Sunday, July 16, 2017

Women's Marchers Hired Armed Guards

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Surprise! Women's Marchers Hired Armed Guards For Their Protest Against the US Constitution and law abiding Americans possessing firearms.

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Organizers of the "Women's March" and Michael Bloomberg's gun control lobbying group Everytown are participating in an anti-National Rifle Association rally today. They are currently walking from Fairfax, Virginia to Washington D.C. as part of the resistance movement.

Their main arguments?

-Real men don't need guns
-No one is safe unless everyone is safe (whatever that means)
-Loaded guns are bad
-The NRA doesn't respect women's rights
-The NRA is full of White bigots

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The biggest hypocrisy is that Women's March leaders hired heavily armed White men to protect them. The woman March leaders also had armored  protective vehicles to drive them where ever they went.

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Leftist, Anti-American agitators like Linda Sarsour and Shannon Watts have heavily armed men with machine guns protecting them, while demanding the rest of America turn in our guns to government bureaucrats. 
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So, by their example, what they are REALLY saying is that they deserve the protection of the Second Amendment because they are more important.  
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Watts, always has her armed bodyguards protecting her, every time she shows up to protest at the NRA annual meeting. 
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Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who pays Watts millions to take away the Second Amendment rights of everyday Americans, doesn't go anywhere without his heavily armed personal army protecting him. 

Image result for NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who pays Watts millions

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