country every chance he gets while on the world stage. 

Mr. Boehner said the bill would allow the House to file suit through the House general counsel and at the direction of the chamber’s Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group.

The speaker did not specify which executive actions he planned to challenge. House Republicans were angered in January when Mr. Obama promised in his State of the Union address to use his “pen and phone” to counter congressional inaction.

The president has used his executive authority to do whatever he feels like and thanks to the spineless Republicans he has gotten away with it unchecked.
Mr. Boehner said the lawsuit would not be a prelude to impeachment proceedings( If only we were so lucky) and was not an attempt to rally the Republican base before the midterm elections. Yeah, Like the Republicans would let any chance to increase their power in Washington slip past.  Always remember, the Republicans and the Democrats are two heads of the same snake.  The United States is a 2 party dictatorship.

“I believe the House must act as an institution to defend the constitutional principles at stake and to protect our system of government and our economy from continued executive abuse,”Boehner chirped in the letter. “The president has an obligation to faithfully execute the laws of our country.”

I applaud  Boehner for saying..."The nation did not elect “a monarch or king!"

Yet, I wonder where his backbone was when he allowed the obamacare debacle to be signed into law.  Wait!  I remember what happened to his back bone during the hearing for obamacare...Boehner was bought off for 4 BILLION dollars. 

If only Boehner was doing this lawsuit for the good of the nation.  However, the real reason he and his constituents are doing this is because it is eating into their political power.   If only the Republicans, and or the Democrats actually cared about America, but none of them do.  They are all thieves, liars, parasites and worst of all politicians. 
To make matters worse, US Courts have also generally been reluctant to intervene in separation-of-powers disputes between the executive and legislative branches of government, preferring to let them work out such questions using constitutional tools, like lawmakers’ power of the purse.

So, it looks like this will be another dog and pony show put on in Washington to give the appearance of propriety.  I am just curious their selling, but is there anyone buying?  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Department of Homeland Security Secretly becoming America’s Police State army

An intriguing conversation with Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead who is the founder and president of The Rutherford Institute.  

John W. Whitehead

When the the United States becomes a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the founders feared most — a standing army on American soil.
The third-argest federal agency behind the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense, the DHS — with its 240,000 full-time workers, $61 billion budget and sub-agencies that include the Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — has been aptly dubbed a “runaway train.” With good reason, a bipartisan bill to provide greater oversight and accountability into the DHS’ purchasing process has been making its way through Congress.

A better plan would be to abolish the DHS altogether. The menace of a national police force, aka a standing army, vested with so much power cannot be overstated, nor can its danger be ignored. Indeed, as the following list shows, just about every nefarious deed, tactic or thuggish policy advanced by the government today can be traced back to the DHS, its police state mindset, and the billions of dollars it distributes to police agencies in the form of grants.

— Militarizing police and SWAT teams. The DHS routinely hands out six-figure grants to enable local municipalities to purchase military-style vehicles, as well as a veritable war chest of weaponry, ranging from tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, assault weapons and combat uniforms. This rise in military equipment purchases funded by the DHS has, according to analysts Andrew Becker and G.W. Schulz, “paralleled an apparent increase in local SWAT teams.”

— Spying on activists, dissidents and veterans. In 2009, DHS released three infamous reports on right-wing and left-wing “Extremism,” and another entitled Operation Vigilant Eagle, outlining a surveillance program targeting veterans. The reports collectively and broadly define extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

— Stockpiling ammunition. DHS, along with other government agencies, has been stockpiling an alarming amount of ammunition in recent years, which only adds to the discomfort of those already leery of the government. As of 2013, DHS had 260 million rounds of ammo in stock, which averages out to between 
1,300 to 1,600 rounds per officer. The U.S. Army, in contrast, has roughly 350 rounds per soldier.

— Distributing license plate readers. DHS has already distributed more than $50 million in grants to enable local police agencies to acquire license plate readers, which rely on mobile cameras to photograph and identify cars, match them against a national database, and track their movements.

— Tracking cellphones with Stingray devices. Distributed to local police agencies as a result of grants from the DHS, these Stingray devices enable police to track individuals’ cellphones — and their owners — without a court warrant or court order.

— Carrying out military drills and lockdowns in American cities. Each year, DHS funds military-style training drills in cities across the country. These Urban Shield exercises, elaborately staged with their own set of professionally trained crisis actors playing the parts of shooters, bystanders and victims, fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers, bystanders and the media into thinking it’s a real crisis.

— Using the TSA as an advance guard. The TSA now searches a variety of government and private databases, including things like car registrations and employment information, in order to track travelers before they ever get near an airport.

— Carrying out soft target checkpoints. VIPR task forces, comprised of federal air marshals, surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detection officers and explosive detection K-9 teams, have laid the groundwork for the government’s effort to secure so-called “soft” targets such as malls, stadiums, bridges, etc.

— Conducting widespread spying networks using fusion centers. Data collecting agencies spread throughout the country, aided by the National Security Agency, fusions centers — of which there are at least 78 scattered around the U.S. — constantly monitor our communications, collecting and cataloguing everything from our Internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails. This data is then fed to government agencies, which are now interconnected: The CIA to the FBI, the FBI to local police.

— Carrying out Constitution-free border control searches. On orders from the DHS, the government’s efforts along the border have become little more than an exercise in police state power, ranging from aggressive checkpoints to the widespread use of drone technology, often used against American citizens traveling within the country.

— Funding city-wide surveillance cameras. As Charlie Savage reports for the Boston Globe, the DHS has funneled “millions of dollars to local governments nationwide for purchasing high-tech video camera networks, accelerating the rise of a ‘surveillance society’ in which the sense of freedom that stems from being anonymous in public will be lost.”

— Utilizing drones and other spybots. The DHS has been at the forefront of funding and deploying surveillance robots and drones for land, sea and air, including robots that resemble fish and tunnel-bots that can travel underground.

It’s not difficult to see why the DHS has been described as a “wasteful, growing, fear-mongering beast.” If it is a beast, however, it is a beast that is accelerating our nation’s transformation into a police state through its establishment of a standing army, aka national police force.

This, too, is nothing new. Historically, as I show in my book “A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State,” the establishment of a national police force has served as a fundamental and final building block for every totalitarian regime that has ever wreaked havoc on humanity, from Hitler’s all-too-real Nazi Germany to George Orwell’s fictional Oceania. Whether fictional or historical, however, the calling cards of these national police agencies remain the same: brutality, inhumanity, corruption, intolerance, rigidity and bureaucracy — in other words, evil.

Reprint from

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Corporations do NOT have the Peoples Best Interests in Mind

Ten mega corporations control the output of almost everything you buy; from household products to pet food to jeans. 

Parent companies may own, own shares of, or may simply partner with their branch networks. For example, Coca-Cola does not own Monster, but distributes the energy drink.

Examples: Yum Brands owns KFC and Taco Bell. The company was a spin-off of Pepsi. All Yum Brands restaurants sell only Pepsi products because of a special partnership with the soda-maker. 

$84 billion-company Proctor & Gamble — the largest advertiser in the U.S. — is paired with a number of diverse brands that produce everything from medicine to toothpaste to high-end fashion. All tallied, P&G reportedly serves a whopping 4.8 billion people around the world through this network.
$200 billion-corporation Nestle  famous for chocolate, but which is the biggest food company in the world.  It owns nearly 8,000 different brands worldwide, and takes stake in or is partnered with a swath of others. Included in this network is shampoo company L'Oreal, baby food giant Gerber, clothing brand Diesel, and pet food makers Purina and Friskies. 

Unilever, of soap fame, reportedly serves 2 billion people around the world, controlling a network that produces everything from Q-tips to Skippy peanut butter. 
It's not just the products you buy and consume, either. In recent decades, the very news and information that you get has bundled together: 90% of the media is now controlled by just six companies.

 There is a small tightly controlled group of men who run this world.  They do so, not through nations states, but through mega-global corporations.  The heads of the last remaining nation states do nothing without approval from their corporate overlords.  The dismal administration in Washington could not wipe it's nose with out a diagram from the Trilateral commission or talking points from the Council on Foreign relations. 

Monday, June 09, 2014

Judge Jeanine Pirro again calls for Obama's Impeachment.

Judge Jeanine Pirro, addressing this administrations latest scandal, calls for Obama's impeachment.

The act in question: For the traitorous  exchange of a single US deserter for 5 blood thirsty, American hating, child murdering top echelon Taliban leaders.  All of whom held at Guantanamo Bay for crimes against humanity. 

Judge Jeanine warns that the future atrocities these five perpetrate will be attributable to barack obama. Every American knows that the obama will NEVER be held accountable.  That's because the American dream is dead.

Judge Jeanine said, and rightly so, obama didn't "release" these murderers, he"unleashed" on the American people and American interests abroad. 

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl is Traitor and Should be Tried in a Military Court


This is what really happened told from a Soldier who was there on the ground:

"You want it from the horses mouth?? Here ya go..We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bowe Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to "walk the earth" and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things.

 No one thought anything about it. He was a little "out there". Next morning he's gone. We search everywhere, and can't find him. He left his weapon, his kit, and other sensitive items. He only took some water, a compass and a knife. We find some afghan kids shortly after who saw an american walking north asking about where the taliban are. We get hits on our voice intercepter that Taliban has him, and we were close.
We come to realize that the kid deserted his post, snuck out of camp and sought out Taliban... to join them. We were in a defensive position at OP Mest, where your focus is to keep people out. He knew where the blind spots were to slip out and that's what he did. It was supposed to be a 4-day mission but turned into several months of active searching.

Everyone was spun up to find this guy. News outlets all over the country were putting out false information. It was hard to see, especially when we knew the truth about what happened and we lost good men trying to find him. PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews, were all KIA from our unit who died looking for Bergdahl. Many others from various units were wounded or killed while actively looking for Bergdahl. Fighting Increased. IEDs and enemy ambushes increased.

 The Taliban knew that we were looking for him in high numbers and our movements were predictable. Because of Bergdahl, more men were out in danger, and more attacks on friendly camps and positions were conducted while we were out looking for him. His actions impacted the region more than anyone wants to admit. There is also no way to know what he told the Taliban: Our movements, locations, tactics, weak points on vehicles and other things for the enemy to exploit are just a few possibilities. 

The Government knows full well that he deserted. It looks bad and is a good propaganda piece for the Taliban. They refuse to acknowledge it. Hell they even promoted him to Sergeant which makes me sick. I feel for his family who only want their son/brother back. 
They don't know the truth, or refuse to acknowledge it as well. What he did affected his family and his whole town back home, who don't know the truth. Either way what matters is that good men died because of him. He has been lying on all those Taliban videos about everything since his "capture". 

 Bowe Bergdahl should be tried under the UCMJ for being a deserter and judged for what he did. Bergdahl is not a hero, he is not a soldier nor an Infantryman. 

He failed his brothers. Now, sons and daughters are growing up without their fathers who died for him and he will have to face that truth someday."

UPDATE 6-04-2014:      "Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin reported Tuesday that members of Bergdahl’s unit said he left behind a note saying he felt disillusioned with the Army and wanted to renounce his citizenship before he was captured in 2009.

Griffin reported that the note has not been made public, nor been provided to Fox, but is part of the body of evidence being examined in the classified investigation."

Those soldiers he screwed are talking.

Sunday, June 01, 2014


The video above details how someone went into Sandy Hook and paid off ALL of the mortgages in Sandy Hook on 12/25/2009.  EVERY Mortgage, every single one.  Someone very wealthy and very powerful bought off the town of Sandy Hook. Don't believe, it's PUBLIC RECORD, look it up I dare you.  

The video below is done by a security expert who has destroyed the LIE of Sandy Hook.  IF you are a True American who desire to know the truth...NO MATTER WHAT IT IS...then watch this 2nd video.  IF you are asleep and your biggest concern is who won American Idol then go back to sleep.  Remember, if you take the Red pill you can go back to sleep, but if you take the Blue pill I will show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.  


I am not offering you anything other then the TRUTH. 

The STATE POLICE showed up and threatened Wolfgang Halbig because he was asking questions.  HE was told that if he kept digging for the truth he would be in danger.  The very fact that the State Police threatened him speaks VOLUMES!