Friday, January 31, 2014

False Flags by Definition are Treason

The criminal murdering elite have been utilizing “false flag operations” to achieve what otherwise would have been impossible by any legal means. To achieve their blood thristy  goals, they first have to create a problem, a huge problem, a tragic event, second: through the use of their corporate owned media outlets, inform the public with absolute certainty who is responsible for the tragedy.  Then, they whip the people into a blood frenzy and demand reciprocity and revenge aganist a third party whom they have already selected for the fall. Think Iraq, Libya, Syria, add infinity...

Take for example the fake shooting of Senator Giffords, the ever changing story of Sandy Hook, the badly acted Boston smoke and mirrors, the London Beheading, the British Bus bombing, 7/7, 9/11, etc... These are staged events.Why would they need to be staged in the first instance? I think we all know who benefits from these incidents so let's see why they could be staged or have elements of realism, staging and control in them.

A 'False Flag' is conducted solely  to advance a governmental agenda or the agenda of the elite ruling party. If the false flag fails, the agenda fails and the hidden few cannot govern the majority that way. So, you have to ensure that nothing prevents or stops the FF from happening and that it also happens just the way you want it to even it that means staging a production. It also means not being squeamish about the innocent body count. Such as on 9/11 when innocent people were forced to jump to their deaths because rescue helicopters were refused permission to land on the roofs of the twin towers. 

Due to the chances of things going wrong in the chain of events in any plan, a staged, contained or controlled production (or in the many cases of False Flags, drills) is a vital necessity in these kinds of operations to ensure the actualization of the event and that the public or third parties don't intercept or get in the way of the operations. Success of the False Flag is of topmost priority so that there is no deviation from the actualization of the plans and the narrative/storyline you want to sell to the masses and in turn the reaction you want to get from them to advance your agenda. It's the Haegalian Dialect of Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's the theme of the New World Order...33rd degree Masons 'ordo ab chao' which means...Order out of Chaos

If an effort was made to make the actual event uncontrolled, REAL etc. especially in close proximity to people i.e blow things apart, limbs flying everywhere etc., things could go wrong even at the onset amongst which are:

1. The public could stop the event. A brave act of heroism by someone could put months and possibly years of planning of a false flag event down the drain, blow the mainstream narrative cover off and render the propaganda completely useless. You wouldn't want any interference of the public with your plans so measures are taken to make sure that no one has any chance of stopping the event.

2. Vital evidence could end up where you dont want them to
. e.g 9/11 molten thermite. Steel had to be shipped to China immediately after the attack. Now, how about that? How could anyone possibly explain the fact that one of the first things that came to mind after such an incident was to have tonnes and tonnes of evidence shipped away from the crime scene? Hmmmm! Its just unreal for that to happen and the only reason you would do that is because you don't want evidence in the wrong hands.

3. Wrong target could be hit which in turn fizzles out the potency of the end result/reaction of the masses and thus the resulting propaganda.
Most terror related events are symbolic in nature but just somehow they manage to strike those targets and are successful at their cause on a first attempt? Ever wondered why this is the case? What would happen had those airplanes that struck the twin towers hit a different high-rise building. Of course that building wouldn't collapse as it wasn't wired for controlled demolition in the first instance. Hence no huge loss of life and no War in Iraq. Furthermore, the narrative of terrorism and extremism we've grown used to since 9/11 would fizzle out!

4. People are unreliable. They could cave in at the last minute, change their minds, feel remorseful etc. Duress, Blackmail and Drugs are some means to make people go against their will but even those could be unsuccessful which is why programming is needed. Either programming of the mind of the individual or programming of electronic devices to ensure the event actually takes place. US Air force Pilots have said numerous times that they couldn't make the mid-flight manoeuvrings the remote controlled planes did on 9/11. Most likely , the planes were remotely controlled so that there was no room for human error. As per the script, the planes had to APPEAR to actually hit the twin towers for the shock and awe effect.

The fact that in an actual plane was also used to attack the twin towers, chances are that the occupants could in fact subdue the attackers thereby stopping the event from taking place. Its amazing the reaction of all creation when faced with the potential of their demise. They would fight tooth and nail to survive. Again, this is something they cant allow happen. The use of humans in many cases are avoided but if used, they are often programmed to ensure they carry out these attacks. This could explain the blank faces left on most attackers after their assault. Their minds have just been over-written. It is also important to note that if an alleged attacker is programmed, under duress etc., close contact of that individual with the public could break the programming, yield more interesting, conflicting sides to the story - if for instance he is in a fight for his life, subdued or questioned by the public or third parties. He might give out information he's not meant to. This blows your MAIN-Stream-Media (MSM) narrative and you would not want this to be the case. So this is the exact reason why alleged attackers always have handlers hanging around them to program and deprogram them or simply to kill them.  Think JFK's supposed assassin  Lee Harvey Oswald who supposedly acting alone. When he threatened to start talking, out of no where, Jack Ruby kills Oswald before he could stand trial. That way the PATSY assassin is dead and now he can't start blabbering about the fact that he DID NOT kill JFK.

5. There are chances things could go wrong in an uncontrolled environment. Imagine if one of the twin towers had stood, fallen sideways instead of the controlled demolition fashion both came down in? If the planes and only the planes were the REAL cause of the collapse of the towers, the collapse we witnessed will be varied. In fact we could end up having one building standing or even both. But they wanted the buildings down anyway so they used a controlled demolition on both. Imagine for a second if both buildings had stood, now you would not get the necessary reaction of shock from the masses. Imagine for a second one had stood, now, how would you sell that to the world? You always want control of the plot all through the event. This is why they also always have standby response teams around the site of the event to contain the situation.

6. When there are too many witnesses, video recordings, photos etc, it creates an opportunity for the official story to be debunked!
You wouldn't want that. So you'd want the entire scene contained and very few shots of the crime scene is available. You can conceal evidence this way. In the case of the London beheading, where are other camera angles from eye witnesses and CCTV cameras? None is available even up till this day! Its the same tactic with the 3 frame footage released of the attack on the pentagon. They obviously couldn't possibly show you any more footage as that would reveal the fact that a missile actually hit the pentagon and not a plane. In the case of the London beheading, they conveniently had a ready made recording (and the only recording of the event) of a confession ready for the masses to consume.

This is why terror events need to be staged or controlled so that the events ACTUALLY happens and you are assured of your outcome and get ONLY your narrative of events out to the public. You don't want third party witnesses that could truncate your story and make people question the entire event.

The art of misdirection, deception and hypnosis is also very necessary. In the case of the London beheading, initial reports claimed that there was a beheading. This changed to a knife attack at a later date. Do the MSM mean to tell us that first responders don't know the difference between a headless body and a knife injury? Hold that thought for a moment and I will explain later why this story changed.

The victim of this alleged attack had the camera recording his back. The body was slumped and his jacket pulled over the head exposing his back to create the effect of a headless body but even at that, the torso was still much longer than that of someone who had actually lost his head. All through the event, no attempt was made to disturb or move the body. Not by the attackers, not by the woman claiming to help either. One of the things proper to do in order to ascertain life in a body is to shake it up like an attempt to wake someone up from sleep. This wasn't done in this case. Why? Because any movement would in fact reveal the head and blow the MSM cover story off. The story they wanted to get out to the world was the fact that a terrorist attack involving hacking of the head of a human was carried out and for that story to stick, it was vital that a head isn't revealed and no attempt was made to move the body in the poised position for camera capture.

So, why couldn't this have been a real attack?

I have already tried to explain in point 1 above as to why an actual attack just couldn't be conducted especially in close proximity to people as there are chances the assault could fail. In addition to this and adding more flesh to point 1 above, the victim could and would in fact make every attempt to save himself from this assault by fighting tooth and nail or even taking evasive action from being hit by a car or attacked. All of these instinctive actions increases the chances of the failure of the assault and thus the failure of the False Flag and as I stated earlier, if the FF fails the propaganda fails altogether which means you wont have the protests you are witnessing all over at this moment by the zombified masses, no COBRA meeting, no mass hysteria and no mainstream propaganda etc.
re-post -I have to say to it's author..."Brilliant Work"
 Why Terror Events are Staged and drills carried out on the day of the attacks.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The White House Ignores the Jobless Plight Young African Americans


African Americans are suffering the most under Obama's Hope and Change presidency

Appalling, new figures about the state of our economy have recently come out. Ninety-two percent of African American male teenagers in Chicago don't have a job. A trend that continues to head in the wrong direction for other minority teens as well.  Under Obama unemployment has become a catastrophe. In Obama's home town unemployment is far worse than the national average. 
These shocking numbers released by the Chicago Urban League are one more grim result of Illinois having 600,000 fewer jobs today than when Obama took office.  Work that teens traditionally did, from delivering newspapers to flipping burgers, is now done by adults desperate for any income.  The same adults who voted for Obama are now flipping burgers just to survive.

In 2014 only 8 percent of African-American male teens in Chicago were able to find legitimate work; 92 percent of those age 16-19 were unemployed.   Chicago's black male teens are more likely to be drafted into the NBA then find a job under the Obama administration.  Nationwide, the figures are hardly any better, 17 percent of black males 16-19 had a part time job. In Illinois that number drops to 12 percent.  In Chicago that number drops even further to 8 percent. 
America's first black president has failed African Americans in every sense of the word.  The current administration in the White House has little or NO concern about disadvantaged or minority voters in America.  The only time you will see this Administration in a economically disadvantaged urban area is when Obama is on his way to the airport to catch a plane to his next vacation.   

Friday, January 24, 2014

Brave Police Sheriff's Organizing Against the Police State and Fed

Richard Mack is the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and a two-time candidate for United States Congress. He is frequently referred to simply as "Sheriff Mack." HE is the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, who during his tenure was able to defeat the Brady Bill in the supreme court. Richard Mack actually sued the Federal government.  The case actually went to the US Supreme Court and Richard Mack won. He is currently organizing sheriff around the country to stand up to the Police State and Federal Government. 

This is what we need more State Officials, State Governors, and Sheriff's who are unwilling to surrender STATE powers to the out of control Federal Police State. 

The US Constitution was written to keep the individual STATES more powerful then the Federal government.   Sheriff's are the only law enforcement that are elected by 'WE the People."  State Officials need to stand up and protect the citizens from the over-reach of the Federal Police State. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Nothing New Under the Sun

     The Atlantic Council is a highly influential organization with close ties to major policy makers across the planet. It’s headed up by Gen. Brent Scowcroft, former United States National Security Adviser under U.S. Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush. Snowcroft has also advised President Barack Obama. Harlan K. Ullman was the principal author of the “shock and awe” doctrine and is now Chairman of the Killowen Group which advises government leaders. 

 Harlan K. Ullman of The Atlantic Council complains that an “extraordinary crisis”is needed to get the New World Order (NWO) back on track.  My opinion, what he really means is a bigger, better , false flag one that will make 9/11 look small in comparison.  A False Flag the whole world will NEVER forget! After all 9/11 was so successful at robbing Americans of their Constitutional rights, that those supporting the NWO are salivating for another.  Harlan K. Ullman frets that Americans need to cower in fear in order to preserve the “New World Order (NWO).”The globalists bankers who are behind this New World Order (NWO) are working behind the scenes to bring about a world where the United States no longer exists as a sovereign nation.   In their version of the NWO the USA would morph with Mexico and Canada into the North American Union. The US Constitution would become invalidated by the New World Order and its Global initiative to see all nations melted into a one World government where the Global power is held tightly in the hands of a few insanely wealthy individuals.       
    Hillary Clinton...Ugh..need I say more?

The main threat to humanities worst nightmare, The NWO, are courageous INDIVIDUALS such as Edward Snowden, Bradly Manning, Julian Assange , my personal friend Michael Hastings, Andrew Brietbart, Nigel Paul Farage leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), etc...  Let us not forget the brave American citizens who refuse to surrender their 2nd Amendment rights.  Then, there is the internet which has become the biggest threat to the NWO.   Freedom of information and the light speed decimation of truth is becoming a real thorn in the side of those in the NWO. People are becoming thinking individuals who no longer blindly believe everything they see on the nightly news.   
Even Prince Harry comes running when the Atlantic Council summons...

Alternative News sources are the bane to state controlled media talking heads. When, the mainstream media infotainment begins to fail you have the power hungry globalists turning to Hollywood producers to influence the people with thinly viewed propaganda films like director Harvey Weinstein has been bragging about. He plans to make an anti-GUN film with aging actress Meryl Streep that will shame the NRA (Nation Rifle Association.)  Mind you, this is after Harvey Weinstein made hundreds of millions of dollars pumping out hard core, revenge porn, uber-violent films filled with guns and gratuitous violence.  Now, suddenly Harvey has a heart...not likely.  More likely, Harvey got orders from his globalists banker friends because they failed at getting their lap dog in the White House to overturn the 2nd Amendment.  What’s the old saying.."Can't come in the front door then try the back door, if that is locked try a window."  Because an armed citizen is a free citizen, and Harvey Weinstein and his Bosses loathe freedom.


 George Sorros is the money behind The Atlantic Council

Those of The Atlantic Council, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, The Federal Reserve, The many the Rockefeller foundations, all desire one thing.  A world plunged into a totalitarian nightmare where absolute power is concentrated into the hands of a few multi-national corporations, Global Banks, and a small circle of blood thirsty powerful men.  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The human race has already produced so many Tyrants…Stalin, Moa, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Augustus Ceaser… Ad Nauseam


Does ANYONE really want to live in a world where the entire planet is under the brutal oppression of a few soulless men.  The sad thing is that those on The Atlantic Council think they are doing something new, something different, but there is nothing new under the sun.  The TRUE power behind the New World Order has been planning for this day for over 2000 years.  A world, in which, absolute control is achieved by a unique identifying mark, either on their forehead or on their right hand.


"And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred and sixty six..."

Sunday, January 19, 2014

US Federal Appeals Court Ruled that bloggers have the same First Amendment protections as journalists

GRANTS PASS, Ore. (AP) -- A federal appeals court ruled Friday that bloggers and the public have the same First Amendment protections as journalists when sued for defamation: If the issue is of public concern, plaintiffs have to prove negligence to win damages.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a new trial in a defamation lawsuit brought by an Oregon bankruptcy trustee against a Montana blogger who wrote online that the court-appointed trustee criminally mishandled a bankruptcy case.

The appeals court ruled that the trustee was not a public figure, which could have invoked an even higher standard of showing the writer acted with malice, but the issue was of public concern, so the negligence standard applied.

Gregg Leslie of the Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press said the ruling affirms what many have long argued: Standards set by a 1974 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Gertz v. Robert Welch Inc., apply to everyone, not just journalists.

"It's not a special right to the news media," he said. "So it's a good thing for bloggers and citizen journalists and others."

Crystal L. Cox, a blogger from Eureka, Mont., now living in Port Townshend, Wash., was sued for defamation by Bend attorney Kevin Padrick and his company, Obsidian Finance Group LLC, after she made posts on several websites she created accusing them of fraud, corruption, money-laundering and other illegal activities. The appeals court noted Padrick and Obsidian were hired by Summit Accommodators to advise them before filing for bankruptcy, and that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court later appointed Padrick trustee in the Chapter 11 case. The court added that Summit had defrauded investors in its real estate operations through a Ponzi scheme.

A jury in 2011 had awarded Padrick and Obsidian $2.5 million.
"Because Cox's blog post addressed a matter of public concern, even assuming that Gertz is limited to such speech, the district court should have instructed the jury that it could not find Cox liable for defamation unless it found that she acted negligently," judge Andrew D. Hurwitz wrote. "We hold that liability for a defamatory blog post involving a matter of public concern cannot be imposed without proof of fault and actual damages."
The appeals court upheld rulings by the District Court that other posts by Cox were constitutionally protected opinion.

Though Cox acted as her own attorney, UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, who had written an article on the issue, learned of her case and offered to represent her in an appeal. Volokh said such cases usually end up settled without trial, and it was rare for one to reach the federal appeals court level.
"It makes clear that bloggers have the same First Amendment rights as professional journalists," he said. "There had been similar precedents before concerning advocacy groups, other writers and book authors. This follows a fairly well established chain of precedents. I believe it is the first federal appeals court level ruling that applies to bloggers."

An attorney for Padrick said in an email that while they were disappointed in the ruling, they noted the court found "there was no dispute that the statements were false and defamatory."
"Ms. Cox's false and defamatory statements have caused substantial damage to our clients, and we are evaluating our options with respect to the court's decision," wrote Steven M. Wilker.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Officer Manuel Ramos is a Fat COWARDLY Murderer

This is the face of Manuel Ramos, he is a COWARD and a murderer.  A fat, bloated, COWARDLY murderer who hides behind his badge. He was the first policeman in Orange County history to be charged with murder for an on-duty incident.   Officer Manuel Ramos was charged with beating Kelly Thomas, 37, on July 5, 2011 in an vicious brutal assault that left the friendly and kind Kelly Thomas in a brain dead coma. The innocent victim Kelly Thomas never regained consciousness, due to the severity of his injuries, and died in his hospital bed five days later.

Kelly Thomas was a homeless man who the COWARD Manuel Ramos knew from his time as a local police thug. Kelly Thomas did nothing, committed no crime, did not resist arrest, he quietly sat while the bloated, foul smelling, COWARD Manuel Ramos tried to bait him into a confrontation.  No matter how hard the COWARD tried, Kelly Thomas refused to react to the eye water halitosis that the COWARD Manuel Ramos spewed into his face.  This sent the squat tubby MURDERER Manuel Ramos into a killing frenzy.

At no time did Kelly Thomas raise his hands to the COWARD, at no time did Kelly Thomas do anything that could be construed as illegal.  He had NO drugs on him, he had NO drugs in his system, no alcohol either, he was just sitting quietly in a public space and the the COWARDLY Thug Manuel Ramos didn't like the fact that Kelly Thomas would not tremble in fear.

 So, the COWARD Manuel Ramos, using his badge as a shield beat Kelly Thomas to death.  HE of course had help, the police as a whole are bullies and cowards, who hide behind their badges.  None of them can stand on their own two feet, man to man.  Manuel Ramos is filled with fear, he's been running from it since childhood, is is the same fear that drove him to become a cop, so that he could hide behind his badge.  Being a COWARD, like ALL COPS, Manuel Ramos the COWARDLY MURDERER called for back up.   

This was the result...

The obese, tub of crap, COWARD in a uniform actually claimed this injury, a scratch on his elbow from crushing Kelly Thomas's face in, trying to justify his MURDEROUS actions.

 This is how many times Kelly Thomas cried out for Help...

AND... today the jury in the Kelly Thomas murder trial, took less than one full day of deliberations to reach a non-guilty verdict, the COWARD Manuel Ramos was quickly ushered out of the courtroom when the decision was announced. 

There is actual VIDEO of the POLICE beating Kelly Thomas to death while he cried out..."DADDY Save ME!" And the tubby, COWARDLY, MURDERER Manuel Ramos, because he hid behind a badge, got away with MURDER.

Manuel Ramos no matter where he runs, no matter where he hides, even if, it is in a Taco Bell, he will always be a COWARDLY MURDER.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Obamacare the Telling Story of a Failed Presidency

Obamacare is what happens when the liberal left allow of a shallow, self-centered narcissists to foist unrealistic, unattainable, legislation upon a country already burdened by staggering war debt. Even the great deceiver himself has come to realize that the turd known as Obamacare is an embarrassment to both himself and the democrats who shoved it down the throats of the American people.    

Remember the Old House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the wicked witch herself,  with her now-infamous statement on Obamacare  that “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.”

With wisdom like that from the Looney Left we have debacles happening like in Hawaii.  The Federal government gave hard earned tax payer money to Hawaii to fund the Obamacare insurance exchange, the tune of $204 million. Once that runs out, the Obamacare insurance exchange will be expected to fund its $10 million to $14 million in annual operations through fees on local insurance companies. The fees, now at 2 percent, are generated through a percentage of sales made through the exchange.
However, as of Dec. 7 released  by the Hawaii Health Connector show just 683 people have signed up for Obamacare.  Which is less then 1% of 1% of Hawaii’s 1.4 million people.  The cost of the Federal government to sign up the 683 people is $292,825 per person! 

Did you get that?  Obamacare spent $292,825.00 per individual so that they could sign up on a web site for insurance. The real problem here is that Obamacare was supposed to pay for itself.  This is an impossibility.  Obamacare has ZERO chance of paying for itself. In no universe is Obamacare going to be able to fund itself.  Now, Obama and Nancy Pelosi want to tax the Insurance companies to pay for Obamacare.  Surprise...Surprise..Surprise "buried deep" in Obamacare is "a huge government bailout" to cover "up to 80 percent of insurance company losses."

Ask me where the money is going to come from when the Federal government bails out the Insurance companies.   That's right, from the already stretched thin wallets of the working poor and shrinking middle class.  Just to add salt to the wound Obama decided to reduce disability payments to US Military Veterans to help pay for Obamacare.  The great flim-called it something else, sequestration, but we all know it was about raising money for Obamacare...

I mean..Why not?  The American tax payers bailed out the Billionaire playboys on Wall-street and don't forget the Billionaire Auto industry, and of course lets not forget about the 3 TRILLION dollar bank bail outs.  Heck, the American Taxpayer during the last bank bailout was even on the hook for bailing out foreign banks. 

So, Now, lets add the Insurance companies to the list of Industries which need bailouts money from the American people.  The sad part is that, before Obama stuck his nose into the Insurance business, the Insurance companies were doing just fine.  Now, because the great EGO an chief, wanted to be famous by being the President who gave free health care to America, the Insurance industry is about to go bankrupt. 

An, who will be on the hook to pay for Obama's gargantuan, looney left, pie in the sky, feel good, legislation, thats right...the American people. The same low brow, uneducated, clinging to their guns and religion...American people. The same ones this administration has betrayed, obfuscated, and lied to, over and over again.

Is anybody awake out there in America?  Does Anybody see the punch line to this whimsical liberal farce? That, the Unions, Congress, and of course Obama and his family, and the rest of the nefarious rats in Washington D.C. are ALL EXEMPT from Obamacare. None, of the PARASITES who forced this debacle upon the American people will have to will have to sign up for, use, or be a part of Obamacare.

Everyone else, YOU...ME...and every other hard working tax paying, American will be forced by LAW and penalty of jail time to enroll in the nightmare of Obamacare. 

Are you Mad Yet?

Globalists are Abandoning US for China's Future Economic Potential

Potential Triggers That Could Start Next Global Economic Reset 


The dominion of the United States as the worlds lone Superpower is waning.  The offal in Washington D.C. have squandered the greatest economic treasure ever seen in the history of the world; that being the American middle class.  Couple that with the greatest spending spree in the history of the world, vis-a-vie MASSIVE, unsustainable borrowing and what you are left with is a once proud nation gutted from the inside by the very people elected to lead and protect it.   


 The only thing sustaining America's homogeny at this point is that the world's reserve currency in the American dollar and the illusion of American military superiority.    When, the day comes that the Russian and the Chinese realize, that TOGETHER they could easily crush the United States inside of 6 months of sustained operations, the game will be on!

  The war would not have to be long, just fast enough, and devastating enough that the United States economy would be forever shattered.  Once, the world sees the American military for the paper tiger it is, then it will be open season on ALL foreign American assets. Everything, from military bases, to global colonies, financial assets, companies, anything that cannot be protected by the crippled American military.  


 After that, it will simply be a matter of suing for peace with the cowardly American politicians who were so foolish to put their faith in a narcissistic, self-absorbed, dilettante as their leader.   The current administration in Washington has no love for America anyway, and would probably relish seeing it brought to it's knees by what he sees as it's betters.  


The global shift by the finical elite to a world ruled by China's future economic growth is already underway.  


My suggestion to you my fellow Americans is...




Saturday, January 11, 2014

PANAMA has Just Squandered it's Tax Haven Status


It was bizarre and caused a massive uproar the next day in Panama.  In fact, it's repercussions are still being felt and it likely will cause major damage to the country of Panama.

What occurred?

Late on December 30th, Law No. 120 of 2013 was passed, and two articles were included to amend the tax code. One states:

"Every natural or juridical, domestic or foreign, who receives any taxable income within or outside Panamanian territory, must pay taxes."

The law made it clear that those who are residents, citizens or companies in Panama will have to pay tax-based on their worldwide income instead of only Panamanian-sourced income.
This was massive news with massive repercussions for any Panamanian resident who had foreign income and, more importantly, the thousands of businesses who had moved to Panama mostly because of their non-taxation of foreign income.
The Panamanian business community went into a near panic and noted how the law had been passed while shrouded in secrecy. There was no discussion of the law whatsoever in public.
Realizing the disastrous potential results, the President tweeted amidst the outrage: "On territoriality and taxes if we need to repeal we'll repeal or what needs to be defined will be defined, but ample debate must take place." 

The law was not even discussed in the National Assembly. There was no debate, no warning. Quite a double standard: laws don't need to be debated in order to be implemented, but "ample debate must take place" to repeal the law. Ah, the logic of government.

At 12:06 he tweeted this: "There is too much gossip and disinformation regarding tax territoriality. On the first week of January everything concerning that will be clarified."

On the same day, Mr. Luis Cucalón, Director of Autoridad Nacional de Ingresos de Panamá (Panama's version of the "IRS"), tweeted this:

"I was the one who proposed Arts. 2 and 3 of Law 120 and I made a mistake. We are not prepared for taxation of worldwide income." Then he quickly followed at 13:58 with: "I have requested Mr. President to repeal said articles, which he accepted."

That Panama's version of the IRS is "not prepared for taxation of worldwide income," should not make anybody with wealth in Panama feel comfortable. This only implies they plan to do so in the future. And, as they've displayed once before, it will come without warning nor debate.
The government ultimately announced on December 31 that the law will be repealed right away in the New Year.

The attempt by the Panamanian government to institute worldwide taxation, without debate, shows us how governments work. When they are in trouble, as governments all around the world are with their historical sovereign debts, they will do whatever it takes to fleece you of more of your hard-earned income.  And, it would not surprise us in the least if the US government was pushing for the change.  The US government, after all, actually has 150 IRS agents in Panama spying on US citizens already.
Either way, Panama just shot itself in the economic foot.

Until now, Panama has been seen by international businesses and North Americans as a place of strategic financial importance. Panama allowed people from retirees to international companies a tax-enhanced place to live, do business and enjoy the benefits of the Panamanian tax code.
This tax code was the only reason Panama has enjoyed economic success in recent years. Its tax laws and business environment are directly responsible for this.

Now that PANAMA has tipped its cards - That it intends to one day tax everyone and everything to the hilt - the Panamanian authorities can be assured people will begin looking to get their money OUT of Panama.

A re-post from

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Dr. Diane Harper Admits Vaccine Horror

Dr. Diane Harper a pioneering medical expert responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies which secured the approval of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™.  Dr. Harper also authored many of the published, scholarly papers about the vaccines.  She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the devastating consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.  Dr. Harper made her surprising confession at the 4th International Converence on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia.  Her speech, which was originally intended to promote the benefits of the vaccines, took a 180-degree turn when she chose instead to clean her conscience about the deadly vaccines so she “could sleep at night”. 

“Dr. Harper explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States.  In fact, 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years.  Harper also mentioned the safety angle.  All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite the vaccines  currently being marketed for 9-year-olds.  

So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil™ alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions.  At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines.  

The reported side effects include Guillian Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation.  Parents are NEVER made aware of these risks.  Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed that she was speaking out, so that she might finally be able to sleep at night.  ’About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have HPV at some stage of their life,’ Harper says.  ’Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself.  But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.’” 

Although these two vaccines are marketed as protection against cervical cancer, these claims is purely hypothetical.  Studies have proven “there is no demonstrated relationship between the condition being vaccinated for and the rare cancers that the vaccine might prevent, but it is marketed to do that nonetheless.  

There is ZERO actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer.  From the manufacturers own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease which commonly dies on its own in a relatively short period, so the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of her being struck by a meteorite.

However, the chances of serious, life threatening, permanent physical damage, and life long disabilities are far to high to ignore.  Any parent or young woman even thinking of putting this poison in their bodies need to very carefully and seriously have you head examined.  

The manufactures of these highly toxic poisons should be forced to take their own medicine in front of all the families who daughters are now dead or permanently disabled for life.  Lets see how fast these  medical parasites would change their positions on the efficacy of their for-profit snake oil. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Desert Tech an American Icon

   Desert Tech a gun manufacturer based in Utah has turned down a $15 million contract with Pakistan.  Thats a 15 with a boat load of zeros behind it.  The True American Heroes at Desert Tech choose to do this heroic act because the guns would be going to Pakistan.  A place were terrorists often stock up on weapons and ammo before going to kill Amr
American troops in the mideast.  Since we live in the day and age of the liberal left not one mainstream media outlet spoke on the story.  FOX News Corp, a bastion of conservatism, was the one exception to the Looney left's silence on the new story.  Desert Tech's decision, to put the safety of US troops on the ground in the mideast before profit is one that the White House should have applauded.  
As Hillary Clinton said...
"Whats a few more dead Americans.  Who Cares..."
Fox on air personality, Brian Kilmeade, said on Tuesday, "Fifteen million is a lot of money. But for this Utah gun manufacturing company, it represents more than a year of solid business."  Adding, "So, you think they would jump at the chance to make 15 million bucks in one day. But the guys at Desert Tech said no because the weapons were headed to Pakistan.
Sales manager Mike Davis asserted, "Basically it was just our company's stance and we were sticking with our founding principles and that was to keep the American troops safe."
Mike Davis said that the effort wasn't because they were "hoping to gain a whole bunch of media attention from it." Clearly, Liberal Left journalists haven't shown much interest in the story. All the Obama flunkies on the network morning shows and evening programs have avoided it like the plague.  After all Liberals hate America and hate the US Military with a passion. 
Mike Davis went on further to say "Pakistan is overrun with terror activities and they're not going to be using our guns to kill American troops . We are Americans 1st and a business 2nd."

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Obama the Great Two Faced Liar and Chief

When  Obama became the first black president, his fellow African-Americans owned few commercial television stations in the United States. Obama gave lip service to encouraging more diversity in broadcast media ownership.
  2 years before Obama was first elected to the White House, there were only 18 full-power TV stations owned by African-Americans. This total represented just 1.3% of all such stations in the country.
By the end of his first term in office, those 18 had declined to only five stations. And as of this month 2014 that number has fallen all the way to zero.

So, for all the African-American voters who were miss lead and out right lied too by Obama are no far worse off then before the tragedy of his election.   Obama has lied his way into office, has lied his way through his 1st term and now he is following that up by making sure that African-Americans are in a far worse position economically.

Lets look at the abysmal employment figures for African-Americans during the Obama presidential debacle known as his 1st and 2nd term.   The African-American unemployment rate was 12.7 percent when Mr. Obama took office. While the unemployment rate in the U.S. as a whole is below 8 percent, the Labor Department reported the black jobless rate was up from 12.9 percent to 14 percent for December.

The worst during Mr Obama’s first term was in September 2011, with 16.7 percent unemployment for blacks — the highest since 1983, the Department of Labor reports. The black teen jobless rate hit a staggering 39.3 percent in July 2012.

Travis Smiley and African-American and staunch Obama supporter put it best... "Federal data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category. On that regard, the president ought to be held responsible."  But, because Travis Smiley is an African-American he's stuck. He can't really say what he would like to say cause he's an African-American AND he voted not once but twice for Obama.  So Travis Smiley and all the other African-Americans who got royally screwed by the flim-flam, fast talking, bullshit artists that is the Obama administration have to sit and swallow the worst Administration for African Americans since reconstruction. African-America's can't blame Bush, they can't blame the Republicans, they can't do anything but close their eyes and watch the 1st Black President betray them again and again and again...

Of Course no one is going to be more screwed the Democrats come mid-term elections thanks to Mister "If you like your insurance you can keep it!"