Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Every Single Phone In America is Tapped and Recorded!!!

This is a video from Fox News about the fact...

Every Single Phone In America is Tapped

The angle on the video is that Israel is the one doing the tapping via a several private companies. The truth of the matter is that the US Gov knows whats going on and allows it because the US Gov is duplicitous in this violation of our 1st and 4th Amendment Rights afforded every citizen of the United States of America vis-a-vi the US Constitution.

Every time you make a phone call you are being recorded. Every person you have EVER contacted on your phone is recorded in a computer web network of all your contacts. 

Every TEXT message you have ever sent is recorded and kept on file.

Every Email you have ever sent is recorded and kept on file.

Every Website you have EVER visited is recorded and kept on file.

If you EVER have to run from a evil and tyrannical rouge government, EVERYONE you have ever contacted will be watched to see if you show up there looking for help or aid.  

You CANNOT use a phone in the United States of America and there NOT be a record of the call and a recording and transcript of the phone call.

Welcome to 1984

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Truth Will Set You Free...

Every Soldier who has seen WAR, Death, destruction, oppression, occupation, knows these words to be self evident...

No one can deny the truth of this Soldiers statements because we morally know that WAR is a business of the wealthy few who will NEVER have to fight, suffer, or experience it's horror.

"WAR is a racket..

I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class thug for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers.

In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.

I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912.

I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903.

In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints.

The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents

S.Butler Major General-US Marines, most decorated Marine in United States history

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

UVB-76 sending again!

CBC news is reporting that that Canadian cf-18s intercepted 4 Russian Bomber penetrating Canadian airspace 8-25-10

Russian bombers probing Canadian airspace......

Russian bombers make 'several attempts' on Canadian airspace-  
rate of intercepts increasing...

Russian bomber incursions inton US & Canadian airspace... 07/08/10


UVB-76 sending again the following...

UVB-76, UVB-76 - 93 882 naimina 74 14 35 74 - 9 3 8 8 2 nikolai, anna, ivan, michail, ivan, nikolai, anna, 7, 4, 1, 4, 3, 5, 7, 4 - (repeated twice)

Transmission is genuine and is entirely on upper sideband (USB), as most of the normal UVB-76 transmissions are.

The Broadcasting Station is located at 56° 4'58.89"N 37° 5'22.67"E 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

US Gov/US Law Enforment are willfully violating the 4th amendment

American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold U.S. government agencies more than 500 backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighboring vehicles to see their contents.

 The biggest buyer of AS&E’s machines over the last seven years has been the Department of Defense operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.  US law enforcement agencies have also deployed the vans in the U.S. This product is now the largest selling cargo and vehicle inspection system ever.

This VIOLATES the FOURTH Amendment to the US Constitution!

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. The amendment specifically also requires search and arrest warrants be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause.

When US gov/Law Enforcement use backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in Vans without the writ from the Judiciary this is a flagrant violation of the 4th amendment.

No amount of FEAR-MONGERING  will justify these Felonious Acts

The US Constitution is NOT a suggestion!

The US Constitution is NOT a mere guideline!

The US Constitution is NOT is not just a piece of paper!

The US Constitution is the LAW of the LAND!

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Friday, August 20, 2010

Google's Mind of god...

Google's co-founders have repeatedly stated on the record that they intend to develop AI that in their words "would be like the mind of God", which by default would be AI-god is in effect the first sentence on their corporate philosophy page.

Their mission statement is to gather and organize all of the worlds information under THEIR control.  They go on to say, that THEIR machine will understand all of it better than you or I ever could. This includes every book, scientific paper, web page, email, instant message, news & magazine article, ever written by humans that they can manage to get their hands on. It also includes images, user made videos (not even only those posted on YouTube), every movie and TV show ever recorded.

From there, Google is rapidly expanding into the phone and soon to be TV markets. While the TV side will only let them spy on you directly into your homes, the phone market gives them real time GPS tracking with audio & camera monitoring. They're on the record saying they already monitor everyone via their PC microphones, and it doesn't end there.

It's important to note that Google has a 1.2 million square foot research complex leased on NASA's ARC, which is a borderline military facility. The main Googleplex HQ is almost literally next door neighbors of the ARC, and they use it to land their corporate and private aircraft. Google was a NASA / DARPA / NSF / CIA funded startup, and today they're openly partnered with the NSA which has an open record of spying on the U.S. populace.

Google’s model from the ground up is in building what they call “the mind of god, THEIR mind of god.” THEIR god will know and "understand everything in the world."    In this pursuit they’re connected to the government and military to the core. The Google Corporation have designed their system and all of their products to make the system smarter every time all of their users use them. Meaning, every time you use their ‘free’ services, and things like their phones, you help bring their “mind of god” scenario closer to reality.

Who's god?

The god of this world...

The son of perdition...

One who will enslave , destroy, and kill...

 Google is but one corporation working to build the stage for the NWO... 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Biometrics and 1984

Biometrics R&D firm Global Rainmakers Inc. (GRI) announced today that it is rolling out its iris scanning technology.  The devices range from large-scale scanners like the Hbox (shown in the airport-security prototype above), which can snap up to 50 people per minute in motion, to smaller scanners like the EyeSwipe and EyeSwipe Mini, which can capture the irises of between 15 to 30 people per minute.

It took less than a second for irises to be scanned and registered in the company's database. Even when running through all eyes were scanned and identified correctly.

Soon...whether it's entering a home, opening a car door, entering a workspace, getting a pharmacy prescription refilled, or having medical records pulled up, everything will come off that unique key that the Human iris.   This indelible Human mark, much like the finger print, is the result of a think tank partnership between Bank of America, Harvard, and MIT. 

Soon...everyone on this planet will be FORCE connected to the GLOBAL iris data bank recognition system within the next 10 years.

The Answer for Now and Forever and for All Ages...

This video is well spoken.

It makes a very good point.

Can You tell Where it Fails horrible?

The root of all violence, all theft, all death implied coercion...

Is sin.

There can be no Peace, no Joy, No True Freedom without...


Mankind Devoid of Violence, Hatred, and Murder is an impossibility without...


A world free of avarice, greed, jealousy, and envy cannot exist without...  


The world exists in it's present state because of the weight, the cost, the infection, the curse, the aberration of SIN!

We started in perfection, Fell from Grace and have slowly deviated from that starting point of just a thousandth of a degree left of perfection till we have transversed thousands of years of a downward spiral till we are at our present descending attitude.

Mankind, by virtue of this anomaly, this negative S-Factor cannot achieve a sustained  upward course towards perfection because of the unimaginable, incalculable  weight of the disease of SIN!

Until Mankind submits and is willing to admit that in itself the Human Race is not capable of freeing itself from the internal rot of SIN!  Then, there can be nothing but the ever smaller concentric circles transversing a southernly course till Mankind finds itself firmly, squarely, right in the center of HELL!

JESUS CHRIST is the Only One who can free Mankind from the outwardly kinetic, inwardly hidden,consciously denied, corruption of SIN!

It is said and it true...


Is the way

The Truth

And the Life eternal in a place, in a state, FREE from all violence who's genesis is SIN!

JESUS CHRIST...is that simple


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Israeli Intel...

At a recent Israeli Intelligence meeting the following irrefutable evidence has been presented which could lead the country into a two front war.

1. KNOWN FACT: Hizbullah has dug tunnels into northern Israel.

2. KNOWN FACT: Hizbullah has 60,000 rockets many with chemical war heads.

3. USA aircraft carrier was supposed to head back to USA and is now loitering off of Malta

4. Israeli satellite captured photos of submarine off loading weapons to Hizbullah in Northern Lebanon intelligence later showed weapons were special chemical weapons engineered to eat through protective equipment. This agent may now be loaded on Hizbullah rockets.

5. Israel Air Force training in long range missions, jets, helicopters which would suggest commando raids a long way from home.

6. IDF reserves called up and are training at an abnormal pace.

7. Israel delivers letter to UN, Lebanon and USA showing where Hizbullah has hidden rocket in civilian areas. Israel tell Hizbullah to move the weapons or we will hit them where they are.

8. Israeli subs are manned, armed and waiting off the coast off Iran

9. IAF has asked for and received forward airbases in Saudi Arabia

10. Israeli intelligence has captured human assets showing Hizbullah will preemptively attack Israel at months end, objective to take out IAF bases so our planes cannot hit Iran.

George Soros and His money Part II

Soros and his foundations have funded leftist organizations as folows:

American Constitution Society for Law and Policy

the Tides Foundation

the Tides Center

the National Organization for Women

Feminist Majority

the American Civil Liberties Union

People for the American Way

Alliance for Justice

NARAL Pro-Choice America

America Coming Together

Center for American Progress

Campaign for America's Future

Amnesty International

Sentencing Project

Center for Community Change

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Educational Fund

Human Rights Watch

Prison Moratorium Project

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

National Lawyers Guild

Center for Constitutional Rights

Coalition for an International Criminal Court

The American Prospect


Planned Parenthood

Nation Institute

Brennan Center for Justice

Ms. Foundation for Women

National Security Archive Fund

Pacifica Foundation

Physicians for Human Rights

Proteus Fund

Public Citizen Foundation

Urban Institute

American Friends Service Committee

Catholics for a Free Choice

Human Rights First

Independent Media Institute

MADRE Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund

Immigrant Legal Resource Center

National Immigration Law Center

National Immigration Forum

National Council of La Raza

American Immigration Law Foundation

Lynne Stewart Defense Committee

Peace and Security Funders Group

George Soros has personally, from His own Golden Check book, made campaign contributions to:

Charles Rangel

Al Franken

Tom Udall

Joe Sestak

Sherrod Brown

The Current President of the United States of America...Obama

George Soros and the Obama Connection

George Soros would prove to be a key player in the 2006 midterm elections that saw Democrats seize control of Congress. Of particular significance was Democracy Alliance, a non-tax-exempt nonprofit entity registered in the District of Columbia, which Soros had founded and funded 2005., and whose long-term objective was to develop a funding clearinghouse for leftist.

In 2008, Soros was again a major force in the movement that not only expanded the Democratic Party's congressional majorities, but also delivered the presidency to Barack Obama.

Soros' ties to Obama date back to 2004, when the multi-billionaire hosted a fundraiser for Obama during the latter's 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate.
In December of 2006, as Obama contemplated making a run for the presidency in 2008, Soros met in his New York office with the Illinois senator. Then, on January 16, 2007, Obama announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee. Within hours, Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign finance laws.

Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would back Obama over the Democrat he had previously favored for the presidency, Hillary Clinton. Soros averred, however, that he would support Mrs. Clinton if she (rather than Obama) were ultimately to win the Democratic Party's nomination.

In 2008, Obama announced that upon his election to the office of President, he would create a "Social Investment Fund Network," which would provide federal money to "social entrepreneurs and leading nonprofit organizations [that] are assisting schools, lifting families out of poverty, filling health care gaps, and inspiring others to lead change in their own communities."

According to columnist Michelle Malkin, "this Barack Obama brainchild would serve as a permanent, taxpayer-backed pipeline to Democratic partisan outfits masquerading as public-interest do-gooders," and would serve as a "George Soros Slush Fund" by continuing to bolster numerous Soros-founded and funded Leftists Socialists organizations.

George Soros and his Money...

George Soros established the Open Society Institute (OSI), which serves as the flagship of a network of Soros foundations that donate tens of millions of dollars each year to individuals and organizations that share Leftists agendas. Such as the following  
  • promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation
  • promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States
  • opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act
  • depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral
  • promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws
  • promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes
  • promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens
  • defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists
  •  the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left
  • advocating America's unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military
  • opposing the death penalty in all circumstances
  • promoting socialized medicine in the United States
  • promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal is the demolition of technological/industrial civilization"
  • bringing American foreign policy under the control of the NWO
  • promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike
  • promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand
  • advocating total gun-confiscation
  • advocating the legalization of drugs
All told, Soros' foundation network made an estimated $5 billion worth of finical deposits with Leftists, as well as, out right Socialists organizations.

Assisted Suicides

The assisted suicide of Matthew Simmons who was one of the United States top oil experts and the most outspoken critic of the US and BP’s handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil leak catastrophe.

  Simmons assassination was ordered after Britain’s top business leaders who warned that the continued sinking of BP’s stock price because of the Gulf oil disaster posed a danger to their entire economy as the oil giants economic health was deemed “vital to the British Government’s plans to cut budget deficits and balance its books.”

What made Simmons particular dangerous to BP, this report continues, was the authority from which he warned that the United States and BP were covering up the true extent of this disaster and were keeping the American people’s attention diverted from the true site of the massive underwater oil leak which he said was located nearly 5-6 miles from the wellhead said responsible for this catastrophe.

Simmons authority to be heard as an expert on this disaster rested on his being one of the United States top oil insiders as a former adviser to President Bush and his being a member of the influential National Petroleum Council and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Simmons had also earned the ire of both US and European oil giants, and the governments backing them, after the 2005 publication of his book “Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy” wherein he used 200 technical papers published over the last 20 years to unmask the truth about the wars being fought around the World for oil that our Planet is fast running out of.

Important to note is that Simmons is not the only “high suicide” weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly who was killed after his leaking to the BBC that prior to the invasion of Iraq no weapons of mass destruction were found, but were being used as the “excuse” for the US and its allies to capture all of Iraq’s oil and natural gas reserves.

Also interesting to note was that the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, halted the inquest into Dr. Kelly’s death and set up what was called the Hutton Inquiry which ruled his death a “suicide” and then secretly classified all the evidence in the case for 70 years, in spite of the testimony of a leading American UN weapons inspector, Dr Richard Spertzel, that Dr. Kelly was on a US-British “suicide-watch” during the final years of his life.

 Simmons was due to release a report detailing how the US and BP were using massive amounts of toxic chemical dispersants to hide the continued leaking of the “fractured beyond repair” Gulf of Mexico seafloor in what he claimed was the “largest and most dangerous manmade ecological disaster in human history”.

  Simmons was also going to release “independent data” showing that toxic chemical dispersants being used to hide the oil in the Gulf of Mexico from the American people was now entering the North Atlantic Gyre [a Gyre is a large system of rotating ocean currents of which our Planet has 5] and had “stalled” what is called the Loop Current in this body of water and could lead to massive fish kills all along the Eastern coastlines of North America.

 Simmons had predicted, several US States along their Eastern seaboard began reporting thousands of dead fish washing up on their beaches a few days after his death.

Damage is being done to what is called the Gulf of Mexico’s deep scattering layer (DSL) is leading to a catastrophic kill off of nearly every marine species in this vital ecological water system and leading to a massive starvation event of truly apocalyptic proportions.

The Zero Hedge Report in their article titled “When University Scientists Found Underwater Oil Plumes, the US Government demanded that they..."Shut it down!"
Then various US government controlled Mainstream Media outlets Tried to Discredit Them.

The University of South Florida discovery of huge underwater plumes of oil some of them miles long.    The Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and several federal agencies that sponsored their research quickly buried the report.

The University of Southern Mississippi was sternly warned after it's findings didn't meet with approved US and BP guidelines on releasing information to the US public. USM has expected that that NOAA would be grateful for it's diligent scientific analysis of hidden underwater oil plumes.  Instead, BP and NOAA responded by trying to discredit USM.

 The US public, and for that matter the world, is being lied to and deceived by the NWO who does not want anyone to 'KNOW' the truth of what is occurring in the US Gulf of Mexico.  These 'suicides' are eerily similar to the spate of over 100 mysterious 'suicides' of micro-biologists, geneticists a few years ago.

It should be fairly obvious, to anyone with credentials and the reputation, that to speak out against the NWO and their nefarious plans will be met with lethal consequences.  In the end it will only be those with courage, honor, and a commitment to the Human Race who will 'shoot the rapids' of speaking the truth, come what may.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Fail-Fail scenario

A “limited” military strike on Iran is an impossibility.  Any air strikes, by American and Israeli air power sent to destroy Iran's nuclear infrastructure will fail.  Any military action against Iran by the United States will be interpreted by Iran’s rulers, and their IRGC enforcers, as a direct assault on Islam. Islamic    IRGC commanders will paint any American involvement at all with an Israeli military assault as a green light to attack American civilian targets here in America. 

The Iranian Military command will respond with vicious and brutal tactics.  Killing wholesale, bloody, and graphic will be the means to deter the Americans public from supporting  a follow up set of air strikes. 

The Iranian High Command will wish to avoid what happened to Saddam Husein's regime in Iraq in the during the 1991-2003 conflict.  Iraq was so weakened by sanctions and repeated small-scale military attacks that it quickly collapsed in the face of American and British invading armies.

The range of expected responses range from dramatic hit and run attacks against civilian and commercial shipping in the Persian Gulf.   Ballistic missiles attacks against American, Israeli, and European assets in the Persian Gulf region. Add to that, escalating the war against American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Within 48 hours of the first air-strikes Iran will declare all out war against Israeli and American civilian populations as well.

What is less predictable is the response of the IRGC Qods Force, which is likely to be at the forefront of the Pasdaran’s counter-attack.  The IRGC Qods Force is believed to have mapped out the American intelligence apparatus in the Middle East, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Iran's Qods Force suspect that the CIA had a hand in last October’s Jundullah-organised suicide bombing targeting IRGC commanders in Iran’s volatile Sistan va Baluchistan province. 

The IRGC navy will also play a key asymmetrical role in the conflict by organizing maritime suicide bombings on an massive scale. By manning its fleet of speedboats with suicide bombers and ramming them into American, British, and Israeli warships as well as International commercial shipping interests in the Gulf.  This way the Iranian High Command will hope to disrupt all  crude oil supplies traveling through the Strait of Hormuz. This would cause world oil prices to skyrocket.  In the US domestic gasoline prices would quadruple in less then a weeks time.

 American forces in the region are already strecthed thin with scant supplies and shortages in many key areas. An all out Iranian assault would likely result in thousands of American military casualties in a very short time frame. The political fallout from these casualties would change the American political landscape very quickly.

Even if the United States manages to destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and much of the country’s military assets, Iran can claim victory by drawing American blood quickly.   Much like the Israeli-Hezbollah military summer battle of 2006.

Even if the Israeli and the Americans succeed it will galvanize Iranian nationalism.  It will also shore up Iran’s image in the region among the Gulf's lesser players such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

 Even if we accept that Iran’s nuclear programme has a military dimension, the immediate reaction of Iran’s rulers to military aggression would be to start an all out secret program to produce a nuclear weapon as fast as would be humanly possible.Ultimately,  sanctions, a regime change, or even buying the Iranians off, is preferable to the costs of a successful military strike.  

That is how dangerous and costly this would be....

A successful strike which gives the Israelis and the Americans all that they want is still a failure.   

Military action against Iran is a fail-fail scenario.

 Bobby A

Israel -vs- Iran

Zbigniew Brzezinski adviser to Jimmy Carter gives his well thought out position on he MISTAKE of an American Military Strike on Iran's Nuclear facilities

An Israeli attack on Iran would be a disaster...I concur with his opinion.  My reasons are as follows:

1) The US would suffer Domestic terror attacks in degrees that most Americans are not willing to accept or able to stomach.

2) First the commercial price of oil would explode. Then, there would be rationing, followed by outright shortages domestically and worldwide.

3) The Finical assault to the US and world economies would make the recent THEFT by Wall-street Bankers, -aka- the Bailout, would seem small by comparison.

4) The US main land would become vulnerable to a surprise attack by either Russia, China, or both, as the U S Military would be stretched to thin in a 3 front war.

5) The US political scene would be one of unrest and turmoil due to the necessary move of having to enact a draft to beef up and replenish the US Military personal.

6) The US taxpayers already burdened by a sluggish economy, higher taxes, and soaring interest rates would be further burdened by even more taxes to help pay for this new war.

7) The US Military already dealing with a lack of supplies, scarce ammunition and a high rate of attrition due to combat losses would be called upon to open up a 3rd front in war which seems open ended.

8) At some point in the very near future the US economy simply collapse from the already overwhelming WAR deficit spending? We are already talking TRILLIONS of dollars just to stay in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN. Adding a 3rd front in a country that is nothing but massive desert and an endless chain of mountains would bleed the US economy to death with a million small cuts for armor, guns, ammo, tires, tents, and on, and on, and on, and on, add nausea...

9) Lets not forget that the American public could easily turn on Washington...visa-vi...a grass roots revolution demanding a return to Government rule by the US Constitution.

10) The last reasons are simple and to the point...


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Eid-ul-Fitr / Rosh Hashanah...Ten Days of Awe

Eid-ul-Fitr (Id al-Fitr) is a two day celebration ending the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan. It falls upon September 10th and 11th. The beginning of the Jewish Ten Days of Awe, or Rosh Hashanah also falls upon September 9th and 10th. One Five Doves poster actually claims that Rosh falls upon September 11th this year! This is both a extremely rare and unsettling conjunction.

          In the past when is-lam and Judaism shared these holidays, truly historic and earth shaking events transpired.  We have been conditioned to think that both doom and gloom are everywhere.  Elected officials continue the slide into Corporate-Fascism.   The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the very God given rights that once set the United States apart as that 'shinning city upon the hill' have been stolen by Wallstreet Bankers. 

The Mass Media -aka- the NWO mouth piece have primed the world to expect that life can only get more difficult.

 In this post 911 era of universal terrorism America and her allies are fighting two foreign wars, which are nothing more then out right theft of another country's oil and mineral rights.  

After natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, Central Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Haitian and Chilean earthquakes have, by PLAN of the NWO, killed hundreds of thousands of poor people.  People the NWO calls useless eaters.  

An unprecedented environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that pored millions of barrels of oil onto America's already battered Gulf. This surpasses all the poison dumped into our oceans by a magnitude of ten. We have witnessed the outright theft of the American dream. 

That freedom to be inventive and successful by entrepreneurial hard work, and ingenuity has been stolen away from us.  The certainty that our children's future could always be better than our own no longer exists.

The last years when these holidays shared the same date was 1984, 1973, 1967, 1948, 1939 and 1914 

and now 9-11-2011...What Darkness May Come...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

The Quote from the author of this video is...

"We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. The following video is a brief history of human enslavement, including your own.

This is the story of your enslavement; how it came to be...

Like all animals, human beings want to dominate and exploit the resources around them.
At first, we mostly hunted and fished and ate off the land - but then something magical and terrible happened to our minds.
We became, alone among the animals, afraid of death, and of future loss.
And this was the start of a great tragedy, and an even greater possibility...
You see, when we became afraid of death, of injury, and imprisonment, we became controllable -- and so valuable -- in a way that no other resource could ever be.The greatest resource for any human being to control is not natural resources, or tools, or animals or land -- but other human beings.
You can frighten an animal, because animals are afraid of pain in the moment, but you cannot frighten an animal with a loss of liberty, or with torture or imprisonment in the future, because animals have very little sense of tomorrow.
You cannot threaten a cow with torture, or a sheep with death. You cannot swing a sword at a tree and scream at it to produce more fruit, or hold a burning torch to a field and demand more wheat.
You cannot get more eggs by threatening a hen - but you can get a man to give you his eggs by threatening him.
Human farming has been the most profitable -- and destructive -- occupation throughout history, and it is now reaching its destructive climax.
Human society cannot be rationally understood until it is seen for what it is: a series of farms where human farmers own human livestock.
Some people get confused because governments provide health care and water and education and roads, and thus imagine that there is some benevolence at work.
Nothing could be further from reality.
Farmers provide health care and irrigation and training to their livestock.
Some people get confused because we are allowed certain liberties, and thus imagine that our government protects our freedoms.
But farmers plant their crops a certain distance apart to increase their yields -- and will allow certain animals larger stalls or fields if it means they will produce more meat and milk.
In your country, your tax farm, your farmer grants you certain freedoms not because he cares about your liberties, but because he wants to increase his profits.
Are you beginning to see the nature of the cage you were born into?
There have been four major phases of human farming.
The first phase, in ancient Egypt, was direct and brutal human compulsion. Human bodies were controlled, but the creative productivity of the human mind remained outside the reach of the whip and the brand and the shackles. Slaves remained woefully under productive, and required enormous resources to control.
The second phase was the Roman model, wherein slaves were granted some capacity for freedom, ingenuity and creativity, which raised their productivity. This increased the wealth of Rome, and thus the tax income of the Roman government - and with this additional wealth, Rome became an empire, destroying the economic freedoms that fed its power, and collapsed.
I'm sure that this does not seem entirely unfamiliar.
After the collapse of Rome, the feudal model introduced the concept of livestock ownership and taxation. Instead of being directly owned, peasants farmed land that they could retain as long as they paid off the local warlords. This model broke down due to the continual subdivision of productive land, and was destroyed during the Enclosure movement, when land was consolidated, and hundreds of thousands of peasants were kicked off their ancestral lands, because new farming techniques made larger farms more productive with fewer people.
The increased productivity of the late Middle Ages created the excess food required for the expansion of towns and cities, which in turn gave rise to the modern Democratic model of human ownership.
As displaced peasants flooded into the cities, a huge stock of cheap human capital became available to the rising industrialists - and the ruling class of human farmers quickly realized that they could make more money by letting their livestock choose their own occupations.
Under the Democratic model, direct slave ownership has been replaced by the Mafia model. The Mafia rarely owns businesses directly, but rather sends thugs around once a month to steal from the business "owners."
You are now allowed to choose your own occupation, which raises your productivity - and thus the taxes you can pay to your masters.
Your few freedoms are preserved because they are profitable to your owners.
The great challenge of the Democratic model is that increases in wealth and freedom threaten the farmers. The ruling classes initially profit from a relatively free market in capital and labor, but as their livestock become more used to their freedoms and growing wealth, they begin to question why they need rulers at all.
Ah well. Nobody ever said that human farming was easy.
Keeping the tax livestock securely in the compounds of the ruling classes is a three phase process.
The first is to indoctrinate the young through government "education." As the wealth of democratic countries grew, government schools were universally inflicted in order to control the thoughts and souls of the livestock.
The second is to turn citizens against each other through the creation of dependent livestock.
It is very difficult to rule human beings directly through force -- and where it can be achieved, it remains cripplingly under productive, as can be seen in North Korea. Human beings do not breed well or produce efficiently in direct captivity.
If human beings believe that they are free, then they will produce much more for their farmers. The best way to maintain this illusion of freedom is to put some of the livestock on the payroll of the farmer. Those cows that become dependent on the existing hierarchy will then attack any other cows who point out the violence, hypocrisy and immorality of human ownership.
Freedom is slavery, and slavery is freedom.
If you can get the cows to attack each other whenever anybody brings up the reality of their situation, then you don't have to spend nearly as much controlling them directly.
Those cows who become dependent upon the stolen largess of the farmer will violently oppose any questioning of the virtue of human ownership -- and the intellectual and artistic classes, always and forever dependent upon the farmers -- will say, to anyone who demands freedom from ownership: "You will harm your fellow cows."
The livestock are kept enclosed by shifting the moral responsibility for the destructiveness of a violent system to those who demand real freedom..
The third phase is to invent continual external threats, so that the frightened livestock cling to the "protection" of the farmers.
This system of human farming is now nearing its end.
The terrible tragedy of the modern American system has occurred not in spite of, but because of past economic freedoms.
The massive increases in American wealth throughout the 19th century resulted from economic freedom -- and it was this very increase in wealth that fed the size and power of the state.
Whenever the livestock become exponentially more productive, you get a corresponding increase in the number of farmers and their dependents.
The growth of the state is always proportional to the preceding economic freedoms.
Economic freedoms create wealth, and the wealth attracts more thieves and political parasites, whose greed then destroys the economic freedoms.
In other words, freedom metastasizes the cancer of the state.
The government that starts off the smallest will always end up the largest.
This is why there can be no viable and sustainable alternative to a truly free and peaceful society.

To be truly free is both very easy, and very hard.
We avoid the horror of our enslavement because it is painful to see it directly.
We dance around the violence of our dying system because we fear the attacks of our fellow livestock.
But we can only be kept in the cages we refuse to see.
Open you eyes and see that you are coerced  physically, menatlly, spiritually, every second of everyday.  Your entire existance is forced down your throat from childhood by a corupt system created by a ruling class who themselves are enslaved and ensnared by the very system they believe to have control over. 
The only way our is JESUS CHRIST!  




everything else is Slavery...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter)

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) is the world’s largest nuclear fusion project.  Thermonuclear Fusion is the most far reaching, NON-Black budget,science experiment ever attempted by a consortium of the Worlds leading Governments, America, Japan, India, China, Russia, and the European Union. 

In a nutshell, Thermonuclear  Fusion, is the process by which it MAY be possible to produce limitless clean energy. The fusion process echoes that taking place in the energy-producing core of the sun. Isotopes of hydrogen called deuterium and tritium are heated until their nuclei fuse together, producing helium.

As Einstein pointed out: energy = mass x the speed of light squared, or (e = mc2). As the speed of light squared is a vast number, even the minuscule loss of mass during fusion produces a massive amount of energy.

Only a small amount of fuel is required.  Deuterium can be obtained from seawater, Tritium is something that will be produced in the reactor itself.  While Thermonuclear Fusion does produce radioactive waste, this has a half-life of only 100 to 200 years, and that material can be reused elsewhere in industry.

The end point of a 15 Billion dollar investment is commercially viable nuclear fusion. Thermonuclear Fusion is deriving energy from crushing together the nuclei in atoms rather than splitting them, as is done currently in nuclear fission reactors. The idea, on paper, is simple, relying on Einstein’s Famous equation: e = mc2.

There is just one hitch. It is not that the realisation of this dream will require an extraordinary and co-ordinated feat of technological innovation  One problem, as always, is money and funding.  The truth is that even if it is built to spec the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) will not start producing commercially viable  energy until the late 2020s

 While the science of fusion is well understood, making it happen and sustaining the reaction is vastly complex.  The hydrogen isotopes need to be heated to 150 million degrees centigrade, 10 times as hot as the core of the sun, at which point the atoms begin to disintegrate, creating plasma, an electrically charged gas.

This plasma needs to be contained while fusion occurs, but containment can only be achieved within a vast magnetic field, 50,000 times stronger than that of the Earth, generated by a piece of equipment known as a tokamak. At Iter, the tokamak is due to be built around a doughnut-shaped container containing about 1,000 cubic metres of plasma.

When it is switched on for the first time, it will produce 500 MW of thermal energy, from which it will generate nearly 200 MW of electricity, enough to power a small city. At it's completion the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) will eventually stand 187ft tall and weigh 23,000 tons.

If successful it will be worth it's weight in GOLD.  23,00 tons of pure GOLD at today's per ounce price.  As our friends in New York would say..."Forget about It!"

Monday, August 09, 2010

Solar Thermal Radiation Output is increasing dramatically...

As I have stated before in a previous post...

"The sun is burning hotter than usual.  The sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures," said Sami Solanki, the director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany.

"The sun is in a changed state. It is visibly brighter than it was a few hundred years ago and this brightening started relatively recently -- in the last 100 to 150 years.

Average global temperatures have increased by about 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) over the past 20 years and are widely believed to be responsible for new extremes in weather patterns.  Worldwide, 1997, 1998 and 2002 were the hottest years since worldwide weather records were first collated in 1860.

 The magnetic zones on the sun's surface known as sunspots are believed to be an indicator of the sun's thermal radiation outputSunspot data going back several hundred years have proven that an absence of visible sunspots indicate a cooling period. The last measured absence of sunspot activity resulted in a cooling period that lasted over 50 years.

Over the past century, sunspot activity has increased dramatically.  In the past 20 years, the number of sunspots had remained roughly constant, while in the last 10 years the Earth's temperature had continued to soar.

This suggested that in the last 10 years 'something' unknown, unseen, unreported is having a measurable effect on the sun's thermal radiation output.  This unknown quantity is also having electromagnetic and gravitational effects on OUR planet, as well as,  other orbital bodies in our Solar system.  

Saturday, August 07, 2010

MORGELLONS: Living Polymerization

This is a very scientific analysis of MORGELLONS.  There is much to say on this topic, more then I can say now.  I will say this, GOD have Mercy on the Souls of the men who dreamed up this nightmare.

 I have been informed that in the last several months 'FIBERS' are showing up in peoples medicine purchased at the pharmacy.  These persons have spoken with the Pharmacists and were shown that the Pharmacists use plastic trays to count the medicine tablets.   The 'FIBER" are small an dark colored, they are not human hair, nor animal hair.  There are not a lot of them, and they could be easily missed.  These persons make a deliberate effort to remove the 'FIBERS' from among the tablets.  No matter when, what time, what day, or where they purchase their medicine , NOW, there are always small dark 'FIBERS' in certain types of medicine. Not all of their medicine has small dark 'FIBERS.'

Because, it is in their nature to be observant, They, are SURE, the presence of 'dark 'FIBERS' was not there a year ago.

I am NOT stating anything.

I am merely reporting an observation.

Money...This is Your GOD

Government Mass Media propaganda

Airport naked body scanners

CCTV Cameras on street corners and on interstate highways,

Predator drones armed with missiles, guns,  cameras, infra red and nightvision


Pain Ray for crowd control

Chemical agents to burn and blind crowds

All so that they, TBTB, can keep you from waking up. All so that TBTP can keep you from seeing that which is hidden in plain sight...9/11

 I wish it were as easy as putting on a pair of glasses to wake people up.

 There is only one answer...There is only one way out the maze...

It is HE who was before the foundation of the World

The Word Made Flesh...Righteous and True...

JESUS CHRIST is the Way...The Truth...The Life...

.........................................................everything else is Slavery!

Friday, August 06, 2010

LARGE HADRON COLLIDER / Shiva the Destroer of Worlds

I, personally, do not believe , the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was built for the purposes stated.


To start off with the LHC's logo is 3 6's interconnected. Meaning the logo for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is 6...6...6!  Does anyone remember what the number of the beast is? It is 666.  Often, huge mega coerpations, multinational coperations, government entities, have the number 666 somewhere in there designs, logos, buildings, addresses, etc.   Don't belive me, check for yourself.  I have already touched on this in an earlier post.

 Then, of course you have the demon goddess, 'Shiva' the Destroyer of Worlds, as the Large Hadron Collider's (LHC) representative/mascot/ demonic protectorate.  Isn't it funny that at the Trinity sight when Robert Oppenheimer exploded the First Atomic Bomb he shouted 'I have become the Destroyer of Worlds..."

The story given to the world about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle booster, built to beam up protons in very high speed and opposite directions, until they collide creating a huge amount of energy capable to reproduce similar cosmic conditions that have creating such phenomena as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago. That's the official explanation provided by the scientists involved with this project.,

According to OTHER scientists, as the physicist experts Prof Irina Aref'eva, Dr Igor Volovich, the Astronomer Martin Rees, the physicist Adrian Kent of Cambridge, the space engineer Richard Wagner and the chemist and physicist Ph.D Otto Rossler, the LHC, indeed is a device capable to open black holes.

There are other 'BLACK Project' researchers which have stated privately,  the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) looks them them to be a Rift machine, capable of opening "portable" wormholes.  The Large Hadron Collider may be related to certain 'classified-Above Top Secret' activity currently occurring in Europe.

After continued, diligent investigation, I'm convinced that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was ABSOLUTELY  built with a secret purpose.  The Governments,  Scientists, and Researchers involved are playing a very dangerous game.

The 'ungodly' consequences of the final hand played out at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may soon be suffered by all mankind...