Wednesday, June 27, 2012

USA State and Local Police gearing up for Civil unrest

Local and State police departments in the United States are collecting military-grade weapons and armored persoanl carriers and even tanks! These arsenals being handed over in the name of Homeland Security via the Department of Defense Excess Property Program. Which is a program beefing up the police departments across the US mainland.  

What exactly does a  small town police force over seeing less then a thousand citizens need with heavily armored amphibious eight-wheeled tanks.  When is it going to be necessary for a 20 man Police department to need 3 armored bulldozers with infrared night vision?

How about a heavily armored tank, the LAV 300, equipped with thermal sensors, computerized tracking devices, night vision, tear-gas launchers and a mini cannon for a police department over seeing 800 citizens with only a Sheriff and 3 deputies. 

The truth of the matter is this...

The Powers That BE (TPTB) are preparing for the finical collapse of the American dollar. When this happens the American public are going to take to the streets and demand reform.  Those in Power will do ANYTHING to hold onto that POWER. 

When the economy collapses it will be the local and State law enforcement who will take the initial brunt of the civil unrest.  

                        Welcome to the NWO

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bringing Democracy to Syria one Bomb at a Time

The United States is soon to bring the iron fist of Democracy to Syria.  

 Syrian rebels have been feeding intelligence to US officials who will soon be acting on outright lies being passed around by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 

Back door chatter at the white House states that Syria needs to be “Libya lite.”   Basically an operation of shock and Awe by overwhelming NATO air power followed by a few photo ops of Syrian Rebels posing over the dead bodies of the Syrian Regular Army.

US, and by extension NATO intervention in Syria is imminent.

US and NATO agree "That Syrian intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’.”

The delegation from the Syrian Free Army is meeting with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and the State Department’s expert on Syria, Fred Hof.  The talk is mostly how the new Syrian Pro-Western regime will be handing over control of all Syrian oil assets to Western oil companies.

The Obama administration is under intense pressure to materialize the promises he made when running for US President.  That the NWO Globalists, by the might of the American Military, would be given complete control of all the present Middle East oil assets and all future oil field discoveries. 

In the upcoming US Presidential election, which is expected to be a tight race, being able to deliver the Syrian oil fields to his Masters, may be the deciding factor as to weather or not Obama is allowed a 2nd term in office. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

U.S. Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas speaks TRUTH

U.S. Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas states..."There is an obvious problem in the country and PEACEFUL PEOPLE should be allowed to PROTEST without Brutality. I was involved in a RIOT in Rutbah, Iraq 2004 and we did NOT treat the Iraqi citizens like they are treating the unarmed civilians in our OWN Country. No one was brutalized because our mission was to 'WIN the hearts and minds.' why should I expect anything less in my OWN Country."

When did the American people become the Enemy of the State, and Federal Government?

ThE COWARDS at the NYPD are brutalizing the very people they are sworn to protect.  How can the Police Officers not see what they are doing is WRONG?

The only difference between a NYPD Officer and the PEACEFUL Protesters is a W2 form. 

The NYPD are Americans too, this is their country also. Don't they get it, that TPTB are the enemy of all Americans not just the peaceful protesters.   The peaceful protesters are fighting for all Americans. Even, the ones who think that the assault of the Freedom of Speech, the right to assemble, doesn't concern them.

I say to you U.S. Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas...