Thursday, May 29, 2014

Don't Inject Innocent Children Full of Mercury It's Poison

 Make no mistake I am not ANTI-Vaccine, but I am Anti-Mercury which is used in ALL vaccines currently being pumped into babies and small children whose central nervous systems are not fully developed.  The brain of young children are dangerously susceptible to mercury poisoning, even at the smallest doses Mercury is toxic to babies and small children.  
Surprise, all vaccines are loaded with the 5th most toxic form of mercury known to mankind.  So, not only are babies and small children poisoned by mercury 1 time when they get a vaccine, but multiple times over the course of the 1st 3 years of a child's life.  

Autism was not seen in the human population till 1931 when SURPRISE the medical community began adding MERCURY to vaccines.  The 1st 3 cases of Autism recorded in America can directly be related to Mercury poisoning. 

The video below is a quick 7 mintue video which touchs on major points correlating mercury with the onset of Autisim in American children. 

In the USA, 1 in every 50 children is now autistic. In this award-winning documentary, investigative film maker Gary Null looks at the causes of the autism epidemic and reports on children's recovery from autism. If you have small children or are currently pregnant you MUST watch the documentary about the relationship between Mercury and Autism below.

If you have children and you do not inform yourself of the dangers of Vaccines you could be condemning your child to a lifetime of Autism.  Which, as the medical community explains is like being locked in a nightmare inside of a universe that no one can free you from.  The term Hell on Earth comes to mind when you see young children with Autism screaming for help and yet there is nothing medical science can do except imprison them further by means of a chemical straight jacket. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Politicians, Viruses, and Parasites

History is written by the Victor.  One thing not often understood is that most of the Wars waged by the United States of 'The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave' had anything to do with keeping America free. 
Just the opposite, those wars removed, piece by piece, the GOD given civil liberties set forth in the United States Constitution.  The culmination of these wars not only stifled Democracy, it down right erased Democracy for all citizens of this once great nation.   

President Lincoln, a shinning example set forth by the Democratic far left liberals, issued an executive order for the arrest and imprisonment of northern newspaper reporters and editors. He shut down 300 northern newspapers and held 14,000 political prisoners. Lincoln arrested war critic US Representative Clement Vallandigham from Ohio and exiled him to the Confederacy. 

President Woodrow Wilson used WWI to suppress free speech, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt used WWII to intern 120,000 US citizens of Japanese descent on the grounds that race made them suspect. Professor Samuel Walker concluded that President George W. Bush used the “war on terror” for an across the board assault on US civil liberty, making the Bush regime the greatest danger American liberty has ever faced.

Lincoln, a brutal dictator who only freed the negros because it suited his political aims, forever destroyed states’ rights, but the suspension of habeas corpus and free speech that went hand in hand with America’s three largest wars was lifted at war’s end. However, President George W. Bush’s repeal of the Constitution has been expanded by President Obama and codified by Congress and executive orders into law. 

Far from defending our liberties, our soldiers who died in “the war on terror” died so that the president can indefinitely detain US citizens without due process of law and murder US citizens on suspicion alone without any accountability to law or the Constitution. The conclusion is unavoidable that America’s wars have not protected our liberty but, instead, destroyed liberty. 

Alexander Solzhenitsyn the great Russian author of  'The Gulag Archipelago'  spoke eloquently of the subject when he said...

“A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.”

Notice, he didn't say war itself, he said 'State of War.'  kind of like the fake 'War of Terror' or the Fake 'War on Drugs' or the fake 'War on Poverty' add nausea.   This fake 'War De Jour' allows the Federal goverment to ignore civil liberties, legal definitions of silly things like...'Innocent until Proven Guilty' or that ever bothersome  US Constitution.  If the state, using a FAKE boogeyman, can whip the citizens into a fearful frenzy the citizenry might be willing, UNWITTINGLY, for a VERY limited time, to allow the suspension of  habeas corpus.  

The problem with this is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  With the State being comprised of Megalomaniacal, power hungry, self-serving, psychopaths, this is akin to throwing 1 single piece of raw meat at a large pack of hungry lions and hoping that they will not desire more.  Politicians, viruses, and parasites, to their own detriments often kill their hosts. This short sightedness, in turn, ends up killing themselves in the process. Even being forewarned neither the politician nor the parasite is capable of stopping.   

This is where America finds itself today.  There are no more nation states who wish too, or can afford to oppose America by playing the fake War game.  Thusly, with no outside hosts to feed off of the State has turned it gaze inward and has begun to feed off of itself.   The problem with the parasitic State latching it's blood sucking appendages on the once free American citizen is that the State will become more and more violent and paranoid, because it knows that if the people wake up and realize whats going on the State could be dislodged. 

IF the people don't wake up then the parasites of the State will eventually weaken the Nation so much that an opportunistic OUTSIDE force will invade and finish what the parasites of the State had begun.  Either way the once Free People of the Land of Democracy will be either enslaved by foreign armies or killed outright.  The only path to the body politic being made whole again is to dislodge the parasite and inoculate the people against any future parasites.  

Mind you, this was actually done 200 years ago at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, but it seems it is time for a booster shot.  


Sunday, May 25, 2014

GOD Bless The United States Armed Forces

random 05 23 14 920 12 Daily Afternoon Randomness (40 HQ Photos)

Water Water Everywhere and not a Drop to Drink

A troubling trend in the private and public water sector is accelerating worldwide. The new “water barons” — the Wall Street banks and elitist multibillionaires — are SECRETLY and QUIETLY  buying up water all over the world at unprecedented pace.

Make no mistake...this is about control.  People can live 3 months without food, but without WATER only 3 days.  I assure you by that 3rd day the person who has been without water is hallucinating and having heart palpitation.  During WW2, men who became trapped or lost in the desert of North Africa were found dead with motor oil, paint, and gasoline in their stomachs. Because the thirst for water had gotten so great that they consumed any liquid they had on hand.  

The reason these Uber-rich are buying up water is the same reason they have bought up most of the agriculutrable land on every continent.  




Something else that is not being said is that the REAL reason the earth is becoming hotter is because the SUN is acting in a manner never seen before.  This is why the major governments of the world started the geo-engineering project which is known publicly as Chemtrails.  The dumping of metric tons of metal particulates into the upper atmosphere is reflecting SOME of the SUN'S power back into space.  This Geo-enginering project is is also why Monasanto has geneticly engineered soy, corn which can handle high levels of heavy metals.  The Sun is getting hotter and has increased its output.  As such, those who have seen the secret data know that if this trend continues water will become more valuable then gold, literally.  

Lets look at what the financial powerhouses of the Global elite are doing quickly and quietly.... 

Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank, the Blackstone Group, Allianz, and HSBC Bank, among others, are consolidating their control over water. Wealthy tycoons such as T. Boone Pickens, former President George H.W. Bush and his family, Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing, Philippines’ Manuel V. Pangilinan and other Filipino billionaires, and others are also buying thousands of acres of land with aquifers, lakes, water rights, water utilities, and shares in water engineering and technology companies all over the world.

The second disturbing trend is that while the new water barons are buying up water all over the world, governments are moving fast to limit citizens’ ability to become water self-sufficient (as evidenced by the well-publicized Gary Harrington’s case in Oregon, in which the state criminalized the collection of rainwater in three ponds located on his private land, by convicting him on nine counts and sentencing him for 30 days in jail). Let’s put this criminalization in perspective:

Billionaire T. Boone Pickens owned more water rights than any other individuals in America, with rights over enough of the Ogallala Aquifer to drain approximately 200,000 acre-feet (or 65 billion gallons of water) a year. But ordinary citizen Gary Harrington cannot collect rainwater runoff on 170 acres of his private land.

It’s a strange New World Order in which multibillionaires and elitist banks can own aquifers and lakes, but ordinary citizens cannot even collect rainwater and snow runoff in their own backyards and private lands.
“Water is the oil of the 21st century.” Andrew Liveris, CEO of DOW Chemical Company (quoted in The Economist magazine, August 21, 2008)

“Why Big Banks May Be Buying up Your Public Water System,” in which I detailed how both mainstream and alternative media coverage on water has tended to focus on individual corporations and super-investors seeking to control water by buying up water rights and water utilities. But paradoxically the hidden story is a far more complicated one. I argued that the real story of the global water sector is a convoluted one involving “interlocking globalized capital”: Wall Street and global investment firms, banks, and other elite private-equity firms — often transcending national boundaries to partner with each other, with banks and hedge funds, with technology corporations and insurance giants, with regional public-sector pension funds, and with sovereign wealth funds — are moving rapidly into the water sector to buy up not only water rights and water-treatment technologies, but also to privatize public water utilities and infrastructure.

Now, in 2012, we are seeing this trend of global consolidation of water by elite banks and tycoons accelerating. In a JP Morgan equity research document, it states clearly that “Wall Street appears well aware of the investment opportunities in water supply infrastructure, wastewater treatment, and demand management technologies.” Indeed, Wall Street is preparing to cash in on the global water grab in the coming decades. For example, Goldman Sachs has amassed more than $10 billion since 2006 for infrastructure investments, which include water.

 A 2008 New York Times article mentioned Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, and the Carlyle Group, to have “amassed an estimated an estimated $250 billion war chest — must of it raised in the last two years — to finance a tidal wave of infrastructure projects in the United States and overseas.”
By “water,” I mean that it includes water rights (i.e., the right to tap groundwater, aquifers, and rivers), land with bodies of water on it or under it (i.e., lakes, ponds, and natural springs on the surface, or groundwater underneath), desalination projects, water-purification and treatment technologies (e.g., desalination, treatment chemicals and equipment), irrigation and well-drilling technologies, water and sanitation services and utilities, water infrastructure maintenance and construction (from pipes and distribution to all scales of treatment plants for residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal uses), water engineering services (e.g., those involved in the design and construction of water-related facilities), and retail water sector (such as those involved in the production, operation, and sales of bottled water, water vending machines, bottled water subscription and delivery services, water trucks, and water tankers).

Update of My 2008 Article: Mega-Banks See Water as a Critical Commodity
Since 2008, many giant banks and super-investors are capturing more market share in the water sector and identifying water as a critical commodity, much hotter than petroleum.

Goldman Sachs: Water Is Still the Next Petroleum
In 2008, Goldman Sachs called water “the petroleum for the next century” and those investors who know how to play the infrastructure boom will reap huge rewards, during its annual “Top Five Risks” conference. Water is a U.S.$425 billion industry, and a calamitous water shortage could be a more serious threat to humanity in the 21st century than food and energy shortages, according to Goldman Sachs’s conference panel. Goldman Sachs has convened numerous conferences and also published lengthy, insightful analyses of water and other critical sectors (food, energy).
Goldman Sachs is positioning itself to gobble up water utilities, water engineering companies, and water resources worldwide. Since 2006, Goldman Sachs has become one of the largest infrastructure investment fund managers and has amassed a $10 billion capital for infrastructure, including water.

In March 2012, Goldman Sachs was eyeing Veolia’s UK water utility business, estimated at £1.2 billion, and in July it successfully bought Veolia Water, which serves 3.5 million people in southeastern England.

Previously, in September 2003, Goldman Sachs partnered with one of the world’s largest private-equity firm Blackstone Group and Apollo Management to acquire Ondeo Nalco (a leading company in providing water-treatment and process chemicals and services, with more than 10,000 employees and operations in 130 countries) from French water corporation Suez S.A. for U.S.$4.2 billion.

In October 2007, Goldman Sachs teamed up with Deutsche Bank and several partners to bid, unsuccessfully, for U.K.’s Southern Water. In November 2007, Goldman Sachs was also unsuccessful in bidding for U.K. water utility Kelda. But Goldman Sachs is still looking to buy other water utilities.


In January 2008, Goldman Sachs led a team of funds (including Liberty Harbor Master Fund and the Pinnacle Fund) to buy U.S.$50 million of convertible notes in China Water and Drinks Inc., which supplies purified water to name-brand vendors like Coca-Cola and Taiwan’s top beverage company Uni-President. China Water and Drinks is also a leading producer and distributor of bottled water in China and also makes private-labeled bottled water (e.g., for Sands Casino, Macau). 

Since China has one of the worse water problems in Asia and a large emerging middle class, its bottled-water sector is the fastest-growing in the world and it’s seeing enormous profits. Additionally, China’s acute water shortages and serious pollution could “buoy demand for clean water for years to come, with China’s $14.2 billion water industry a long-term investment destination” (Reuters, January 28, 2008).

The City of Reno, Nevada, was approached by Goldman Sachs for “a long-term asset leasing that could potentially generate significant cash for the three TMWA [Truckee Meadows Water Authority] entities. The program would allow TMWA to lease its assets for 50 years and receive an up-front cash payment” (Reno News & Review, August 28, 2008). Essentially, Goldman Sachs wants to privatize Reno’s water utility for 50 years. Given Reno’s revenue shortfall, this proposal was financially attractive. But the water board eventually rejected the proposal due to strong public opposition and outcry.

Citigroup: The Water Market Will Soon Eclipse Oil, Agriculture, and Precious Metals

Citigroup’s top economist Willem Buitler said in 2011 that the water market will soon be hotter the oil market (for example, see this and this):
“Water as an asset class will, in my view, become eventually the single most important physical-commodity based asset class, dwarfing oil, copper, agricultural commodities and precious metals.”
In its recent 2012 Water Investment Conference, Citigroup has identified top 10 trends in the water sector, as follows:
1. Desalination systems
2. Water reuse technologies
3. Produced water / water utilities
4. Membranes for filtration
5. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection
6. Ballast-water treatment technologies
7. Forward osmosis used in desalination
8. Water-efficiency technologies and products
9. Point-of-use treatment systems
10. Chinese competitors in water

Specifically, a lucrative opportunity in water is in hydraulic fracturing (or fracking), as it generates massive demand for water and water services. Each oil well developed requires 3 to 5 million gallons of water, and 80% of this water cannot be reused because it’s three to 10 times saltier than seawater. Citigroup recommends water-rights owners sell water to fracking companies instead of to farmers because water for fracking can be sold for as much as $3,000 per acre-foot instead of only $50 per acre/foot to farmers.
The ballast-water treatment sector, currently at $1.35 billion annually, is estimated to reach $30 to $50 billion soon. The water-filtration market is expected to outgrow the water-equipment market: Dow estimates it to be a $5 billion market annually instead of only $1 billion now.

Citigroup is aggressively raising funds for its war chest to participate in the coming tidal wave of infrastructure privatization: in 2007 it established a new unit called Citi Infrastructure Investors through its Citi Alternative Investments unit. According to Reuters, Citigroup “assembled some of the biggest names in the infrastructure business at the same time it is building a $3 billion fund, including $500 million of its own capital. The fund, according to a person familiar with the situation, will have only a handful of outside investors and will be focused on assets in developed markets” (May 16, 2007). Citigroup initially sought only U.S.$3 billion for its first infrastructure fund but was seeking U.S.$5 billion in April 2008 (Bloomberg, April 7, 2008).

Citigroup partnered with HSBC Bank, Prudential, and other minor partners to acquire U.K.’s water utility Kelda (Yorkshire Water) in November 2007. This week, Citigroup signed a 99-year lease with the City of Chicago for Chicago’s Midway Airport (it partnered with John Hancock Life Insurance Company and a Canadian private airport operator). Insiders said that Citigroup is among those bidding for the state-owned company Letiste Praha which operates the Prague Airport in the Czech Republic (Bloomberg, February 7, 2008).

As the five U.K. water utility deals illustrate, typically no one single investment bank or private-equity fund owns the entire infrastructure project — they partner with many others. The Citigroup is now entering India’s massive infrastructure market by partnering the Blackstone Group and two Indian private finance companies; they have launched a U.S.$5 billion fund in February 2007, with three entities (Citi, Blackstone, and IDFC) jointly investing U.S.$250 million. India requires about U.S.$320 billion in infrastructure investments in the next five years (The Financial Express, February 16, 2007).

UBS: Water Scarcity Is the Defining Crisis of the 21st Century
In 2006, UBS Investment Research, a division of Switzerland-based UBS AG, Europe’s largest bank by assets, entitled its 40-page research report, “Q-Series®:Water”—“Water scarcity: The defining crisis of the 21st century?” (October 10, 2006) In 2007, UBS, along with JP Morgan and Australia’s Challenger Fund, bought UK’s Southern Water for £4.2biillion.

Credit Suisse: Water Is the “Paramount Megatrend of Our Time”

Credit Suisse published its report about Credit Suisse Water Index (January 21, 2008) urged investors that “One way to take advantage of this trend is to invest in companies geared to water generation, preservation, infrastructure treatment and desalination. The Index enables investors to participate in the performance of the most attractive companies….” The trend in question, according to Credit Suisse, is the “depletion of freshwater reserves” attributable to “pollution, disappearance of glaciers (the main source of freshwater reserves), and population growth, water is likely to become a scarce resource.”

Credit Suisse recognizes water to be the “paramount megatrend of our time” because of a water-supply crisis might cause “severe societal risk” in the next 10 years and that two-thirds of the world’s population are likely to live under water-stressed conditions by 2025. To address water shortages, it has identified desalination and wastewater treatment as the two most important technologies. 

Three sectors for good investments include the following:
§ Membranes for desalination and wastewater treatment
§ Water infrastructure — corrosion resistance, pipes, valves, and pumps
§ Chemicals for water treatment

It also created the Credit Suisse Water Index which has the equally weighed index of 30 stocks out of 128 global water stocks. For investors, it offered “Credit Suisse PL100 World Water Trust (PL100 World Water),” launched in June 2007, with $112.9 million.

Credit Suisse partnered with General Electric (GE Infrastructure) in May 2006 to establish a U.S.$1 billion joint venture to profit from privatization and investments in global infrastructure assets. Each partner will commit U.S.$500 million to target electricity generation and transmission, gas storage and pipelines, water facilities, airports, air traffic control, ports, railroads, and toll roads worldwide. 

This joint venture has estimated that the developed market’s infrastructure opportunities are at U.S.$500 billion, and emerging world’s infrastructure market is U.S.$1 trillion in the next five years (Credit Suisse’s press release, May 31, 2006).
In October 2007, Credit Suisse partnered with Cleantech Group (a Michigan-based market-research, consulting, media, and executive-search firm that operates cleantech forums) and Consensus Business Group (a London-based equity firm owned by U.K. billionaire Vincent Tchenguiz) to invest in clean technologies worldwide. 

The technologies will also clean water technologies.
During its Asian Investment Conference, it said that “Water is a focus for those in the know about global strategic commodities. As with oil, the supply is finite but demand is growing by leaps and unlike oil there is no alternative.” (Credit Suisse, February 4, 2008). Credit Suisse sees the global water market with U.S.$190 billion in revenue in 2005 and was expected to grow to U.S.$342 billion by 2010. It sees most significant growth opportunities in China.

JPMorgan Chase: Build Infrastructure War Chests to Buy Water, Utilities, and Public Infrastructure Worldwide
One of the world’s largest banks, JPMorgan Chase has aggressively pursued water and infrastructure worldwide. In October 2007, it beat out rivals Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs to buy U.K.’s water utility Southern Water with partners Swiss-based UBS and Australia’s Challenger Infrastructure Fund. This banking empire is controlled by the Rockefeller family; the family patriarch David Rockefeller is a member of the elite and secretive Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission.
JPMorgan sees infrastructure finance as a global phenomenon, and it is joined by its global peers in investment and banking institution in their rush to cash in on water and infrastructure. JPMorgan’s own analysts estimate that the emerging markets’ infrastructure is approximately U.S.$21.7 trillion over the next decade.

JPMorgan created a U.S.$2 billion infrastructure fund to go after India’s infrastructure projects in October 2007. The targeted projects are transportation (roads, bridges, railroads) and utilities (gas, electricity, water). India’s finance minister has been estimated that India requires about U.S.$500 billion in infrastructure investments by 2012. 

In this regard, JPMorgan is joined by Citigroup, the Blackstone Group, 3i Group (Europe’s second-largest private-equity firm), and ICICI Bank (India’s second-largest bank) (International Herald Tribune, October 31, 2007). 

Its JPMorgan Asset Management has also established an Asian Infrastructure & Related Resources Opportunity Fund which held a first close on U.S.$500 million (€333 million) and will focus on China, India, and other Southern Asian countries, with the first two investments in China and India (Private Equity Online, August 11, 2008). The fund’s target is U.S.$1.5 billion.

JPMorgan’s Global Equity Research division also published a 60-page report called “Watch water: A guide to evaluating corporate risks in a thirsty world” (April 1, 2008).
In 2010, J.P. Morgan Asset Management and Water Asset Management led a $275 million buyout bid for SouthWest Water.

Pay Attention or one day you will be in line to receive your water ration. That is IF you can afford to pay for your water ration.  After all...They will tell you...

"The underground aquifers,  the rivers, the lakes, the ponds, the very rain that falls from the sky is OURS...We bought it, We own it, just like we own you SLAVE..."


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Soft Coup in Thailand

Asia Times speaks on the Thailand Coup. 

Facebook Brought to you by the CIA

If you give these bloodsuckers your private information then you are a fool. Facebook is not your friend and they are not on your side. Never forget it was the CIA the Central Intelligence Agency who funded the start-up of Facebook. That should tell you who is really in charge of your social media.  

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TSA Orders 24 MILLON Rounds Of .357 Sig Ammo

NO way in HELL should  TSA officers have the power to make arrests or even carry firearms as they screen passengers at airports nationwide? It is a question now being raised in the wake of Friday’s deadly shooting at Los Angeles International Airport.  The shooting was a set up so that the TSA could make a grab for more power. Make no mistke the TSA will be the new National Police force.  Don't belive me... Look around at any sporting event and you NOW see the TSA blue shirts. 

Soon, there will be check points on the Highway manned by armed TSA agents.  The TSA will be everywhere, because that was the game plan all along.  The TSA is yet another over reach by the Federal government in it's enslavement of the American people.

The union representing employees of the Transportation Security Administration says officers are assaulted at airports every day and they should have the power to make arrests. Of course the TSA is going to say something like this becuase they want more power, more clout, more money.  

Maybe if the TSA would stop acting like rude child molesters when they are running their hands in the underwear of small  children then the public would have less of a reason to react rudely.  The TSA has NEVER stopped a terrorist action.  The TSA was not put in place to protect the American people, it was put in place to get the American people used to a prison society. 

 At airport screening zones nationwide, TSA officers wear badges and police-style uniforms, but they are not trained as sworn law enforcement officers and have no authority to take anyone into custody.
At Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport, sworn officers with the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority patrol the terminals and step in when ever police action is needed.
At BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, the airport is patrolled by the Maryland Transportation Authority Police.

 Almost all Americans are staunchly against seeing the TSA gain any more authority than it already has. The TSA is just another Federal organization acting like thugs. 

The TSA have already abused the miniscule power which it already has,” said Douglas Kidd with the National Association of Airline Passengers. “Their job is simple and very limited; to screen passengers and passenger bags and that's all.”
Kidd says he receives constant complaints about TSA officers and to give them further powers would be a threat to public safety.

"The TSA already has all the power that they need and they've abused their power countless times to strip search old ladies, to disrobe passengers, to use the body scanners for peep show purposes and to pilfer passenger luggage," said Kidd.

How about we leave the police work to trained professionals.  America has more then enough armed federal agencies, FBI, CIA, NSA, Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and on and on and on add infinity.  The last thing we need is more high school drop outs, who hate Americans, running around with badges and guns terrorizing the American people. 


 So the Department of Homeland Security has a contract out for 24 million rounds of .357 Sig ammunition, apparently they did not want to use the term "Hollowpoint" so they called it "Duty" ammunition instead. But obviously they did not specify "Training" ammunition, which normally is cheaper.

Outside of certain governmental organizations like the Federal Air Marshalls, and the Secret Service, .357 Sig ammo is not a vastly popular round. It is basically a .40 caliber case necked down to accept a 9mm bullet.
Who knows what it means, other than that a relatively small number of federal agents are expecting to do a whole hell of a lot of shooting, or they are expecting the ammo market to dry up for an extend period time; sorta like what happened during World War 2.
- See more at:

 So the Department of Homeland Security has a contract out for 24 million rounds of .357 Sig ammunition, apparently they did not want to use the term "Hollowpoint" so they called it "Duty" ammunition instead. But obviously they did not specify "Training" ammunition, which normally is cheaper.

Outside of certain governmental organizations like the Federal Air Marshalls, and the Secret Service, .357 Sig ammo is not a vastly popular round. It is basically a .40 caliber case necked down to accept a 9mm bullet.
Who knows what it means, other than that a relatively small number of federal agents are expecting to do a whole hell of a lot of shooting, or they are expecting the ammo market to dry up for an extend period time; sorta like what happened during World War 2.
- See more at:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

LESBIAN Judge Candy Dale Needs to be Re-Called

In BOISE, Idaho a LESBIAN federal judge has issued an injunction that will block enforcement of Idaho’s ban on same-sex marriage, effective Friday morning.

U.S. District Magistrate Candy Dale LESBIAN and Homosexual advocate issued a memorandum decision and order this afternoon in the case of four same-sex couples who challenged the constitutionality of Idaho’s marriage laws, which voters approved as an amendment to the state constitution in 2006.

So, the people, the voters of IDAHO went to the polls and voted Democratically, overwhelmingly that they did NOT want GAY-Marriage in Idaho.  Along comes a single LESBIAN Judge who overturns the will of the voters in Idaho who do NOT want gay-marriage in their state.

Tell me how is this Democracy?  The voters of Idaho have spoken, they have exercised they Constitutional right to have their morals and values reflected in the Idaho State Constitution.  There is NO Democracy when the will, the majority of voters in Idaho said NO to the Homosexual agenda and their will, their votes, their Constitutional voice is over ridden by a single LESBIAN Judge.   That is not Democracy that is Judaical  Oligarchicy where the land is no longer ruled by the will of the people, nor by the states constitution, but by any Judge with a gavel.  

So, it matters NOT what the people of Idaho want, their votes don't have any weight, the majority voice in Idaho has no power.  Whats the point in voting any more if the will of the people is to be over turned at the whim of any Judge?  Why even bother with the rule of law if the will of the people is now subservient to the will of a few activist HOMOSEXUAL Judges who can do anything they want and there is ZERO over sight to this affront to the United States Constitution.     

Because 4 HOMOSEXUAL complained that they were unhappy the entire Idaho State Constitution is thrown in the garbage.  What about the MILLIONS who voted NO to the HOMOSEXUAL Agenda?  The will, the overwhelming will of Idaho's voters means nothing, because 4 HOMOSEXUALS were unhappy.  

HOW is this AMERICA?  How is this the Land of DEMOCRACY?  Where is the rule of law.  When a tiny, miniscule, infinitesimal, minority can over ride the will, the votes, the state Constitution then DEMOCRACY is dead.  AMERICA is lost.  There is nothing now that even resembles FREEDOM.  The United States Constitution says..."We the People..."  Not, "Enslaved, Ensnared, and  no longer FREE...

The voters of Idaho should have that Judge recalled and thrown off the bench.  If not then they might as well start fitting themselves for chains.   Because, FREEDOM is not FREE!  FREEDOM is the most expensive thing in the entire world.   FREEDOM is not a gift, it is not a right, it ca not be bought, or sold and it most certainly cannot be set aside to be picked up when needed.   When FREEDOM is lost that is when the nightmare begins.   

Don't believe me ask the Jews in Germany in 1939. Ask the Russians during Stalin's many purges.  Ask the Japaneses who went to internment camps in America during WW2.  Ask the Kuwaitis during Saddam Hussein invasion of their country.  Ask the African Slaves here in America before the Civil War.  

FREEDOM is Not FREE and once it is lost it can only be regained at the unimagined high cost of river of blood and oceans of pain and suffering. If the Free people of Idaho do not stand up for their GOD given rights, then their rights will become privileges, and those privileges will be only for those who support the party's new The Homosexual Agenda    

Monday, May 05, 2014

The Price of American Arrogance

The F-22 Raptor was designed in the early 1980s to ensure long-term American military dominance of the skies of Europe.  The F-22 was conceived to win dogfights with advanced Soviet fighters.  The Lockheed Martin F-22 requires more than 30 hours of maintenance for every SINGLE hour in the skies. Which, pushes its cost of flying in excess of more than $44,000 an HOUR!  A much higher figure compared to the warplane it replaces. The aircraft's radar-absorbing metallic skin is the principal cause of its maintenance troubles, with known shortcomings such as vulnerability to rain. Meaning the F-22 Raptor at a cost of 365 MILLION dollars a piece cant fly in the rain!  

Did you get that....

365 million a piece...44,000 dollars an hour to fly...Can only fly 1.7 hours before needing 30 hours of maintenance.  Just for spare parts and maintenance the Pentagon will have to pay an additional 1 BILLION a year to keep the F-22 Raptor Flying.  We won't even talk about if someone actually shoots at the plane or, GOD forbid it gets wet...

The F-22 has never been flown over Iraq or Afghanistan because it's armor is so thin that small arms fire can bring it down.

Because of Lockheed's use of hundreds of subcontractors spread over 44 states the quality control was so poor that workers had to create a "shim line" at the Georgia plant where they retooled badly designed or poorly manufactured components. Each plane wound up with all these hand-fitted parts that caused huge fits in maintenance.  They were not interchangeable. 

F-22 pilots DO NOT have the ability to communicate with other types of US and NATO warplanes.  It is the only plane in the American Fleet that is totally incapable of communicating with other support aircraft. 

50 BILLION dollars and counting this is the price of American arrogance...

Sunday, May 04, 2014

8 Year Old Martin Cobb a Valiant Hero with the Heart of a Lion

 Above: Martin Cobb, an 8-year-old Richmond, Va., boy was beaten to death trying to defend his 12-year-old sister from a brutal rape.

Martin Cobb was small in statue and only 8-year-old, yet he stood his ground and fought with the heart of a lion. When faced with overwhelming odds he charged forward into a life and death battle to save his 12 year old sister. Even, when mortally wounded Martin Cobb held onto the leg of his much larger, older, heavily muscled attacker.  It was only when his attacker used a large brick, striking Martin in the head did he stop fighting.  Even lifeless, Martin's hands held his attacker, but with thoughtless brutality his attacker broke free of Martins final grasp and savagely raped his 12 year old sister. 

Martin Cobb died from the hit to the head with a brick during the attack near his family's home Thursday, neighbors said.  Richmond Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney Mary E. Langer said she could not confirm or deny a brick was used but police did later state that Martin suffered severe head trauma which ultimately lead to his death.

Martin's 12-year-old sister was taken to a hospital with injuries relating to a brutal rape. While, the injuries were described as not life-threatening, they will be life altering.

A sign now stands in Martin's yard near his family's church.  The sign reads...

"Martin: A real hero lived, fought and died here!"

An African-America 16-year-old boy was charged with the brutal murder of Marin and the savage rape of his 12 year old sister, police said in a news release. Authorities said he intimidated and threatened the girl and she initially gave authorities the wrong description of her attacker. Police have not released the suspect's name because he is a minor. 

Pitchford described Martin as warm-hearted and friendly and said he was often playing with his sister outside.

"I'm proud of him. I'm proud that he stuck up for his sister. He did what he was taught," she said.
Pastor Dr. Theodore L. Hughey of the Abundant Life church said the boy, also known as "Marty" and "Little Martin," and his sister were inseparable and "always in and out" of the church.  "You saw one. The other was there. They were never apart," Hughey said  "He had a heart of a lion," said neighbor Andrew Patillo. "He stood so tall, to be so small."

The world is a smaller place now that Martin is gone, but his courage and valor, stand in testament to a young boy who was as tall as a GIANT.   GOD Bless Martin Cobb and may JESUS CHRIST heal the wounds suffered by his surviving 12 Year old sister.   

Thursday, May 01, 2014

U.S. Regulatory Costs are Out of Control

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”
The Annals of Imperial Rome

The federal government now devourers 31 percent of the U.S. economy due to trillions in spending and thousands of pages of costly regulations. Nearly a third of all income is being consumed by an out of control bureaucracy.  When Fascists, Socialists, Communists are unable to create sedition at the ballot box they do it by regulating people into submission.  

This is why the US government is buying up billions of rounds of ammunition, because, AS OF YET, they can't make the sale of ammunition illegal.  So, what they do is to purchase so much ammo that it actually dries up the civilian market.  The hilarious thing is that the US government is actually using the people's money to disarm the people.  The liberals who HATE the United States Constitution think that this is just the funniest thing. 

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a free-market think tank, put out a report on Tuesday saying that the regulatory costs of federal rules amounts to $1.863 trillion per year, or 11.1 percent of the U.S. economy. Combine this with the $3.454 trillion in federal spending last year and the U.S. federal government consumes 31 percent of the economy.

U.S. regulatory costs alone are bigger in size than the economies of Australia and Canada. Regulatory costs would be the 10th largest economy in the world, according to CEI, slightly larger than the economy of India.

Federal agencies crank out thousands of new regulations every year, but we have little information on the cost or effectiveness of most of them.  There is little transparency and no reliable source of information on exactly what benefits rules are supposed to be generating or if they are serving their intended purpose.”

The federal government has been rapidly adding regulations to the Federal Register since obama took office in 2009.  Obama the great 'Liar and Chief' has presided over the top four record-breaking years in terms of the number of pages added to the Federal Register. 


The regulatory state wasn’t small before, but it has become an out of control freight train under the failed leadership of the Obama administration.    The president has declared that law and order means nothing to him by stating pompously he will not wait for Congress to pass legislation because he has a pen and a phone. Which means this administration fully intends to by pass Congress and implement policy through regulation.  The exact same thing Hitler did in Germany.  obama is the worst president in the history of the united states and that really take a lot of work, because there have been so many horrible, useless politicians in the oval office.