Thursday, July 20, 2017

How Patrick Henry Forced James Madison To Pass The Bill Of Rights

American children and incoming immigrants should be thoroughly educated and grounded in the factual history of our nation. This egregious and deliberate oversight is exactly why and how Cultural Marxism shoveled by the evil socialist/leftist ideology cultists have taken root. 

To quote Robert D Anding III...

"As long as we are healthy internally nothing external can harm us."

This poison is the only way those outside of the United States can bring down this once great country. Extermination by internal poisoning using the states own educational system, the universities.  This socialist/leftist ideological infection is festering now, but will see a full pandemic in the next 20 years.  The foreign powers have convinced Americans to hate themselves and all that makes America great. 

This is only possible in a first world country. No nation struggling under odious political, social, or economic conditions would fall for such an obvious fait accompli.
Image result for tattered american flag

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