Thursday, March 29, 2012

Federal Reserve..Thieves all of them

The recently released Federal Reserve Flow of Funds report for all of 2011 reveals that Federal Reserve purchases of  US Treasury debt mask reduced demand for U.S. sovereign obligations.

Did you UNDERSTAND that?

No ONE is willing to risk buying US Treasuries.  

Last year the Fed purchased a stunning 61% of the total net Treasury issuance.

That figure is up from negligible amounts prior to the 2008 financial crisis.

This smoke and mirrors sleight of hand creates the FALSE appearance of limitless demand for U.S. sovereign debt.

The ILLUSION of wealth for a bankrupt country. 

 This action also forestalls the absolute urgent need to immediately reduce the ever ballooning leviathan US Federal budget deficits.

A bandage poorly constructed and deviously misapplied portends a premature avoidable death.   
                               Robert D Anding III 

R.I.P. United States 1776-2012?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Horror of FORCED Government Health Care

This video is staggering in it's page by page break down of the Obama Nightmare known as FORCED Government Health Care.

I adjure you to watch this video all the way to the bloody end.  No sane American citizen or Patriot could possibly support Government FORCED Health Care after watching this video...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

F-22 Raptor

$65 billion for the cost of the Nearly new F-22 Raptor stealth fighter fighter wing.  Finally, thins month March 2012 the squadron of Lockheed Martin-built F-22s are fully combat-ready with ground-mapping radars and a flexible bomb payload.  Mind you, this is already standard equipment on almost all Air Force strike jets.

The staggering cost to bring the 150  F-22 Stealth Raptors to a very average level of strike capability, $8 billion dollar US.   That means that the per-unit expenditure ranges from a mind shattering $350 million to a blinding $400 million dollars US.

1 F-22 Raptor costs the US taxpayers $400 million US dollars.  The Chinese answer is a $5 thousand dollar laser guided missile which works at a 85% kill rate.  That means for the tidy sum of $75 million US expended by the Chinese PLA army on 450 unjam-able laser guided missiles could make a $650 Billion dollar US F-22 Strike Fighter wing obsolete.

Much like the Chinese $2 million dollar Anti-Ship Hypersonic Exocet missile being able to render a 4 Billion dollar Aircraft carrier nothing more then a floating coffin.     

The US Government in collusion with the Military industrial complex is selling the American military weapons that are not as advertised, and not at the cost agreed upon. What seems obvious is that the American public is being bled dry by the purveyors of War and Death.

 It seems quite apparent that  Iraq and Afghanistan are nothing more then a shooting range for the US military.  What would be the point to have all these weapons of death and destruction and not be able to use them against an enemy who cannot defend itself.  

There is a parasitic albatross hung around the neck of the now bankrupt United States.  When the oil producing nations of the middle east have nothing left to steal; then the American military industrial complex will lose it's hell hound Cerberus upon the captive US citizens in the form of a National police agency.

The Federal government would have to hide the truth from the American people at first. Just until everything was set in place.  Then, over night there would appear something like a Department so that the Homeland will be secure.   I am not sure what that Federal Leviathan would look like but, I know it would be the signal that the end of freedom is near.