Saturday, January 26, 2013

Roe V Wade 1-22-1973

1-22-2013, will be the full 40 year anniversary of Roe versus Wade on 1-22-1973.

In the decades since, at least 50 million unborn children have been MURDERED by ABORTION in the U.S.A.

The total number of MURDERS committed against defenseless unborn babies worldwide has been in the hundreds of millions.

That a 1 with 8 ZEROS behind it....100,000,000 

added to

another 1 with 8 ZEROS behind it...100,000,000

added to

another 1 with 8 ZEROS behind it...100,000,000

added too

another 1 with 8 ZEROS behind it 1000,000,000

Plus or minus 50 or 60 million

Give or take a few meaningless, worthless, dead babies 
Did you know that it is illegal to sell aborted fetuses in America for profit?


Murdered unborn babies internal organs and body parts are harvested by "retrieval experts" shortly after abortions, for use in research laboratories. Tissue kits of a miniscule amount of tissue, a tiny portion of a gram, are expensive, VERY expensive!  Much more so are the amounts charged for entire fetal parts or internal organs, like hearts, lungs, eyes, ears, and stomachs. This horrific abomination of EPIC proportions is called boosting the bottom line$   The flesh and blood of murdered unborn children have made impressive profits for many medical research companies and Abortion on demand Doctors.

Fetal remains which have no  profit margin have been burned in incinerators, deposited into dumpsters, and buried in landfills globally for the past 40 years. Many have of these murdered unborn children partial remains have been thrown away like garbage with no dignity or respect.

Make no mistake when the first murder happened and Cain killed Able, his blood cried out from the Earth and Almighty GOD answered Abel's cry.   What will happen when Almighty, All Powerful, All knowing, Omnipotent GOD answers the cry of hundreds of millions of MURDERED Unborn babies created in HIS image?

Repent, Repent, Repent!!!

Repent now while there is still time!

The Destruction of Truth and Honest Men

How the government, "Powers That Be", and the hidden men who rule the world destroy ANY individual who opposes their sinister plans for world enslavement. 

The Destruction of an Honest Man is not difficult.  In fact it is rather easy to ruin a man.  It is done time and again without the least effort on the part of the perpetrators.  There are more than a million brethren joined to the secret society which rules over modern day America 

There is a group of wealthy, secretly connected, influential people who if for instance, deem someone a threat to them or their business practices domestically or globally world would not hesitate to financially, personally, or socially eviscerate anyone who gets in their way of their political interests or finical gain. Very often, other, lesser, secret societies such as Masonry are used as foot soldiers in this corrupt practice. Th
Masons have a vast network of over 1 million members who are greatly disposed to serving the brotherhood in any way possible.  Masonry is a border less social network rivaling the MI-6 or CIA. Virtually, any information on anybody in any country can be obtained vis-a-vie the masonic brotherhood.  These contacts include, but are not limited too, police, judges, lawyers, bank managers, US post-office staff, doctors, nurses, government employees, CEO's of multinational firms, Union workers, etc.  A highly detailed, dosser filled with extreme personal information can be obtained at near lighting speed.    Many, too many to count, have fallen a victim to the corrupt powers behind Freemasonry.  

Often, just the threat of the possible use of the vast jaws of Masonry is enough to cause most men to forgo doing the right thing.  Better to get along and go along then to end up the next days headlines, trapped in some fabricated scandal.  Those who do not heed the subtle and discreet warnings of "The Powers That Be" (TPTB)often find themselves embroiled in endless litigation against a soulless bureaucracy with unlimited finances. It is not difficult to ruin a man, it is done time and again.

There is no one alive who wants their entire life laid bare in public.  Everyone has  areas of vulnerability which, if held under the right light can seem lascivious or salacious.  For example, in this day and age of an economic recession, many people are having financial difficulties.  Then, there are men and women who have social vices, such as,  a married man or woman stepping out on their spouse.  A criminal offense one wishes to keep in their distant past is another reason not to fight TPTB.    
The true powers behind Mason's are the unnamed members of the global banking families who often boasts that Freemasons are nothing more then pawns, expendable tools in their plans for world enslavement. If you want to know the true power behind the EVIL which runs this world you have to look no further then those who own the Media, Federal Reserve, the major military contractors, global manufacturers, global oil companies, etc.  It is these Uber-rich, totally untouchable, unreachable, all powerful families who  generation to generation for the last 300 years who are "The Powers That Be" (TPTB).   Naming names is not really important, the names change from generation to generation, but the policy of total world enslavement is firmly entrenched in their plans for a One World Government where 'THEY' are the government and we the people are their slaves to do with as they please. 
 There is only one way to stop these people and their plans for world domination
 That is full Faith and total trust in JESUS CHRIST 
Only JESUS CHRIST has the power to stop these evil nefarious people from completing their dis-topian world nightmare. 
Only JESUS CHRIST  can protect you from their pharmaceutical straight jacket which TPTB are beginning to use on an unsuspecting public.
Only JESUS CHRIST can protect you from the electromagnetic weapons being aimed at the minds of those who oppose the NWO. (The New World Order)
Only JESUS CHRIST can protect you when the corrupt judges, police, lawyers set their sights on entrapping you.
Only JESUS CHRIST can protect you when they show up at your door at 3am, to quietly, and under cover of darkness, take you away to an unknown destination.
Only JESUS CHRIST  can protect you and your family when TPTB wipe out your finances. 

Only JESUS CHRIST can be depended on when your family and friends turn on you because they don't want to sharing your punishment by TPTB.
Only JESUS CHRIST  can protect you when TPTB falsely accuses you.
Only JESUS CHRIST  has the power to overcome the entrenched world systems controlled by EVIL men.
JESUS CHRIST came to set the captives free, to destroy the works of evil.   

There is no gun, no bomb, no war machine, no weapon forged by man or machine which can overcome the power of JESUS CHRIST.   Nothing in the Universe can withstand the AWESOME power of JESUS CHRIST.  With that in mind when faced with overwhelming odds, when inundated by a tidal wave of pure evil, know that JESUS CHRIST is the answer, the ONLY answer. 
No name given under Heaven and Earth has the power to stop evil cold except for JESUS CHRIST.   
Call upon JESUS CHRIST to be your Savior Now, while there is still time.  
JESUS CHRIST please be my Savior, deliver me from Evil, wash away my sins.  Make me new again, washed in the blood of the Lamb, that I might have victory over all evil.   


Thursday, January 24, 2013

GOD Bless Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officials from all over this FREE COUNTRY have written letters to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden voicing their concerns over what they believe is an effort to infringe upon the Second Amendment.

In New Mexico, 30 of the state's 33 county sheriffs have reminded state lawmakers that they are under oath to support the U.S. Constitution, and that includes the Second Amendment.

Oregon sheriffs have said that they will not comply with any new unconstitutional gun regulations:
  • Sheriff Craig Zanni wrote, "I have and will continue to uphold my Oath of Office including supporting the Second Amendment," in a letter to Coos County citizens.
  • Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin said he would refuse to enforce any new Federal gun law he believes is unconstitutional.
  • In a letter to Vice President Joe Biden, Grant County Sheriff, Glenn Palmer writes: "I will not tolerate nor will I permit any federal incursion within the exterior boundaries of Grant County, Oregon, where any type of gun control legislation aimed at disarming law -abiding citizens is the goal or objective."
  • Sheriff Gil Gilbertson of Josephine County told Biden in a letter:  "Any rule, regulation, or executive order repugnant to the constitutional rights of the citizens of this County will be ignored by this office."
  • Sheriff Tim Mueller of Linn County, Oregon says his department will not participate in any overreaching and unconstitutional federal firearms restrictions.
In California, Sheriff Adam Christianson of Stanislaus County wrote to the vice president: "I refuse to take firearms from law abiding citizens and will not turn law-abiding citizens into criminals by enforcing useless gun control legislation."

letter sent to Sen. Dianne Feinstein from Sheriff Jon Lopey of Siskiyou County, California states: "Our founding fathers got it right and many politicians are getting it wrong."

In Missouri, Lawrence County Sheriff Brad Delay tells the president: "I will...rise to the defense and aid of all Americans should the federal government attempt to enact any legislation, or executive order that impedes, erodes, or otherwise diminishes their constitutional right to keep and bear arms."

At a town hall meeting, Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, Kentucky told citizens "you are never going to pull a gun from Jackson County."

Smith County, Texas Sheriff, Larry Smith has said, "I will not enforce an unconstitutional law against any citizen in Smith County. It just won't happen."

In Florida, Martin County Sheriff, Bill Snyder said that he will not enforce federal gun laws: "Local law enforcement authorities are not empowered to enforce Federal law," 

Utah sheriffs warn Obama othey are ready to DIE

In the most strident warning over gun control to President Obama yet, the Utah Sheriffs' Association is pledging to go to war over any administration plan to take guns away, 

even if it means losing their lives.

Calling the Second Amendment a sacred right of citizens to protect themselves from "tyrannical subjugation," the association state elected sheriffs said in a new letter, "we are prepared to trade our lives for the preservation of its traditional interpretation."

Theirs is the first meaningful proof that some in law enforcement and the military are preparing to fight federal forces if the president wins his goal of sweeping gun control.
In a direct warning to Obama, the FBI and other agencies, the sheriffs wrote: "Make no mistake, as the duly-elected sheriffs our our respective counties, we will enforce the rights guaranteed to our citizens by the Constitution. No federal official will be permitted to descend upon our constituents and take from them what the Bill of Rights--in particular Amendment II--has given them."

GOD BLESS the Utah Sheriffs' Association  

Letter Link:

Friday, January 18, 2013

America the 4th Reich

After WW2 certain members of the United States government saw to it that Nazi scientists who had committed horrific crimes against humanity were allowed to secretly immigrate to America.  In return for giving the United States military intelligence and technological secrets of the 3rd Reich these Nazi scientists were given clean slates and allowed to live in peace with no worry for their previous crimes.  While this, proverbial deal with the devil gave fruit to many new wonder weapons for the United States it also allowed the vile filth of Fascism and human degradation to infect this once Christian nation.  . 

This virulent strain of Fascism can be seen in the current Executive branch's stated policy of overthrowing the United States Constitution.  In order for this to happen their have been many steps taken behind closed doors.  These baby steps are political polices spoon fed to the public by media corporations which are private entities controlled by the wealthy elite who would see America turned into a quazi-socialists Feudal state subservient to a one world government.     
To do this they have portrayed all facets of American life in the most destructive possible way.  This is designed to destabilize society and remove any moral underpinnings which might in any way give strength or courage to those who would oppose their nefarious plans.  Their policies are backed with free federal money, giving the illusion to the poor and oppressed that their slave masters are actually caring and  benevolent.  In truth, the tiny pittance of Federal monies received by the poor only help to further enslave them and degrade any hope of them breaking free to a better life.  This illusion of well being is like a virus which further saps the will and minds of the poor underclass.

TPTB are quietly enslaving the poor and oppressed middle class of America. Just like a frog in hot water, if the heat is turned up slowly the frog does not flee to safety, but sits unaware till it is too late.  So, too has the American public been lulled into a soft and deadly stupor, all the while their Slave master's plotting a distopian future filled with orwellian bureaucrats and soulless machines.    
The Community organizer they have paid the poor to elect  is an expert at divisiveness, hyperbole, and demagoguery.  He is highly astute at using his heritage to his advantage So, too are his handlers who write and block his every move. His tactics to bring down America from within are such...

1. The creation of racism offenses to block legitimate criticism.

2. Continual confusion and hyperbole to deflect truth

3. The teaching of homosexuality as normal to children

4. The undermining of all authority except his and that of his handlers 

5. Huge immigration influx to destroy the identity of American society 

6. The promotion of excessive emotion and rash unthinking legislation 

7. Emptying of churches and the Deification of amoral behavior  

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Total dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Total control of media and media outlets 

11. The complete breakdown of the family
12. To convince the people that all rights come from the government
13. To demonize any and all who would disagree or oppose his will
14. To divide the nation and it's people, in every discussion and in every way
15. To obey his Father's wishes by destroying the Colonizing Western Powers
There are several 3 types of revolution political, military, and cultural. The cultural revolution demolishes from within. 'Modern forms of OVERTHROW are marked by mildness'. Those, that would see a Free America fall to the strictures of Fascism have clearly focused on the destruction of the family vis a vi social engineering in education the media, and popular culture.   Karl Marx despised the 'authoritarian personality' because it was a product of a strong patriarchal family.  Faced head on with intelligent, well raised, strongly rooted men Marx would have failed in the Russian genocide known as modern day Communism.  With that in mind Marx went about destroying the family because he knew it was the basic unit of strength that held society together.     
Today we see the same thing happening in America.  Abortion on demand, flagrant homosexuality, pornography on demand to children.  We see an Executive branch making an end run around the Bill of Rights by purporting that all rights derive from the government.  We also see the Executive branch willing to federally fund abortion irregardless of the people's will.  The Hobby Lobby a Christian privately owned for profit business is being told by the current Administration that they are NOT allowed to have a conscious.  They are not allowed their 1st amendment rights because the Executive branch will not allow them the right.   

Libertas, ad Libertatem, et iustitiae pro omnibus

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sandy Hook Smoke an Mirrors

Sandy Hook is not what it appears to be. Do I think a shooting happened, yes. Do I think the truth of what REALLY happened is being disseminated to the public, NO!   The American public is being lied too, an deliberately deceived so that TPTB can strip the civil liberties from a once FREE American citizenry.

The 2nd Amendment is the ONLY thing protecting the American people from a rouge branch or BRANCHES of the Federal government seizing power ILLEGALLY.

 This is known as a coup d'état  also known as a coup, a putsch, or an overthrow, is the sudden, illegal deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment Typically, it is the military who are the culprits, yet, in 1st world countries this is done by rouge politicians who use the thin veneer of new, rushed through, laws to depose the extant government and replace it with another body. A coup d'état is considered successful when the ILLEGAL usurpers establish their dominance over a once free nation.

The amazing thing about this Emillie Parker picture is that they didn't even bother to change her outfit from the fake family photo to the Photo op with Bama. Thats how little respect TBTP have for the American public. 

 Brendan (X-Ray Ultra Studios) exposes a cover-up of the facts concerning the Sandy Hook shooting in this 2-and-a-half hour video presentation/citizen's investigation. Evidence suggests that there were several people involved in this planned event,


This Tribute video was uploaded a week before the Alleged Sandy Hook Shooting took place. 
 How is that possible?  

How is that possible? 

How is that possible?