Thursday, December 11, 2008

The New Boss....Part II


Throughout history, and especially within the last 100 years, nothing has transferred wealth and power from the working class to the ruling class more quickly and efficiently than war. The business of war, whether it is carried out through financial manipulations only, or through actual military operations, is a chess game played between ruling elites. Financial instruments and military organizations are merely chessmen on the board.

Suppose a new kind of chessman is introduced that is not very expensive to produce but initially, is not widely available. It can move immediately to any position on the chessboard and capture any chessman including the king. This chessman is appropriately named the “assassin”.

Every chess player would want an assassin because it would guarantee victory by eliminating the king on the very first move. This would introduce a new strategy in the game of chess called “Top-Down Attrition” (TDA) and it would effectively put an abrupt end to every game without the need to move any of the conventional chessmen. The balance of power would shift completely to whoever possesses the assassin.

The point is that the MMIP technology, if militarized and advanced into the autonomous phase, will give those who possess it the capability of shifting the balance of power in the world through Top-Down Attrition Warfare. In other words, military, corporate and political leaders of enemy states would be vulnerable to attack regardless of how numerous or highly trained the security forces are surrounding them. War would still be a business but it would become vastly more efficient and predictable. Battlefields would become archaic and irrelevant in the eyes of those elites who use it for the purpose of wealth transfer in order to consolidate power. That is, of course, if they are the only ones who possess the MMIP technology. If they ignore the emerging technology, they will do so at their peril as they become archaic and irrelevant in the eyes of early adopters.

Smaller organizations, not just large governments, would be equally affected by Top-Down Attrition Warfare. Who, in a criminal organization, would want to step into a leadership role, if they knew by observation of ongoing assassinations of their own leaders that they would have only a few days to live?

The big caveat is  that the MMIP technology is ALREADY being militarized by western industrialized nations.  

This militaristic attitude toward the MMIP technology development and implementation may be unsettling to some readers but it is purely pragmatic.  

Because the New Boss is the Same as the Old Boss.....

The New Boss is the Same as the Old Boss

The fundamental truth about money. Beyond the utilitarian value of the paper and metals of which tangible currency is made, its value rests only on that which human beings are willing to give it. Remove people from the equation and what you have are symbolic pieces of printed paper, embossed metal disks and electronic records of stocks, bonds and various financial transactions, none of which can be traded for goods and services.

From the moment people began using money as a medium of exchange for goods and services, the course was set for the inevitable rise of a parallel economic system based on pure technological forces that operate outside the sphere of human influence.

Economists may argue that as long as people are needed to produce, acquire and protect material wealth, then "He who has the gold makes the rule" still applies. However, an economic system based on technologies that completely replace human beings whenever necessary would make this revision of the original golden rule irrelevant. Likewise, the idea that no individual is above the law would no longer apply to people who possess sufficiently advanced technologies. In other words, the right kind of technology can position individuals who apply it beyond the reach of society’s laws.

At a time when national economies are collapsing, a new technology unlike anything the world has seen is on the horizon. Some may come to see it as a new dawn while others may view it as a gathering storm. Regardless of how people perceive this technology, one thing is certain; the entire economic power structure of the world will be turned upside down by the emergence of a powerful non-computerized form of machine intelligence. At the very least, it will redefine the meaning and source of wealth. Wherever the human labor-based economies of the world weaken or collapse, this new techno-currency-based economy will move in to fill the vacuum. Those who ignore the approach of this economic transformation will find themselves blindsided by the future.

To what extent and how quickly will the old economic order be affected? Consider the following:

After World War II, railroad executives in the United States who once dominated the country’s transportation infrastructure failed to understand that they were in the transportation business and should be looking beyond trains and tracks. While they remained limited in their world view, commercial airlines stole most of their passenger service business and as a final humiliation, the railroad companies were tasked with transporting cement to build the Interstate Highway System. The railroad executives learned, too late, that the seeds of decline are sown during prosperous times.

Microprocessor manufacturers and software companies run the risk of becoming legacy enterprises and marginalized in ways similar to what happed to the U.S. railroad companies. Their only chance to remain at the forefront of technological innovation is to recognize that the ground upon which they stand is about to shift dramatically and to become early adopters of the new machine intelligence technology.

Government agencies, banks and insurance companies will decline in relevance as the silicon nation state emerges from within the industrialized world’s archaic economic system. This is because the machines behind the technology have the potential to organize into a device-controlling “parallel Internet” that is global and wireless, cannot be intercepted, blocked, regulated or taxed. People will find themselves empowered by the machine intelligence technology in ways beyond what they have experienced thus far through the present-day Internet. As people develop their abilities to control the technology and directly influence their world, they will become independent of the economic institutions and government agencies that regulate the division of labor.

The big winners, at least the ones that apply the machine intelligence technology early on, will be telecommunications companies, medical and prosthetic device manufacturers, robot manufacturers and the Internet video gaming industry.

The machine intelligence technology has the potential to avert a collision with an economic iceberg looming before national economies in general and their aging populations in particular.

Industrialized nations and even emerging economies are facing the following dilemma in their future, if not already in their present:

Pension funds, annuities and entitlements such as social security funds upon which retirees depend are likely to be adversely affected by the mere fact that as the ratio between the number of people working and the number of retirees becomes unsustainable, national economies will decline. Regardless of how prudently or cleverly retirement funds are invested or managed, in the final analysis, it all comes down to how much a society can produce versus how much it consumes.

The point is that the people who are not yet retired and have a tough enough time supporting their immediate families are going to need help producing additional goods and services in support of what are essentially their retired parents and grandparents. Again, no matter how you work the numbers or which financial instruments you use to ensure retirement income, someone or something is going to have to provide services in exchange for the retirement funds. If the services run short, it will require more of the retirement funds to buy the services. This amounts to inflation without an increase in the actual money supply with the result being a precipitous decline in the standard of living.

The machine intelligence technology, when integrated into electromechanical devices that replace human labor will, in effect, become part of the retirement plan for aging populations. In essence, a machine that can provide services on your behalf becomes your retirement income.

What you have just read is a highly unlikely scenario.  As the MMIP technology is far more likely to be militarized.  Given that we live in a very EVIL world, militarizing the MMIP technology to oppress, murder, and enslave the populace is a much more likely scenario.  

Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Answer to every Question ever asked......


To every serious question ever posed by Man seeking to find truth, freedom, love. That answer is...


To every endeavor seeking to alleviate poverty, hunger, homelessness the answer is...

To every medical, physical, emotional, physiological, abberation the cure, the answer is...

To every failed form of government, to every disgraced institution of higher learning, to every fallen ideology, the answer always was, and will always be...

  To every hidden mystery, unraveled riddle, stubborn enigma, there is ultimately the finial answer...

To every broken Heart, shed tear, mother's anguished wail, unborn baby's silent murder, there is an answer which soothes the battered soul...

To murder, death, unfairness, injustice,  inequity, war, and genocide the solution, the answer is...

To every descendant of Adam who yearns for a return to their Celestial home among the Angels the answer can Only be...



Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blood Sucking Oil Companies

Toyota, working to meet the Zero Emission Vehicle mandate, set up a production line in 1997 for the "large-format" EV-95 batteries needed for their Toyota RAV4-EV.

These EV-95 NiMH batteries, after years of research, were perfected for EVs:

* Deep Cycle, no memory effect;

* High energy output for acceleration;

* Long lifetime, longer than the life of the car -- even a Toyota car. Toyota's EV-95 batteries are still running Toyota RAV4-EV cars more than 20,000 miles per year, and for over 100,000 miles so far.

But no more EV-95 batteries can be made, after Chevron sued Toyota. In 1994, Stan Ovshinsky, the inventor of the NiMH battery and principal of Energy Conversion Devices with the late Dr. Iris Ovshinsky, sold control of the NiMH batteries to a jont venture, GM Ovonic, between GM and his company, with the goal of manufacturing patented NiMH batteries for EVs.

Ostensibly, GM was supposed to go into production, and thus, it seemed, perhaps, natural to allow them control of the battery they would, supposedly, be using. In the event, Honda and Toyota used NiMH 4 years prior to GM's final release of a NiMH version of the EV1. But passing control of the batteries to GM proved a fatal mistake for the future of EVs. GM announced on Oct. 10, 2000 the sale of the worldwide patent rights for the NiMH batteries to Texaco. Six days later, on Oct. 16, 2000, even before the sale was consumated, Texaco then merged with Chevron. The sale of the batteries was finally concluded on July 17, 2001, long after Texaco had become one with Chevron.

Chevron/Texaco received "...GM's 60 percent stake in [NiMH] batteries, and a 20 percent stake in ECD itself...", giving Chevron effective control of NiMH. On Mar. 6, 2002, just months after inheriting control of NiMH batteries, Chevron's subsidiary filed suit against Toyota, Panasonic, their PEVE joint venture, Sanyo et al. On December 12, 2001, Chevron's affiliates filed an arbitration demand...with the International Chamber of Commerce...In December 2002, an arbitration agreement...on Nov. 4-19, 2003, the hearing was held, and concluded on Jan. 21, 2004. On July 7, 2004, the settlement agreement ended in complete defeat for Toyota, Matsushita and their joint venture, PEVE. NiMH was only mentioned for "hybrids", those which cannot plug in, and Cobasys, Chevron's unit, became distributor of PEVE batteries, received $20 million licensing fee, in addition to $10 million paid to Energy Conversion Devices. "Cobasys will also receive royalties through December 31, 2013 on certain NiMH batteries sold by [Toyota] in North America."

Chevron oil, the successor to Standard Oil of California, thus worked with GM to eliminate the batteries needed for plug-in EVs, similar to how America's small urban commuter railroads were bought up by the same surprising buyers.

The railroads were dismantled, the right-of-way lost to the public domain, just as the NiMH batteries are now unavailable to run EVs or plug-in hybrids that can replace our oil addiction and address global warming concerns.

Until we move to plug-in cars and electric trains, any talk of dealing with climate change, decreasing oil use, or getting free of our oil addiction anemia, is a sham. Chevron's subsidiary sued Toyota, Panasonic and all other battery makers, forcing a settlement agreement and $30,000,000 payment from Toyota to Chevron's subsidiary.

* Most importantly, Toyota's NiMh EV-95 production line was closed down, and

* No more EV-95 batteries are available for any purchaser at any price. Toyota closed down their production line, and the batteries which power the RAV4-EV or the 1999 EV1 are no longer available. Chevron's patent rights don't expire until 2014.
All so the Oil Companies can continue to rake in record profits while a far better alternitive exists.  

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The RAPE of AMERICA.....

Rape is a word I do not use lightly.  
It also means an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation, ie: the rape of the countryside. There is no other word to describe what has been happening in Washington, DC., for the past two and a half months. The so-called (BAIL-OUT) which in truth is theft of the highest order, of lending institutions and banks has turned into a free for all that is sickening.  The figure of 700 Billion has already rocketed into the TRILLIONS with no end in sight. 
This unconstitutional looting of the American people's labor has been murder and rape on a national scale.
The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral. Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in September they would comply with congressional demands for transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. Two months later, as the Fed lends far more than that in separate rescue programs that didn't require approval by Congress, Americans have no idea where their money is going or what securities the banks are pledging in return."
The US Congress knowingly gave the privately owned "FED" and Treasury total power with the bail out deal and now it's the American people who are being robbed. Lending institutions who received all this borrowed, worthless paper called a (BAIL-OUT) or (Rescue Plan) are stealing the future from our children.  The finical rape of American citizens is going to pay HUGE bonuses and Lavish raises, black tie gala events, while Congress sits around counting their hidden kick back monies. 

The US Congress, in the first place, never had the authority to to rob and plunder the American taxpayers hard earned money.   This self inflicted injury by the US Congress has NOW turned into a finical wound which is bleeding money so profusely that it will soon kill the hosts these parasites are feeding from.  

R.I.P. The United Sates of America 2009.  Cause of Death, the US Congress's willingness to surrender National sovereignty to a small group of Private European Bankers. 
The US Congress has no right to steal from you via heavier and heavier taxation to bail out, rescue or make Non-Repayable loans to companies in the private sector. That is until Congress, with the blessing of Bush, simply decided a little over two months ago to finally burn Art. 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. They have become the internal threat to Domestic security the military USE to pldge to defend the American people from.  Those calling themselves US government employees are NOW totally lawless in their their seditious actions.
The US Congress, willfully and knowingly, violates the U.S. Constitution now as a matter of doing business. These crooks, including  the new thinly vield Marxist president elect Obama will complete bankrupt this country.  
The verifiable Facts and raw, hard numbers are there for anyone willing to look. Despite  Americans demanding that this historic RAPE of the American People NOT go forward.  The duplicitus US Congress acted in this manner.   
Of the Bail Out, Senator Diane Feinstein said...
"I have recieved 91,000 calls and emails with over 86,000 plus TOTALY OPPOSED to this Bail Out.  I know all those in my district do not want this Bail out, but I don't care what they want, they are too stupid to know what they want. So I will do what I want." 
This is what has become of the once great Democracy known as the United States of America. 
A godless, totalitarian government, with an incoming Demagog as the head the new  Fascist regime .

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Those Who Forget The Past....

Are Forver Doomed To Repeat It's Bloody Atrocities....

Whenever someone wishes to demonize someone, they inevitably compare the person or group to Adolf Hitler. The message immediately resonates with people because everyone knows that Hitler was a brutal dictator.

How many people know how Hitler actually became a dictator? How did he pull it off, especially given that after World War I Germany had become a democratic republic. Much like the USA purports to be now.

In the presidential election held on March 13, 1932, there were four candidates: the incumbent, Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler, and two minor candidates, Ernst Thaelmann and Theodore Duesterberg. The results were:

Hindenburg 49.6 percent
Hitler 30.1 percent
Thaelmann 13.2 percent
Duesterberg 6.8 percent

Almost 70 percent of the German people voted against Hitler, causing his supporter Joseph Goebbels, who would later become Hitler’s minister of propaganda, to lament in his journal, “We’re beaten; terrible outlook. Party circles badly depressed and dejected.”

Since Hindenberg had not received a majority of the vote, however, a runoff election had to be held among the top three vote-getters. On April 19, 1932, the runoff results were:

Hindenburg 53.0 percent
Hitler 36.8 percent
Thaelmann 10.2 percent

Thus, even though Hitler’s vote total had risen, he still had been decisively rejected by the German people.

On June 1, 1932, Hindenberg appointed Franz von Papen as chancellor of Germany, whom Shirer described as an “unexpected and ludicrous figure.” Papen immediately dissolved the Reichstag (the national congress) and called for new elections, the third legislative election in five months.

Hitler and his fellow members of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party, who were determined to bring down the republic and establish dictatorial rule in Germany, did everything they could to create chaos in the streets, including initiating political violence and murder. The situation got so bad that martial law was proclaimed in Berlin.

Even though Hitler had badly lost the presidential election, he was drawing ever-larger crowds during the congressional election.

Much, like President Elect Obama.

In one just one single day, July 27, he spoke to 60,000 persons in Brandenburg, to nearly as many in Potsdam, and that evening to 120,000 massed in the giant Grunewald Stadium in Berlin while outside an additional 100,000 heard his voice by loudspeaker.

Hitler’s rise to power

The July 31, 1932, election produced a major victory for Hitler’s National Socialist Party. The party won 230 seats in the Reichstag, making it Germany’s largest political party, but it still fell short of a majority in the 608-member body.

On the basis of that victory, Hitler demanded that President Hindenburg appoint him chancellor and place him in complete control of the state. Otto von Meissner, who worked for Hindenburg, later testified at Nuremberg,

Hindenburg replied that because of the tense situation he could not in good conscience risk transferring the power of government to a new party such as the National Socialists, which did not command a majority and which was intolerant, noisy and undisciplined.
Political deadlocks in the Reichstag soon brought a new election, this one in November 6, 1932. In that election, the Nazis lost two million votes and 34 seats. Thus, even though the National Socialist Party was still the largest political party, it had clearly lost ground among the voters.

Attempting to remedy the chaos and the deadlocks, Hindenburg fired Papen and appointed an army general named Kurt von Schleicher as the new German chancellor. Unable to secure a majority coalition in the Reichstag, however, Schleicher finally tendered his resignation to Hindenburg, 57 days after he had been appointed.

On January 30, 1933, President Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany. Although the National Socialists never captured more than 37 percent of the national vote, and even though they still held a minority of cabinet posts and fewer than 50 percent of the seats in the Reichstag, Hitler and the Nazis set out to to consolidate their power. With Hitler as chancellor, that proved to be a fairly easy task.

The Reichstag fire

On February 27, Hitler was enjoying supper at the Goebbels home when the telephone rang with an emergency message: “The Reichstag is on fire!” Hitler and Goebbels rushed to the fire, where they encountered Hermann Goering, who would later become Hitler’s air minister. Goering was shouting at the top of his lungs,

This is the beginning of the Communist revolution! We must not wait a minute. We will show no mercy. Every Communist official must be shot, where he is found. Every Communist deputy must this very day be strung up.
The day after the fire, the Prussian government announced that it had found communist publications stating,

Government buildings, museums, mansions and essential plants were to be burned down... . Women and children were to be sent in front of terrorist groups.... The burning of the Reichstag was to be the signal for a bloody insurrection and civil war.... It has been ascertained that today was to have seen throughout Germany terrorist acts against individual persons, against private property, and against the life and limb of the peaceful population, and also the beginning of general civil war.

So how was Goering so certain that the fire had been set by communist terrorists? Arrested on the spot was a Dutch communist named Marinus van der Lubbe. Most historians now believe that van der Lubbe was actually duped by the Nazis into setting the fire and probably was even assisted by them, without his realizing it.

Why would Hitler and his associates turn a blind eye to an impending terrorist attack on their national congressional building or actually assist with such a horrific deed? Because they knew what government officials have known throughout history — that during extreme national emergencies, people are most scared and thus much more willing to surrender their liberties in return for “security.” And that’s exactly what happened during the Reichstag terrorist crisis.

Think 9/11 and the Patriot Act being rammed through the US Congress at lighting speed.

Suspending German civil liberties

The day after the fire, Hitler persuaded President Hindenburg to issue a decree entitled, “For the Protection of the People and the State.” Justified as a “defensive measure against Communist acts of violence endangering the state,” the decree suspended the constitutional guarantees pertaining to civil liberties:

Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications; and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.

Two weeks after the Reichstag fire, Hitler requested the Reichstag to temporarily delegate its powers to him so that he could adequately deal with the crisis. Denouncing opponents to his request, Hitler shouted, “Germany will be free, but not through you!” When the vote was taken, the result was 441 for and 84 against, giving Hitler the two-thirds majority he needed to suspend the German constitution. On March 23, 1933, what has gone down in German history as the “Enabling Act” made Hitler dictator of Germany, freed of all legislative and constitutional constraints.

Just like the very vague, but exceptionally broad power grabbing potential, of President Bushes executive order giving Him complete control of the US government in the case of something so vague as a regional weather incident.   It's called the Continuity of Government Order.

The judiciary under Hitler

One of the most dramatic consequences was in the judicial arena. Shirer points out,

Under the Weimar Constitution judges were independent, subject only to the law, protected from arbitrary removal and bound at least in theory by Article 109 to safeguard equality before the law.
In fact, in the Reichstag terrorist case, while the court convicted van der Lubbe of the crime (who was executed), three other defendants, all communists, were acquitted, which infuriated Hitler and Goering.

Within a month, the Nazis had transferred jurisdiction over treason cases from the Supreme Court to a new People’s Court, which soon became the most dreaded tribunal in the land. It consisted of two professional judges and five others chosen from among party officials, the S.S. and the armed forces, thus giving the latter a majority vote. There was no appeal from its decisions or sentences and usually its sessions were held in secret. Occasionally, however, for propaganda purposes when relatively light sentences were to be given, the foreign correspondents were invited to attend.

One of the Reichstag terrorist defendants, who had angered Goering during the trial with a severe cross-examination of Goering, did not benefit from his acquittal. Shirer explains:
The German communist leader was immediately taken into “protective custody,” where he remained until his death during the second war.

In addition to the People’s Court, which handled treason cases, the Nazis also set up the Special Court, which handled cases of political crimes or “insidious attacks against the government.” These courts consisted of three judges, who invariably had to be trusted party members, without a jury. A Nazi prosecutor had the choice of bringing action in such cases before either an ordinary court or the Special Court, and invariably he chose the latter, for obvious reasons. Defense lawyers before this court, as before the Volksgerichtshof, had to be approved by Nazi officials. Sometimes even if they were approved they fared badly. Thus the lawyers who attempted to represent the widow of Dr. Klausener, the Catholic Action leader murdered in the Blood Purge, in her suit for damages against the State were whisked off to Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where they were kept until they formally withdrew the action.
Even lenient treatment by the Special Court was no guarantee for the defendant, however, as Pastor Martin Niemoeller discovered when he was acquitted of major political charges and sentenced to time served for minor charges. Leaving the courtroom, Niemoeller was taken into custody by the Gestapo and taken to a concentration camp.

The Nazis also implemented a legal concept called Schutzhaft or “protective custody” which enabled them to arrest and incarcerate people without charging them with a crime.
Protective custody did not protect a man from possible harm, as it did in more civilized countries. It punished him by putting him behind barbed wire.

Think  military tribunals and Guantanamo Bay  prison camp, which operates the US Constitution.

On August 2, 1934, Hindenburg died, and the title of president was abolished. Hitler’s title became Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor. Not surprisingly, he used the initial four-year “temporary” grant of emergency powers that had been given to him by the Enabling Act to consolidate his omnipotent control over the entire country.

Accepting the burgeoning New World Order

Oddly enough, even though his dictatorship very quickly became complete, Hitler returned to the Reichstag every four years to renew the “temporary” delegation of emergency powers that it had given him to deal with the Reichstag-arson crisis. Needless to say, the Reichstag rubber-stamped each of his requests.

For their part, the German people quickly accepted the new order of things. Keep in mind that the average non-Jewish German was pretty much unaffected by the new laws and decrees. As long as a German citizen kept his head down, worked hard, took care of his family, sent his children to the public schools and the Hitler Youth organization, and, most important, didn’t involve himself in political dissent against the government, a visit by the Gestapo was very unlikely.

Keep in mind also that, while the Nazis established concentration camps in the 1930s, the number of inmates ranged in the thousands. It wouldn’t be until the 1940s that the death camps and the gas chambers that killed millions would be implemented.

Just as the Americans began building their FEMA relocation camps in the 1980's.
It won't be until the the economic collapse, and the decleration of the North American Union with the introduction of the new currency,
the AMERO that they will be filled with US citizens.

                                                                                                                                                                    The overwhelming majority of Germans did not seem to mind that their personal freedom had been taken away, that so much of culture had been destroyed and replaced with a mindless barbarism, or that their life and work had become regimented to a degree never before experienced even by a people accustomed for generations to a great deal of regimentation....

The Nazi terror in the early years affected the lives of relatively few Germans and a newly arrived observer was somewhat surprised to see that the people of this country did not seem to feel that they were being cowed.... On the contrary, they supported it with genuine enthusiasm. Somehow it imbued them with a new hope and a new confidence and an astonishing faith in the future of their country.

Much like those who delcare President Elect Obama, a New Hope, a New Future for the American Country. 

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Seat of the NWO Part II

Hundreds of drivers are being FORCED to take part in government-funded road-pricing trials that could result in charges of up to £1.30 a mile on the most congested roads.
The test runs will start early next year in four locations and will involve fitting a satellite-tracking device to the vehicles of volunteers. An on-board unit will automatically deduct payments from a shadow account set up in the driver’s name.

Paul Clark, the Transport Minister, confirmed yesterday that the trials would proceed despite previous statements from the Government suggesting that it had abandoned the idea of a national CAR ID.

The on-board unit could be used to collect all information connected to the vehicle and it's driver. The Farce of congestion in London and Manchester are to to be the3 cover story for further loss of individual privacy inside the seat of the NWO.
In the longer term the technology WILL BE USED to track every movement, of every citizen of the UK, 24hrs a day, 7days a week, 365days a year.  

Drivers would use the internet to check all their payments on a single bill. They would choose whether the bill showed where they had travelled or simply the amounts they had paid.

Ministers hope to overcome concerns about loss of privacy by allowing drivers to instruct the on-board unit not to transmit locations to the billing center but simply the number of miles driven at each charging rate. Of course, this information will not be in any way, used against the citizen, should the government deem it expedient.

The Department for Transport (DfT) has appointed four companies to test different charging systems and a further three companies to test methods of enforcing the FALSE cover story of a pricing scheme and ensuring its accuracy.

The Times has learnt that one of the four trials will involve up to 100 BT staff working at Martlesham, Suffolk. BT is working with T-Systems, the German company that collects tolls from lorries on 12,000 miles of autobahn.

Trafficmaster, a leading provider of traffic information and satellite navigation systems, is running another trial.

The nails are being pounded at a furious rate into the coffin of all free men.... 

The Seat of the NWO.....


UK Government black boxes will 'collect every email, every web page visit, every chat room entry, every download, every upload, all cell phone calls, every text message, and finally, all internet activity.'

All in the interest of our safety of course!

Internet "black boxes" will be used to collect every email and web visit in the UK under the Government's plans for a giant "big brother" database, The Independent has learnt.
Home Office officials have told senior figures from the internet and telecommunications industries that the "black box" technology could automatically retain and store raw data from the web before transferring it to a giant central database controlled by the Government.
Plans to create a database holding information about every phone call, email and internet visit made in the UK have provoked a huge public outcry. Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, described it as "step too far" and the Government's own terrorism watchdog said that as a "raw idea" it was "awful".

Nevertheless, ministers have said they are committed to consulting on the new Communications Data Bill early in the new year. News that the Government is already preparing the ground by trying to allay the concerns of the internet industry is bound to raise suspicions about ministers' true intentions. Further details of the database emerged on Monday at a meeting of internet service providers (ISPs) in London where representatives from BT, AOL Europe, O2 and BSkyB were given a PowerPoint presentation of the issues and the technology surrounding the Government's Interception Modernisation Programme (IMP), the name given by the Home Office to the database proposal.

Whitehall experts working on the IMP unit told the meeting the security and intelligence agencies wanted to use the stored data to help fight serious crime and terrorism, and said the technology would allow them to create greater "capacity" to monitor all communication traffic on the internet. The "black boxes" are an attractive option for the internet industry because they would be secure and not require any direct input from the ISPs.

During the meeting Whitehall officials also tried to reassure the industry by suggesting that many smaller ISPs would be unaffected by the "black boxes" as these would be installed upstream on the network and hinted that all costs would be met by the Government.

"It was clear the 'back box' is the technology the Government will use to hold all the data. But what isn't clear is what the Home Secretary, GCHQ and the security services intend to do with all this information in the future," said a source close to the meeting.
He added: "They said they only wanted to return to a position they were in before the emergence of internet communication, when they were able to monitor all correspondence with a police suspect.

This exact thing has already been in place inside the USA for some years now....

Again, for our safety, of course!

Sunday, November 02, 2008


The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has begun granting contracts to software firms to create algorithms that can be applied to the real-time video feeds from drone aircraft so the data can be sorted and stored on a wide range of human activities, from digging a ditch to climbing into a car to kissing someone.
The contracts represent the latest step in the Bush administration’s seven-year drive to develop high-tech spying capabilities that can be applied to a variety of situations and locales to detect terrorist or insurgent activities.
The on-going DARPA project is already developing algorithms that would identify specific human activities – both by individuals and by groups – and evaluate if these actions suggested behavior that would justify a military response.
The list of activities that would draw attention to a single person include “digging, loitering, picking up, throwing, exploding/burning, carrying, shooting, launching, walking, limping, running, kicking, smoking, gesturing,” according to DARPA’s contract description.
For person-to-person activities, the project would identify and catalogue cases of “following, meeting, gathering, moving in a group, dispersing, shaking hands, kissing, exchanging objects, kicking, carrying together.”
Categories relating to vehicles include getting into or out of a car, opening or closing the trunk, driving, accelerating, turning, stopping, passing and maintaining distances.
According to DARPA’s description, the research project addresses challenges faced by intelligence analysts in processing and retrieving the vast amounts of visual data created by live video feeds from Predator drones and other aerial surveillance over Iraq and Afghanistan. By identifying and indexing specific actions, the analysts would be helped in evaluating potential threats and could retrieve video regarding similar behavior.
“The U.S. military and intelligence communities have an ever increasing need to monitor live video feeds and search large volumes of archived video data for activities of interest due to the rapid growth in development and fielding of motion video systems,” said the DARPA document, written in March but withheld from the public until September.
Kitware, a software company with offices in New York and North Carolina, won an initial $6.7 million contract for what is technically called Video and Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool, or VIRAT.
In a statement about the contract award, Kitware projected that through its proposed system, “the most high-value intelligence content will be clearly and intuitively presented to the video analyst, resulting in substantial reductions in analyst workload per mission as well as increasing the quality and accuracy of intelligence yield.”
Anthony Hoogs, Kitware’s project leader, said, ”This project will really make a difference to the war fighter.”
To carry out the project, Kitware said it was teaming up with two leading military technology companies, Honeywell and General Dynamics, as well as a number of academic researchers. [See Kitware Awarded $6.7M DARPA Contract.]
Repression Works
Though this DARPA project is not expected to be completed until early next decade, other technological breakthroughs reportedly have helped U.S. forces identify and kill insurgents in Iraq. 
In his latest book, The War Within, Bob Woodward writes that highly classified U.S. intelligence tactics allowed for rapid targeting and killing of Iraqi insurgent leaders, representing a more important factor in undermining the insurgency than President George W. Bush’s much touted troop “surge.” However, Woodward withheld details of these secret techniques so as not to undermine their effectiveness.
Still, there have been previous glimpses of classified U.S. programs that combine high-tech means of identifying insurgents – such as sophisticated biometrics and night-vision-equipped drones – with old-fashioned brutality on the ground, including on-the-spot executions of suspected insurgents. [For details, see’s “Bush’s Global Dirty War” and “Iraq’s Laboratory of Repression.”]
However, the marriage of advanced technology and military repression has raised concerns among some human rights advocates that these techniques could open the door to an Orwellian future in which authoritarian regimes repress popular resistance.
DARPA, with its mandate to push the envelope on the application of technology for military and intelligence purposes, also has been caught up before in controversies about balancing security against liberty.
In 2002, DARPA came under criticism when it unveiled plans for Total Information Awareness, a project that sought to detect terrorist activities by mining electronic data about virtually everyone on earth, anyone who participated in the modern economy.
The plan was to map out “transactional data” collected from every kind of activity – “financial, education, travel, medical, veterinary, country entry, place/event entry, transportation, housing, critical resources, government, communications,” according to the DARPA Web site.
The program would then cross-reference this data with the “biometric signatures of humans,” data collected on individuals’ faces, fingerprints, gaits and irises. To run the sensitive project, the Bush administration selected retired Admiral John Poindexter, who was convicted of five felony counts in the Iran-Contra Affair (though a conservative-dominated appeals court later reversed the jury verdicts).
Public and congressional outrage over this massive data-mining operation supposedly killed the TIA program in 2003, but the National Journal revealed in February 2006 that the project was ended in name only, kept alive within the secret budget of the National Security Agency.
One TIA component, called the Information Awareness Prototype System, was renamed “Basketball” at NSA, but still provided the basic architecture tying together information extraction, analysis and dissemination tools developed under TIA.
Meanwhile, the Bush administration began deploying similar advanced technology to Iraq with the goal of throttling the insurgency that was challenging the U.S. military occupation.
In effect, Iraq was transformed into a test tube for modern techniques of repression, including use of night-vision optics on drone aircraft, heat resonance imaging, and firepower that is both deadly and precise.
The new techniques marked a modernization of tactics used in other counterinsurgencies, such as in Vietnam in the 1960s and in Central America in the 1980s.
In Vietnam, U.S. forces planted sensors along infiltration routes for targeting bombing runs against North Vietnamese troops. In Guatemala, security forces were equipped with early laptop computers for use in identifying suspected subversives who would be dragged off buses and summarily executed.
Last year, a conservative counterinsurgency expert sent me a video, spliced together by the U.S. military in Iraq, showing how some of the modern techniques worked in Iraq. The video showed night-vision aerial surveillance of suspected “terrorists” as they moved in the dark with what was described as a truck-mounted anti-aircraft gun, the muzzle still warm from firing.
The tiny figures of these “terrorists” then walked into a forested area where they were mowed down by miniguns from an AC-130. Their truck also was blown to bits.
Besides using Predator drones to monitor the movement of Iraqis from the sky, massive amounts of biometric data have been collected on the country’s people for use in identifying suspected insurgents.
Explaining the value of this computerized database, Pentagon weapons designer Anh Duong told the Washington Post that it gave valuable information to soldiers on the ground. 
"A war fighter needs to know one of three things: Do I let him go? Keep him? Or shoot him on the spot?” Duong said.
Though Duong is best known for designing high-explosives used to destroy hardened targets, she also supervised this Joint Expeditionary Forensics Facilities project, known as a “lab in a box” for analyzing biometric data, such as iris scans and fingerprints, that have been collected on more than one million Iraqis.
The labs – collapsible, 20-by-20-foot units each with a generator and a satellite link to a biometric data base in West Virginia – let U.S. forces cross-check data in the field against information collected previously that can be used to identify insurgents.
Duong said the next step would be to shrink the lab to the size of a “backpack” so soldiers who encounter a suspect “could find out within minutes” if he’s on a terrorist watch list and should be killed. [Washington Post, Dec. 1, 2007]
By identifying and indexing a wide range of human activities captured on surveillance videos, the new DARPA project could augment some of these other security projects, already in place or in development.
Regarding the video analysis, however, DARPA specifically prohibited inclusion of biometric algorithms for identifying people by their gaits or other individual features. However, those elements, which are being developed separately, presumably could be added to the overall technological package at a later date.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


William Cooper, a former military intelligence officer and world-renown lecturer and writer, was killed in a suspicious 2001 police shootout in his Arizona home. Author of the best selling underground book of all time, Behold A Pale Horse, his top secret intelligence document discoveries provide proof positive the Illuminati intends mass destruction of half the world's population, reaching its diabolical goal in what the author terms 'the age of deception.'

To better understand what the New World Order has planned for the years to come, it's wise to review the life and works of writer and lecturer, William Cooper, killed in a Nov. 6, 2001, police shootout in his Arizona home.

Cooper, 58, author of more than 20 books including "Behold A Pale Horse," the best selling underground book of all time, was also a highly popular worldwide radio talk show host, his show, "The Hour of the Time," appearing on shortwave and the internet on the Worldwide Christian Radio station out of Nashville.

After Cooper's untimely and suspicious death, Mills Crenshaw, a KTALK radio host out of Salt Lake City, put the sad event into perspective:

"William Cooper may be one of America's greatest heroes and this story may be the biggest story in the history of the world."

This week in the minds of many people, starting a new year is like wiping life's slate clean, starting anew, with fresh ideas, with important new goals and renewed interests in becoming useful each and every day of the year.

So, with the New World Order gathering momentum, it's useful to remember a page out of Cooper's life by embracing in the final days of 2005 the efforts of one lone, brave man who dedicated his entire existence to exposing the Illuminati's diabolical plans to destroy America, as well as the rest of the world.

In one of his 1997 writings entitled "Majestytwelve," Cooper draws this conclusion:

"If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it... not because we want to fight, or you want to fight, but because the traitors (within our government) will give us no choice in the matter. There will be either a revolution (the Marxist's choice) or there will be a serious attempt to restore Constitutional Republican government under Law (the Patriots choice). In any event there WILL BE WAR between the Citizens of the United States of America and the Marxist minions of the subversive corporate United States' new world order."

In Cooper's final years, he worked alone in his Arizona home with his two dogs, rooster and chicken, sending his family out of the U.S . in 1999 for their security. Prior to several years of Arizona desert solitude, Copper became known as a world class lecturer, appearing at Wembly Hall in London as well as lecturing in every state of the Union for more during a 10 year period.

Known as a consummate researcher, backing his New World Order theories with hard data from his days in U.S. Navy Intelligence, Cooper always struck fear in the eyes of Presidents, including Clinton, who mounted an FBI attack to silence Cooper's views.

Shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing, Rush Limbaugh read a White House memo on the air during his broadcast, calling William Cooper, "...the most dangerous radio host in America". Cooper was later quoted as saying Clinton's pronouncement was "the greatest compliment that he has ever received."

Further, Cooper's FBI file which included references to his security clearances while in military service, was one of those unlawfully in possession of the White House in what has become known as, "Filegate". Shortly after this discovery, President Clinton ordered all federal agencies to begin investigation, persecution, and prosecution of Mr. Cooper to shut him up.

While engaged in ongoing federal battles with the FBI over free speech issues and the IRS who tried to put a financial stranglehold on his affairs, Cooper went to work full steam, creating several documentaries about the JFK assassination and the government's UFO hoax in order to strike fear in Americans.

Cooper also believed in empowering Americans with free thought through newspapers and the airwaves, starting the CAJI News Service, VERITAS national full size newspaper, The Intelligence Service, Harvest Publications, and has helped over 700 low power FM affiliate stations get equipped and on the air, including the station he managed as Trustee for the Independence Foundation Trust, 101.1 FM Eagar, Arizona, broadcasting to 7,000 people.

Under his leadership, his company also ventured into the publishing trade. The first book published being Oklahoma City: Day One by Michele Marie Moore... the definitive classic on the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

But to really understand Cooper's philosophy an where he obtained much of his secret information to be used in his later works, it's necessary to understand his military background, the place he became all to familiar with the real intentions of the New World Order

Cooper first served with the Strategic Air Command, United States Air Force, holding a secret clearance working on B-52 bombers, KC-135 refueling aircraft, and Minuteman missiles.

After the Air Force, he joined the United States Navy fulfilling a dream previously frustrated by chronic motion sickness. He served aboard the submarine USS Tiru (SS-416), USS Tombigbee (AOG-11), Naval Support Activity Danang RVN, Naval Security and Intelligence Camp Carter RVN, Danang Harbor Patrol RVN, Dong Ha River Security Group RVN, USS Charles Berry (DE-1035), Headquarters Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet, USS Oriskany (CVA-34).

Cooper was a member of the Office of Naval Security and Intelligence serving as a Harbor and River Patrol Boat Captain at Danang and the Dong Ha River Security Group, Cua Viet, Republic of Vietnam, being awarded several medals for heroism during combat.

He also served on the Intelligence Briefing Team for the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet, designated KL-47 SPECAT operator in the CINCPACFLT Command Center at Makalapa Hawai1 where he held a Top Secret, Q, SI, security clearance.

Being privy to top secret information for many years, Cooper later would call on his military background and expertise as a centerpiece for much of his writing, deciding to tell the truth and be a man of conscience instead of selling his own soul to the New World Order thugs.

Although Cooper's works are immense, covering almost every possible element of what is amounting to a global takeover by the Illuminati, anyone reading the following excerpts from a top secret documents uncovered by Cooper will conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that America's destruction is underway from within and the only way to get back the country staring in 2006 is by a revolution of the people.

In the article referenced above, entitled Majestytwelve, Cooper's words make the hair on anyone's head stand up:

"The following is fact. It is not a theory it is a genuine conspiracy. I witnessed the Top Secret/Magic documents from which this information is excerpted while a member of the United States Navy attached to the Intelligence Briefing Team of Admiral Bernard Clarey, Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet.

"I certify that the following information is true and correct to the best of my memory and the research that I have accomplished. I will swear to it in any court of Law.

"I can produce the names of approximately 38 U.S. Navy officers and enlisted men who witnessed these documents while in the service of their countryI can produce the names of approximately 80 others whom I suspect have witnessed these same documents. I will not reveal the names except in a court of Law that is willing to prosecute the People and organizations involved in the conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States of America to bring about a socialist totalitarian world government."

After Cooper went to great lengths to add authenticity and credibility to his discovery while in the military, he went on to delineate the intentions of the diabolical forces behind the secret military documents.

"Many years ago I had access to a set of documents that I eventually realized was the plan for the destruction of the United States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The plan was contained within a set of Top Secret documents with the title "MAJESTYTWELVE". There was no space between majesty and twelve. The term honored the planned placement of ultimate power in a body of wise men who are destined to rule the world as the disciples of a Messiah front man. This "Messiah will serve as a buffer between the wise men and the sheeple. I discovered these documents between 1970 and 1973 while I was a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet.

"MAJESTYTWELVE was in a tall thin font style...imagine the title squeezed together between the M and E with all of the letters stretched vertically. The key to access was a Top Secret (Q) (SCI) security clearance with the compartmentalization of "MAJIC" (not magic). I cannot remember the exact font except that it is a tall thin version of San Serif... the exact name escapes me after all these years... but it is a key to access.

"The plan outlined the formation of a world totalitarian socialist government. It is to be ruled by a behind-the-scenes council of wise men. A so-called benevolent dictator, will be presented as the Messiah.

"The Constitution for the United States of America and its Bill of Rights will be scrapped. A parliamentary form of government will take its place. All military forces and individuals are to be disarmed except for an internal police force which will carry only the minimum weapons needed to maintain internal order."

Although Cooper only lived to see a little more than a year of the Bush Presidency, he was a firm advocate that President Clinton, although posing as a man of the people, was in fact one of the biggest and most diabolical front men for the New World Order.

And to prove his point, the following two Clinton quotes illustrates his true intentions:

"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans... And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities." Said President Bill Clinton on MTV on March 3, 1994.

He further stated on several days later in a USA Today interview: "We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans"

Besides pointing the finger at Clinton, Cooper claimed the true source of the global conspiracy based in fact was to be found in a body known as the Illuminati, a group made up of the highest level of the so-called secret orders and secret societies. Explaing their origin and purpose, Cooper wrote:

They are bound together by blood oaths, a secret religion, and the promise of an elite status within regional government, or the world supra government. Their religion is based upon the Kabbalah, the Luciferian Philosophy, and the worship of the Sun. They are not bound by any oath or allegiance save their own. They are loyal to no government or People save their own. And they are Citizens of no country save their already in place secret world government. In their own words, "If you are not one of us you are nothing." To garner some sense of "feel" for the concept see the movie "They Live."

"It is a largely 'open' conspiracy, in that much of its membership, structure, methods, and operations, are matters of public record, however scattered and obscure. Its manner of coordination is atypical. Two nuclei - the elite core of the Wall Street clique (orbiting the House of Rockefeller) and the elite core of the European financial clique (orbiting the House of Rothschild) - coordinate this global conspiracy by waging psychological warfare on the rest of the conspirators, telling each no more than is necessary for him to fulfill his designated role, often with explicit recognition neither of his role, nor of the unarticulated rules that govern him.

"Thus, the overwhelming bulk of the conspirators do not know, but only suspect, that they are part of and in service to 'a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

In his article about the secret military documents, he delves into the inner workings of the Illuminati, showing how some candidates rise to the top, hand picked for progress beyond the 13th Degree (York Rite) or 32nd Degree (Scottish Rite). Cooper claims those 'chosen few' disappear behind the veil and become one of the "Thousand Points of Light," are more properly known as the "Magi."

Looking back at history, Cooper adds:

"The process of initiation and blood oaths have always been the protection of the Illuminati in a Christian world that has had a tendency to "burn at the stake" those who differed in belief or philosophy. The "burning alive" of Jacques DeMolay, the persecution of men like Gallileo and Giordano Bruno by the Catholic Church, and the persecution of their Orders has resulted in the "Brotherhoods" hatred of Christianity and the goal of the extermination of all religions save theirs.

"You may verify the goal of the Illuminati by visiting the home page of Freemasonry's Grand Lodge of Scotland (if that link does not work click here). You will notice the flag of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the "Universal" flag of Freemasonry is displayed. The "Universal" flag of Freemasonry is the United Nations Flag. (We thank those of you who responded with affidavits confirming this paragraph.) Since this paragraph has become well known the Grand Lodge of Scotland has replaced the United Nations Flag (Universal Flag of Freemasonry) on their WebPages with a graphic of the earth."

And buried deep in the documents uncovered by Cooper, which he vigorously tried to expose until his untimely death, was the call for a mass extermination in what he termed the "goal in the age of deception."

If anyone ever wonders on the dawn of this new year where the U.S. is headed after Oklahoma City and 9/11, listens to Cooper's predictions based on what he learned from years working in the military intelligence field:

"This is the age of deception. The world is on the razor. One half is scheduled to be exterminated if these people have their way, and the other half is scheduled to be enslaved when the mystical union between the moon IS (Isis or Church) and the sun RA (Osiris or Doctrine) greets the Son of the morning EL (Horus or full body of Adepts) on the horizon (Horus risen) in the New Dawn (ISRAEL or realization of the New World Order).

"When the process is complete a new worldwide Soviet Union will emerge to thin the herd, shear the sheople, and march them off to enslavement or slaughter depending upon their individual ability to accept and adhere to their reeducation.

As Cooper ponders the fate of America and the world, his 1997 words appear to be coming true as we enter 2006.

"There will be no individual Rights only privileges. These will be granted or denied at will by the world supra government. All property is to be owned by the State. There will be a redistribution of wealth. They plan to eliminate class differences and reduce the standard of living to a lower level in the advanced nations, such as the United States, and to a higher standard of living in the so-called third world nations.

"This leveling of the standard of living will be accomplished through a global economic collapse which is in its beginning stages. The economic collapse will fulfill the goal of Marx and Engles' Communist Manifesto mandating the elimination of the middle class. The graduated income tax was the first implementation of this process and is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. NAFTA and GATT are a part of this process encouraging industry to move into third-world nations in order to exploit cheap labor.

"All existing religions will disappear. The only religion will be the state religion (humanism or illuminism).

"All County and State governments will be eliminated and replaced with regional government. These regional governments (Home Rule) are already in place. Regionalism is gradually taking control throughout America.

"There will be no more cash. Trade will be accomplished by a system of computer credits with accounts accessed through debit cards or computer chip implants. The cards or implants will also serve as personal identification, drivers license, and etc. When this is completed the human race will be shackled to a computer in a never ending cycle of debt. No action or movement will ever again be private."

Further delving into the age of new world order deception, Cooper points to the UFO and alien hoax thrust on America, finding within the Majestytwelve secret documents the entire plan for the creation of a socialist world government is protected by an artificial extraterrestrial threat from space. He adds the entire UFO phenomenon and the uFOOLogy movement has been created to further the protection and activation of the plan, outing Coast to Coast talk show host Art Bell, as one of the main Illuminati spokesman.

"Within MAJESTYTWELVE is Operation Majority justifying the plan by presenting an extraterrestrial threat as the reason for the necessity for world government ala "Who speaks for planet Earth... Argentina?" Exactly the manner in which Stanton T. Friedman ends his UFOs Are Real lectures," said Cooper.

"When I saw Operation Majority while serving in the Navy I believed the alien threat was real just like everyone else. It was not until I had performed many years of research that I was able to fully understand exactly what it was that I had seen. It was extremely difficult for me to believe that my government and the United States Navy had used me, especially since I had dedicated my life to government and military service. Most government and military personnel cannot and will not believe such and idea.

"The plan is real. The extraterrestrial threat is artificial. The threat is presented through the use of secret technology originally developed by the Germans in their secret weapons programs during WW-II, by geniuses like Nikola Tesla, and many others."

May William Cooper rest in peace with our Savior JESUS CHRIST in Heaven. 

The Satanic United Nations...

As discussed in various articles on this website the ‘green philosophy’ that is rapidly permeating our society has been fostered since its inception by the Club of Rome and its affiliated organisations. Members of the CoR triad include Al Gore, Javier Solana, Mikhail Gorbachev, David Rockefeller, Kofi Annan, Bill Clinton, Maurice Strong, Robert Muller, Bill Gates, Jimmy Carter and many other influential leaders. In their various reports the CoR clearly outline their ultimate goal to “transform humanity into a sustainable global interdependent society, based on respect and reverence for 'Gia Mother Earth." To briefly recap their stated agenda in their own words:

Man possesses, for a small moment in his history, the most powerful combination of knowledge, tools, and resources the world has ever known. He has all that is physically necessary to create a totally new form of human society - one that would be built to last for a thousand generations.” – The Limits to Growth, a report by The Club of Rome

Now is the time to draw up a MASTER PLAN for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will probably be too late.” – Mankind at the Turning Point, a report by The Club of Rome

This proposed new global system is highly interdependent as, in the same manner that the human body assigns different tasks to its various organs, each region is assigned specialized and specific tasks of ridding itself of the many unwanted useless peoples, and is each is dependent on the others for their common survival… The resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion.” – Goals for Mankind, a report by The Club of Rome

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is an UNcontrolled, UNregulated, Unpoliced, Unchanied, humanity itself. Democracy, the freedom of the peoples to chose their own destiny is not a panacea. It cannot place those chosen by BIRTH to rule, as they have a right to, nor to organize everything without PROPER oversight.  Unfettered, FREE people are simply too unaware of their own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. ” – The First Global Revolution, a report by The Club of Rome


Which has now been changed to the Lucius Trust, because the real name the LUCIFER Trust points far too singulary to the truth of who and what these Satanists really ARE.  

The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey's book, 'Initiation, Human and Solar' was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as 'Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923. Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust.

At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 666 United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a slick program called "World Goodwill". In an Alice Bailey book called "Education for a New Age"; she suggests that in the new age "World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain." In other words - a One World Government New World Order.

Luci's Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former minister of Defense in the USA, president of the World Bank, member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow). Luci's Trust sponsors among others the following organizations: UN, Greenpeace Int., Greenpeace USA, Amnesty Int. and UNICEF.

The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the "New Spirituality" and the gathering "New World Order" based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles.

This organisation was originally founded in the 1920s by the renowned occultist
Alice Bailey under the name of the Lucifer Publishing Company. The Trust is recognised by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and is represented at regular briefing sessions at the UN. The Lucis Trust is also a member of the UN Economic and Social Council. Interestingly Robert Muller served as the Secretary of this Council for many years. Until recently the Lucis Trust was located at 666 United Nations Plaza and lists its official sponsors as the UN, Greenpeace and Amnesty International.

Alice Bailey claimed to be able to channel a spirit guide called ‘the Tibetan Master
Djwhal Khul.’ Robert Muller was a disciple of Bailey and in his World Core Curriculum it is explicitly stated that "the underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice Bailey by the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul." Bailey taught that the ‘World Spiritual Teacher’ would soon appear and lead the world into the Age of Aquarius and it was the task of her disciples to “prepare the way for His imminent appearance.”

Today there is an increasing expectancy regarding the return of the "ONE World Teacher", the Coming One who will return to lead humanity into a new age and into a heightened consciousness. "

Theosophy is a branch of Freemasonry. According to Constance Cumbey, Theosophy spawned the occult societies that in turn created Adolf Hitler and the Nazi ideology. ("The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and the Coming Age of Barbarism" 1983)

In 1949, Bailey wrote that the Jewish holocaust was due to the Jews' bad karma: "The evil karma of the Jew today is intended to end his isolation, to bring him to the point of relinquishing material goals, of renouncing a nationality that has a tendency to be somewhat parasitic..." (/Esoteric Healing/, p. 263)

We will impliment the creation of some type of tax upon financial transactions that would be used to support domestic programs in the developing world. Humanity surely has the ability to institute these and similar changes; it just needs the will to do so." [link to]

A tax on all financial transactions is part of what LUCIFER TRUST calls "THE PLAN." This begins with the proclamation of the "Maitreya," the New Age Messiah who they have been grooming for more than three decades.

According to Cumbey, who is a lawyer, the "Plan" also includes a NEW WORLD ORDER and religion under Maitreya, a universal credit card system; an authority that would control the food supply; a universal tax; and a universal draft.

"They plan to OUTLAW ALL RELIGIOUS PRACTICES and symbols of orthodox Jews and Christians," Cumbey writes. "New Agers have threatened violence and EXTERMINATION of ALL Jews, Christians and Moslems who fail to cooperate with Maitreya and his new religion." (20)

The Theosophical Society believes Lucifer is God which they identify with the Sun. In "The Secret Doctrine" Blavatsky writes: "In this case it is but natural ... to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind."

"For it is he who was the "Harbinger of Light," bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of automaton (Adam) created by Jehovah, as alleged; and he who was first to whisper, "In the day yea eat there of, ye shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil" -- can only be regarded in the light of a Savior. An "adversary" to Jehovah ... he still remains in esoteric truth the ever-loving "Messenger"... who conferred on us spiritual instead of physical immortality ...

Satan, or Lucifer, represents the active ... "Centrifugal Energy of the Universe" in a cosmic sense ... Fitly is he ... and his adherents ... consigned to the "sea of fire," because it is the Sun ... the fount of life in our system, where they are petrified ... and churned up to re-arrange them for another life; that Sun which, as the origin of the active principle of our Earth, is at once the Home and the Source of the gret Satan... "

"New Agers generally do not openly repudiate Christianity," Cumbey writes. "They redefine Christ to give pagan Gods equal time, and expand the definition of Christ to be the integral essence of themselves." (146)

While New Agers "would picket to prevent a Nazi demonstration, they fail to see that point-for-point the program of the New Age Movement has complete identity with the programs of Hitler." (56, Cumbey does the point-by-point comparison on pp.114-120)

"New Agers" profess a great love of peace and disarmament but Cumbey cites Bailey saying nuclear weapons will be the preserve of the United Nations for "threatened use when aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head." (70)

Similarly, the environment and world hunger causes all have a hidden elite agenda. Cumbey writes that supporters of anti-hunger programs are urged to back measures for abortion, artificial insemination, forced limitation of family size, genetic control and even death control." (56)

This is the heart and Blackened SOUL of the UNITED NATIONS, a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT with the ANTI-CHRIST as their KING.

The laughable thing of all of this is the misplaced understanding of who and what these SATANISTS serve.  SATAN was a liar and a Murderer from the beginning.  They actually think he is going to share power with them?  He despises humanity, singularly and as a corporate whole, with unbridled hatred and savagery.  He doesn't want to rule the world. He wants to burn it to a blacked cinder and drag ALL OF HUMANITY down into the Eternal lake of FIRE with him. 

He knows his coming fate, He knows there is NO escape, for Him and his angels.   HELL is just a stop off, till the time comes for him, and all those who serve him, to be cast into the Eternal lake of Fire, where they shall writhe for all Eternity.  

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Welcome to the United States of Tyranny, FDA style....

How the FDA extorts money from nutritional supplement companies

The FDA extortion racket works like this: FDA employees use keyword-scanning software to scan the web pages of natural health product and supplement companies, searching for terms like cancer, cures, treatment, remedies and other "forbidden" words. FDA employees then review the discovered pages to determine if they contain any words that might inform consumers of the health benefits of the nutritional products. FDA employees also look for links that might point web users to scientific articles from peer-reviewed medical journals that further explain the health benefits of specific foods, supplements or nutrients.

When offending words or links are found by the FDA, their extortion team goes into full swing. First, they contact the company and warn them to remove all information and links from their websites. This is the most important step from the FDA's standpoint, because by doing this, they can keep the health-conscious public in a state of nutritional ignorance about the scientifically-supported healing properties of natural supplements. Cherry products, for example, cannot link to scientific articles explaining the simple biological fact that cherries ease inflammation in human beings. Such links are considered "drug claims" by the FDA.

Companies are now being targeted for simply posting customer testimonials, even when those testimonials make absolutely no health claims. FDA and FTC agents are now threatening the owners of such companies with imprisonment if they do not immediately remove all customer testimonials from their websites and marketing materials.

If the company being targeted for extortion refuses to fully comply with the FDA's requests to remove all educational information from their website, the FDA then escalates the extortion tactics by threatening the company principals with arrest and seizure unless they agree to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to top FDA contractors and sign a "consent decree" where the company "admits" to committing various crimes (see below). This consent decree is a blatant violation of the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens, of course, and it violates numerous sections of the Bill of Rights (Amendments #1 and #5, at the very least).

The FDA employees or contractors receiving the extorted money, it is claimed, are being paid to "review web pages" to make sure they don't contain anything that might inform consumers about the scientifically-validated benefits of the health products being sold. FDA extortion agreements specify that FDA employees should be paid the rate of $100 per hour, with no limit on the number of hours they may bill the company for. The extortion agreement also requires companies to pay for all the following:

• $100 per hour for the travel time of FDA employees.
• Hotel rooms for FDA employees.
• Storage fees for all products seized by the FDA.

The same agreement also requires the company to comply with FDA demands by never placing any links or "illegal" information on its website, where "illegal" means anything that offers an accurate description of the health benefits offered by natural health products.

The Consent Decree

Part of the FDA's strategy for oppression and control is to force targeted companies to sign a "consent decree" where they admit to crimes they never committed. NaturalNews obtained a copy of a public court document the FruitFast company was forced to sign due to FDA threats and extortion tactics.

You can view this document yourself at:

This document requires the FruitFast company to admit to crimes it did not commit; namely:

"Violating the Act, by introducing or delivering for introduction, or causing to be introduced or delivered for introduction, into interstate commerce articles of drug that are misbranded within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. SS 352(f)(1)."

What "drugs" did the FruitFast company introduce that were "misbranded?" Cherries, it turns out. Cherry juice concentrate was being sold with the accurate statement that it helped eliminate gout (which it does). This, according to the FDA, was enough to magically transform cherry juice into an "unapproved drug" and cause it to be "misbranded."

It also requires targeted companies to contractually agree that they have:

"...removed all claims from Defendants' product labels, labeling, promotional materials, websites owned or controlled by Defendants, and in any other media that cause that product to be a drug and/or contain unapproved or unauthorized health claims within the meaning of the Act; and

(ii) removed, from their product labels, labeling, promotional materials, and websites owned or controlled by Defendants, references to or endorsements of any other website that conveys information about Defendants' products that cause those products to be a drug and/or contain unapproved or unauthorized health claims within the meaning of the Act."

This means, of course, that these companies can no longer even LINK to other websites, including websites of scientific journals that discuss the proven health benefits of such natural products (foods, herbs, etc.)

The truth is now subject to FDA approval

Once a company removes all educational information and links from their website, they are then required to submit to draconian measures of "censorship enforcement" by the FDA. This is fully explained in this section of the FDA's Consent Decree: (bolding added for emphasis)

Within ten (10) calendar days of FDA's request for any labels, labeling, promotional materials, and/or downloaded copies (on CD-Rom) of any internet websites owned or controlled by Defendants or websites referenced by, endorsed, or adopted directly or indirectly by Defendants, Defendants shall submit a copy of the requested materials to FDA at the address specified in paragraph 19.

Within twenty (20) calendar days of entry of this Decree, Defendants shall submit to FDA a certification of compliance, signed by each of the individually-named Defendants in this matter, each Defendant stating that he: (a) has personally reviewed all of Defendants' product labels, labeling, promotional materials, and the internet websites referred to in paragraph 8 above; and (b) personally certifies that the product labels, labeling, promotional materials, and internet websites strictly comply with the requirements of the Act and its regulations and do not include unapproved or unauthorized claims that the products cure, mitigate, treat, prevent and/or reduce the risk of disease. Thereafter, Defendants shall submit certifications of compliance every three (3) months for a period of two (2) years.

Furthermore, the FDA then requires that the company being targeted by the extortion racket hire a person (called the "expert") to enforce all this censorship the company has agreed to.

As you'll note in the language below, this "expert" must be paid $100 an hour, for an unlimited number of hours, to conduct surprise inspections of the company's administrative offices, warehouses and fulfillment centers:

Within fourteen (14) calendar days of entry of this Decree, Defendants shall retain an independent person or persons (the "expert")... who by reason of background, experience, education, and training is qualified to assess Defendants' compliance with the Act, to review the claims Defendants make for all of their products on their product labels, labeling, promotional material, any internet websites owned or controlled by Defendants, including, but not limited to, the websites referred to in paragraph 8 above. At the conclusion of the expert's review, the expert shall prepare a written report analyzing whether Defendants are operating in compliance with the Act and in particular, certify whether Defendants have omitted all claims from their product labels, labeling, promotional materials, websites owned or controlled by Defendants, and in any other media, that make any of their products drugs and/or constitute unapproved or unauthorized health claims within the meaning of the Act. The expert shall also review Defendants' product labels, labeling, promotional materials, and websites owned or controlled by Defendants to determine whether these include any references to or endorsements of any other websites that convey information about Defendants' products that cause those products to be a drug and/or contain unapproved or unauthorized health claims within the meaning of the Act, and certify in the written report whether Defendants have omitted any such references or endorsements. The expert shall submit this report to FDA and Defendants within thirty-five (35) calendar days of the entry of this Decree. If the expert reports any violations of the Act, Defendants shall, within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the report, correct those deviations, unless FDA notifies Defendants that a shorter time period is necessary.

In other words, this section requires the company being targeted to pay the "Expert" huge fees to make sure it doesn't "illegally" link to other websites that might tell the truth about the health products in question.

FDA tyranny unleashed

So what happens if the company slips up and does something illegal like, let's say, posting a clickable link to a science journal that discusses research citing the health benefits of cherries? As you'll see below, there are no limits to the action the FDA can take in retribution, including the seizure of all company assets and the arrest of its principals.

Specifically, the Consent Decree forces company owners to agree to the following:

If, at any time after this Decree has been entered, FDA determines, based on the results of an inspection, the analyses of Defendants' product labels, labeling, promotional materials, websites owned or controlled by Defendants, or websites referenced by, endorsed, or adopted directly or indirectly by Defendants that convey information about Defendants' products, a report prepared by Defendants' expert, or any other information, that additional corrective actions are necessary to achieve compliance with the Act, applicable regulations, or this Decree, FDA may, as and when it deems necessary, direct Defendants, in writing, to take one or more of the actions:

A. Cease manufacturing, processing, packing, labeling, holding, and/or distributing any article(s);

B. Submit additional reports or information to FDA;

C. Recall any article(s) at Defendants' expense; or

D. Take any other reasonable corrective action(s) as FDA, in its discretion, deems necessary to bring Defendants and their products into compliance with the Act, applicable regulations, and this Decree.

Surprise inspections, secret police and non-stop persecution

Just to keep the targeted company in a state of constant fear (which is why I have labeled the FDA a terrorist organization), the FDA forces it to agree to surprise inspections where it must pay FDA "compliance officers" to rummage through their product shelves and paperwork, looking for evidence of non-compliance:

Duly authorized representatives of FDA shall be permitted, without prior notice and as and when FDA deems necessary, to make [surprise] inspections of Defendants' facilities and, without prior notice, 
take any other measures necessary to monitor and ensure continuing compliance with the terms of this Decree. During such inspections, FDA representatives shall be permitted prompt access to buildings, equipment, in-process and finished materials, containers, labeling and other materials therein; to take photographs and make video recordings; to take samples of Defendants' finished and unfinished materials and products, containers, labels, labeling, and other promotional materials; and to examine and copy all records relating to the receipt, manufacture, processing, packing, labeling, promoting, holding, and distribution of any and all Defendants' products in order to ensure continuing compliance with the terms of this Decree. The inspections shall be permitted upon presentation of a copy of this Decree and appropriate credentials. The inspection authority granted by this Decree is separate from, and in addition to, the authority to conduct inspections under the Act, 21 U.S.C. §374.

And just to make sure the company is further driven into bankruptcy, the FDA requires them to PAY for all these surprise "compliance" investigations! As stated in the Consent Decree:

Defendants shall reimburse FDA for the costs of all FDA inspections, investigations, supervision, reviews, examinations, and analyses specified in this Decree or that FDA deems necessary to evaluate Defendants' compliance with this Decree. The costs of such inspections shall be borne by Defendants at the prevailing rates in effect at the time the costs are incurred. As of the date that this Decree is signed by the parties, these rates are:$78.09 per hour and fraction thereof per representative for inspection work; $93.61 per hour or fraction thereof per representative for analytical or review work; $0.485 per mile for travel expenses by automobile; government rate or the equivalent for travel by air or other means; and the published government per diem rate or the equivalent for the areas in which the inspections are performed per-day, per-representative for subsistence expenses, where necessary. In the event that the standard rates applicable to FDA supervision of court-ordered compliance are modified, these rates shall be increased or decreased without further order of the Court."

Are you getting the picture here? The FDA can simply show up on a "surprise" inspection, bring ten FDA agents, bill the company for thousands of hours, and bankrupt the company while padding its own pockets.

Doesn't this sound a lot like the King's Consent Decree against the American colonies? The FDA's agreement reads amazingly like a document a King might force his subjects to sign as he's taking over their land and gold, imprisoning them in his kingdom.

But it gets better: The FDA also requires the Defendants to reveal all sorts of details about their business operations:

"Within ten (10) calendar days of entry of this Decree, Defendants shall provide FDA a list of all domain names and IP addresses they use to market or describe any product, regardless of whether such sites mention specific products Defendants sell.

Defendants shall notify the District Director, FDA Detroit District Office, in writing at least fifteen (15) calendar days before any change in ownership, character, or name of its business.

If Defendants fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Decree, including any time frame imposed by this Decree, then, on motion of the United States in this proceeding, Defendants Brownwood Acres and/or Cherry Capital shall pay to the United States of America the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) in liquidated damages per violation per day so long as such violation continues.

Should the United States bring, and prevail in, a contempt action to enforce the terms of this Decree, Defendants shall, in addition to other remedies, reimburse the United States for its attorneys* fees, investigational expenses, expert witness fees, travel expenses incurred by attorneys and witnesses, and administrative court costs relating to such contempt proceedings.

And finally, just to make sure everybody knows who's in charge, here's what the agreement says about final judgment:

All decisions specified in this Decree shall be vested in the discretion of FDA and shall be final.

In other words, the FDA is the King. It is above the law. It answers to no one but itself.

Welcome to the United States of Tyranny, FDA style.

The full text of the FDA's agreement, including the names of the top FDA criminals who signed it, is included at the end of this article.

This brand of tyranny is reserved for health supplement companies

While the FDA gives drug companies a free pass of easy approval for dangerous drugs, this Consent Decree is the kind of treatment it slams down upon health product companies. As you can see from the text in the decree, above, this is a document of outright tyranny and oppression.

Any company signing this document gives the FDA all the tools it needs to drive that company completely out of business. Sadly, dozens of companies have signed this in just the last year. The FDA's reign of terror is working. It's putting health companies out of business and forcing them to censor themselves. It even forces them toremove all web links to information sources like or peer-reviewed science journals.

This is all part of the FDA's campaign of health illiteracy -- a war of disinformation being waged against the American people. It is a secret war being fought out of the view of the mainstream media (which refuses to report this story) and far from the scrutiny of the U.S. Dept. of Justice (which doesn't care about the real tyrants running loose in this country).

 The FDA is an out-of-control, rogue agency engaged in acts of deception against the American people. By itself, it is negligent in the deaths of tens of millions of Americans, and it has taken it upon itself to increase the body count by making sure consumers have zero access to honest, truthful, scientifically-validated information about the healing properties of health supplements.

The FDA, by any account, is a much greater threat to the health and safety of the American people than any terrorist group, and if the U.S. really wanted to fight terror and tyranny, it would start by arresting top FDA officials at gunpoint. Those targeted for arrest and prosecution should also include the lawyers and paper pushers involved in this very agreement (see their names on the legal documents at the end of this article).

In my view, these people are the real criminals at work here. They are the masterminds of this campaign of extortion and terror being leveled against health companies by the rogue U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Much like Hitler's top generals, they play an important role in the mass disinformation that's resulting in the needless death of millions of people. By any account, they are all guilty of crimes against humanity and should be arrested and prosecuted as such. We should all be so fortunate to live to the day where we can see these white-collar criminals behind bars, perhaps sharing their jail cells with other war criminals from the Bush Administration.

Sign this or you'll be arrested

What you haven't yet seen in all this is the barrage of threats leveled against companies if they don't sign this Consent Decree! Company executives receive both written and verbal threats from top FDA "enforcement officers" who claim they will "throw you in prison" if you don't sign the agreement.

Every major health trade show is forced to hire a FDA compliance officer ( Nazi Storm Trooper) whose job it is to walk the show floor and threaten companies into compliance. This includes shows like Expo West and Expo East, where show organizers also serve as de facto FDA agents themselves, barring the participation of exhibitors who dare to tell the truth about their natural products. This smacks of KGB secret police operations in the former Soviet Union. But secret FDA police are now a reality in the United States of America.

There has been reported numerous verbal threats from FDA compliance officers directed at health supplement companies during trade shows, including threats to "put you out of business," "throw you in prison" or "take every last dollar you've ever earned."

FDA compliance officers are the foot soldiers of the agency's war against the truth. They seek out any health claim that might inform consumers about the properties of nutritional supplements, then they work to squash such statements before they become too well known. In essence, they are censorship officers who enforce nutritional illiteracy and prevent knowledge from being shared.

As such, they are acting not merely as secret police on a mission to destroy small American businesses; they are actually agents of disinformation, bent on destroying knowledge and enforcing a system of mandatory ignorance. This is entirely consistent with the FDA's history of ordering the destruction of recipe books that promoted the use of the natural herb stevia, among many other examples of information suppression.

The FDA's campaign of health illiteracy and enforced ignorance

It is the FDA's position that there is no such thing as any food, beverage, supplement or herb that has any health benefit whatsoever. Merely making such a claim instantly qualifies your product as a "new and unapproved drug," according to the FDA.

Officially, the FDA claims all health products are inert and have no properties other than their macronutrients (fiber, carbohydrates, protein, etc.).

There is only one class of substances that has

any beneficial biological effect on the human

body, the FDA states that is: Pharmaceuticals.

Only those patented, synthetic chemicals are allowed to be described as having benefits to human health.

This convenient position is entirely consistent with the protection of the profits of drug companies. It's no coincidence that the drug companies fund the FDA through "user fees," and most FDA employees are dependent on drug company money... except, of course, those FDA people earning their living by extorting millions of dollars from health product companies.

The upshot of the FDA's campaign against health supplements is that most of the American people remain nutritionally illiterate, oblivious to the scientifically-validated health benefits offered by tens of thousands of different nutrients, plants, supplements and products. To say that zinc speeds healing, or that vitamin D prevents cancer, or that resveratrol lowers high cholesterol is common sense in the scientific community, but it's a crime in the eyes of the FDA.